What do you see Satan as?

Indeed. I’ve gotten those spirits before. Claiming to be immediate subordinates with no names of their own. But, it seems, nowadays I always get the same spirit who is Satan. Of course, the way he manifests to me is in the Horned God, King of the Otherworld on earth and the Underworld. I know there are manifestations of him ruling the Inferno, but the main aspect I work with is related to the Underworld as a place of the Dead and the earthly places where the fae manifest.

I don’t personally consider Satan to be the name of a singular being, rather I consider it a title for any who is labeled as the adversary, often due to their refusal to bow in submission to the Judeo-Christian dogma.
Even when under the thumb of Christianity, and not knowing what I know now, I referred to what they called “the devil” as Lucifer, believing it to have been it’s proper name.
–though I considered Satan to be a synonymous title, I hardly used it as such.
Now, I generally use the term a tad more in tune with the definition of the common noun “ha-satan”, meaning adversary. Thus I could be satan, you could be satan; depending on the point of view, of whom we are in opposition to.
I view Satan as more of a group title, perhaps used to describe the other gods whom those of the Christian faith might view as adversaries to their ways. Basically in the way that anything they don’t like is Sin and Evil, anyone they don’t like is Satan. That’s my take on it. Not to say that there isn’t or can not be a being whom uses Satan as their primary title, just that I generally consider it in the sense of a common noun. Thus if I say “Hail Satan.” I could be talking about multiple deities as well as myself, and any whom shares my position in opposition to what I view as an oppressive dogma.
Note: This is my view of the title Satan, not of any particular beings.

As everything in existence has two poles i suggest satan is the negative pole to god.

I see Satan as the Man of Kutu, the Man of the Underworld, and Shiva (Rudra).

In Hinduism, Ishvara is the Supreme (Cosmic) Being or GD. He manifests Himself as Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva (Rudra). According to some occult authors, Satan is an aspect of Shiva. Therefore, Satan is GD! Hail Satan!

Here is an excerpt from the Necronomicon:

The Underworld in ancient Sumer was known by many names, among them ABSU or “Abyss”, sometimes as Nar Mattaru, the great Underworld Ocean, and also as Cutha or KUTU as it is called in the Enuma Elish (the Creation Epic of the Sumerians).

The phonetic similarity between Cutha and KUTU and Chthonic, as well as Cthulhu, is striking. Judging by a Sumerian grammar at hand, the word KUTULU or Cuthalu (Lovecraft’s’s Cthulhu Sumerianised) would mean "The Man of KUTU (Cutha); the Man of the Underworld; Satan or Shaitan, as he is known to the Yezidis (whom Crowley considered to be the remnants of the Sumerian Tradition).

The list of similarities, both between Lovecraft’s creations and the Sumerian gods, as well as between Lovecraft’s mythos and Crowley’s magick, can go on nearly indefinitely, and in depth, for which there is no space here at present. An exhaustive examination of Crowley’s occultism in light of recent findings concerning Sumeria, and exegesis on Lovecraft’s stories, is presently in preparation and is hoped to be available shortly. Until that time, a few examples should suffice.



Out of pure curiosity, who has actually summoned and interacted with Satan ? Like, actually had multiple conversations and worked with him, a close, personal relationship with the guy?

For all the Satanists and occult scholars in the world with opinions on Satan, I’ve yet to see very many speak from personal experience.

[quote=“Euoi, post:55, topic:586”]Out of pure curiosity, who has actually summoned and interacted with Satan ? Like, actually had multiple conversations and worked with him, a close, personal relationship with the guy?

For all the Satanists and occult scholars in the world with opinions on Satan, I’ve yet to see very many speak from personal experience.[/quote]

Read what I posted higher on this page. I have worked and spoken with him numerous times. I hold him in very high regard.

I know that, I wasn’t talking about you. Your experience criss crosses with mine so it seems legit to me… but others are content to rely on “scholarship” and pure rhetoric.

To me, Satan es an man ov colour. I did not need to summon him, he just spoke to me.

We’re like brothers, whenever one ov us wants we help each other out.

Since I am able to infest others realities with my own, an lot ov telepaths nicknamed me The Devil nu honestly. I like it because ov the title. Satan es an cool guy even when mad, he’s laid back personality wise.

I know thus other demon with natural purple hair named New Satan, he’s an alien-demon. I am saying that because as magickians, it es easy for our realities to merge nu accept that aliens hath underworlds with their own civilizations ov many races. I even see Chutulu as an average guy.

These three art down with nonbinary people such as myself so keep talking to them~

If anyone here bespeaks to me telepathically or sees me through my left behind chii in what I type. Then, I applaud thou for understanding why I am called Thine Devil with Dark One by myssupernatural allies.

Sending everyone my energy before going to bed. I hath an lucid dream scheduled with Tiamat.

And then there are just crazy people.

Meh. I agreed. But personally chanting ain’t the right feeling for me, it dost not carry the right power. So horrific screams work.

I believe Lucifer and Satan are one in the same, but he answers to any of his known names that you choose to call him by. I always call him Lucifer in opposition of christian beliefs because the name Satan automatically brings to mind the stereotype of being labeled a devil worshipper.

I also do not believe the bible in a literal sense. The god of christianity is obviously a jealous, angry, tyrannical asshole. I am more inclined to believe that Lucifer and these other demons, gods, whatever you choose to call them, existed long before christianity and that christianity was invented by a man named Jesus, possibly a magician of sorts, who wanted to be the supreme god of all. His journey towards godhood lead him to retaliate against the original gods (Daemons) and try to overthrow them by reversing the stories, going to new towns and telling everyone he was god, and the other gods were really just evil demons working for hell. I really think Jesus was a power hungry nut job who created his stories to make everyone but him look bad, to scare the ignorant into believing he was the supreme and only he was the essence of goodness and what is right.

Seems plausable. We did lose a lot of ancient knowledge over the years, texts that were destroyed, hidden, or lost. It’s possible some of the true knowledge had already been destroyed or lost when Jesus came into the picture, making it conveniently more easy for him to prove to others born after that information was lost, that he is the actual savior and all other religious beliefs were evil lies created to destroy his name when in fact, his religion was the lie that was created to destroy all of the other previously existing religions. So I think Lucifer and other demons were here first and christianity was created to destroy and overthrow them.

Strength. An actual Being and an Idea.

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:61, topic:586”]I believe Lucifer and Satan are one in the same, but he answers to any of his known names that you choose to call him by. I always call him Lucifer in opposition of christian beliefs because the name Satan automatically brings to mind the stereotype of being labeled a devil worshipper.

I also do not believe the bible in a literal sense. The god of christianity is obviously a jealous, angry, tyrannical asshole. I am more inclined to believe that Lucifer and these other demons, gods, whatever you choose to call them, existed long before christianity and that christianity was invented by a man named Jesus, possibly a magician of sorts, who wanted to be the supreme god of all. His journey towards godhood lead him to retaliate against the original gods (Daemons) and try to overthrow them by reversing the stories, going to new towns and telling everyone he was god, and the other gods were really just evil demons working for hell. I really think Jesus was a power hungry nut job who created his stories to make everyone but him look bad, to scare the ignorant into believing he was the supreme and only he was the essence of goodness and what is right.

Seems plausable. We did lose a lot of ancient knowledge over the years, texts that were destroyed, hidden, or lost. It’s possible some of the true knowledge had already been destroyed or lost when Jesus came into the picture, making it conveniently more easy for him to prove to others born after that information was lost, that he is the actual savior and all other religious beliefs were evil lies created to destroy his name when in fact, his religion was the lie that was created to destroy all of the other previously existing religions. So I think Lucifer and other demons were here first and christianity was created to destroy and overthrow them.[/quote]

Very strange. Although some of the context of my original post does match the type of wording I would normally use when posting a response, so the response obviously came from me, I honestly don’t remember typing any of this. I don’t even remember responding to this thread. So I’m not sure where those comments came from as I do not view Lucifer and Satan as the same. There are many who would beg to differ that when evoked, they are two very separate entities and I know this. Maybe I was out of it when I wrote this and I meant they are the same in a cultural context but not the same in a literal sense.

I am confused.

lmao do we have to be worry about you?

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:63, topic:586”][quote=“RavensAscent, post:61, topic:586”]I believe Lucifer and Satan are one in the same, but he answers to any of his known names that you choose to call him by. I always call him Lucifer in opposition of christian beliefs because the name Satan automatically brings to mind the stereotype of being labeled a devil worshipper.

I also do not believe the bible in a literal sense. The god of christianity is obviously a jealous, angry, tyrannical asshole. I am more inclined to believe that Lucifer and these other demons, gods, whatever you choose to call them, existed long before christianity and that christianity was invented by a man named Jesus, possibly a magician of sorts, who wanted to be the supreme god of all. His journey towards godhood lead him to retaliate against the original gods (Daemons) and try to overthrow them by reversing the stories, going to new towns and telling everyone he was god, and the other gods were really just evil demons working for hell. I really think Jesus was a power hungry nut job who created his stories to make everyone but him look bad, to scare the ignorant into believing he was the supreme and only he was the essence of goodness and what is right.

Seems plausable. We did lose a lot of ancient knowledge over the years, texts that were destroyed, hidden, or lost. It’s possible some of the true knowledge had already been destroyed or lost when Jesus came into the picture, making it conveniently more easy for him to prove to others born after that information was lost, that he is the actual savior and all other religious beliefs were evil lies created to destroy his name when in fact, his religion was the lie that was created to destroy all of the other previously existing religions. So I think Lucifer and other demons were here first and christianity was created to destroy and overthrow them.[/quote]

Very strange. Although some of the context of my original post does match the type of wording I would normally use when posting a response, so the response obviously came from me, I honestly don’t remember typing any of this. I don’t even remember responding to this thread. So I’m not sure where those comments came from as I do not view Lucifer and Satan as the same. There are many who would beg to differ that when evoked, they are two very separate entities and I know this. Maybe I was out of it when I wrote this and I meant they are the same in a cultural context but not the same in a literal sense.

I am confused.[/quote]

I have a similar issue with finding comment that say "liked " when i am looking at them for the first time or would not agree with said subject.

i have a similar problem, when i left i had 45 likes, when i came back i had only 43 :smiley:

That can happen when a thrread gets removed, though I can’t remember us removing any recently.

What moderators can’t do on here:

  • edit your number of likes
  • log-in as you, under you account details, to change anything you’ve written/done, or “like” other posts as you
  • clone you, make the clone post stuff, then bake it in a pie and dance round in circles, naked, oiled, and cackling.

No, really, we can’t do that last one though I understand it’s common practice elsewhere on forums.

[quote=“Euoi, post:55, topic:586”]Out of pure curiosity, who has actually summoned and interacted with Satan ? Like, actually had multiple conversations and worked with him, a close, personal relationship with the guy?

For all the Satanists and occult scholars in the world with opinions on Satan, I’ve yet to see very many speak from personal experience.[/quote]

Do you think the Satanic Bible is a good source for info about Satan from what you know about him?

Not really, no. I don’t recommend any of LaVey’s stuff, it’s all treated as psychodrama and the philosophy is way too materialistic. That aspect of Satan probably exists somewhere however, in Satan’s enormous… thing. Sorry, like he’s a fairly large cloud of somethingness with many masks and aspects that are the only way you’ll get anywhere with Him.

Then again, maybe his materialistic aspect could be beneficial to you, I don’t really know you or your soul’s path in life so yeah…

Then again (ha), Satan isn’t necessarily the kind of guy who’s going to tell you right off the bat what you’re doing is wrong, he might let you flounder fora time to let you figure it out on your own.

oh you know damn well what buttons to push to get a man going eh - what forums are we talking about? :smiley: