What difference with voodoo magick?

I remember years ago as kid i was knowing the attraction law and make strong visualization with music tape listen and in one week 8k appear in my account from no where.

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It’s often the case that the only people who will find a thing believable are those who’ve had a similar experience themselves, so anyone trying to create, through ridicule, the idea there is a normative kind of level which is accepted, and anything else is going to be mocked, is going to be challenged on that - if not by me, hopefully someone else. I think by 2021 we all know what a powerful weapon ridicule can be.

Your reply may have been in the form of a joke, but please don’t make that again when a response is being offered, in good faith, of accounts shared by other people. If I let people make that kind of response with me (as a mod) it just sends the message no-one is safe.

Remember that is a magick forum - not a knitting forum, not a petrolhead forum, not a pew-pew forum.

So the vast majority of things cannot be proven with photos, even if they were magick for a material result.

All we have to go on is words, and common sense, and it’s more helpful to suggest tools by which people can hone their discrimination (such as this essay, “Magic needs a curious mind”) than taking a point-and-laugh approach.


Well, I think that confirms the ridicule of our community success-story repository was, indeed, not being done in good faith. :laughing:

Also, banned. :hiking_boot:


George R. R. Martin is not your…

Oh, right. Sorry, I was channeling Neil Gaiman.

That escalated quickly, by the way.


That was rather hilarious

Magick seems to require some self discipline

Where the fuck was it? I got the joke they made in that some big claims are made and skepticism is worth it till you have direct experience or gnosis

I didn’t get how a magickian would flip out so easily over well, THAT

I’m sure you require a stronger will really than to be swayed so easily into whatever just happened (the behaviour they zoomed into) :sweat_smile:


That sounds a very successful result

Why on Earth didn’t you continue?! :sweat_smile:

What makes you think paying someone will bring better results than you learning after something like that happening?

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Wow lol, what was that person’s problem? That person definitely sounds like they just came on here to pick fights with people, not the most productive person.


Honestly…she/he sounded like they were in one of the five stages of grief. First comes denial, then anger, then bargaining, depression and lastly acceptance. She was clearly in the anger phase, after denying the existence of magick for so long…it angers them that magick is not only real, but incredibly powerful…which is why she blew up when @Lady_Eva merely suggested that at least some of whats posted here is probably real.

What newcommers dont understand is that skepticism doesn’t serve you well in magick. I agree that in most other circumstances, its best to be skeptical…especially on the internet. But when it comes to magick, your learned brain has no value like it does across all other fields. There’s a reason why in groups like the Freemasons…you’ll find a mix of people from all walks of life, from janitors to doctors. Your ability reason and rationalize is not what catapults you to the status of an adept. It is your ability to have a child-like mind that gets you there. That user clearly hasn’t figured this out yet, but when they do,…i expect they’ll be back under a different username to go through the bargaining phase


Wow. WTF happened there lol, not lol.

Yep even for material results, it could mean photos of bank accounts or very personal photos of other people, which would be both pointless and incriminating in some cases.

What matters is connecting to the experience, and reading what others have experienced is helpful.

I could roll my eyes at someone who says hey “I got a text” but then the result for that person may throw the gate wide open for other huge events that we don’t get to read about.
It’s like Lady Eva’s description of finding a penny on the street being an emissary of all money and wealth. You either ‘get’ what that penny means or you don’t.


I think it’s a fair warning and does serve well in magick even for newcomers… however you also need to suspend your skeptism and remain open minded enough to get anywhere at all with it. Sometimes it serves to be skeptical in order to find gnosis and sometime it serves to suspend it to build encouragement and belief to even find any gnosis in the first place


I would agree for the most part but don’t underestimate your will and emotions. I sent a co-worker to the hospital with an appendicitis as a novice using a sour jar, several personal links and a whole lot of anger.


I don’t know, but I like to think I’m capable of making informed decisions about character- even on a forum.