What's all this controversy about?

I’m just here for the forums, but the people on r/occult and a lot of other places just kick the shit out of BALG with no reference to anything that actually goes on here.

They say stuff like, “Oh yeah, they’re crazy.” I ask how or why and they either say, “It’s obvious why.” and don’t elaborate or they don’t respond at all.

Please, what’s the logic behind this? What is supposedly so wrong about this forum? It seems pretty normal!


It’s just like any other forum to me, but my guess is that they are just attacking E.A Koetting.


Never bothered with Koetting. What’s up with him besides overpriced merch?

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Many dislike his marketing tactics and showmanship.

I been to a few fourms that have the same type of attitude towards him, there are those who make good points (ATR practitioners who point out his errors in S&GB, others who think his darker persona can lead people down dangerous paths, blind leading the blind…etc.) then there are a majority of people who just hop on the “Hate E.A.” bandwagon.

It is what it is, but I wonder if these people know that they are just acting as unpaid advertisement for E.A.?


To be fair EA has a lot of really cringy worshippers that make him look bad. There’s people who think EA is like the equivalent of Jesus Christ here to save us and that we should be grateful for him.
However, BALG also has some less than savory discussions be it cringy or tryhard dark magicians trying to be the pinnacle or “evil” so perception can be built on first presentations. They may not of found the very few golden nugget individuals who are drowned out by the majority.


Yeah I think people like to identify with groups, and those that have no idea about a subject, whether it’s EA’s work or something else, are going to want to be in with thier peers and will follow the consensus opinion in thier corner of the internet.
And people are lazy - they will assume there are good reasons behind it rather than do the work to investigate, it’s just human nature.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Which is a bit depressing for occultists that are otherwise quite vocal about how independent they are and how they buck the norms, but sheep will be sheep, and they flock together. It shows a lack of self-awareness, in some respects.

The take away, I think, is to see that behaviour, decide if it serves you, and take your own actions forward accordingly.


What E.A. does is cringy to some people, its actually a marketing trick he does. negative publicity always works.To be honest the first time i saw his videos i thought the same thing “this guy is weird” well after a few months i was like “what the hell i’ll watch some of his videos” and it made me follow BALG for sometime, lurking for 6 months i finally decided to create a Account

There so much hate towards the BALG bcz they are not capable of believing what we believe


What do “we” believe exactly?


Its all just hate towards the marketing and such. It is often cringey as fuck, but it’s clearly effective. They can’t back it up past that though since it’s mostly bandwagon hate.

I’ve also tried before to see what peoples opinions are on the actual substance of the work but nobody could or would give any feedback on the practice itself. It turned into over a hundred replies of people just talking shit, even when i specifically said “Okay, the marketing is cringey, but what is your opinion on actual work?”


“that santa is a lazy fat dressed up dude who has gone through 3 divorces”


Invokes my inner Jordan Peterson
“Well, it depends on what you mean by, ‘we’ and, ‘believe’ doesn’t it?”

What I think the core if this site, or what started as the core, is the notion that we have a spark of divinity within us. That spark may be nurtured and grown, along the way turning into a brilliant light which illuminates our own inner natures and divinity.

In time, and with practice, we come to meet spirits, gods, and others who help foster further growth and development. However, the ultimate aim is to out grow the need for external gods (as in, I respect high school teacher, but I no longer need them to direct my lessons), and rise up to the level of a god ourselves.


In what respects to balg, I like three things:

1- This forum, best occult community I’ve ever found.
2- Everything that Asenath Mason publishes, says or wears
3- Orlee’s instagram


He is also sweaty as fuck because in the Southern hemisphere, christmas is in summer

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That group mentality is probably also why a few don’t like BALG lol.


But that did not stop people joining the forum everyday

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Roughly speaking.

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And the meme thread


I like this forum, also pretty sure my ex doesn’t use this as he is far too good talk about occult things beyond reddit.

I have a hard time watching E.As videos, something about the flow of his voice and me preferring to read occult things vs listening.


I only watch a video of a person talking for more than five minutes if I find that person attractive, thus I haven’t watched much of Ea’s videos, but I take with joy the ordeal of listening to Asenath’s constant hissing on my headphones


Not everyone here has the same beliefs, that’s why I mean the “we” mentality is no different from the sheep mentality. Sure a handful here believe they can become gods but not all adhere to that adopted belief. The only belief I can think of that “we” share is the belief that there’s things beyond what we see with our physical eyes but even then those people believe that too.