Under Attack by a black magician

Greetings brothers and sisters of light and dark.
Iam being psychically attacked by an sorcerer. He has caused people to hate me, caused me heavy insomnia(took sleeping tabs but to no avail), he unhesitatingly slanders me…how do I revenge badly? I need revenge badly…he needs to be dealt with badly this time.


First off you need to learn to protect yourself search on here “witches bottle”

And here’s something that’s mostly ment for protecting against spirits BUT it’s relatively easy to learn

I want you to breath in and out for a few seconds focus on your breath and as you breath imagine a white bubble enveloping you say to it “as long as you are around no negative energy shall effect me” or something along those lines that feel right.

And take a cleansing bath/shower as you scrub imagine black gunk just falling off of you and don’t stop until you can see a bright light eminating from you do this with all of your body

There is also a spirit known as “the shield” that may help here I have to look his name again


Sorcerer from here or??

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Is this the same one you keep making posts about?
We’ve given you advice are you following through with it?


Certainly seems to be. So @joherb_theo, please show us step by step what methods you used so far from the methods we already gave you.


@Faustus and @anon48957109 you beat me to it.

Unless you take action no amount of advice or what if scenarios will do the job for you.


No response yet. I’m sure he’s writing that step by step guide i asked for. Those things take a while. It’s ok. We’ll wait.




Ha! I was just flipping through Miller’s book Protection and Reversal Magick and read about Apoxias. What an interesting coinky dinky :wink:


I tried the salt bath, smudging, visualization but to no avail. The evil man seems too strong.

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Evoke Vine…


Before you start pointing fingers at others can you first make sure the problem is not in YOU?
Check yourself from the list first and then it’s safe to say it is an outside influence.
Since day we were born we have been having bad days in our lives so using your analogy it’s safe to say we all have been cursed from day one.


Is it the one who lives with you?
We told you to take the doll from him. Also AGAIN if you convince yourself he is stronger, you’ll never win.

If you believe that this person is sending spirits to you,use this:
It works well for me at least


I know of no better way to handle this than to generally direct your focus to more positive perspectives: meditation, detachment and being present, going with the flow, non-judgement and non-resistance, appreciation/gratitude etc. are the most powerful tools to handle a state of consciousness such as this. Baneful magic can help but it is more a quick-fix and can even make the problem worse.
Work with the Archangels instead.

When you are under attack by a spirit,best thing to do is to kill it.If you banish it it can come bad,if you apologize they may not accept your apology and attack you,but if you kill it you can be sure it won’t come back.If a magician is attacking you and won’t stop,you should start fighting even tho resolving it peacefully would be best thing to do sometimes its just impossible

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If you have the money, speak to J.S. Garrett. He helped me in a similar situation.

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Sir, how do I kill a spirit…pls help me!

Hi thank you for your input. Any detailed reference on how to go about it…I do chant Hindu deities. Can I call on Christian archangels?