Under Attack by a black magician

What do you know specifically about the attacker’s praxis?

How much does it cost to consult with J.S Garret?

Traditions are as relevant as you insist they are. Yes, please go ahead and work with the Archangels. All you need to do is simply decide to work with them. You can visualise, speak out loud or perform rituals with correspondences:

I’d suggest starting with Michael who is the Angel of Divine Self-Knowledge and will raise your vibration by helping you detach from the illusion and direct your focus in positive ways. Indeed, Michael is the one Who Is Like God–much the same as you.

You can continue working with your Hindu deities. I suppose Ganesha would be the deity for this sort of thing. Please note, all deities will lead to you to Self-Knowledge. The enemy outside is closer than friend reflecting that which is within.

THANK YOU very much SIR. there is a book called “Demons of Magick”. when i call on the four archangels for protection, I get strong vibration in my body. how do i speak to them to help protect me instead…I specifically want to destroy this particular foe…any help…

The vibration is the protection. :slight_smile: It is, despite all reason/evidence, your consciousness that is manifesting as this attack. Change your consciousness and your fine. The essence of your consciousness is the positive vibration. By “strong” I assume you mean positive, i.e. peaceful, happy etc. You needn’t ask them to protect you: just work with them and the rest will take care of itself. If you insist on asking, then just ask as you normally would i.e. prayer or whatever

pray to other spirits like Azazel,Belial,Michael,Moloch,Satan,Adrammelech,Samael,Lilith,Beelzebub,Tiamat,Baal or some other death gods and ask them to kill this spirit,and put your anger into it,more angry you get,better results you will get



Depends. You’d need to ask him. But he isn’t as expensive as Eric is.

Nothing can protect you until you’re able to feel safe in the first place. Your vibration is your best protection. Angels can only protect you when 1) your vibration is within their vibrational vicinity regarding the way you feel, and 2) you have to ask, then let it go. Keep worrying, talking about it, thinking about it, and the problem never goes away. Ask me how I know all of this. :wink: So your first task is to soothe yourself into feeling strong and safe. Then you ask an angel for protection. It’ll work out better that way, long-term. :wink:

On the other hand, it’s easier to work with a protective God or demon. Since they can work at lower vibrational frequencies, but only up to a point. You’ll still have to do the work of soothing yourself into feeling strong and safe, and staying off the topic.

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Honestly, I know how you feel. I was under heavy attack from a coven for years. I reckon J.S. Garrett is your man. If money is an issue, work with Bune - also in the meantime, get your mind off the problem as much as possible by getting your mind busy and focused on other positive things. Get into a state of appreciation as much as you can, do what you can to effect positive change in your life. But J.S. is ruthless, he’ll be able to help if you’re being bullied.

The last thing you should do imo is attack or retaliate against this bully yourself. You don’t know who he’s associated with. Please trust me on that. If you want to put a stop to the attacks, talk to J.S. and find a way to come up with the money to pay him.

thank you very brother/sister. I have suffered real tough. I have tried a number of measures suggested here but to no avail. I need to revenge this wickedness…it has be revenged…I am still looking and open to solutions.

Have you successfully worked with Bune before?
i tried working with him using the book: "demons of magick " but to no success.

if there is a book you have personally used with substantial result in the past, kindly suggest it…I’am been harmed.

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I currently work with Bune.

Go to YouTube and find the channel called Satan and Sons, find the video of Bune’s enn chanting, and meditate to it by quieting your mind. Learn his enn. Then you get some good quality incense, a candle, you’ll find the incense he prefers and the colour of his candle if you Google.

Now you need to petition Bune. Print out Bune’s sigil then lay a piece of paper over it and trace it out in black ink. Sit with his sigil. Light the incense and candle, quiet your mind, gaze at his sigil and chant his enn until you feel either his presence or until your intuition tells you to stop. Vibrate Bune’s name a few times, then call him to you by saying “Bune, come!” a few times. At this point, it’s worth remembering that spirits are always listening even when you can’t sense them. So you’ll need to trust, and pretend Bune is there listening.

Thank Bune for coming then BRIEFLY explain you want X amount of money to pay a magician to help you get a bully off your back. Do not go into the whole story about the bully, this is just explaining to Bune why you want the money e.g to pay another magician to help you stop the bully’s attacks.

Now you state your desire as if it’s already come to pass. For example, “I have a thousand dollars in my bank account.” Say this with feeling. Feel the desire as you say this statement. Feel everything that you feel right now. If it’s rage, sadness, etc, let it all come up and. It has to be spent.

Once you have done this and you feel that your desire and associated feelings of lack, rage, powerless, fear, etc has been spent, you need a feeling of certainty that your desired outcome will come to pass. See the money in your hand, if any other positive feelings come up, that’s great. But you must lose all doubt, fear, worry, etc at this stage. The ritual isn’t over until you feel the certainty of having the requested amount in your bank account.

Thank Bune and then end the ritual by saying, “It is done!” (with feeling!).

Go back to normal. Snuff out the candle and incense, then go for a walk or eat, etc. Get your mind off the topic completely. If it comes up in your mind, just feel the certainty of your desired outcome, feel the pleasure, etc. Then let it go. **Do not allow yourself to worry, doubt question, etc! **

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I’ve worked that book with great success plenty of times. I know what your problem is. Your mindset is whack. You need to stop feeling like a victim and lose the failure mindset. :slight_smile:

ok thank you sir/madam. how do I improve on my mindset ?

do you wish to kill your enemy?If you want that summon Nergal and Satan they will be GREAT

i want to make his life perpetually miserable…but it seems he knows a lil about magick, astra projection…been looking for a commericial shaman to do the dirty job but to no success.

in which book can I find how to summon Nergal? how do i protect myself before the summoning?etc

No need to protect yourself to him if you respect him,and if you want to summon him,chant his name and ask him to come its not very complicated…Use this to find more info on him:

There are different methods. But I strongly recommend you read and apply the teachings of Abraham Hicks. That will, over time, give you a solid foundation for understanding this Universe and creating in harmony with its Laws; through that, you’ll find a sustainable and effective way forward for making the changes you need to make to yourself and your life.