What are the origins of your usernames?

Nothing wrong with that. I hear ya. The words just escaped me at the time i just said that “I hate the term metal head” because of the cliche and assumptions applied. I just subscribe to the GG Allin mindset of “fuck everyone! Im not part of any “scene”!” Yes Danzig has been a true inspiration to me both musically and otherwise. The old material gets most the praise and is no doubt great but i would just as highly recommend the modern day releases as well.


I think he was referring to alcohol when he mentioned spiced water


GG Allin was a hero.


Mine is gonna sound so cheesy and bad, but mine is literally 90% my old Xbox360 gamertag:sweat_smile:


Replace Fanta with bottom shelf whiskey.
And drowning with deciding my car would look better wrapped around multiple trees.
And then fast forward and do it again a year later.
Have lots of fights before and in between.
Don’t eat because you bought booze instead of food.
Rent? Nah dude. Booze.
Job? Hm. Better get shitty first.
At job? Better sneak off and have a little sip.


@Painon I’m gonna just say you look much better not wrapped around any tree and not matching your avatar. And I’m glad your not hitting the spicy water like that anymore.


I used to date the daughter of the drummer in GG Allin and the Jabbers. She died last week :crying_cat_face: but now, it’s like she’s everywhere. I can feel her in me. She left quite an impression.


Wow! That’s even worse than I was lol I’m glad you’re pulling it together.


@anon482649 @Alazif
451 days sober today.
Fuck spicy water.
I can’t be destroyed by a beverage.


Mine is simple, Im from Northampton, England - a very very old city with more history than i can handle. It is full of spirit. I live on a battle ground of a very important war (War of the Roses) on the Yorkist advance and live next to the Abbey which became a nunnery for the sick. Literally my last house spirit would throw the light cord across the room when i went for a pee, very active as i say, many pubs all haunted and some closed down due to suicide and hauntings.

Mage as in someone who absorbs knowledge, leads others into eventual teams, gives advice on medicines and tinctures, supplements and vitamins - I think in previous lives I must have been the medicine man of my area.


@Painon that is truly inspirational and amazing! Congratulations on 451 days sober! :hugs:


“Ryce” is simple.

It is a name that means ‘Powerful’ but also breaks down into the number 2. ‘2’ quantifies and works with tempering the meaning of the name, achieving a sort of balance, and eventual unity of the seemingly opposing forces. 2 becoming 1.

Its a name for ascent, enlightenment, whatever you want to call it.

Got to take on a name of what you want to become, right? Ensure a good destiny or whatever :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks lady!

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Cryptic: having a hidden meaning that is not easy to understand; mysterious

I wanted a username to tell my ‘mysterious-ness’. Someone ya’ll won’t know. Probably cause I don’t wanna share my identity.
Since Cryptic means ‘having a meaning not easy to understand’ and it fully applies to my personality cause no one can understands and/or misunderstands me, I chose only Cryptic.

I was gonna make my username ‘Cryptic Girl’ but I accidently submitted without ‘Girl’ and viola, I am happy with the mistake.


I am a fan of arachnids, and hermit is a term that suits me.


My name means “The Magic” in Arabic.


Weird question:
Has anyone close to you ever died?

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Originally, it was implemented into a story character I wrote about necromancers becoming poisoned over time as they worked with the dead both mentally, physically, and spiritually because it disturbed the natural order to things…then years later after dealing with a SPG (shared personal gnosis) involving the three fates, and a person I was once close with… I decided to use it a lot more often. It became fitting for who I was over time.


I have always had a fascination with the primes. 5 is a very inauspicious prime to me, a dangerous prime, but also representing the pyramid, which to me suggests a path towards ascension (indeed a dangerous journey). Instead of having only twin, 5 sits between 3 and 7. My birthday is 5/5.


:grinning: do it baby!

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