What's all this controversy about?

People are entitled to their opinion, is it so important what makes us different?

For the most part we are a group of like minded individuals who see beyond the bullshit the world throws at you and come here to learn, grow and exchange educated ideas.

If those other forums don’t work for you, then don’t go.

Nothing in my opinion, it’s just perfect :slight_smile:


Yes, but im not here to become a god.

Lol I don’t mean you personally xD I’m speaking generally from the obvious amount of people, some are here to find who and what their soul is, some are here believing they are all Gods, some are here for many different reasons lol.

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Lol yeah i have seen such posts

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I originally thought this forum was pure cancer and edgelords. Which I’ll be honest hasn’t changed much lol however I have met some really interesting people, and often times I’ll passively scan and there’s a handful of people here who’s energy feels pretty well worked and dense, so it’s not all just edginess. I love that lol so I can see both sides the outside looking in and the inside looking out.


Edgelords they are everywhere


And you’ll find a lot of them flock here when they find out they can kill their exs or something lol it’s like throwing bread in the lake and watching all the ducks yeet for it.


Whaaat!? Nande desu ka?
Now, that’s the most interesting thing I read all day. It never occurred to me someone would think like that. Mind. Blown.


Then it seems you are missing out on a lot of knowledge

Sad part is some encourage them saying yes you will get your ex back false hope,
I was desperate to get my ex back but sometimes the truth should be spoken whatever their condition is


That’s for sure and besides there’s most likely much better lol. I was engaged to an ex and thought it was the one type stuff lol but years later I’m happier with my current lol.


I use youtube mostly to listen to music, so I almost don’t watch videos at all

In my opinion, when they say they want to become a god is that they want power here,but also want to escape the second death.
The second part applies to those who believe in it

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I like to refer to those people as “pizza cutters”…all edge, no point.


I take my knowledge from books, practice, interacting with people and from the deities themselves, and I haven’t lacked anything so far

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That is the thing. You don’t know what you are missing. You can’t because you don’t know the content

You have certainly never have been guided to the stuff you need

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I never claimed that I have

Same, we all think that ONE is the special. If so this world will be filled with fucking special chicks (exs)

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Then you don’t know how that works

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