Tutorial, Napoleon's "Book Of Fate" aka The Empire Builder's Oracle

I haven’t found that myself, for example a while ago I asked it about cursing someone and it basically said that would be fine.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:5, topic:4467”]Yes, you can ask the same question about a different person (or different situation, e.g., Q.s 8 & 9 which are very multi-purpose), but not the same question about the same person/situation in any one-month period.

If you do try to double-up, you’ll get like decreasing returns of accuracy, at least that’s what happened to me when I tried that. When that happens you end up confusing yourself, so I found that it was best to stick with that rule, and then use Tarot or other methods to get a deeper insight.[/quote]

Can you ask different questions more than once per day as well?

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It’s best to begin with one, maybe ask a 2nd related question if you need more information, but never in the spirit of “I’ll ask again because I didn’t like the answer” - that’s mainly for asking for clarification, and not to be abused.

With time you may feel intuitively that changing this is okay, but to begin with, stay with the rules as given, the Book has a spirit of its own in my experience and it sets those limitations for a reason.

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It’s best to begin with one, maybe ask a 2nd related question if you need more information, but never in the spirit of “I’ll ask again because I didn’t like the answer” - that’s mainly for asking for clarification, and not to be abused.

With time you may feel intuitively that changing this is okay, but to begin with, stay with the rules as given, the Book has a spirit of its own in my experience and it sets those limitations for a reason.[/quote]

Ok. I meant more than one question concerning different subjects entirely, like one about a profession, one about a lover etc,.

Thanks again for sharing this powerful tool \m/

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Best to stay with one a day for now, seriously, get familiar with it and then see what your intution says.

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Positive “Yes” answer but there are potential pitfalls, so be cautious and wise whilst attempting to acquire your goal, and once you have achieved it.

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" be not discouraged by the adverse circumstances"

Does it seem like a positive or negative sign? To Q9- shall I be successful in present undertaking?

[quote=“adhi69, post:67, topic:4467”]" be not discouraged by the adverse circumstances"

Does it seem like a positive or negative sign? To Q9- shall I be successful in present undertaking?[/quote]

Be not discouraged - don’t give up, keep going.

By the adverse cuircumstances - things are going against you right now.

So that looks like it means, keep going even though things look tough right now.

So i just wanted to note down my experience with the book so far (thank you again eva for bringing it to my attention).

So I’ve been having a bit of money issues as of late, but i have some money invested currently and i wanted ti know if it would turn out well. Just so you’re aware, my plan was…if all this worked out for me, i would use much of the money to fullfill my dream of travelling the world (especially across europe and asia). So i asked a slightly modified version of question 9 asking if my investments would be successful, and this was my answer (i think):

“Thou shalt visit distant regions where gold aboundeth - in thy prosperity, forget not the widow and the orphan”

That’s a pretty clear positive sign I’d say. The only thing im confused about is that on the same page, there is another answer that has my star sign on it as well. The one i read from is flipped (opposite)…which i think is the right one but im not sure


Give it a break, and ask one more question tomorrow, not to get Yes/No but asking for clarification of the existing answer.

Alright so i did it again today as you suggested…this time i used a slightly modified version of question 8, and this was the answer i got:

The money which will be left thee, will not remunerate thy anxiety.

So what i gather from both of these answers ive been given is that I will make enough money to get to where i want to be, but it wont necessarily stop me from worrying about things

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I had a dream last night where I heard a voice say’ it could happen to any of the three witches but it will ONLY happen to the most powerful witch.’

From that I gathered that are 3 possible ones but only one who it absolutely will happen. Though I do not know what IT is that is suppose to happen.
I consulted the book to see if this was good or bad.
What I got was: Thy nightly vision portend good fortune to thee.

I take that as a good sign.

Excellent divination resource to have. Thank you, Lady Eva.

So I asked a modified question 13 ( Will Deggal the spirit I most reckon upon prove faithful or treacherous ? )

and I got this answer:

" Avoid laying too great a tax on the patience.of thy friends :—this is the way to preserve them."

Can somebody tell me what it means ? That Deggal will not be a good spirit to work with ?


Overall it’s definitely not the most favourable answer.

In this context, it may mean there’s a spirit better suited to your goal, or it may imply that you have routes to attain what you want by your own abilities (magickal or otherwise) so asking the spirit to perform the entire task won’t be successful - many people contact a spirit asking for X result but are then led to learn more, and increase their own power.

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" Be not purse-proud , nor vain glorious in the midst of thy good fortune "

What could this mean in response to modified Q9.
" Shall I be successful in getting laid with ( girl name ) ?"

If you get successful, and it seems likely from that answer, don’t let it go to your head or treat her like a jerk (I’m not saying you would, I don’t know you, that’s the meaning here - not to get a cocky attitude from any successes).

There is a secondary possible warning, to not attempt to brag too much about your good fortune or any natural gifts and advantages you may possess to impress her, and to be careful where money is concerned, don’t brag about that or be too flashy with gifts and paying for things.


I’ve been using this method of divination quite frequently as of late and I’ve noticed that most of the time I end up with exactly 14 lines. Can the book of fate be subject to muscle memory, thus compromising the accuracy of the reading? Has anybody else noticed this? I guess the best way to find out is to see if the answers turn out to be true, but unfortunately I ask questions related to long term goals and as a result I can get confirmation right now.

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Find some music in 3/4 time (waltz rhythm) and try replaying that in your head as you do them, see if that breaks the pattern. I don’t know if it affects accuracy or that just happens to be your answer for those, but it’s possible you have got into a pattern, You could also try using a very wide piece of paper, like A4/letter-sized, landscape style and doing lines right across it.

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I’ll try that next time I do a reading, thanks.