What are some powerful chants for protection?

I just wanted to know what are some powerful chants I can use for protection against active attacks? I did a search in this group and saw chants for other things but I need more protection against active magickal threats.

What kind of attacks? Did you see the collection for how to defend against and attack spiritual entities like parasites attacking you? Or do you mean in-real-life harassment?

As an absolute basic you (or any mage) should be able to apply the techniques from the book Practical Psychic Self Defense handbook by Robert Bruce, mentions at the very top of the spiritual hygiene tutorial collection for very good reasons - it’s easy, it’s excellently organized and it teaches you important and transferable magickal/energy working skills in plain English.

Since you want chants, You might like this one for Raziel that defends against Spiritual Harassment…

For chants also search on the terms "enn"s and "mantra"s - some people use these terms instead or interchangeably.


Here’s one from the archangel Michael:


An enemy witch is constantly sending me entities each minute and hour. The symptoms range from dizziness, coughing, heat and cold sensations and the feeling of head pressure. Now I have fought it off for hours non-stop for 4 days now using all of the tools that I know. I have Robert Bruce’s book and have used it but the intense force doesn’t care if I surround myself in water or electrical plugs/copper this is a vampiric witch. I have put into action many magickal things like Magickal chant for Orphaal by Kendal Conner, pathworking books by Jareth Tempest, Magickal protection by Damon Brand and Angelic protection by Ben Woodcroft. I am running out of ideas to stay afloat for the time being. Thank you for sharing the Raziel chant.

Thank you so much!

Have you set up wards or defensive servitors?

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Yes, I have but this witch was able to turn the servitor around and be ineffective to protect me. This is a vampiric witch. I felt her spiritually suck my blood and felt dizzy. When I use protective means she restarts all over again.

Try this - place microscopic servitors in your energy and blood, by the trillions as necessary, that are harmless to you, but poison your blood to any intentional vampiric attack. You can layer in death curse into this, if you like, that the poison can say, prevent them from being able to feed any more, or will drain them, causing leaks and kill them slowly. Get creative - and they only have themselves to blame.

I modeled mine after spiders from an idea I got elsewhere. So it’s like my blood/energy is poisoned with spider like nanobots that destroy anyone dumb enough to attack me and I don’t even notice, they do it all for me. Another model is the flea and tick medicine you put on pets that kills all the fleas that bite them.


That is an awesome idea! Thank you so much!!!

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Sending love :heart:


Even the 33 day ritual rom MP didnt work? Damn i have heard lots of good things about that.

You can try this warding with 4 elemental Demons.

In all 4 directions Invoke one by one with their enns. Lucifer in east, Belial north, Leviathan west and Flurious South. Invoke Lucifer from east and put a drop blood on the sigil, ask for protection and keep it there put in under the carpet or whatever.
Do this for the rest. They will neutralise the attacks. GL

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This battle was unlike any I’ve every had. This person didn’t like that I told them to leave me alone and that I need space and peace. So they hired this vampiric experienced witch and it was last week when I felt a huge heaviness just drop on me while I was sitting down. At that time, I was already doing the Master Protection ritual along with the 33 cancel a curse just to be safe. All of a sudden it felt like someone reached through a mirror or something and turned my head to the left side and I couldn’t stop this pressure. The attacker also created a burning hot sensation that rose from my feet to my chest and implanted an entity. This entity would make my heart beat super fast and would make my whole body hot and dry mouth/extreme sulfur taste when I would continue my protection rituals. I had used the remove a parasite like 15 different times, it would leave and return after I was done. Then I used Ben’s book to ward it off and all of the other book knowledge I know. Charged bracelets don’t work and this entity don’t care if you are in water or surround yourself with electric copper items. This is an continual active fight. Before bed I asked one of the arch angels to watch over me. The angelic emergency sigil in Ben’s book was super helpful. I tell you if I didn’t have that knowledge I would be dead by now because the effects and the evil pressure of this attack was 1000% intense. Thank you for sharing that tip.

I am a devotee and maybe she did help out in this active spiritual battle but it was unlike any other I have ever been through. I did many protection prayers to her and always had fresh offerings, but I had to use a combination of spiritual power to get this torment to stop. This was a witch that had excellent spiritual sight into my home and life and knew how to even turn my head. Could’ve been a voodoo doll.