What spirit/deity brings quick money/job opportunities? I'm currently working with Oshun but her energy is TOO slow

Takes a deep breath…

No, you don’t. You come as very naive and not particularly smart.

Do as you will, I don’t have any fucks to give. Just know that every single person here has given you sound advice. It is your choice to take it or to believe you can live out of air.


I get it man, but magick is not something you can force. It’s something one must get in tune with, there’s a flow to it. Struggling and fighting it is not going to make the magick stronger, but one must let it flow naturally. That’s part of why it’s so difficult for people to get wealth magick working when they’re desperate for money, or magick for anything when one is desperate. You have to get into the flow of it. But don’t worry I don’t think you’ll have to work for years, in fact, if you use magick I think you can even have a solid income this year depending on how far you’re willing to go. A job is the foundation, then when you have enough money you can begin with business ideas, modelling etc. There’s A LOT of magick that can be used for this situation.


I appreciate the advice and I thank you. I’m just doing my best to not end up working and being stressed for years. I appreciate everyone’s advice.

Very powerful to work it for money is Lucifuge Rofocale, the brother of Lucifer the Light Bearer. As Lucifer flies with the Light and bringing Light and spiritual riches, his brother Lucifuge is centered on the material, the Earth and the material riches. His qlipha is Satariel.

If you don’t work with the demonic then Metatron is the best for getting balanced in the area you seek. Metatron is a lover of all souls so he of course works with light workers but he is friendly and loveble to black magic practitioners too


I appreciate you for understanding :hugs:! Now … What would you suggest I do now? I was thinking about summoning ST Expedite … :man_shrugging:t6::man_shrugging:t6::man_shrugging:t6: I’m not sure about angels. I heard they were prideful and I have a lot of traumas involving arrogant people.

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Wanted to take a chance to share one of my favorite pieces of content that back up what ReyCuervo is saying:

I can relate to this line of thinking from early in my career. I wanted to be a fiction writer and didn’t want to be anything else. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works and I got knocked on my ass a few times (especially when I realized I wasn’t as good as I thought I was). After you can’t pay your bills and are almost homeless a few times, you realize you need to re-evaluate what you have to do to be successful.

On that note, there are plenty of famous artists, writers, film directors, etc. that had to take normal jobs to pay their bills while they worked on their dreams. I used to refer to my technical job as my “backup plan until writing works out” so at least I had two paths going and something to always fall back on so I never wound up in a bad situation. Either way, at the end of the day I wasn’t relying on my talent (or lack thereof) as a writer to pay my bills.

I only offer this information as an example of what you can do until you make it (if you make it). It’s a cutthroat world out there, and sometimes you have to have multiple plans going to survive.

EDIT: Combine this with the law of attraction as Eva mentioned, and you’re likely to be successful.


Good suggestion @Rav. You could also work with the Demon Pendralion, @DarkestKnight did a QnA with him here:

You can work with who you want, although personally my suggestion is Archangel Tzadkiel, as I have experience with him. And no don’t worry they are not like that. When you’ve been around for a rather incomprehensible amount of time like them, understand humans well, and can see into someone’s deepest desires and understand then better than they can most of the time, then you don’t have a personality that stems from weakness and a lack of understanding like that. Some people evoke them and interpret them like that because it’s mostly their mind that does the talking. As the channel of communication changes, the spirits they know also change over time.
My thread here is a bit related to that:

Or, they expect angels to be like that so either their mind makes them to be interpreted like that or they summon a weird egregore of the spirit they want. So don’t worry, the true nature of the Angels aren’t so inexperienced and not quite so normal human-like. I also personally do believe it is their duty to help those who call them (Note, I am talking about Judeo-Angels here). Demons as well as @Darkestknight has also said.


Please don’t be offended but the law of attraction only works for physical changes for me. For example I’ve changed my hair texture , eye color , eye shape , I’ve lost weight , burned fat etc etc. The law of attraction never works for anything other than my body :man_shrugging:t6::man_shrugging:t6::man_shrugging:t6:. In regards to the other part! Yes I now understand. Thanks

So … Am I evoking them or am I simply contacting them via tarot??

Evocation would be best.

I hope I can do this. I fear I could evoke them and not be able to communicate with them correctly.

Hmm if you don’t know evocation then it’s probably best to use this:

You might be able to find other sigil rituals on here. Evocation is more advanced and not necessary for results.


I love this method! I used them to become initiates of other deities.

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Interesting, what do you mean by initiate? And what deities if I may ask?

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Initation is a path you don’t back out of until you complete it, it’s like a diet pathworking. I’ve initiated to Lilith , Susano’o , Hekate and Vali; Norse deity of vengeance.

Lilith for working on willpower and my ability to stay loyal to my goals regardless of whether i feel unmotivated , incapable , or unworthy.

Susano’o for masculine and fatherly attributes like assertion , confidence , diligence. We are also working on becoming more like “the magician” tarot card

Vali for strengthening my intuition and have an intuition so powerful nothing can disrupt it

Hekate because she removed me from my emotionally abusive home


Interesting man, I actually really like that and that perspective.
Hmm if you’re interested, in the future you should get a book called ‘Master Works of Chaos Magick’ by Adam Blackthorne, also a GoM book, but it has a ritual in there that’s essentially that one from E.A but it takes it a few steps further, and is a bit more complete. It also helps you to be able to modify it to your liking and take it as far as you’d like.


How old are you? … if you don’t mind me asking

I don’t share personal information on the public forum. Although I don’t mind talking in PM if you’d like.

You can DM me! Yes go ahead.

Keep in mind I basically skimmed the thread, so I may have missed something. I’m just gonna address what I saw.

Look. Facts are facts. You are in a desperate situation. The people in charge of your care currently are incapable of paying to take care of you at this time. You have no income and no job/business, but you expect for financial independence to fall into your lap? From nothing?

Let me tell you something, and this is coming from the best intentions for you possible. I came from nothing. I was damn near homeless at the age of 18. I was turned away with clothes on my back and the laptop I had for school. I was lucky to move in with the coworker I knew at the time. I only had a fast food job at the time and it was part time because I was still enrolled in high school. I did not want to work at all, but I still worked anyway. To this day I still don’t want to go to work. I still do. Why? Because that is what it takes to survive.

Everything. Has. A. Price. We all have to do things we don’t want to. Even as witches we still have to put in work one way or another. What’s more important to you? Taking care of yourself and your family? Or your pissing match with life? You can still achieve these things while working 9-5. Plan it out and work at the same time.

But at this moment you don’t have the sufficient time it would take to just build yourself up. You need something now.

As for spirits, Bune, Clauneck, Lucifuge, Belial, King Paimon, all of those can definitely help.