What Would You Like To See In A Grimoire From Qayos/The House of Chaos?

Well, I’m no storyteller, but I’ve been something of a shamanic/intuitive practitioner since an early age. That’s led to a lot of information and experiences ‘off the beaten path’ of modern magical systems, which, I have also practiced. I also am already an occult author, as in I’ve published magical texts, if that’s what you’re asking! :slight_smile:

As for how long, I’m not sure. I’m a lot busier nowadays then when I created this thread, and I have numerous projects going on. :slight_smile:

@Qayos No worries I was just wondering. Would you be able to give a rough estimate? A few months, a year, a few years? Just so I can prepare myself for the gift that is your future book. I can tell it will be good!

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I’d say within a year? But that could change! :slight_smile:

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Add some quick, dirty, effective death spells. There aren’t enough out there. A section on protection magick and offensive magick for LHP. No opinions or morality in this section, just effective tools for when they are truly needed.


I could write a whole ‘battle book’! :slight_smile:

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Good explanations on the topic, and LOTS of Real techniques that can be used to apply the information. May the Gods bless you

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that’d be great!

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Can do, and likewise! :slight_smile:

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What would you like to see in a fully fleshed out ‘battle book’? :slight_smile:

Some rune curses would be nice, demons to work with for war, good solid defensive techniques LHP shieldings and banishings, a collection of offensive magicks from giving your enemies a case of flatulence to death spells( a few to choose from) and everything in between. Also, have some RHP solutions like the spells to dissuade the enemy from even hating you; take the fight right out of them. Various protective and combative servitors and spirits (like the djinn or a kitsune) and how to acquire them. Lastly, I’d like to see some good spells for making powerful Phoenician coin demons (it’s like a gollum, but is “guided” by the human). I know that not many people know that last one, but it’d be cool.

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Sounds good! :slight_smile:

Anyone have additional suggestions, or ideas for other books? I’m thinking about putting them on Amazon instead of Lulu! :slight_smile:

Death Spells, a coffee table book.

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Sounds good! :slight_smile:

Legions are being started; while I work on them, any more suggestions? :slight_smile:

Different methods on developing Chakras and Psychic abilities


Was going to edit my above post, but, a book on soul transmutation would also be something up my (and probably a lot of people’s) alley. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oo, also maybe a section on creating An Astral temple, or Astral World

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@Ulunas @Mika can do! :slight_smile:

What would you like to see in a grimoire from me?

My stuff!
You can be the editor. Call it Old Uncle Al’s Grimoire or What To Do When All Else Fails. There’s a few of my posting here, so cut, edit and paste, then find a publisher.


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That’s cheating. :upside_down_face:

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I’d like to see a book on banishing from you @Uncle-Al with all your low-down dirty secrets of kicking people and spirits out of your pantaloons.