What Would You Like To See In A Grimoire From Qayos/The House of Chaos?

A catelogue of alien races and ways to contact them could be very interesting


This here

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Tantric pathworking guide for the Goetic spirits, and alchemical pathworking system for transmutation of Self using internal and external methods.

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Resurrection! :slight_smile:

Transforming lead and copper to gold


@Qayos some of the very basics (how to achieve clairvoyance and clairaudience, how to enter tgs, easiest method to astral project), and then how to evoke full entities, and how to make someone your sexual slave.

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Can do! Is anyone interested in spirit catalogs, and if so, of what kind? :slight_smile:

What do you mean by spirit catalogs? Also lmk if you make a book that has all I said in it and I will purchase it.

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Books featuring spirits, their sigils and specialties, ‘contact information’ and quirks, etc.! :slight_smile:

@Qayos IMO I think you should put a few entities in but not too many. There are a lot of books just for that (maybe your go-to spirits). I think what a lot of people need (including myself) is a step by step path to begin seeing and working with spirits. There is so much information available but no one has the easiest and most effective way. Yet!

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So an IIH-type book? :slight_smile:

@Qayos Yes but a lot of those books are very complicated and often wordy. I’d say the steps of a IIH book, the simplicity of an EA book, and the variety of *.
*=there was a joke of a book I saw at urban outfitters once. I forgot the name of the book but it talked about everything from meditation to divination and crystals. If you could encompass all three of these it would make an awesome book.

Ex. “Step 1: Divination
Divination is one of the most important steps for any magician because it allows him/her to come in tune with their surroundings.
1a. Crystal ball scrying-and then talk about this method
1b. Pendulum-talk about this method and the map showing that up and down is yes left and right is no
1c. Tarot-basic spreads and a brief description of what the cards mean
Step 2. Meditation

And so on. Different steps and then different sections within the steps of that makes sense

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So a Jack-of-All-Trades, ‘primer’ style book? Can do! :slight_smile:

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Anyone have any suggestions for things they haven’t seen in any magical books, but would like to read about? The more unusual the better! :slight_smile:

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Timeline manipulation, reality hacking, body/genetic/DNA magick, sonic/vocal techniques for rewriting reality.


That’s right up my alley! :slight_smile:


I am particularly interested in sonic magick, going beyond the usual use of words of power and mantras, into direct and instant manifestation through vocalisation.


Without getting into too much depth here and subsequently detailing the thread, the trick with sonic magic is to put all of your focus on the physical feelings of producing. The more you can peel your background attentions away from things like pains, thoughts, sounds, etc the better the result will be, because it’s not hearing that makes it work, but the physical process of creating sound. :slight_smile:


Necromancy is interesting. Also a brief but detailed page or section on wether an invocation would be easier or smoother compared to an evocation for a beginner like myself. It may have been already answered on the forum but the search yields just too much to look into lol.

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@Qayos if you don’t mind me asking, what are your qualifications? Also how long would it take to write this grimoire?

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