Unofficial Tutorials: Talismans, Amulets, Rings and Enchanted Things Collection

A megathread to collect together in one place tutorials and advice on everything about using consecrated or enchanted or inspirited objects for magickal purposes.

This oldie *but often referred to) goldie includes how to use sword fingers to direct your energy, whic also comes in handy for using them to enchant objects:

Mojo aka charm, gris gris, or spell bags:

Enchanting clothes, works to create talismans in a low magick/witchcraft sort of way:

Cross post from the Love tutorial collection: you can edit this to create an amulet or talisman out of any small item you intent to wear for any magickal purpose depending on your intentions, just switch up your statements when you enchant it:

Another way to charge an item:

The Solomon Talisman.

Not forgetting we have our very own Jennifer’s talisman offering up at the main site:


Music to my ears this man is useful - On that topic, it made a lot of things more clear.


Interesting conversation about Djinn RIngs:


Enchant a crystal tutorial:

Talisman Ideas thread:

What not to do with talismans (focus on graphic design for printed paper/phone talismans):


Interesting, complex but editable use of objects and and enchanting/talismanic like working to remove energy from a person by binding it to the item.

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