What would you ask EA?

This is what I wrote. Its not so simple.

Hi, do you mind if I ask you a few questions about the talisman please?

I don’t really know what happened, but my insane ex appeared to have written a check like that for someone. a “gift” and it was quite a bit of money too. He later told me he had to return all the money he made at his last job, but I did the math, and it was more than the amount of money he made at his last job. (not that I am recommending people do this to other people, just that it might not be as far out of the realm of possibility as you might think.)

Actually, I would ask E.A. questions about how he grew his empire and how he found the right people to help him. (not that I actually think he would give me that information haha)

This post was in preparation for a video done 4 years ago.

The OP hasn’t posted here in over a year. It’s probably ideal for you to post this question as a new topic and open up responses to people who are definitely around.

Post closed to avoid further confusion.