Help- cat is very sick and possibly dying

I am very very sorry to hear that. I was hoping for better news

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Thank you so much and to @anon39079500 as she’s safely transitioning with Hel’s protection and help. It’s really reassuring in trying to maintain some emotional/mental stability for me right now to focus on continuing sending my love to her and contributing however I can to her transition and soul journey / afterlife
Thank you @Lady_Eva too for scrying that and now tuning in a bit myself, I also sense she is safely transitioning, not alone, no longer suffering and I trust whatever is next in her journey is for the best and will honor that.
Thanks @ysy and everyone else who’s kindly taken the time to support and help us through this crazy past week. :heart:
Now I’m taking myself to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep (other than naps, this morning slept around 7am-10amish) so I can be a little less like a loose cannon (avoid saying anything more regrettable stuff) and continue holding onto strength and hope for supporting whatever is next in her soul journey.


Sleep well :sleeping: we are all here for you in the days, weeks and months to come. I think you found one of you many paths from what you told me in private and it seems like the perfect fit for you.


President Marbas is known for his excellent healing abilities. I wish you and your cat the best

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Thank you I tried calling on him earlier this week as he was recommended earlier. Unfortunately she passed suddenly and painlessly passed this morning after a long crazy week and is no longer suffering from the horrible aggressive cancer. Now making burial arrangements with my partner.
I don’t doubt any of the spirits’ help and thank them all, and Hel for helping aid her transition afterwards which @anon39079500 kindly helped with. Now just trusting in her soul journey bringing her to whatever is best and next for her. (Edited sorry noticed autocorrect turned my periods into question marks)


Thought I’d share a lovely memorial my partner, Baby’s dad, wrote.
Meanwhile making a return to plant stuff to support the grief process and remind myself of everything I learned from the past week, from Baby, to honor the promises I made to honor her life. I wish I could recall this symbol from my dream some being showed me. I remembered asking if it was baphomet because it was similar but not quite and it wasn’t, something else I forget, still exhausted/drained.
Finding an appropriate biodegradable coffin to bury her by the tree she climbed in warmer weather for the small memorial we’ll have at home
Overall feeling better than yesterday, so thanks to everyone for your support helping me as well after the nightmare was over and Baby safely transitioned with guidance, as well as Baby during her struggle in the ICU. It’s a reminder that self care is also very important throughout all of this. I’m surprised (in a good way) by the huge response (so much gratitude for everything- advice, your time, help, workings, and guidance during an unexpected crisis) and how this thread grew
Hope this all helps someone else and to the someone elses: feel free to add your own experiences and/or crises for help and support whenever if you want/need for your kitty, if you want to or don’t feel like starting a new one for whatever reason (I myself had some hesitation at first but just went for it anyways)


That’s beautiful. :heart_decoration:

Look after yourself now, and keep this thread active if it helps. I will remember her, and the kindness on here as well, she’s touched a lot of lives.


I’m happy I was able to do that for you :slight_smile: the entire book is pretty fantastic, it’s called Lucifer and the Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose, it’s available on Amazon

I am yet to work with any of the Angels listed in the 2nd link I listed however, apart from Sandalphon and Archangel Michael


With a heavy heart I put my cat to sleep yesterday. Her health kept declining as the days went by. When she could no longer move freely and control her bowels I knew that her time was up. I did what I could for her and so I decided to take her in and send her to the great beyond.

I adopted her back in 2014 so we had 7 good years together. Those 7 years of memories I will cherish for the rest of my days here on Earth.

Sleep well my friend until we meet again.

Thank you all for your feedback. I hope that your loved ones will be ok.


I’m sorry for your loss. :cry:


So sorry for your loss. I’m still grieving at some level- feel free to PM if you ever need to talk.
I’m also constantly reminding myself that Baby and I may meet again.
All I’ve been doing since leaving a brief hospital stay (that part still feels kinda like a long weird dream but it’s coming back to me slowly) has been walking around listening to music, boxing while listening to music, occasionally looking at memes while I just recover for a bit in somewhat isolation while healing with the family too.
It was reassuring to see the cherry blossoms I’d come to associate Baby with wherever I walked seemingly :woman_shrugging:t2: plus a random virus ad with that same flower popped up on my phone along with some other viruses


Thank you. I read your thread regarding Baby. And you have my condolences as well.

I had another cat before this one and she passed away 9 years ago. She lived to be about 17. (and I had her for 7 years too!) I was going thru some very serious matters of a personal nature and I was planning on putting her to sleep. She passed away in my room while I was away. I didn’t see her body right away because it was already dark. So I grieved pretty hard back then.

She did “visit” me not long afterwards. I was in bed half asleep when I felt her crawl up on me. Yours may do the same. Take comfort in that somewhere these creatures are in a better place.


Sorry for the loss of your sweet Baby :pensive:. Grief is the price we pay for love. I hope you have wonderful memories of her. One day you will find the sting will be gone, and the happy memories will remain. Take care of yourself x


No idea what’s been going on. Lost in spirituality now while we grieve in private.
Always maintained my distance in whatever way I perceived as healthiest for the given moment. The hospital’s long weird dream continues to trickle back in, which memories are real vs which were possibly implanted at some point at some level, always somehow inexplicable correlations
The things I’m grateful for: the BALG community, ethnic background, always fighting back for the sake of basic respect or what I saw as basic respect towards other humans, basic empathy, basic anything especially when involving basic necessities and personal boundaries/consent and disgusting sexual assumptions made about anyone and anything


[quote=“Czar_Lish, post:19, topic:144818”]
Grazie per il vostro supporto :heart:
[/quote] If you want to improve your cat, first of all you have to cut all the cords that have connected to him, many spirits and demons especially when a person or animal are sick connected with ropes to suck energy so it struggles to recover.
Then display the cat in presence and control if there are strings attached and the all cuts, as soon as you have finished the vital energy immediately increases.
Then if I am still in time write me in PVT with the name of the cat and the pathology they gave the doctors and send you an immediate restore procedure. It is also a hardware that your cat took something to your place so he should be cleaned and freed. Hi I hope I was understandable.

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The cat is being sent into the light by someone we are working with.
So this is being taken care of.
Yes, it is important to cut the energy strings of dying souls but we already did that.

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Thank you all again.
I just left the hospital today and had a couple lucid dreams with Baby, and can still remember how vividly I could feel her when petting her in the dreams. I think she’s safely transitioned and visiting now


Not sure where to put this, but making up some herb blend to help with the mourning process and the heartbreak, things I put off this past month as I was shuttled from Hospital to hospital, each one not having a clue what to do about me after all the random blackouts and one NDE after which I was briefly in a vegetative state and the CT scans continued to show normal brain functioning🤷🏻‍♀️
Will work on my herbs with functions spreadsheet to eventually share
Feedback appreciated as I literally am just making this one up on the spot
Heartbreak and promote happiness blend:
Five finger grass
St John’s Wort

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I stumbled upon this post because I’m going through something very similar with my pug. She had a cancerous mass growing on the top roof of her mouth causing her tongue to hang from the side. I spent $1500 to get it removed. It’s been about a month and I don’t think she’s getting any better, she can barely eat. Im heart is shattered because she’s been my emotional rock for so many years.

I live in a really shitty apartment, I’ve been saving up for a better place, that being said my heart breaks every time I have to leave her in that apartment for hours upon hours while I’m at work. It’s not fair for her, I wish I left her in a much better home.

I’m going to be trying the suggestions you received, I wish you luck on your beautiful cat. Much love to you.

I’m also curious on spirits that can help keep her soul for me so she can wait for me on the other side. She’s my little baby, and life is going to be so dull and empty without her


I tried it now with my cat because she was neutered today.i chanted for a long time i even stared saying words out of the righ order i tried to feel energy going in to my cat from both of my hands.the sensation was kinda weird i could like even feel some thing pulling to my cat(like in my palms going to my cat)my cat licked me and she stared closjng her eyes.i think its good sign that she is sleepy during this .i will do more of it tommorow