What my angelic decks has for you! (Practice readings)

Holy shit that’s awesome. Yes please if you could, I’d very much appreciate it. ^^

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omeal is my physical guardian becoz i was born on aug 13 what does that meann?

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It means he protects your physical body!


Hi :slight_smile:
Could I get a reading when you have some time please ? With deck 5

My question is : What should I do to move my current situation forward ?

Thank you

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Can I get no. #1 #6 and #3 on my love life and my crush?


Sorry about the wait and thanks for your patience!

You have guidance from your dreams that you need to remember! Invite Archangel Michael to your dreams to give you guidance!
I am not sure what’s the situation you are referring to or why Michael saying to “leave”…



Justice is about karma, and if you’ve been putting forth the effort, love and romance will be coming your way. If you’ve been kind, loving and supportive, your relationships will be a mirror of what you’ve been giving to others. If you’ve been single, your loving and positive disposition will make you especially attractive to new potential romances.
You are ready to leave the past behind and move forward!
The cards suggest that you have been neglecting yourself! You need to work on your self respect and worth! Love yourself first before you love anyone else!
You are being recognised by your crush! When you see them they see you.


Thanks a lot !
This does resonate as I was wondering about whether a situation was toxic or not…so this helps ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really feeling a pull towards the Metatron oracle. (#9) The self mastery part seems to stand out.:thinking:

And then the Raphael deck (#7)

If you feel the need to grab anything else please do.

:pray: :angel::pray:

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May I have a reading from decks 1, 6 and 9? I feel pulled towards them for these questions. “What’s the fastest and most efficient way to open my astral senses?” and “Will my senses be usable by this time in March?”

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Hi there. Could I please get a read from deck #3, the romance deck?

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Hey. Can you offer a reading please?

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Yes but on Friday and Saturday! If you don’t mind please leave your question here and I’ll get back to it later.


Thank you

I would love to know if Belial had a hand in my relationship ending.

I would also like to know if the Goddess Aphrodite hears me and if there are any messages from her.


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Hello. Could I get a reading please. From deck 3. Thank you!

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Would you do me a reading with deck number 2,3,4 please?

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Can I get a reading on the spiritual side of things please , any deck you feel it’s just fine , thank you so much !

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Invest more time in meditation. You are on the right path for you. You need to be open to receive healing and guidance. It’s all around you speaking to you.

Look around you for the signs from above. They are everywhere if you just stop to notice and acknowledge them today.

Stop for a moment and allow yourself to look at what needs healing today in your life.

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Seems to me like the cards suggesting elemental work. Meditate with the elements. Have confidence in yourself and abilities. Dive into your imagination and intuition as well as the land of dreams. Remember to ground often.

Yes if you keep practicing daily.

Be open to accept help. You may also be able to find ways of becoming self-sufficient in the future. Have the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem.

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You are being guided to take action. Someone you know is coming to reconcile with you. There is some unfinished business with this person.
A period of separation and aloneness is coming up…
Love yourself first as you prepare for your next relationship or heal the one you’re in. As you gain self respect, you’ll begin attracting more loving people into your life. This will lead to healthy friendship and romances, based upon mutual respect.