Wealth, recent numbness, difficulty getting jobs

I seriously doubt these people are our “greatest”. I think they only have half the equation. Plus, the whole idea that everyone wants to be a multi-billionaire is probably wrong. (I mean, who wants all that money if you can’t buy what you want with it anyway, yeah, I’ve seriously given it a lot of thought.)

I agree with the positive affirmations thing, It just, doesn’t seem to sink in. I have this bad hypothesis that you are the five people you are closest to, or the five people that have influenced you the most, and some of those people may be some seriously bad influences. But it isn’t even necessarily “real” people, just maybe your old conceptions of them and what they may have said at one time (and even no longer believe.)

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Lady Eva made a post once about how the Law of Attraction and Affirmations can backfire like this - if my the chanting you are noticing more that you lack, then the energy follows that and makes things worse. Only she said it better :slight_smile:

Sounds like you want a change of pace.

If you want to do IT, maybe change up the energy by studying some free courses online for software programming. codeacademy has good free ones. Might attract that kind of energy in by aligning you with that IT current better.


am calmer now.
i think i figured out something…

before i felt that awful earlier, i did a seal, by that i mean multiple sigils for one purpose. 1 main sigil for the intent + 2 different chants to charge it. and 4 additional sigils, all related to various currents to help support the act.

maybe i just tapped into currents, to many and at the wrong time…

… i feel stupid now.

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the coven was at some point
-the chocolate man
-the lazy adn crazy japanese guy
-some person claiming to be a vessel of lilith, but i never met mroe toxicity in one person before, ever.
-and someone who was full of faith, but despite cheering on group action he was barely present

to this you can add all the gods/their masks i had to deal with.

then add some thin-friendships on discord
one trying to help but feels like spreading doubt,
and the other barely present and if so, malicious

in short: those were the past 3 years, and those by themselves were bad enough, so i cant necessarily point my finge ron who you mean exactly.

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No. If its that thing you are referring to.
Even counting in their old and new faith -no.
That betrayal was more than complete.

No room for me to make the first step, so nothing changes until they do a move. Until then, i try to forget them all.

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so instead of for example:

“i deserve money power wealth and love”
i should say something that speaks of a progression, a becoming -a more or less longterm change instead of a direct demand.

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Worst spelling snafu in a while there! Thanks for quoting it so I could correct it in time. :slight_smile:

I don’t know tbh, I never use affirmations. I make plans and work to see the plans be successful.


What kind of IT are you trying to do? I know people who got web dev gigs who didn’t go to college but have a small portfolio of some projects they did in React/Angular or whatever and got jobs. Honestly if your grades aren’t great just show off some projects. You could make a website that links to a couple apps. If you’re going for front-end they probably don’t even have to be all that complicated, just look kind of pretty. <it’s really not hard />

If you really could hack the shit out of them then I’m guessing a couple web dev projects won’t be a problem for you if you don’t like cybersecurity anymore for some reason. Apparently there are bug-busting competitions or something like that where companies invite people to try to hack them so they can fix their code.

Applying to a bunch of places can work but if you have a network I’d try that first. Play the LinkedIn game or whatever.

Brand has a job-seeker book, but you don’t seem to like him and it seems you don’t need me to suggest magick to you so here’s the mundane shit instead. I took one class on web dev (very much so not an engineering student, math is boring to me) and did some leetcode problems (mostly relatively simple data structures and algos stuff, nothing too crazy, was supposed to use java but I couldn’t be fucked and did python instead) back in the day and almost got some jobs before magick saved me from fucking myself so if I can do that I imagine anyone can.


Napoleon Hill was a fraud. Listen to Dan Pena, he is a real multi-millionaire and good motivator.
He also will tell you what is wrong with most self-development books and how Napoleon Hill cheated an entire nation because he needed a niche where nobody could sue him for fraud.
You need to work on both - changing your environment, yourself and your friends (better have none if you want to become successful).
You cannot rely on magick only. Magick will only create what the Morphic Field you interact in can offer.
For example, if you live in a ghetto, deal with people who act, behave and earn a low salary, if yo dress and behave this way,
you ate connected to the morphic field and possibilities of one Morphic field.
You need to break out of this and interact, spend time in other places. You need to get up from the computer, go to places where money is (I know Covid makes this impossible now).
You need to change the energy you are in and then magick does the rest. Then you give it the opportunity to really work

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I’d recommend you work on some superficial traits because most people aren’t aware how this is holding them back the most. They don’t understand how shallow our society is and what others truly base their judgements on.

Read Robert Cialdini’s Bestsellers “Influence” and “Pre-Suasion.”

Appearance is 55% of what people judge you on, 38% is Speech and Language (not what you say), and 7% ONLY what you express intellectually.

I can tell you from experience in 9 out of 10 cases, a person is rejected from a job interview based on subconscious motives.
Humans don’t make decisions based on Logic. You can even learn how to prime then by offering them a coffee during the job interview (has them think you are more kind/warm-hearted) and stuff like that. Mimic the interviewers body language to create sympathy. Copy their voice tone…IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE.

Learn a posh accent, it sounds absolutely ridiculous but you have no idea where it will take you. Dress in a suit and watch your posture and self-presentation.
Watch your self-talk during the interview as well.

One example:

I recently went to a government agency and wore a nice Jacket (it wasn’t even Chanel but looked like it). I had nicely done hair and a laptop bag with me (looks business style) and they called me in first although I entered last.
Seriously, I was kind of shocked. They treated everyone else like sh… and I am not always being treated nicely. They were very friendly and patient with me while they changed their voice to an aggressive tone with others.
I am always frightened by those switches which are ALWAYS based on superficial motives (trust me, I know different).
It is just an idea because I remember a book that mentioned a Salesman who didn’t get Sales because he had long hair.
Then he cut his hair off and his Sales went through the roof. Absolutely unbelievable and ridiculous…LOL But it is what it is.


Feel you man , i did lean some internet marketing so i made few bucks , rly worked my ass off and i didn’t spend them , then i got into crypto, slowly I’m trying to save some money , it’s not easy as i work in a tricking mc Donald’s every day making burgers xD it’s a rly slow process , and i hate it , i try to get my own things started online store selling bikes or drones , yesterday had a rly bad day in crypto stocks lost a lot of money , feel rly bad at the moment xD slept only three hours , feel like everything i do it’s just not enough and i do only mistakes xD keep moving forward i feel you :slight_smile:

Since you don’t seem to like “Jewish stuff”, try ‘Sigils of Power and Transformation’ by Adam Blackthorne, and read the book very carefully.

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Funny how you claim Napoleon Hill to be a Fraud and then exactly describe what he advises to do.

The only thing that is inherently wrong with self help books is that they overload you with information that most normal people that haven’t had the chance to develop higher faculties of mind cannot comprehend in a useful manner. Thus leading to information overload, resulting in choice overload and hence inaction.


Man I didn’t say that, Dan Pena says it and I checked.
He is right.

And he still recommends reading the book, idk that makes him a fraud to promoting such things :man_shrugging:

Anyways, lets stay on topic and not waste any more time discussing our virtual “dick” length. I assume that both people have helped a great lot of people and that is a great thing.

Thanks for exposing me to this mentor.


As for Dan Pena, I can confirm, he has been a real billionaire at some point.
I know this from trusted sources in London. That is why I chose to listen to his advise and nothing else. Yes, many tactics of Napoleon Hill do work, but was he a real success??? It remains unsure.

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  1. Uncle Chuckie lives where he wants to live. Warren Buffet still lives in the same house he had before he made billions.

  2. all of the shit you want to do to make money, can be done for free. More difficult yes, but it can all be done for free, most on the same device you’re using to access these forums.

You choose to not be resourceful. That was made clear on the post where I explained crash dieting and malnutrition isn’t ‘fasting’ your numbness, circle back to that.

Do some damn rituals on perception and clarity and pull yourself out of this shit.


Where are you facing obstacles in the process? Like are you having trouble finding jobs you want to apply for, actually getting an interview or succeeding with the interview? Identifying where the problem lies can better indicate where you need to hit hard ritual wise.


Gonna say this nicer :joy:

I (eye) :eye::eyes: (perception)

You do hold the power to change things, but you don’t appear to be perceiving how much harder you are making it on yourself

A simple change in the way that you see your situation… Yourself… your power

It’s gonna require a lot less than all this effort

And things will shift

It’s kinda a universal law… unless you are the one person ever who managed to break it and stop it from working… and I highly doubt that



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