Ubi and shapeshifting

Predatory egregores kind of got us here, but fair point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes please, while the tangents are interesting, it’s taking off in places that don’t really address my questions.

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The OP’s question is a good one though.

Demons and angels both are traditionally portrayed as having combinations of human and animal features. Angels were also often described in abstract forms like flaming wheels, piles of eyeballs, geometric shapes, etc. I think it is somewhere around the Renaissance when cherubs first began to be portrayed in art as cute babies with wings, for example, rather than the four faced, doubled winged powerhouses they were described as in the Bible.

Kind of hard to get your kink on with a being in the form of a pile of eyeballs though.


The answer to thread is summed up here


I always viewed those forms as a bit literal and a bit metaphorical like multiple eyes being the eyes of heaven and such.


Anyway, it’s indeed true that modern media and anime in particular have become wrapped up in this stuff now, so it’s hard to not only discern others’ experiences but my own as well. So I wanted to know if the nightmare imps of the past were always shapeshifters to fool their victims … and are we still victims, of them or our own imagination, or do some ubi and demons really want legitimate relationships with humans? And is it true they don’t care about what we look like?


For a relationship , I don’t think so , they care about the energy more

Okay in my experience and what I’ve observed from people I know for a fact have a spirit spouse, they don’t care, BUT they’ll also usually kick someone’s ass if their weight (the usual issue) is fixable and if it’s making that person unhappy.

I’m not talking about paring a healthy larger person down into a twig or a fitness fanatic, but they’ll usually encourage the person to keep fit and overcome any toxic feelings about food that make them alternate between binges and extreme self-condemnation. I’m speaking about someone I know firsthand here, and other situations with people I know quite well online.

Only a parasite will become a feeder IF the person is suffering psychologically from high weight and also in more serious danger from it. A responsible spirit spouse will help give the human pointers on health, but a parasite wants to imprison that person in their own flesh, make them alienated from “judgemental” society, ensure they never have a human in their lives to love, and make them die quietly despairing.

I think getting readings from good trusted black magicians will help there. :thinking:

Spirits often see people as diamonds in the rough and general appearance, health, mental issues etc are not going to deter them.


Lol a pile of eyeballs! Hahaha
Yeah, kind of leaning to my question elsewhere about demons and cats, there must also be some symbolic associations for all the lions and leopards. No tigers though, which is odd, not like the writers weren’t aware of other feline species. And nothing from the New World unless you look specifically at those cultures.
The poor goats and rams though, getting vilified along with Pan and satyr/faun images … I guess it is meant for symbolism too.
So either you have a warrior, king, knight or some such, a feline (why the heck would Sitri be a leopard though), and goats for something beastly, dark, lusty?
And now we try to comprehend ubi as the modern version of what’s considered hot, I guess all of this is how they try to get through to us using things we understand versus a medieval thinking we wouldn’t get now? You hear this too in terms of deities using modern media versions of themselves to be more recognizable.

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One thing to keep in mind as well, is that it is a natural function of the human mind to anthropomorphise abstract forces because it is easier to relate to them as human-like, than as something else entirely. Even animal forms are easier to relate to than a wheel of fire.

So the humanoid form is most likely created by our minds as the one best suited for interaction and communication so the spirits merely slide into it like clothing for our benefit.


PS Will just add that MOST spirits look very different to human in their true form, even some humans have utterly inhuman souls behind the mask, so just not really being humanoid in form doesn’t automatically make them evil or parasitic. (lol DK was just saying the same as I typed this! :smiley: )

But they should improve your life in all ways that matter to you, in terms of energy wasted on things that you could put to better use, and that includes guiding you on things you might not even be aware of as a problem.

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Makes sense.
It’s weird too, I fell asleep this morning and had an odd dream about a demonic statue of a winged goatman seated on a throne, with long hair, wings and four arms, and there were two ravens at the base. I’m like, “daggone this forum gives me interesting dreams lol.” Such much symbolism and images flying through my brain now haha.

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Man I’d love it if I had a personal trainer companion like that, to get me healthy and feeling better about myself. Instead I tend to translate my lack of ability to a rejection by the spirit world.

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I think some of the modern ideas of spirit “hotness” might also come from old anthropological accounts of native shaman who most likely spoke of their spiritual marriages, which were a big component in helping them do what they did for their community. It wouldn’t take much imagination for someone to read about that and go, “wow, these spirits must be really attractive if the shaman married one!” not realising that it was mostly done for protection and guidance, not sexy times. lol


Oh my gosh yes, the topic of modern godspousing makes me want to tear my hair out.

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I believe in Godspouses but to a minor degree, like I don’t believe it’s as common as it’s made to be and as simple as tumblrites make it out to be, especially the many groups of Loki Godspouses, that knows no bounds on cringe.

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Yes, that group in particular irks me to no end. It’s why I’ve decided to distance myself from saying I’m Lokean. I can barely stand associating with them in general.

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Much older, 13,000 years or so based on artwork discovered and in all probability far, far beyond that, but evidence is a little scarce for that supposedly, so for now let’s just treat such things like a multiple choice question, more fun that way.

All depends on the time period, culture and how much sacred liquor was involved doesn’t it?

Again depends on the period, for instance Greek mythology is loaded with sexy shapeshifting spirit humping…And rape, on the other hand if one was living in an age where saying such a thing happened to them would likely get them set on fire than it would make sense to keep their mouth shut about it, no?

Undoubtedly…And their true/original forms resemble tadpoles like everything else, rather anticlimactic…And squishy if you ask me, meh.

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Lol great answers.
Yes, I realize there is much art from various time periods that is aesthetically pleasing. Here I was referring specifically to anything that might be called “demon,” as well as succubi and incubi. I can think of lots of art pieces that were not flattering at all. And I can’t think of any grimoires description that would make a woman think, “dang he sexy,” especially since all that stuff was pretty sexist anyway and geared towards men getting what they wanted.

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Ahh, simple answer is it all goes under propaganda.

A more complex answer will cost 66 dollars and six cents. :smiley:

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