Training Your Astral Body for Work with Thought-forms and Tulpas

Do you mean like “become” them and implant my thoughts thoughts?

I mean seeing it attaching itself to the nervous system and injecting its own thoughts in with the native thoughts, so the person mistakes the introduced thoughts for their own.

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If you do the astral body expansion (become as big as the center of the universe) like in the cross of the kaballah, can you make supercharged servitors?

As in, suck in more energy?

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Oh ok, I see now, Thank you.

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I’m going to say that the two things that determine the strength of your servitor will be the intensity of the energy you channel into and how many times you repeat the entire procedure. What you are doing is breaking off a piece of your own atral body to develop into the etheric/astral body of the servitor.

One thing I wanted to mention is that since your servitor is made from your own astral body, it will be reflective of your own spiritual abilities. It will be particularly strong in areas of your own natural talents.


RIght, but you say to repeat this 1-3 times a day until it’s fairly effortless. So for example in the morning I draw my astral body within myself, lock it there, and then saturate it with energy, if I am to repeat this exercise in the evening wouldn’t the astral body still be within me from earlier? Or does it naturally over time tend to slip out of the valve you mentioned?

I recommend you program the energy with the intention to relax your body and then release the energy into your muscles and endocrine system. That will disperse the energy while still employing it. You can program it with an intention and then release it, or you can just release it. If you don’t use or release the energy, it will likely just dissipate over time. Your astral body will shift back to its normal state, position, and activity when you stop paying attention to it and giving it commands.

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Creating Daimonic Vessels

Here comes the hardcore shit you’ve been waiting for.

First I will reissue the warning. This technique can cause visual and auditory “hallucinations” as well as poltergeist phenomena. Make sure you are psychologically prepared to handle spirits being a lot more real than you might be used to. This will strongly enhance evocations, communication, and spirit-driven magic in general.

When you evoke a spirit conventionally, you structure a temporary etheric body for it to move around in. This bridges the gap between the astral and physical and allows the spirit to better effect the physical. What we’re going to be doing is building a sturdier, more definite, and more permanent body for the spirit to move around in. You’ll be forming this body out of your own astral/etheric body. Because it is formed out of your own substance, you are essentially making your own miniature copy of a god or spirit.

You want to choose a spirit you’re already in contact with and have found to be trustworthy and reliable. For early experiments, you REALLY DON’T WANT TO USE A SPIRIT YOU’RE MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME. Please re-read the warnings about visual and auditory hallucinations. This can go really haywire if you’re not careful.

You’re going to begin by building up the astral image of the spirit in your mind. Since you’ve already been working with the spirit, you will probably already have some idea of its appearance and personality in your mind. Your goal for several days will be to build that notion into something more definite and concrete. Use whatever method you would normally use- scrying, channeling, evocation - whatever is easiest. Your goal in these sessions is to build up a strong mental image of the appearance and personality of the spirit. I recommend you grab some crayons or colored pencils and actually draw what you see. The stronger the visual representation you can build, the better. Also get a strong fix on how the spirit speaks, moves, and expresses itself. If you have any artistic or writing talents, be sure to use them. You’re just going to focus on building up your mental image of the spirit for multiple sessions. Do not issue any tasks or do anything to distract from this focus.

Choose a physical vessel to house the spirit. I highly recommend using a decent sized altar statue. Be mindful of your choice–the physical vessel you choose will effect the appearance of the spirit. Assume the spirit will make an appearance!! Don’t choose dragons and gargoyles if you don’t think you can handle waking up in the middle of the night and seeing an enormous gargoyle floating over your bed. If you want more of a custom appearance, you can build your own statue or make a poppet. Framed paintings also make good houses.

Once you’ve chosen the physical housing and built up the astral image of the spirit, it is time to create the etheric vessel. Lie down and perform self-possession, then flood yourself with energy. See the spirit in your mind. Build up its presence. Invoke the spirit into your body to the point of possession. See the astral image you’ve built up filling and fusing with your astral body so that your astral body becomes the vessel of the spirit. See your astral body shape-shift into the body of the spirit. See all the energy you channeled flowing into the body of the spirit. Let the spirit possess you, but stay in control. Practice moving and speaking as the spirit and allow its thoughts to flow through your mind. Now start channeling MORE energy into the body of the spirit. Pull more and more energy until it is so bright that it is blinding and your astral body is bursting with energy. Feel and see the spirit’s body getting thicker, sturdier, and more defined, more real. Keep adding energy until you don’t feel you can add any more.

Once you feel that you have as much energy as you can possibly get, it’s time to use the arrow technique to shoot your possessed astral body into the statue (or whatever). Seal the body into the physical housing like you learned to do when you created a servitor. Your spirit is now sealed into the statue. You may feel or see it come to life in your hands. Spend a few minutes talking to the spirit in the statue, then end the session.

For at least a week, you are going to repeat this exercise daily. When you go to invoke the spirit to possess your astral body, pull it out of the physical housing you’ve provided for it, then add as much energy as you possibly can and put it back using the arrow technique. Every day, you are adding etheric/astral substance from your own astral body while also adding energy you’ve channeled. Each repetition builds the spirit stronger, so the more reps the better.

In addition to repeating this exercise every day for a minimum of a week, obtain a dozen eggs for the purpose of feeding the spirit. An egg has the raw energy to incubate a living thing, which is exactly what we’re doing. You’re going to give it an egg every day for a week, then once a week for at least a month. Break the egg into a dish that you’ve placed before the physical housing. Imagine a feeding tube coming out of the egg and into the physical housing, feeding the spirit. Spend a minute willing the essence of the egg to flow into the spirit and see it consuming the energy and building itself up bigger and stronger.

After about a week, you can start issuing tasks and utilizing the spirit as you normally would. In your evocations or whatever you do, use the physical housing as the main point of contact. So if you’re performing an evocation using incense, evoke the spirit out of the statue into the incense. Be sure to spend time talking to the spirit every day via the housing to build up the reality of its presence in your mind.

The following effects are common and should be considered very likely: the physical housing will appear to become animated and move when you are talking to it. A statue, for example, may take on a cartoon-like appearance and actually seem to move or dance around. This is highly common so don’t be startled by it. You may have moments when you hear the voice of the spirit. The spirit may physically appear to you. You may seem to hear or see the physical housing move around. If you use a statue, you may hear little stone feet pattering around at night. The presence of the spirit during magical workings will be much more real and intense and the spirit may physically appear or appear much faster and easier than you are used to. Again, before you begin this work, make sure you are mentally prepared for these effects. Provided you were smart enough to take my advice and use a spirit you already had a good relationship with who was getting you good results, you should see your results come better, stronger, and faster as you build the body of your spirit into something semi-permanent.


Ok, may seem a bit dumb but my question is, an activated sigil can be considered as that entity. So what’s the difference (difference in utility also) between an active sigil and a household item possessed by the entity. Thanks for the wonderful knowledge you are sharing with us.

Instead of using an image or an appearance of the spirit, why can’t I use a cube to structure the image and the talisman?


You are building an etheric body for the spirit. The physical housing acts as an anchor point to keep the spirit fixed and weighted to the physical plane. It gives the etheric form something to hold onto, a place to congeal. If you just used a sigil, the spirit is floating around in the astral plane but doesn’t really have much of a physical form. There’s nothing anchoring it. Your goal is to build the etheric body vehicle of the spirit up as big and strong as you possibly can.

You are creating a living body in a fixed housing. It’s better to engage your imagination as much as possible. If you want to be “stealthy” you can just use a plain looking object like a cube or sphere, but you’d be needlessly handicapping yourself. More definition is always better than less.


Character Creation (Tulpas)

Now we come to the Tulpas. This is going to be a long intro, and there are a lot of ideas we need to go over. It will take me several days to go over all the important ideas here, but everything I go into is worth getting intimate with however discursive it may seem at first.

Let’s talk about you. Who are you? Rattle off the characteristics. Do they sound a trifle limiting? Do they seem a little thin? Let’s talk about who you really are. This is unpleasant territory that you’re going to have to confront if you want to be successful with this work. Who are you really? I’m going to hit you with it right between the eyes. Lucky you. It’s just the mood I’m in I guess.

You are an avatar in a video game. At the start of the video game, they let you custom-build your character for strategic and aesthetic purposes: skin tone, intelligence, agility, hair color, talents… Each choice has certain advantages and disadvantages in the game. Pull up your natal chart - so much Saturn, so much Mercury, Mars in Scorpio, Sun in Saturn… Finite variables that combine in a way that creates the illusion of randomness and infinite possibility. Add to these the superficial attributes society uses to 'define" you - religious belief, political affiliation, sexual orientation… A video game avatar. You’re not real. To put it another way, you’re an immortal intelligence experiencing life as a fictitious video game character.

Everything about who you are is encoded in your etheric body. Your etheric body is about as thick as an eggshell and can be easily overwritten. Your personality, habits, attributes, are merely so much computer code that can be modified or overwritten entirely. Your identity and personality are fictitious constructs that can be overwritten. If you are going to be a magician, you will have to come to terms with this–especially if you don’t want to go off the deep end and lose yourself entirely.

The idea here is simple: create a fictional character and manifest it in your own body or through another person. The character is defined by what you want - it might be a personality trait you want to develop or a kind of person you want to become. It might be an ability or capacity you want to emerge. In conventional occultism, you might undergo possession by the spirit that has attributes you want to manifest to the extremity that the spirit begins to replace you. Instead, you are going to MANUFACTURE a person who has attributes you want to possess and manifest that person through yourself. Instead of bringing forth a demon, you’ll be bringing forth a character.

You could call it Tulpa creation.

I call it character creation because it is exactly like creating a character for a story. In fact, I encourage you to study character creation for professional fiction writing and maybe even cartooning. It is vital to learn how to draw a VIVID person that is designed to play a role, fulfill a purpose, have a function. You don’t want to create messy characters that are ill-defined. A lame character will give you lame results.

A good character:

–Is tailor-made to fit his or her function in the story
–Has a single, dominant characteristic–preferably exaggerated
–Can be summarized by a clear, succinct description that quickly establishes a TYPE - makes him immediately identifiable in terms of who he is and what his role in the story will be - something that immediately conjures a caricature in the mind. For example, “a surly waiter,” “a bitter first grade teacher with a bad hangover,” “a taxidermist who’s afraid of corpses.” Cleanly drawn, clearly defined.
–Has a physical appearance that reinforces his type
–Can be drawn as a cartoon or caricature
–IS NOT LIKE REAL PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE --i.e., NOT LIKE YOU - YOU are a mess, the character should not be
–Only has characteristics relevant to his type and role in the story. In real life, an absent-minded professor of ornithology might be a virtuoso violin player and a lesbian and stamp collector, but NOT in a story about an idiot football player who needs to pass an ornithology class to avoid getting kicked off the team. The violin don’t enter into it. You only draw the details that reinforce the character’s type and role in the story.

We’re about to get into some of the most powerful and transgressive magic you can perform. Up until now it’s been pretty intermediate level magic where you just had to follow directions and practice a lot, but now we’re coming down to the material where talent and engagement are going to make the difference. You really will benefit from studying character creation and learning to draw cartoons. I recommend _Creating Characters_by Dwight Swain. The potency of your magic will come down to how well your Tulpa is defined, which will come down to how good you are a creating characters and bringing them to life.


That’s the thing, can’t we expand our natural talents and incorporate things into our soul/astral body that we didn’t think we had before?

I.E a dunce at energy work suddenly becomes highly energy intuitive and energy sensitive, fantastic at manipulating energy in a profoundly natural, stupid way.
Almost as if he had a natural talent at the thing written into his very soul from before his earthly birth.


A brainwashed mental dud with no history of thinking about anything, suddenly becoming a highly creative, intelligent, and perceptive individual who understands the finely etheric/emotional-magickal threads of life in a profound way?


I’m talking about DEVELOPED talent, not innate potential. Note that the examples you are giving are NOT clearly drawn types. They are muddled and nuanced. You have to draw MUCH sharper.

Occupation, definitive descriptor. One defining characteristic and a few reinforcing details. If you can’t say who your character is in two to five words, he isn’t strong enough.

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That’s what I was interested in. As in, that’s what the question was aiming at.

How can we use this thoughtform magick to exponentially expand and blow the lid on our innate potentials in all things?

What about creating Tulpa which is completely opposite of my innate trait. Like, lets say I am gay but want to create a tulpa who is as straight as one can be. How strong the tulpa has to be to override such deep rooted traits.

Let’s say your natural state is a couch potato and making yourself exercise is very difficult for you. You could create a character who is a gym rat or exercise addict, which would create a strong new trend in a different direction. Notice – gym rat. Two words. Clearly drawn character. Not “guy who likes to exercise and every time he exercises he feels better and happier about himself and also he has a talent for the accordion.” You have to draw it very clearly.

I don’t know how easy it would be for yourself, but sexual preference is one of the easiest things to change in someone else. I will say that you have to develop a pretty specific proclivity because you have to be able to make it into a character. “Straight guy” is not a character. “Pussy hound” is. One thing that would make this difficult - a key part of creating the character is you have to program their thoughts and feelings and the only way to do that is by feeling the feelings and thinking the thoughts yourself. So it would probably be a lot easier to turn someone else gay than to turn yourself straight because it would be easier to create a cock addict character than a pussy hound. One is pulling from feelings and fantasies you already have, the other you have to develop something new.

Creating a Character/Tulpa to Manifest Through Your Physical Body

The best way to teach this one is through demonstration, so I’m going to build a character as an example. Something you’re going to see me coming back to over and over is the importance of being specific and sharply defining things. These are essential tools for magic so now is a great time to learn them if you haven’t already.

Determine What You Want
I’ve decided that I want to exercise regularly and get in shape BUT I have an obstacle to this–I lack drive, energy, and consistent motivation. I enjoy exercising when I do it, but some days I really don’t feel like doing it, especially when I’m short on time and have to choose exercise OVER something else. If only the stamina and drive I have SOME days could be available all the time…

The first step to creating a character is determine exactly what you want–remember that you have to draw very clearly - you want something you can express in a few words, preferably the name of the character itself should sum everything up. Do NOT focus on things you want to go away–you have to see exactly what you want, not what you don’t want.

Your character’s primary description should always be expressed in terms of WILL. This is a vital key to success. There must be a drive, motive, function in there. Don’t design characters that are passively perfect–program them with the will and drive and focus that you will need to succeed. I spend time thinking about want I want I decide that I want the will, drive, and stamina to exercise for one hour three days a week. I spend three days freewriting and doodling about the kind of character I want – I start with something broad and ill-defined, but eventually I narrow it down until I’ve sculpted a clear, strong character. Your character should have one strong main attribute and up to three additional attributes that reinforce the main idea. One of those slots will be taken up by the all-important Will to Manifest, which we will come back to later.

Once you have a character with a name, draw or find a picture to represent that character. You may use a cartoon-style drawing or choose a photograph that represents what you think the character looks like. You may want to dress up as the character and photograph yourself as the representation.The important thing is that you have a name and image for the thought-form to congeal around.

So here’s the example of the character I’ve created–

Jim Ratt

Is addicted to exercise
Is obsessed with physical fitness
Is obsessed with getting the body he wants
Has the will, drive, and determination to blast through any obstacles
Has the will and desire to manifest and live through my body and is rabidly determined to do so

Notice how there is a main idea: addicted to exercise. The other attributes reinforce this main idea. Also notice that all of these attributes are expressed as drives and desires. It’s vital that you create a VITAL character who wants to do things. And finally, giving the character the will to manifest is the most important feature of all. A thought-form that is programmed with a desire to live through you is a thought-form that will enforce itself–that will give it the drive to overcome all of your reservations, limitations, fears, etc.

Every desire needs some avenue of manifestation. For tulpa/character creation your own body is the avenue of manifestation. Yes, this is a kind of controlled possession - something that would be parasitic, sinister, and problematic if you were using a spirit that was built by somebody else or whose name you pulled out of a book.

The method for building the tulpa is essentially identical to the method for building the daimon, except that the physical vessel during the construction phase is optional, since ultimately YOU are the physical vessel for the spirit. You may want to consecrate a wearable talisman like a piece of jewelry to the spirit so you can have it physically present on your person at all times.

After I’ve spent a few days building up the character on the astral plane, it’s time to build the tulpa and begin the process of manifesting him through my body. I lie on my back and perform self-possession, then flood my astral body with energy. Now I invoke the astral form of my character, Jim Ratt, into my astral body to the point of possession. Now comes the programming phase–I run a series of movies where I create/define Jim Ratt - I see his attributes and I FEEL his drives and desires. I am programming him with my own thoughts and desires. Since he is possessing me, I’m going to see from his point of view.

First I will see and feel his addiction to exercise–I know what it’s like to be addicted to something because I’ve been addicted to coffee, so I recreate the experience of addiction only building it around physical exercise. When I crave coffee, I have impulses where I “see” coffee in my mind, have phantom tastes and smells, think the word coffee in my mind and see flashes of myself making/drinking coffee. So that’s what I create - cravings of exercise–phantom feelings in my arms and legs, flashes of dumbbells, treadmills, etc, the feeling of running, of sweat, and an intense craving, desire, for motion that takes over and carries me away. I program Jim Ratt by seeing and experiencing each of his attributes vividly, especially drives and desires. Finally, and most importantly, I imagine and experience his intense, all-encompassing desire and WILL to live and manifest through my body, his will to become ME–his determination that my body is his body, and his will to possess it in full.

Once I have spent a minimum of fifteen minutes building up Jim Ratt, I will for him to manifest through me. I see him rising to the surface of my body and physically manifesting through me. I feel him building stronger and bigger and know that he WILL manifest through my body. I repeat this exercise every day for a minimum of one month and at regular intervals thereafter. Repetition is the key to manifestation. Every time the exercise is repeated, the thought-form becomes stronger and its will becomes greater. Whenever it is time for me to exercise, I take a moment to invoke Jim Ratt and spend several minutes feeling his attributes - his drives and desires, his will to manifest, flowing to the surface of my body, changing my mental and bodily states to shape me into the person I would become.


Cutting Resistance

Here’s a technique that’s useful for helping to manifest thought-forms–it’s especially potent when you’re trying to manifest a character/tulpa through yourself. It’s great for all kinds of magical work. We all have a natural resistance when it comes to magical work–it’s usually work on the frontiers of our lives–areas we’re trying to change/expand. Things that tend to resist us. Here’s a way to speed up manifestation and reduce the effects of resistance.

This is done toward the end of a ritual, when you’re commanding a thing to manifest. You alternate in five-second intervals. First spend five seconds visualizing whatever it is you want to manifest. First see it in the process of manifesting and then see it complete and perfectly manifested. Now switch and visualize the resistance. This is the symbolic representation of all forces and variables that resist the manifestation. Let it take whatever form leaps into your head. See and feel the resistance cut in half. See it cut/reduced by half over and over for five seconds. Now switch back to seeing the thing you want coming into manifestation, only this time cut the time it takes to manifest in half–speed up the “film” so it runs faster. You’re going spend the same five seconds as before, but shorten the time where you see your desire in the process of manifesting, while making it all happen faster, and lengthen the time you spend visualizing it completed. Then switch back to cutting the resistance. Keep switching back and forth five seconds each way–each time advancing from the last so the manifestation time gets faster and faster and the resistance gets less and less. Finally, you will remove the resistance completely and for the full five seconds see your desire as completely and perfectly manifested.

This seems like a very simple technique, but it’s surprisingly powerful–if you’re using it to change yourself, be prepared for a surprise. In our Jim Ratt example, you’d be visualizing the character Jim Ratt manifesting through your body. So you see it in the process of manifesting, then perfectly manifested, then you switch and cut the resistance–feel and see all the resistance that you have, all the stuff that’s keeping you the way you are–and cut it in half. The visualization for this can be as abstract or as literal as you want, as long as you understand it and feel it.

Cutting resistance works for all kinds of magical applications.


I will be doing this. Thank you :kissing_closed_eyes: