What difference with voodoo magick?

Hi, what about voodoo, it is suppose to be more quick/powerful results for a spell than white or even black magick. I ask this because i know a voodoo master that look to have really more quick and real results with his clients that others white and black casters that seem to have really long term results or not at all. At first i know it is all about energy and mastering the art, but my opinion is voodoo have his roots in a religious kind of thing compare to more modern form of magic like paganism.

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Voodoo is based on traditional, ethnic, indigenous gods of the land, most of European tradition of that type is lost to us at this point in time (for example the Druids, who so terrified the Romans that they executed them all, or the loss of northern European religion through Christianisation).

Paganry is not “modern” as such but it is trying to reconstruct from shreds what people originally practiced.

Also people are just generally more excited by voodoo because it can be exclusionary, people never want what’s freely available if there are taboos to break and secrets to be stolen, or granted only to a favoured few insiders and their chosen beneficiaries.

That’s just human nature, and something I think the culture of this forum overlooks, to its cost, from sex to black magick - the added indefinable aura of the secretive, the taboo, and the extraordinary, which leads the user to attribute their own power and fascination to the act or current, and by so doing, genuinely increase its impact. :thinking:


What is it you want done?

Bc you can probably learn it faster than someone on fiver you wanna pay and may not need to use voodoo

love magick, luck/success magick.

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Well lots easier ways than learning voodoo

By all means do if you want to

Not saying everyone you pay will be a scammer but a lot are. Def real ones respectful to their craft too who charge.

Not sure how easy it is to get into voodoo

But there’s lots of ways to do what you want

Pick up a Neville Goddard book.

i dont think any beginner can compare itself to any 10 years+ practitioners, since just learn channeling look really tricky.

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I always look for serious proof and reviews where i but money. For you what is main differences between demon craft and visualisation like neville stuff?

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I have just as much success with both

For me, probably more even in the things you’re after with Neville techniques but I’m using that to enhance my experience even when I do other methods. I’m also speaking very personally about my experience too - I’m not saying that one is better than the other at all

Neville stuff - Gonna be less interesting for some but totally less daunting as a new practictioner

However if you’d like to use spirits I found New Avatar power by Geoff Gray Cobb a very beginner friendly safe method to start out with

Would again work for your purposes and has stuff to cover what you want in

And tons here who are happy to help when you post asking about any questions or problems you have getting it going. You may have none and run with it

Voodoo and Hoodoo, one is a religion one is the folk magick only aspect of the religion.

the folk magick and even the religion itself can be considered similar if not exactly pagan in nature.

People believe this because there is a lot of people with chips on their shoulders because they practice voodoo. It was really prevalent and annoying back in the wizardforum days.

Getting quick and powerful results has nothing to do with the system your working with. The results and the speed you get them depends on the person whose doing the magick.


Do some of you guys already have some serious and tangible results (not the faith blinding king of thing) with magick and in which way, what was the results?

Try reading this:


@Lady_Eva pics or it didn’t happen. :joy:

I shared an omnibus thread with many accounts of successes from different people, “Pics or it didn’t happen” surely only applies to implausible claims by one individual?


I wasn’t talking about you or one person in that particular thread. I’m just saying there’s some bold claims with money spells and curses in the omnibus thread. I’m skeptical and I don’t believe most of it’s true. Plus I think the op should approach outrageous claims with skepticism. Just because it’s posted on here it doesn’t mean it’s true.

In short. an aspect of voodoo that’s very powerful is for a lot of spells like a voodoo doll you have physical connection to the person youre trying to influence like their hair etc. building a voodoo doll and effigy require a ton of focus and intention as well as when you use it in the future.

One person might be very successful with voodoo dolls. Someone else might be just as successful as creating a sigil. Don’t pursue a type of magick because you heard it’s the most powerful…cause honestly most voodoo/hoodoo practitioners I’ve met don’t live lavish lives of abundance.


Have you ever had a remarkable or nigh-on miraculous result with magick in your own life @3rd_Eye_Drops ?

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Yes I have but that doesn’t make me less aware of where I’m at. Nobody knows who I am behind this phoney avatar. I could be clowning everyone and you wouldn’t know it if you took everything I said seriously. That goes for everyone else. I’m not going to take someone’s word as golden if I don’t know them. You can’t deny the fact that there’s a lot of bullshit artists in our community. So I think it’s a pretty balanced and sober approach to scrutinize everything you read here.

And you comprehend that there is a valid space in between “either you immediately share photographic and other records, or you’re lying, from malice or insecurity”?

I would also advise that, however that’s a different level of advice to demanding physical evidence.

I always highly recommend people do work for material goals, not for greed’s sake but because it’s harder to fool oneself that way, I have been saying this for years: Drugs and Magickk? - #3 by Lady_Eva


Are you telling me to trust the word of strangers over my own instinct? Because I won’t. And I don’t see how that’s a problem on the internet.

I was making a joke. Hence the laughing emoji. Regardless, I would ask the same question in real life to. That’s who I am.