What do you desire most? Let's analyze it

So much contradiction in you I sense…

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Financial freedom. And I’m working my bit off to reach it .


So eloquently put, if only you were in South Africa I could…

What I desire is the comfort in finally finding the path I’m destined for. Of course, that could be anything and that the way often meanders.

But I feel incredibly torn and almost like a lost child at a crossroads with infinite routes and it’s almost overwhelming.

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Power and deeper peace in my life. Divination can be great to discover deeper or underlying desires if you’re not sure.

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Haha, but of course.

The joys of having more than one heart in your chest, I suppose.


Being free to live the life I want with no constraints or judgements, but i have a family so I live my life for them. Just sometimes i feel the walls closing in around me, no matter how grateful i am for what i have.

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I have judged no one, I have only asked why and how. You feel you are being judged because you have opted for defense and offered only a half baked response. I am sorry you feel this way and offer you all the good will in your life. Good bye.


I like you less now, I don’t like circuses, they hurt non-human animals when there are more people to hurt. I find watching people in agonizing pain is far more entertaining.


@Mapachtli I just don’t fancy disclosing what moves me on a specific level, sweetheart.
I am not defensive, I am grumpy, and it is a very usual state of mind of mine.

@anon47811056 you would…what?


Would be good if we could refrain from personal insults :dizzy_face:


I admire that, I know that road can be challenging but very worthwhile.


Very challenging :slight_smile: thank you!


I would disclose this information, had I not suspected it might have gotten me banned.

But what would the path you believe you are destined for offer you? That’s what you should wonder, not whether or not you should be an engineer or astronaut. I truly want to know.

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“Could” not “would.” :thinking: :smiley:


It is the same, we are talking hypothetical shit.


Well, to answer your original post, I will have to do so in segments:

  1. I aspire to become a God as taught in the Pythagorean golden verses, via Western and Eastern Inner Alchemy:
    (Here is the last verse)
  1. You shall be a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you.
  1. So as to accomplish this I aim towards initially obtaining what in Mao Shan Taoism is referred to the Golden Dragon Body, which is similar to, but not the same as the Tibetan Rainbow Body, this is the first step towards immortality, Earth Immortal, next is Spirit Immortal, my ultimate goal.

  2. After having accomplished my ultimate goal, I intend to either create my own universe, much like in fantasy novels, administered and experienced by myself. I can be present in it or not, whichever I like. I will permit the existence of human-like beings as long as they entertain me with interesting stories.

  3. Once I am a God King of my own universe somewhere in the Cosmos, I will have a great harem like many great emperors of the past.

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Honestly speaking. I’m not totally sure. I wouldn’t say it’s crystal clear such as a career path, that’s not what I need at all.

Often, I think that maybe my path is to try many if that makes sense. I love to learn. I love to seek. However, the minute I gain some level of knowledge in something, something or someone almost tells me “this isn’t it”. I desire to know what “it” is. I’m not a quitter though. I don’t get discouraged when that voice arises and I soldier on.


In this thread: a shocking number of cool & calculating LHP people find out that their stuff is not actually about them, but about other people.

And then remember what they thought of some famous dude with a holiday in December, who tried to help other people to level up against the Powers That Be, with magick n’ sheeit.

(runs and hides)

Also muh dick. :stuck_out_tongue: