Toxic Parents and enviroment

You are the HGA

It’s a higher aspect of you

Release the titles, become the godspark within, there are victims, it’s all in your head


Can I ask you what are you talking about here?

“any magick you do will purposely be manipulated so they can continue to drain your vitality.”

Who? Entities?
That’s what you say will fuck him in the *ss?

Can you give an example? I’m asking trying to understand in the practically, because I have something similar happening.

I even made a post here talking about how the spells I do NEVER come to me. Its like something is messing up.

If I ask for something good, my brother, who’s like the parents in this post, gets it and I dont. If I try to get revenge in someone then, comes very fast to me, never the person. Like things are inverted


He is talking about “impostors”, which are a kind of parasite, an astral entity that pretends to be the entities you wanted to talk to in order to feed on your energy. They’re a very common problem in working with entities generally, and is why we talk about things like “spiritual hygiene”.


filter out imposters and stay connected with true entities for proper communication.

I really think you need that book… I don’t mean to be upselling here but dude… I’m telling you based on personal experience.

Ps: No you do not want to sit there and try to talk to these damn things. They are powerful manipulators and will try and make you think that it’s your friend or try a go deeper into your energy body.

We have a few tutorials on how to identify and get rid of parasite including time and energy wasting impostors: search at top right for “parasite tutorial”.

I personally believe that these parasites are responsible for the upset that most xtian exorcists deal with. Any time you hear of some posessed child say “I’m Beelzebub” … that’s an impostor right there.

For mages it’s usually a case of thinking you’re talking to the being you evoked, the next thing you know, it’s talking you up and telling you you’re lucifer’s son, while failing to deliver on any of it’s promises, lapping up your attention and draining you of your time and energy.


Yeah, they sound pretty toxic. However, you have one victory with the dog. Keep moving forward. Personally, I think the best way to go about it is to come up with a plan that will get you to where you need to be. Then, break the plan down into steps that are easy to implement. I get that it is probably really difficult, as you are in such a crappy situation. However, sometimes, you just need to put up with it for a while. If they are being really awful, you may try the “gray rock method” when interacting with them (there are lots of pages that will give you info if you google it). Supposedly, it helps. I also had a lot of luck just using a shield/barrier to separate myself and my feelings from a really manipulative/emotional person I was involved with at the time. It was simple, but it absolutely helped me have the space to make better choices and focus on myself. Good luck! I hope something works out for you.


I have walked in your shoes. For 6 years i was “caged” living with a friend on his sofa and being his only company.
Every time i wanted to escape i would go through sending more than 100 cvs and when i would finally find the job he would do his best to make my life harder so i lose the job.
It was so hard to get out of this situation.
Santissima Muerte helped me. She approached me and she really protected me.
Then i made a plan of action.
I calculated the budget of how much money i needed to live for 3 months and how much i needed to save up and i took any job available. As long as i was making money and saving up i was satisfied.
And as soon as i reached my goals i made arrangements and left.
I have been living happily on my own more than 3 years now.
You have to have a clear plan (where do you want to live, the rent, how much money it is realistic you must be getting), back up money and 100% focus.
I wasnt partying, not going out, not buying new clothes, not going out to restaurants, no coffee with friends. I was saving up from anywhere i could.
I wanted to get out fast.

You have to keep in mind that manipulative people will guilt trip you and will also chip off your confidence to make you easier to manipulate.

I have heard that from years from my parents that i wasnt good enough like other kids etc. It took my some time to get over it and fight it back.
At the end when i was told that my reply was " i am what i am. I am sorry but it is what it is" and i wouldnt argue about it at all.
Nobody is perfect and nobody has to be perfect in this life. Success is something measured in different ways.Your life belongs to you and you live it only once and there is no rule on how you should live it.
You can be poor, just making enough money to live and be happy. You can be rich and work all the time. You choose your way.

Oh and about dogs etc and anything they might try to guilt trip you remember: you are not obligated to be a good person or to care. The more you try to be a good person the more other people can walk over you.
Let the dog do whatever, let the house be whatever, let them see you as a bad son… whatever! You focus on you.


I appreciate you sharing this so much. Its very much the same. It made me feel not alone in the same pain. But it’s not so much about the guilt trip, also about legal situation. They are old and I’m the one supposed to take of them. They probably would have legal grounds if I would just leave. If don’t I dont think it would make a difference because they would whatever it takes to make everyone in the family go after me. If it would just be a matter of practicality like you described, saving the money, starting this process it would be fine. Leaving With a friend, there are no repercussions on leaving. You can just up and leave. But with narcisis parents, they own you. Sometimes even on legal terms. My mother doesnt have an income. Never bothered. If she sees me get a job and be able to afford my own place, thats exactly where shes going to attack me.

And also, I do believe she does something in terms of magick because any time I have a job or a relationship and get some little amount of freedom something always happens and I get dragged back to being 24/7 at home for them to trash me. Its weird, strange situations. But I wouldnt take more of your time numbering them. Its long already

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How did you do the shield? If I could have my energy to me would be great. Because in here i feel drained. And I know for sure I am, because whenever I do magick my brother or father get the results. It never comes my way, they even suck my job/prosperity spells

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I just saw my emotions as a little ball of light in my hand and then built a little fence around it. This kind of thing works for me, as I am really into using my own power to protect myself. However, I know a lot of people need more. I’ve seen resources here for more detailed/elaborate shields. If you search for “creating a shield”, you’ll see a bunch of different options. There are ones where you visualize a physical shield or even a knight to help protect you. I also saw a suggestion to make your energy toxic to psychic vampires, so that if others take your energy, it slowly eats away at them. Anyway, only you know what will work best for you. If you don’t like the resources here, there are a bunch of books on protection. I would definitely focus on protecting yourself first before you do any more other magick. I’ve also seen books on how to protect yourself from energy vampires. That might help too. Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I really hope you can get into a better situation.

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I never heard someone legally bounding someone else to them. This sounds a little bit weird to me.
Arent there any carehomes in your country?

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After another 2 weeks sending cv i almost gave up, i only received spam calls and swindles.
After initial optimism i felt like need to rest and stop trying magick for a bit, then apathy and depressive episodes kicked in again.

I was adjusting to the fact i may not ever be employed, then i received another call, i did not answer then i discovered it was a job offer opportunity… but my panick attack kicked in and didn’t answer the call…

Why that sudden change inside me? Where is my initial confidence gone?
I feel trapped inside my mind again.


When shit doesn’t seem to be going right, sometimes we can burn out.

What you need is a job as a dishwasher, so you can learn how to turn shit into gold.

I’ll pull some cards for you if you want. Tarot cards. I can read your issues, your future . . .

Now regrets are bursting out.
I think i’ve always tortured myself.
Some things will never change.
I’m too weak.

Connect these dots, but in a way that helps you instead of talking and thinking yourself down.
If you find that you have tortured yourself in some way - allow yourself to be free from that. You can give yourself this freedom. And then: start again. Stop being your torturer, be your own ally instead.

Try this prompt: change “I’m too weak” into “I have potential for development in XY” (whatever you’re identifying as something that isn’t your strong suite at this moment). It gives you options. It gives you an overview of things that you can shape over time. Take away the generalizing and paralyzing “I am too weak, nothing will change” affirmation from yourself. It doesn’t allow growth. It doesn’t allow to make experiences. It wants everything to remain as it currently is. You deserve better.


This happens when things start to get real, but we are too afraid or too unsure to let them become reality. Employment and independence and breaking away from a shitty environment would be a step into uncharted territory, it can be unsettling :slight_smile: Don’t beat yourself up over it, see it as a irrefuteable sign that you are meant to change your current circumstances.

Keep throwing out applications. In the meantime you might want to try out LadyEvas famous Whiteboarding technique:

I have the impression that a part of yourself is not quite convinced that you could make it alone out there, despite your less than ideal family. This is the part that blocks you from embracing the “call”.


Yes. “normal people” don’t have blockages that i have. Never understood why.

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It could be the accusation of negative energy sent to you over time, as well as your eventual acquiescence to it.

I’ve had problems like this, man. So many have.

Lots of little things helped, until i did something I had some resistance to doing… and that is “I Am God” oriented sleep programming, meditations and self-hypnosis.

If you are OK with trying this (it may feel sacrilegious because of how we’ve been programmed by society), here’s a place to start…

This is very easy. I mean you just follow along.

So if you’re open to it, I’d say try this. I found you can sort of cleanse your palette with this and several other I Am God type exercises, and then your other magick efforts should work better. It’s almost like an ultimate banishing or soul reset.

All this is done by returning you to the truth of your divine existence. Who you really are. Which is god, dude. No biggie. Lol

You are divine and worthy, and the sooner you realize and embrace this, the better. That’s all I’m sayin’, ok :wink:

Hey… You need to go in & accept some type of job already. I know it tough when your very sensitive to energys around you, however I’ll share my experience with my first real job.

When I turned 18 my parents had finally split off after a very terrible relationship & it was time for me to get a real job & I moved in with other family members that was also a bad environment for me.

So I had applied for this crazy position. I became a Structrual Fitter/Machine Operator. I was fabricating metal with heavy machinery.

It was the craziest thing I’ve ever done. Dude… I was around a bunchhh of men who were way older than me. I’m talking 40 year olds, 50s even 60s, some 30s & they were real fuckin hard me because I was young and Gen z. Not gonna lie, sometimes I cried.

Bro… It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I would literally wake up & my stomach would feel so freakin weird. Like… Holy shit dude, LIFE was happening.

You just get these butterfly’s & anxiety and you might just want to throw up & shit.

I wasn’t even able to use some of the basic tools for long periods of time at first, like a wrench & hammer. But soon enough I I got real strong and I started lasting long. My testerone was fucking flowin. I was getting into it with people & almost getting into fights, smackin cigarettes out of peoples mouths sometimes & shit haha

Shit… I even started riding a trick star bike to work instead of taking my car. I ride my bike to different city’s. I would even stay up cuz I knew I could and still work a 10+ or 12 hour shift.

& the whole time these other families members I had moved in with would fuck with me & get into physical confrontations, sometimes I went to work with a black eye.

I mean bro… My heart chakra is dominant, so how do you think I felt? The people I was working with we’re into magic and sometimes they would fuck with me and I felt like I was heavy aggressive pressure in my chest and a lost energy l the time.

There was one attack from someone who made me feel like I was about to shit out my intestines.

I mean dude… Yeah SHIT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

However… You should listen to what I told you earlier. Get that psychic self defense book & that wealth magic book & everything. Cuz I didn’t have that… I just got fucked with. However… I do happen to have an unreal type of resilience that has been tried and tested. I suppose all that time I spent on my heart chakra got me in real deep touch with my hire self & ultimately that’s what got me through.

Am I bragging? No, I’m just telling you my personal experience. I hope my words are enough for you to feel, cuz it’s not like a have a video, but perhaps a visit through Astral projection? :face_with_monocle: whatever.

I say just do it… I’ve become a very fast learner by diving in. I think you should do the same & also actually the advice already, procrastination will get you if you let it.