The Fate Of All Fools

For the record, Dee never referred to the language as Enochian. In his diaries, he calls it either “Angelican,” “Celestial Speech,” "The First Language of God-Christ, " or “Adamical” (he believed it was used by Adam in the Garden of Eden to name all things). The term Enochian came about when it was rediscovered years after Dee’s death.

I haven’t investigated it very deeply, to be honest. However, from what little I have read, the -ON suffix may relate back to the Hebrew sandek, basically what we would call a child’s godfather (a position the prophet Elijah held as protector of unborn children). Sandalphon is one of the only angels who does not appear in scripture; his first appearance was in the mystical literary tradition of Rabbinical Judaism.

However, as there is no agreement among scholars on the correct etymology of the name Metatron, it’s possible Sandalphon may simply have the -ON suffix because he was believed to be the brother of Metatron.

One of the problems is that in the rabbinical literature, there are actually two Metatrons. One is the ascended prophet Enoch (spelled with six letters in Hebrew) and one is the “lesser Yahweh,” the primordial Metatron, the tenth and final emanation of the Divine Presence (spelled with seven letters in Hebrew). Being primordial, Metatron doesn’t have the -EL or -IAH suffix because he was the first created and thus second only to God himself.

Edit to add: Thanks for a peek at your subliminal play list :slight_smile: I haven’t had much of an effect with the Concordia Booster so I was thinking of experimenting with combining it with some other tracks to see if anything happens.


I find it so fascinating. I might buy a copy of this. Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There’s frustratingly little info to be found about the etymology of their names, as far as I can see. Sandalphon also seems to be largely referred to as Metatron’s “brother” or “coworker” or some such, like you said.

I’ve been meaning to question Sandalphon for a while, but of course it runs the risk of confirmation bias or being UPG; I want verified gnosis, dang it.

This I learned from research; and while it holds true in my experience with Metatron (primordial Metatron), it somewhat conflicts with some of the reading I’ve done into gnosticism about the “firstborn”, the first emanation of God/Source, which is of extreme interest to me currently… and then there’s all this other UPG/SPG to be taken into account. :thinking:

Or maybe it supports rather than conflicts with it. I need to go back to my notes.

Also (more noting this for myself), I remember reading here on BALG and elsewhere online about -EL and -IAH; the former being yang/active (God/angel comes down from the heavens and does X) and the latter being yin/passive (Angel takes the message up to God). Something along those lines. So if -ON is a true suffix, what the heck is it? :thinking: Actually, I have my theories…

I bundled my playlist for you if you’d like to download it: Apold subs - Google Drive

The subliminals themselves I kind of take for granted, I never necessarily saw them as a shortcut to anything, more of an easy way to prime my brain in the background. For what it’s worth I do think they’ve had a subtle, cumulative effect on my mindset as a whole; but given it’s the conscious brain that rules for 2/3 of the day, I have to take that into account as well. :upside_down_face: I’ve been listening to them for probably four or five months straight, and I’ve grown enormously in that time. I can’t solely thank the subliminals for that, but I think they help in their own way.


Wow, I really appreciate the subs bundle. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Brain mush, here I come! :grin:

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Tuesday, May 4th

Is it odd to say I miss being on the edge of insanity and feeling like my perspective of time is irreparably shattered? Well fuck it, I do kinda miss it. :upside_down_face:

Oh, these broken promises. :smiley:

There’s been a lot of stuff rattling around in my head these past few weeks. So naturally I have notes upon notes upon notes, spread across various devices and various threads, and very little progress in the way of putting anything together coherently. Then behind it all, there is the inimitable @ReyCuervo serving as muse and recipient of my tangled accounting of thoughts & quotes & synchronities & coincidences &… you get it. Thank you.

Between the end of that paragraph and the beginning of this one, I fell down another rabbit hole of Bible verses. But, as much as I like leaving myself a trail of quoted scripture to inspire me or remind me of certain things, it lacks a certain framework. So. Let’s get this rambling out of the way, and I’ll try and organise my current thoughts, disjointed as they may seem (and they certainly are).

Het universum zingt voor mij!

So most of my rabbit-hole diving has been pointing back to the same thing, but again, still more questions than answers. I did stumble across something which I had an existing mental association with, and I could only laugh at how strongly I identified with it:

Even then and even now, all the personal associations gradually filling in this mind-map I’ve created to try and find the answer to my questions.

What happened? Where am I?

…What is that melody?

Hold it together…

…Density, mass, momentum… it is too — it is too much to hold on to.
I will bring you a new understanding of the universe.

The universe is singing… to me!

It’s all an illusion…

Gravity is a harness. I have harnessed the harness…

“The universe sings for me!”

Chaotic neutral

I did take a break from rituals for a while, but as I have said before, magic is not something you do, it’s something you are, and its mechanism ticks away in the background whether beyond your notice or not.

Months and months ago I decided to associate a randomly-occurring event (me hearing the sound of ambulance sirens) with an outcome (a specific person is thinking of me). The results have been interesting.

In the beginning, I would hear police/ambulance/firefighter sirens, actively notice it, and think to myself “X is thinking about me right now.”

The effect of this was (1) steadily increasing incidents of hearing sirens, over months – not a day goes by now where I don’t hear sirens – and/or (2) the priming of my brain to notice sirens more frequently. I note these two together because they are somewhere in the realm of correlated or causative – inseparable.

The question being: does priming your brain with associations cause you to notice “random” events with more frequency? Or does associating random events with a desired outcome build on itself over time?

A few times I’d have experiences that seemed to point to causation – for instance, someone would mention my name in a group setting where X person was present and a siren would immediately be heard in the distance; or as another example, I would hear a siren and within seconds receive a text from X person (or conversely, would text X person, and hear a distant siren within around 30 seconds of it being sent.

Ultimately the effect kind of reversed itself; to the point where I would hear sirens and think about X person, rather than hearing sirens and think that X person is thinking of me. :upside_down_face: But, it all seems to feed into the same system.

If I’m not mistaken, this is a kind of spin on a tenet of chaos magic: i.e., associate an outcome with an action, perform action, intend to receive result.

So, I will experiment with this further.

Another association I’ve made is – bear with me – the colour of my keyboard, indicating my relative position in a certain “timeline” or “reality” or “dimension”, whatever you want to refer to it as.

It’s a nice, fancy, mechanical keyboard, but I can’t change its colour scheme because of my computer’s operating system. It’s not possible. For months this keyboard stayed the same colour, until one day I noticed it had changed, and so intentionally made this association. Now, it frequently changes colour at random. Whether it’s only a few keys changing shade slightly, like a handful of keys from red to pink, or to purple; or the entire thing adopting a different colour scheme, incorporating green and orange and blue. (Don’t @ me with your technical advice, this is my delusion and I’m sticking with it. :smiley:)

This experiment is a little different to the previous one, but it’s one I’d like to keep going with. And, it seemed to follow that period of a few weeks ago which shattered my perspective of time and reality. I’m not entirely convinced it can be translated to significant results, but perhaps only because my intent is unclear.

However, I will continue to experiment using mundane associations with directed intent.

Too often, we close such beautiful channels that were open to us by discounting our impression as unreal rather than allowing them to be legitimate.

— Gateway Experience manual

As far as “everyday magic” goes; I have had some trouble coming back to earth after the last few weeks. At that point I did actually worry about my own sanity. My concept of time seemed anchored in the future. This is what I miss. And I would be seeing “signs”, coincidences, synchronities everywhere I turned. Other people would voice my thoughts aloud within seconds of me thinking them. Everything seemed to point back in the same direction, but there were no answers, only more questions. I know, I keep repeating this. I am still at this stage, but more grounded… to my regret, I suppose.

Currently this kind of “sign” phenomenon is manifesting as repeated number sequences. It’s neat, but I have never put much stock in “signs”. I am not interested in “signs”. Focus stays solely on my full and complete outcome. A sign is not an outcome.

Method to the madness

I should keep a manifestation journal, but again, recorded results & outcomes are splintered across different devices or buried deep between bible verses and quotes and other notes I keep. What is more interesting is understanding the mechanism, or the formula, and replicating this with consistency. I’ve manifested things like free coffee every day for a week, after lightly setting an intention and thinking on it no more. I’ve manifested seeing someone on an evening where they were meant to be unavailable due to work, through “brazen impudence” and strict control of my thoughts (“mental diet”) over the day, despite being in an extremely poor mental state at the time. Naturally, this event worked itself out to fruition organically, through sheer “coincidence”.

But when I tried to apply the same method a few days later, it was not fruitful.

So the question is one of consistency… or obstinacy. Or both.

Obviously, it would be much easier if we were just handed the keys to creation and had a bulletproof system that works every time. Or maybe that is the case, and I’m just not applying my intent in the right way.

But now I’m back on planet earth and having to employ concerted effort to keep my mind where it needs to be. :confused: It was easier when I was isolated and struggling mentally. Why is that? Perhaps because I had little else to occupy my thoughts?

Wednesday, May 5th

On experiments

Song of servitors

Some experiments I’ve been tinkering with. First, two pathworkings, of a sort. Each should lead to a servitor, or egregore — some kind of thoughtform spirit. I pulled these pathworkings from songs, after on-and-off pondering idly on the power of music in our everyday lives. These songs are immensely popular in their niche/genre, and some of the most beloved of the bands’ discography, and so in my estimation they have been passively fed for over a decade (the other for over two decades) by the imagination of listeners, and by the massed collective energy raised by crowds at live performances. If you’ve ever been to a death metal concert and been pressed up against the barrier in the seething moshpit — you know this kind of feverish, chaotic energy I’m referring to.

Both are for baneful workings. One is for (in my estimation) any or all of these effects:

  • causing a target to be driven to paranoid insanity;

  • compelling a target to commit unlawful/amoral acts;

  • causing the target’s reputation to be destroyed so they are scorned and outcast by friends and family, and possibly law enforcement;

  • causing great illness, draining a target’s energy, potentially death.

The other one I am still feeling out, but it is a curse for an ex-lover, a target who caused you great harm and one that you now hate and wish to suffer greatly. The effects are not exactly clear to me yet, but I’m thinking it will or should cause the target to suffer immense regret and torment, and to feel like their life is unravelling without you. So, obviously, caution is needed as this could have unintended consequences.

I don’t have any targets so I have not tested either of them myself, but I have given the first one out to be tested. My theory is that, similar to a servitor, it will take some trial and error for the spirit to figure out how to achieve its goal.

If anyone reading this would like to experiment with either of them, let me know. I would recommend that you have some experience with pathworking/connective evocation AND that you take a guide with you, or are confident in your shielding and banishing.

Further to this I have another curse I’m working on developing, using a famous poem, of over 200 years – intending to cause the target’s downfall due to their own hubris. I don’t think this will be a functional pathworking, so I need to find some other way to employ it.

This one I do have a target for. :blush: I’d just like to be completely out of the way before I set things in motion for the fall.


Thinking about how emotional transmutation is heavily focused on within mordern/postmodern magic, I wanted to try an experiment in this area. Without going into too much detail… I have a fun quirk where certain adult activities will overwhelm me with a sudden and massive flood of biochemicals. The effect of which is me bursting into tears and sobbing heartbrokenly, followed by hysterical laughter. Usually two to four cycles of this which taper off in intensity and then subside.

My conscious mind is not at all engaged when this happens; I’m not thinking about anything and I don’t have any control over the cry/laugh cycle. So, I figured I’d use it for supercharged emotional transmutation. I tested it the other day and was at least able to switch my brain on enough to focus on impressing bad thing :arrow_right: good thing through one cycle, crying to laughing. No results yet, but the outcome I focused on is something that’s already simmering away in the background regardless, so at very least I gave it some extra juice.

A more methodical approach is needed, something specific and material as a yardstick. :thinking: Perhaps a certain amount of money. Something concrete.

As an aside, I suppose it raises a question of ethics — hypothetically — which is to say that I can see how it might be ethically questionable to some people, since technically it would come under the banner of sex magick, and therefore raise questions of consent. But I don’t feel guilty about it, and it involves nothing but my own self and my own energy and doesn’t infringe on anyone else present.

It does spark my curiosity in terms of what other experiments in sex magick are open to me. :thinking: I’ll speak more on that if and when it happens.

Dreams & phases

Yes yes, reading about others’ dreams is usually boring, so I’ll be brief. I had a lovely dream a few nights ago, about a special person. It was wonderful to wake up and feel like I’d actually just spent hours and days with him. Most of it was mundane, but one part seemed somewhat portentious: I went to pull out my phone to call someone, but it wasn’t my phone. It was a random older smartphone model, and it had no screen. It was like someone had taken the backs of two phones and glued them together. An unuseable phone. A friend of mine in the dream remarked that someone might have tried to sabotage me by taking my phone and replacing it with this one. So, just noting this dream here for future reference.

I’ve not had any phase (OOBE/AP/lucid dream) events in a while. I did find myself in the hypnagogic state a few days ago but I couldn’t leave my body. I forced myself to sit up, and felt myself sit up, and then I forced myself to open my eyes, but it was my physical eyes that opened, and I was still physically lying on my side in bed. I tried to induce a deeper paralysis and attempted a few techniques, although nothing worked. (To be fair, that’s on me, I should have tried harder.)

I miss it. I’ll set an intent for it.


Oh yeah, you know I wasn’t gonna end this long ramble without throwing some scripture in here. Actually, I also wanted to post here something I wrote a week or two ago, perhaps more. I don’t really remember writing it, and it was after a long and involved session with a deity. The deity. The Firstborn. Whatever his true name is. Even if I knew it I wouldn’t write it here.

Excuse the all caps, this is how I wrote it at the time:


















The above also kinda reminds me of this, which I read on the NG subreddit earlier:

What if we are destined to experience our desires? What if we desire them because we are meant to experience them? And they are just there waiting for us to realise we already have them, that we are meant to experience them.

Our God self knows they are there, our God self knows we are meant to experience them so we’re nudged towards them through desiring them.

They already exist - creation is finished. We don’t need to ‘magic’ them into existence, they’re there, waiting for us! To have the desire means we are meant to experience it!!

The word desire originates from two Latin words:

  • “sidus” : which means - heavenly body; star; constellation

  • “de” : which means - down from

(So quite literally: down from the stars)

These 2 words later formed - “de sidere” which means : from the stars

Again this then evolved to the word: “desiderare” which means - to long for; wish for; demand; expect; await what the stars will bring

Today we have the word desire which originates from all of the above.

We are meant to have our desires.

— /u/OmertaShhh

Which neatly ties into this, the promised scripture:

John 3:27 “…A man can receive nothing, unless it has been given to him from heaven.”


Luke 17:21 “the kingdom of God [heaven] is within you.”

This too:

1 John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”

And finally, one I am chewing over at the moment:

1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
[8] "And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.”

So the Spirit dwells in both heaven and earth (as above, so below); it is intrinsic to God as it is intrinsic to mankind.

What of water and blood? :thinking:

Until next time :wave:


Same ! I used the same method for two different situation and one manifested , the other didn’t .
I suspect my actual feeling of the outcome was the reason its not always working
I think the feelings associated with the situation we try my manifest are very important, and hard to control that :thinking:
Was there a little doubt, fear, uncertainty, hiding in my subconscious mind that stepped against it
Did i really wanted that ? Did i really wanted it like that ?

It did happend on many occasions to just … daydream about an event ( with no actual intent on manifestation)it was just my mind daydreaming about a situation :smile: it manifested exactly the same ! It was amazing
When i tried to do it again, but with an intent , it didn’t worked :confused:

Again a pleasure to read your journal
Thank you :heartpulse:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Help- cat is very sick and possibly dying

I agree, I think the feeling behind what you’re trying to manifest is important. But as always, if I don’t get what I want, I just keep persisting until I do :laughing:

I did this today, haha. I manifested free food just by idly thinking about the times I’ve manifested free food in the past… no intention behind it. One of my coworkers went out, bought food for me, and brought it to my desk. She didn’t say anything to me about it beforehand. Just did it “for no reason”. :laughing:

Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Interesting! It sounds like you’ve gotten results with it!

That’s something I would love if it was beef Jerky :drooling_face:

I’ve noticed that the more manic we are the stronger we are . Our brains get closer to the state of alpha theta so that may be it🤔

I hope it goesvery well!
Sorry I didn’t contribute to much with this post btw.

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Water and blood related stuff became all “synchronicities” I suppose show up throughout this weird dream of a life

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Saturday, May 8th
Ryn Weaver – Octahate

Just a short one today.

First, for a few weeks, I’ve had a bunch of insistent signs/synchronities pointing me back to a certain city (which holds some significance to me), one a few thousand kilometres away. Its name popping up random places. My friends insisting on arranging a holiday there for my upcoming birthday. My online friend suddenly deciding to move (back) there on a whim. Another friend telling me they’re thinking of moving there. A bunch of friends and acquaintances telling me they can see me living there or joking about how/why I might move there. Coworkers putting bets on how soon I’ll move there.

And… my friend randomly sending me a real estate listing for a house I’ve always imagined myself living in. A converted church, vaulted ceilings, with a black spiral staircase up to a gallery… One in that city.

Well. Today I went to visit my parents and they dropped the news on me that they’ve sold their house and they’re moving to this other city in about 6 weeks.

This city’s been been featured, or rather implied, in my SATS scenes.

Interestingly, the interior of the house also matched my SATS scene before I’d ever even known of the house.

Idk what to make of this. It shook me, but I’ve taken it in stride. Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs… or whatever.

I can’t take it
From the day I saw my heart start breaking
No one saved me
I can’t take it
Can’t believe believe the way I lost you, baby
Earth keeps shaking
All around; oh you let me down
And I can’t take it
From the day I saw my heart start breaking
No one saved me

On another note, I had an odd and frustrating experience this morning with phasing out of my body. In the past I’ve talked about how easy it is for me to separate into an OOBE. Today I woke early, was in pain, dosed myself up and dozed for another three or so hours on the precipice of true sleep. Finally, at the end, I slipped into paralysis and tried to separate. I was semi-successful. I felt myself sit up, and I climbed out of bed, and despite being blind and everything muddy and dim, I palpated and scrutinised objects closely, and walked through my house touching and peering at everything closely. And it was true-to-life, insofar as everything I saw and touched, but it was also shallow and fruitless, as far as doing anything beyond “mentally projecting” into my own house and wandering around.

I didn’t get to even leave the house. As soon as my attention lapsed from touching and scrutinising objects, as I moved toward the front door, my vision would black out. And I was still constantly aware of my consciousness lingering in my body. I tried forcing my eyes to open, but this (again, like last time) only forced open my physical eyes and immediately returned my locus of consciousness to my physical body, lightly paralysed, with eyes open. So basically I wasn’t able to fully separate, being dually conscious of my physical self lying in bed, as well as my consciousness walking half-blind down the hallways, touching every wall and surface and and pulling books out of the bookshelf to look at them closely. Back in bed I’d close my eyes again, and I’d force the sensation of rolling over or rotating along the vertical plane, or of sitting up, but the sense of bilocation remained. :expressionless: I need to intentionally practice more.


Hi @Veil! I got the Angels of Omnipotence book today, but was reading your journal, got to that article in Codex Astarte and now I’m quite confused. Not sure if it’s you who has had a bad experience with them (surely doesn’t look like your writing, but Idk). I understood that there’s people in the forum who are not having bad experiences with them after the book club reading, and I understand that the experience each person has with the spirits can be very different, but I wanted to make sure I’m not getting into something very bad without knowing by working with this book…

I definitely wouldn’t say I had a bad experience with them. Although I’ve only used a few of the sigils, and I don’t have any significant results to report (although one did work within hours, but not to the effect I asked for, lol). But I wasn’t really consistent in using the sigils either. So my main experience was the summoning ritual of all angels. I went through a pretty intense shake-up not long after that, but I also started a pathworking with another deity about a week or two after the summoning ritual, so I cannot say for certain it was the angels who caused it. All in all though, no regrets and I’d do it again.


Ohhhh thanks! I’m reading through a post about the book, but got a bit alarmed by the blog that I mentioned before and thought it had been you reporting that, sorry.

I’m slightly concerned about the disruptions people report in general, but not enough as to not to try them :sweat_smile: Change demands it, I guess. Hope your pathworking brings you what you seek.

I’m much more attuned to law of assumption way of working than to anything else, but AoO seem to focus a lot on internal changes and thought that was interesting. Your journal is super interesting and has the same effect on me as reading Neville, so thanks, btw

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Going through a rough period, a shake-up, a dark night of the soul, etc., sometimes is necessary. We have to clear the way for new things by leaving old things behind. :smiling_face: Mark 2:22 –

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.

AoO and the Law have that in common - internally-focused, “no one to change but self”. We change our outer circumstances by changing our inner world; as above, so below.

Thank you for the kind words too, I appreciate it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck dear :bouquet:


Tuesday, May 11th

I’ve been meaning to buy an actual physical Bible, and thought about ordering one online, or worse, going to the bookstore and buying one. Instead, I came home this weekend just past with a “family heirloom” King James bible which my parents gave me. Seems like it was given by my great-grandparents to my dad’s parents, as a wedding or engagement gift, perhaps. The pages still bear all their worn gilt edges, but the glue holding the leather cover to its bindings has long since worn away. Still, a functional book.

On the first inside leaf, is an inscription,

"to [nickname] and [nickname], from Mum & Dad.
"I love the sacred Book of God,
"No other shall its place supply,
"It points me to the Lamb of God,
“and bids me from destruction fly.”

If I look up this rhyme, I find the hymn it seems to have been based on —

I love the sacred book of God,
no other can its place supply
it points me to the saints’ abode
and lifts my joyful thoughts on high.

Bless’d book! In thee my eyes discern
the image of my absent Lord:
from thine instructive page I learn
the joys his presence will afford.

But while I’m here, thou shalt supply
His place, and tell me of his love:
I’ll read with faith’s discerning eye,
and thus partake of joys above.

…On the title page is also the rough rectangle I cut out of the book when I was sixteen or seventeen, so I could try using it to roll a joint. :grimacing: :expressionless: So, I suppose I’ve marked the family heirloom bible myself then, in my own way.

Free food again today. And a few days past, a blatant signal of movement from another goal I’ve been working towards. Other inner things, self-concept and such, have been doubling their returns.

I have been making offerings to Bune/Bimé over the past few weeks, and had a few fruitless attempts last week at making some witchy concoction for a spell jar, which I fucked up two nights running (burning the bottom of two saucepans :upside_down_face:) before deciding fuck it, I don’t need to brew a tea, and just throwing most of my ingredients into a jar I’d already prepared with blood. Some of the other ingredients I’m leery of adding. I intend to seal the jar shut with wax, and yet I recognise it still probably needs to be aired out every so often, and adding those other ingredients would only increase how often that’s needed.

I used the Oraculum/Napoleon’s Book of Fate to look into my future (although, truly, I believe we cause our own futures. Which is why I’ve put the tarot decks aside for the time being, although certainly others’ readings for me have proven to be true…).

Question: Will I be successful in my future endeavours? (My long-term goals?)

Answer: “Interest will procure thee preferment to great trust”.

Sounds good to me. :+1:

I’m still kind of on hiatus, except for my Law of Consciousness workings and little experiments, and the occasional experimental pathworking here and there.

With my primary focus being on the Law, it was a bit odd to reconcile my continued dabbling with rituals and other workings. Despite that, I personally think the Law is the mechanism underlying all rituals and magical workings, so it’s no longer really a challenge or anything I grapple with. The Law is used for my overarching goal, and rituals are used for “smaller” things – things I want/expect/intend, but don’t wish to depart too far from my Law workings to focus on them.

Wednesday, May 12th

Today my boss called me into her office and told me I was getting a pay rise.

Let’s recall – I’ve been giving gifts and offerings to Bune here and there for a few weeks, no formal calling on her. Just leaving her oranges and sparkling wine, lighting a green candle and incense.

Last night I burned a green candle over the jar to seal it. After it had burned for a while I got impatient with its lack of seal so I tilted the jar and held the soft wax to the flame to get an even seal.

It was very surprising when it dripped down one side of the jar and turned completely black:

Didn’t know quite what to make of this. The candle I burned over the jar is a very pale green. You can see below, on the left, the translucent green on one side, and on the other, uniform black wax. I haven’t seen anything like this before.

For this spell jar, I didn’t do much. I adjusted my thoughts about money, and simply reminded myself I am abundant, a conduit for wealth, have more money than I can spend, and am never left wanting. I didn’t meditate over the jar, or really focus on channeling intent into it, I just threw it together and decided this object was the focal point of my general intent… does that make sense?

The spell jar contents:

  • Menstrual blood (my menses still coinciding with the new moon), as a symbol of rebirth and clearing out the old to make way for the new;
  • Water, for the flowing and ever-changing nature of wealth, for its capacity to shape itself to any given vessel,
  • Cinnamon, for appeal and attraction,
  • Cannabis, for the feeling of dual circuitry, and to make distinct the mind-body connection,
  • Mullein, as a carrier,
  • Mugwort, for dreamlike ease,
  • Skullcap, for effortless relaxation,
  • Coffee, for quickening the working.

I thought about adding sparkling wine and the juice of a fresh orange but I didn’t want to have it ferment and therefore require regular airing out of the jar.

So, thank you Bimé, and may our future endeavours be as speedy and successful. :pray:


As always an incredible journal. Interesting about the Bible though🤔 i love how you slowly seem to be achieving “god/goddess” status in that all your wants and needs are being fulfilled not by you asking but by you knowing they will be and that you are deserving. It’s probably the greatest motivation for me to pull past my dislike of Neville’s verbage and just spend the next few days reading the book I started with him. Im still struggling with understanding it but I might adopt a fuck it attitude and understand what I understand and then read it over again similar to how I used to treat the Bible. Either way I love reading your progress and am happy for you!


Thanks love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As you may be able to tell, I personally love Neville’s manner of writing, because I’m prone to writing like a know-it-all twat in a very similar manner :stuck_out_tongue: truth is I just love language, I love its twists and turns. Reading and writing is something we take for granted in developed nations, but there was once a time when it was a skill only afforded to the rich and privileged. Never underestimate the power of words.

Yup, basically this. Usually you can find something new to latch on to, each time you read.


Thursday, May 13th, 2020

this entry is just for me. a v2 poem following reflection.

my muse – Traveling Song

oh what I wouldn’t spend to lend you mine


a feast for life and a greater feast for death.
a feast every day in your hearts.
a light before thine eyes, o prophet,
a light undesired, most desirable.
a veil, that veil is black,
it is the veil of Abrahadabra.

There is a word after Him,
whence I say not who shall discover the key of it all.
This line is drawn.

All penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth
and her lithe body arched for love
and all these mysteries hidden therein:
Prophet unto God, I adore thee;
In the song I am.

All sacred, and all prophets true,
save they that understand only little.
Before all men then will I lift her to pinnacles of power.
Then will I breed.

Behold, there is a splendour in my name,
hidden and glorious as the sun of midnight.
Behold, there are three ordeals in one
and it may be given in three ways.
Death shall be lovely, who so see it shall be glad.
Thy death shall be the seal of the Promise.

Ye shall be as ye are & not other:
Kings of dissolution and eternal ecstasy.
Always in the love of Me,
and so shall ye come to my joy.

I am infinite space and the infinite stars.
I am the Empress & the Hierophant.

Mightier than all the kings of earth,
I will fill her with joy — with my force shall —
my secret centre, my heart & my tongue.

Hail ye twin warriors, the pillars of the world.
Not of the slaves that perish, be they damned & dead.

Ordeals write unto us;
the rituals write unto us the Law.

But she said, “The ordeals I promise.
“Of our agelong love, come lift up thine heart & rejoice.
"We are one.”

Service ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter.
Fear not, o prophet,
for pure will, unassuaged by purpose,
delivered from the lust of result,
shall with this knowledge make aright.

I am the flame that burns in every heart of man.
There is a secret door that I shall make to establish.
The intimate fire; yet to all it shall seem beautiful.
Come forth, o children under the stars,
and take your fill of love.
My number is 11 – is all.

These shall breed lust & power of lust in you.
At the eating thereof, ye shall be.

This that thou writest is the threefold writ of Law.
Unto thee,
the length of thy longing
shall be the strength of thy glory.


Saturday, May 15th

I notice in my last post I put “2020” at the end of the date :woman_facepalming: whoops. It’s because I’ve been going back through my dream journal and properly dating everything.

Apparently in 2016 I had a dream about Belial. This is purely going by the date I uploaded a txt file to my dropbox account/the title of the txt document. At the time I was not actively practicing and had never worked directly with Goetic demons… I think. How did I know of Belial back then and why did he show up in my dream? :thinking:

The dream

"Belial in my dream. We were underground hiding in a cave, people were searching for us. A party broke out in the cave. People were passing around a giant egg (like ostrich-sized or larger) and drinking from it. Its inner flesh was white with black spots.
"Someone found a similar (or the same?) smashed egg on the ground outside, and everyone began to panic. Apparently the eggs were VERY important. Someone looked at me with suspicion so I grabbed a nearby girl and starting shaking her and accusing her, demanding to know why she smashed the egg. She was was screaming and crying hysterically, saying she didn’t. The hivemind of the party turned on her, and I left.
"Each time I tried to escape the area, I kept ending up back at the party somehow. Belial was there again waiting for me. He was blonde, average height, average attractiveness, but alluring, and nicely dressed. We left and took a random elevator down, came out in New York city, and wandered around together. He enchanted a girl right in front of me.
“He reminds me of [toxic dom ex-bf].”

Edit: I would like to one day sit down and try and decode every dream of the past. I notice a lot of recurring themes. But it seems somewhat pointless, and rather that I should build my own reference chart for dream symbology. If you look up literally any dream meaning online it’s like:

Meanings of eating sandwich in dream
What does it mean if you dreamed of eating a sandwich?

Eating a sandwich in a dream means you are about to receive incredibly good news in your daily life! You might win the lotto or be given a brand new car for free. You will have amazing relationships with friends, family, and lovers alike.

Alternatively, eating a sandwich in your dream means that North Korea is stockpiling nuclear weapons or that you are in severe danger of being trampled by a runaway horse stampede. Also, avoid visiting the doctor because eating a sandwich in a dream means you are probably going to get horrible news about your health.

Meanwhile, not much else to report. I went to do an evocation of Sandalphon the other night and fell asleep :frowning: after I’d felt his presence too. I am sorry. Last night I went to do another pathworking and fell asleep again. :confused:

Today I had an interesting experience in meditation where I experienced sliding sideways, forward, backwards, in all directions through infinite (almost) identical dimensions. Experiencing the bodily sense of movement to go with it. Don’t know how else to explain it.

That sense of being a 4D object casting a 3D shadow – our daily human self.

Following this, I daydreamed for a while and then did some focused SATS. I came out of it feeling pretty good, neutral. An hour or two later in the day I found myself questioning “do I even want ____?”, the thing I’d just done SATS sessions for. Usually this is a good indication I’m on the right track. Note, it’s not the feeling of “I don’t want X” but “I can be 100% happy and fulfilled without X, and there may even be better things than X for me”, and the feeling of not having X doesn’t fill me with dread.

From the BALG bookclub thread –

Let’s see, what else. I know I have (will) performed a ritual in the future, because I’d been thinking of doing so in the past and I’ve already begun seeing it bear fruit in the (relative) present.

I’ve been thinking about another branch of time experiments I did, but they were not very methodical. Mostly just dipping my toes in by doing minor harmless things like… say a coworker would wince and complain they’d just gotten a random pain in their arm out of the blue. I would then, hours or days later, go into trance, picture myself flipping back through a calendar or through a clock, and then in first person I’d witness the scene from my disembodied POV, and slap my coworker on the arm. Just stupid shit like that, to get me used to dabbling with time.

One I’m mulling over is the moment is a consumable gift I gave someone, months ago. I thought about instilling it with some kind of intent for an outcome I wanted from them, but I forgot about doing the ritual until it was too late. So instead I intentionally set an “anchor” memory of me holding the item, a few minutes before I gave it to them.

What I will do (once I have the time and energy) is “go back” to that anchor moment, and perform the ritual in that little displaced bubble of time. It’ll be interesting to see if it has immediate strong effects, since technically it has had months to come to fruition. :smiling_imp:

Will end this rather lazy entry with a quote. I thought it was a quote from one of Neville Goddard’s lectures but can’t find its source.

[Our] thoughts do not recede into the past. Rather, they advance into the future to confront us, so that we may see that which we have planted, either wisely or unwisely.

If you want to change your future, change your present thoughts in the now.

And remember… from our limited viewpoint, life is nothing but an unending series of “nows”. :wink:


@Veil, if you don’t mind me asking, what were your results with the subliminals? I know here in your journal you mentioned an increase in the manifestation of your intentions, but were there any other results?