What Kinds Of Magick Do You Want To Learn?

With possibly some yoga thrown in or bija mantras etc.

With possibly some yoga thrown in or bija mantras etc.[/quote]
Definitely Ive had some great experiences while meditating one time was by far the best feeling Ive ever had, It beat drugs, sex, happiness by a long shot. I have trouble getting there regularly though and need much more practice. I noticed a short yoga session before meditation helped calm the mind and relax.

As a question to EA, have you had experience physically traveling to parralell universes?

Dante does a one on one class for meditation

Necro where do you find it on his site under courses?? I didn’t see specifics but maybe I will message him. I also saw he sells some jade meditation beads can someone tell me how you use those, it sounds like there similar to a rosary. minus the Christianity.

Yea I’m pretty sure he can charge those beads with a specific current such as angelic, demonic, etc… The meditation class isn’t on the site but he posted it on his Facebook wall a few weeks ago. I believe it is on Skype and it is bent around your learning curve. send him an email at [email protected] or message him on Facebook

Under Divination , spells for knowing the direction of a stock price , lottery numbers , sporting events , election outcomes , natural disasters , terrorists attacks
Under Shapeshifting , mimic the physical attributes of another person , say John Allen Nelson from the movie Hunk :slight_smile:
Under Elemental , influencing the movement and structure of an object , temperature of water , wind intensity and direction , steering hurricanes , making it rain

Dream Magick, primarily using dreams as a gateway to bridging the our normal world with parallel worlds, and as a study to learn magic and skills at advanced rates (distilling the period of time in the dream world to being hyper-concentrated in comparison to the world of "Earth), and a place to practice various high-level magicks like energy body building and distillation, alternate universes, and physical transmutation.

As a sidenote, why is mixing paths a bad idea? I mean we are already throwing a great deal of stuff out, and at some point paths cross in the first place (i.e. white and black magick), and some paths like Chaos are based on breaking these limits. Just trying to figure why people might consider this a bad move (although I never really will).

As a question to EA, have you had experience physically traveling to parralell universes?[/quote]

Lower planes could be fun, for example the realm of spirit animals

Wouldn’t dreamwalking/dream magick be included in the soul travel program?

Also a program to learn what would be referred to as “bending” of the elements or any part of reality.

I’d really like to learn about illusion magick, making people see things I want them to see. From simple glamour spells to more complex stuff.

And while I guess most of the stuff E.A. teaches relies on already existing spirits when working with spirits of any kind, but I think a very in depth and advanced program on creating thoughtforms yourself would be verrry cool.

Maybe something involving advanced energy work where you can really manipulate sexual energy, like where you could make someone aroused or reach full orgasm without touching them and just manipulating their energy somehow

What I’m talking about is way different from that. I tend to see that Dream Magick is extremely underexplored, so I’m not talking about anything related to astral projection. You can astral project with what I am talking about, but this is more about complete reality manipulation with the dream world as the base platform.

I think it would be very useful to have a course program on creating magic items. There are countless stories on powerful items, Aaron’s rod, the ring of Solomon and Gyges, etc., but there is hardly any information on their creation. A course on making items used outside of ritual would be nice to have.

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Immortality of ego conciousness.

more sympathetic magick

Congolese Sorcery

well… blackest necromancy

demonstration of trapping a spirit (Necromancy) into a bottle or jar and how to use the spirit to accomplish short term small tasks

also how to reverse the process and free the spirit without blowback

Is there magic to make one eternally youthful?

“Is there magic to make one eternally youthful?”


  1. Plastic surgery OR
  2. Maybelline

Ha ha! I knew someone was going to write that. But I’m not just thinking physical beauty I mean energy wise too. I think I’ll make another separate post on this.