Wealth Magick Working Group For Extreme Prosperity: For Serious & Dedicated Individuals Only


Hi there for so long I’ve been searching for ways to build some serious 7,8,9 figure income with the occult not just a few extra dollars like a lot of people I think its led me here for a reason this is what I’ve been looking for!

the perfect mix of entrepreneurship and occultism!
how can I join?

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I can’t access Discord anymore, I click a web link to validate my IP, but the page immediately says that it expired… I already began trying with some other browser, though.

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Welcome @Silkdashockr and @Danthemaninman. It is a rule of this forum for all new members to post an introduction so please go to the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have.


I am interested, please send Invite. I recently have had some success with money magick and I am researching rental property.

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I’m interested.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts

Why not just post everything for free or write an online book and sell it? It all sounds fishy to me. People have a right to question shit.

Pyramid scheme is pretty much milking your simps for their money while they try to sell over price trash products no one needs or wants. It is an old way to fleece people with their own greed and laziness.

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I don’t know if you saw my revised Introduction. It may ramble, but my points are well made.

This looks like a great opportunity. Fill me in please!!!

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I don’t need or want the extra couple thousand bucks that writing an ebook would give me, besides everything we’re teaching has already been covered somewhere. It’s not something revolutionary, it’s just me and a couple others who have had tremendous success combining hardcore business strategies with different types of magick. I’m not selling anything and I never will. People want a one quick solution to their problems and also to obtain wealth. That’s not how you become rich. What happens way too often is people buy an online course or book and never take action on it, they read it watch it ones and then it just sits there. We avoid that by working actively together, that can’t really be done on this forum.


Meeeee too bro. I even know how it could be done but Must develope my magical skills :wink:


Im in bro

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Me uno al grupo del dinero

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I read that book before becoming an entrepreneur and it didn’t help sh1t. Nowadays I pretty much run away from motivational books and videos as to me they are a waste of time (sound very “beautiful” but in the end what really helps me is power)

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normally Entrepreneurship develops out of necessity.

That’s true man


Sounds like some MLM/pyramid shite

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I have understood this to be a working group, the same as many others that exist on here, to study magick.

The topic title could perhaps have been chosen more specifically, but that said, it’s also interesting that if someone joins and 3 minutes later offers readings, people will hand over phishable info like name, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, photos, etc, and yet mention money and everyone thinks it’s a scam. :thinking:



true shit.

Indeed, those informations are passed on rather easily,
however, that mostly goes along with handing over practice targets for specific requested spells,
for what i’ve seen.

And, assuming scam to be a possible outcome,
while sitting on the browser typing the internet,
kind of is a hard wired fear in all,
isn’t it?

I actually utulized that fear from time to time,
when normal hackers tried to get abusive on me,
or trick me.

the fear of scams is relatively understandable.

However, on balg we have very good filtering for such cases.

And indeed,
the money section sometimes is just a throw off,
where people simply can’t believe the stage another one might be at.

we all should know,
that reality is such maluable!!



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Hey @Zyskal I would like to sign up can you pm me or send me a link to the group

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I am highly interested I’ve been dabbling in the occult since I was an young teenager and it keeps popping up in my life. Starting my own voice overlong career soon and looking to be extremely successful in that. Get back to me as soon as you can

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Count me in. Ready for dedicated wealth building !!!

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Welcome @zon. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum.