What do you see Satan as?

all of the above to keep it simple, everything is a force, can be represented and accessed, understood through symbol and the concepts surrounding it to be understood, but yet different in each individuals subjective psyche. anything that invokes energy is part of a universal current, thus everything is a part of it, but at varying degrees depending ont he individual and their connection to other things, allignment of their psyche’s. and anything capable of being imagined is an entity, wither formed, or waiting to be formed and unleashed through the universal current. atleast thats it for me in a nutty sheel.

What we're really talking about are deific masks of primordial consciousness and power.
So in evocation are we traveling back to a primordial moment and hijacking that power?


Lord of the Bowels.

Jean Dubuis in his Foundations of Esoteric Knowledge states the soul comes down to Earth in a very long journey to gain Perfection and Awareness of Self.

In this Journey 2 forces help it, Satan being the force wich produces involution, descending into the Material Plane (in many stages, incarnations) till the soul develops a consciousness capable enough.

Then this force diminishes and another force enters into the game Lucifer, wich helps the soul in is Ascending from Material Plane, to the Spiritual Plane (in many stages, incarnations)

I like his view of Satan and Lucifer, but again there are many more, wich states these are the names of actual entities.

I don’t remember very well about ONA point of view but for them Satan is a “close” name, but not the exact one of an actual entity living in the Spiritual Realm (the Acausal)

One lady in a book says she saw a vision of Satan in hell. There were a lot of people in the coals and fire, moaning and groaning. Satan walks into the chamber. The fire explodes. The people start screaming, “Satan is Lord”, over and over. He got high and puffed up (literally) feeding off their energy. Then he left the chamber, the fire died down (some), and the people continued moaning and groaning in the coals. This story came from a christian author Mary K. Baxter, in a book called Divine Revelation of Hell.
I am not saying what she saw was real. But, how many of your so called ‘friends’ would turn on you in an instant. Can we trust the intention of anyone around us? If the economy collapses and we are all starving how many of us would kill and eat the person next to us? That would be hell (earth?)
Psychic vampires do it all the time. They don’t care about anyone else. Just satisfying the ‘thirst’. So I can see the possibility of this scenario of hell, where people worshipping Satan in this world carry that ‘thought pattern’ and activity into ‘eternity’ where they would be tortured and screaming ‘Satan is Lord’, ( “over and over, because hell is repetition. BORN IN SIN, COME ON IN. Haaaa”.)
The above is a Stephen King movie quote from Storm of the Century. The character (bad guy) Andre ‘’’‘Linoge’’’, ‘’’ Legion’’’ for we are many.
Anyway, I would not sell my soul to the devil, or anyone else.
(I’ll sell others to the devil). Worse case scenario of course.
Whether or not Satan is a real entity, life is full of negative, destructive (Satanic?) events and energies.
David R. Hawkins describes a ‘Luciferic’ temptation in his third book I Reality and Subjectivity, and sixth book Discovery of the Presence of God.
He says the voice “In the silence, unasked” tempted him with power over others. In his third book he says that when he refused the offer “The entity retreated.” In the sixth book he says, “There was no entity present as the source of the temptation. It was a silent temptation.” He is also coming from a mostly buddhist background. Open minded. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Brahman, Mazda, and Zoroaster (Zarathrustra) at a callibration of 1000 consciousness level. Max energy on earth. Zoroaster 860 2nd and 3rd book. 1000 books 4, 5, and 6. Don’t know why the change in calibration.
So there are a lot of ‘saviors’ out there. (If they exist at all).
I cannot say experientially if there is a real devil. Don’t want to find out the hard way if he exists. I have enough personal problems of my own.
All I can say is that if I had to sell someone to the devil, I can add to the christian quote, "Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, God’s what is God’s,(And Satan what is Satan’s). My addition.
All that I can say for sure is that humans and animals (humans?) have base natures and it would not take much to push us ‘over the edge’. So if hell is real and Satan is real, and if he is in hell, then hell must be a very miserable place, and “misery loves company”.
On the internet, a movie called “The Haunted 1991, part 8”, 2 minute and 54 second part. Then just listen.
Also the movie The Prophecy part 3 The Ascension. Right after the preacher gets shot. The killer in his house in the next scene talking to his demon friend.
The window shade flies open, and you hear blood curdling screams in the background.
So I probably would not want to meet him face to face.

all of the above to keep it simple, everything is a force, can be represented and accessed, understood through symbol and the concepts surrounding it to be understood, but yet different in each individuals subjective psyche. anything that invokes energy is part of a universal current, thus everything is a part of it, but at varying degrees depending ont he individual and their connection to other things, allignment of their psyche’s. and anything capable of being imagined is an entity, wither formed, or waiting to be formed and unleashed through the universal current. atleast thats it for me in a nutty sheel.[/quote]

Jesus ( despite of many evidences that he didnt ever existed, I believe that he existed in human form ) open the gates between Earth ( Malkuth ) and Heaven ( Kether ) via Tiphareth which is the sphere of Redemption, and where people like Rosicrucians puts Jesus. The evidence of this, related on the Bible is the Open of the curtain between Sanctum and Sanctissimus in the Jew Temple. That represents the open the gates of man to “return to the source” and become One with God “again”. This is a path. No one, would done this just like him. Im agree on that. Buddha did the same for himself reaching Nirvana ( Kether ) but before he went to Avici ( Qlipphot). So he moves around all the trees.

Some people dont want to be “saved”. Because be “saved” represents go back to God and loose indentity. Its a matter of temperament. Not faith.

For whom wants to go further and become gods and more powerful, they need to walk down the “Dark Path” far from the light of God, to reach their own independence. What you see in “Heaven/Hell” is your personal interpretation of your soul of that. Every person on earth has their own interpretation of Hell.

It is dangerous to walk the “dark path” Yes, it is.

I recommend you, if you wish, and if you are brave enough to read the “Alien Codex” by Alienology.org. Its a nice stuff to understand from where comes your belief system, the sin, the punishment and many other stuff.

I do believe you u were in Hell/Heaven, but I believe you were not ready for accept the ultimate truth either. The ultimate truth is in yourself. If you want to return to the source after dead ( Which will not happen ) its ok, nobody will stop you, but HERE, we work to becomes gods. This not creates an automatic fight against god or something. Not at all. ( well some people want to Kill God but this is another story ).

We are here because we wanted.
I was in heaven too…and In hell…
I am toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo older than you…
Too older…
Before you become to breath, I existed…
Before you become flesh I saw the way you were designed…
Now…I am your god…
( pretty cool uh? )

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How the fuck did sheep like you end up here?judeo christianic bullshit[/quote]
Relax Pazuzu, let the baby express with its own words…
Let it babbling a bit…
Probably he could become an apprentice of his inner ultimate truth…

      "Satan is a code - a living code with in us. Satan is a Hebrew word. It is spelled in Hebrew, seen-tayt-noon.  In colloquial Hebrew it means adversary or accuser as well as it's English meaning. Each of it's three letters is also a "word." They each in turn have meaning. According to Qabala, seen represents a movement - a universal or cosmic motion - one that underlies the movement of all things in the universe. It is pictured by Qabalist as the "breath of God" returning from the material plane back to the infinity of God.
      Tayt represents a primitive cellular structure. It could be a living cell, a memory "engram," a neural circuit, or any other analogy representing a basic structure exhibiting the cell-like behavior we understand. It is a feminine concept that tends to enclose energy repeating itself, as bird builds a nest for egg laying. It is a self-referring concept, one that continues to build itself in it's own image.
      Finally, noon stands for a high principal operating within the cosmos. This is the principal of cosmic indeterminism."

      The Eagles Quest Fred Alan Wolf
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I’ve never evoked Satan personally (successfully).

However, I would guess and say that any being will present themselves to you in a way that you can comprehend at the time. I think of it as ‘meeting in the middle’.

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I see Lucifer as a God of Fallen Angels, however not actually fallen himself, Forced to maintain the natural order of the universe under the weight of the light. Someday Satan will be freed from his prison, and it is soon.

As Cesar was explaining the word satan should be treated much like a title rather than a name referring to a specific entity. I think of it much the same way as ‘Christ’ is not a surname for Jesus but a title and it could refer to different figures/persons depending. Satan has even been synonymous with devil but this again is just another title that doesn’t name a specific thing.

I think what most people mean by Satan in the LHP and RHP is in the hierarchy of daemons the one that is at the highest level. Depending on who you ask this could then refer to Lucifer, Azazel, etc.

So unfortunately I do not see a lot clarity when somebody requests to evoke a Satan. I usually ask “which one?”.

Nope, Satan is his own person, separate from Lucifer. ALL demons names are words or titles applied to a given force/entity.
I have summoned Satan and Lucifer at the same time and seen them manifest at the same time.


That’s interesting, I’m happy to hear more if you don’t mind getting into it.

Meh, I have to tread carefully in this area, as much of it is gnosis stemming from being initiated into witchcraft through the Sabbat. So also be mindful that the way he manifests to me is as the Horned God of witchcraft (you might wanna read Apocalyptic Witchcraft for a better idea of the kind of witchcraft I’m talking about).
Satan is the Grand Initiator, the force or bridge that brings the Witch to terms with the power of their own witchblood. Lucifer is his twin of sorts, like Siamese twins. I hesitate to go as far as saying two sides of the same coin, but they’re very closely relate, albeit being two different beings. Satan is, as I mentioned, the Horned God, king of the crossroads, the Black Man of the Sabbat, a trickster deity. He appears most often to me as a man figure with the body parts of stags and/or goats, in varying degrees depending on, I assume, his pleasure at that moment.
Lucifer is the Celestial God, champion of the Sun, Illuminator of the Dark.
Satan is the Underworld God and the King of the Wild Forests, he is the predator of both man and animals.

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An actual entity? A force? A universal current? Or perhaps just a concept? Just curious to see what other members think of the idea of Satan.

I AM SATAN/The Devil

i lived in a haunted house somewhere in Canada for 2 years
I summoned The Devil using a accient magician grimoires
and other things as well like Tarot and Ouji Board
He spoke with me I told him i would do anything for Immortality
and money, women and to be famous he set out a contract
for me to sign in my blood which I did
then he said
"You will now become me for you are as dark and evil as I have ever seen
and you have the potential for my powers over anyone else
one thing this deal can never be voided ever so once you agree
I will grant you my powers its up to you what to do with them"

I replied “Yes my master I oblige to your commands”

and then he took over my body it was like something out of The Exorcist
my head was spinning figuratively and literately all the bones in my body
where cracking all over I saw Demons, Devils and things so evil
that even E.A.Koetting wouldnt work with these entities

then they all entered my body right after the Devil did
and I got mysterious cut marks all over my body afterwards
that to this day the cuts remain upon my skin for eternity

I truly am Satan
its not easy their are days where I don’t want to be him but I must
in order to keep the really bad demons at bay I keep them within
my self to protect mankind

Interesting question. I have worked in the last year with several demonic entities via their enns. This has included Satan. When I would call upon most demons other than he, I would get a fairly clear vision of them (sometimes just in my mind, sometimes physically appearing before me). But with Satan, something always seemed a little vague. I would hear his voice in my head quite clearly but he always seemed to be hiding just out of my mind’s sight.

After several months, I called on him and asked him why this was. I asked him what the hell he was. He conveyed to me (I say “conveyed” because he sometimes spoke in words and sometimes answered me by guiding my thoughts, so that I had to work to find the answer) that when he manifested in my presence, he was me as I wished to be; my ideal Self. He wasn’t my “higher self” or anything like that; he said that I needed an example in my life of what I wanted to become, and so he showed up.

This answer shocked me, but given how he had been with me for the previous several months of interaction, it somehow made sense to me. He taught me, he guided me, he challenged me, sometimes he pissed me the fuck off! Once or twice, when I was feeling beaten down by his teachings (and that of other demons) and life in general, he was actually very comforting to me. (Again, I was shocked!)

This has been my experience with Satan. It seems to be in pretty sharp contrast with everyone else’s experiences, besides demonolators.

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Another reason why I’ve heard of Satan coming in as vague and enigmatic is that the demonolatry “Version/manifestation” is “too large” itself. Like, it encompasses far too many aspects to be able to come down concretely.

I have had very similar experiences with Satan as you have. In the beginning, I didn’t even get voices or anything substantial beyond a few requests for a long time… It wasn’t until I REALLY needed his help that he gave me our first real “Talk”. After that, he became an extremely potent force in life and was the one who began my initiation into witchcraft and who taught me how to fly to the Sabbat and a various of other spellworks.

[quote=“Euoi, post:44, topic:586”]Nope, Satan is his own person, separate from Lucifer. ALL demons names are words or titles applied to a given force/entity.
I have summoned Satan and Lucifer at the same time and seen them manifest at the same time.[/quote]

Yea Satan works in mysterious ways. He can be multiple spirits at the same time and then transform into something completely different. But sometimes you might summon and you just get another spirit who is also named Satan representing Satan because the King of Hell is a busy man.