Three free practice readings

Yep, screwed over in both, currently pursuing my bachelors degree, and then my black belt in some art.
Thank you!!

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Partially Why?

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lol from Yes to Partially Why…anyway the cards said you are going for love and the cards also said that you shouldn’t that bad things await you now of course again i’m not an expert i do make mistakes i just started this but again the cards were very ominous which is why i didn’t bother to make much of a comment until you confirmed.

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Partially because I wanted to travel but Sweden specifically because of a person of interest, and I see

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thanks for your comments i appreciate it!

  1. Yes, the Sun reversed

  2. Well you know i’m not skilled in this form of interpretation I pulled a 3 card /but honestly to be able to advise you I would definitely have to study the tarot read books and approach it in an academic manner which I can’t do yet.

Is there a significant socio-economic difference in the positions of you both? The cards pulled were The Emperor Reversed, 10 the pentacles upright and 7 of cups upright.

To me it is saying that maturity and understanding would be needed on your part but I am curious about the answer to my question.

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May I ask what kind of bad omens? Or what cards you pulled? I kind of expect opposition from friends and some family.

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five of pentacles reversed so tell me something friends and family likely to oppose cards say no are you still planning on going?

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I’ll have to think about it. After all things can change. Cards can be wrong,(not saying your cards are wrong but everything is subject to change) ect.

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Hi I love this thread
Mind if I ask a question? If you’re willing to read!

Anything about my love life in the next year?

TYSM :sparkles:

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Thank you so much! Your time is appreciated!
Very interesting, I’ve been getting the Emperor, both reversed and upright a lot in readings I do for myself lately. And you’re right, maturity and understanding are necessary for this situation. Both as so easy to come by in relationships :wink: But lovely to get a positive, it’s someone I miss a lot.
To answer your question, I’d say we come from similar socio-economic situations. Similar lifestyles, living situations etc. Interesting thought!

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Hey thanks for the reading.
I don’t know why but I always had problems with my jobs. Always had some problems with my boss. They never liked me. It’s not that I was not hard working or lazy but they just didn’t liked me. Also never worked more than 1 year in any organization.

But your reading was really helpful.
Thanks once again.

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@sailing Hi if this is still open can tell me whats in store for me for the rest of this year?

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Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. So for your love reading I drew 7 of cups reversed, 7 of coins reversed, 2 of coins upright, and 7 of swords upright. I think since you got three 7’s that this number is very significant to your reading. 7 is the number of self-reflection, it’s also considered a number of knowledge. So when you look at the 7 of cups reversed it could mean that something was revealed to you recently, you’re in a state of disillusionment when it comes to love. 7 of coins reversed could suggest that this revelation was money or career related as well, maybe it involved a coworker. 2 of coins shows someone(most likely you) was in a state of trying to juggling their personal life and career or maybe there was or is a situation involving more than 2 people(love triangle) and a choice has to be made. This is clarified by the 7 of swords, someone will make a choice for better or worse.

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I hope it resonated.


  1. Three of cups reversed which means that a new fun relationship may be coming to you on the downside it may be shortlived
  2. finances = two of wands…generally positive but this doesn’t mean like ok a windfall or whatever based on what i have researched it means you need to be careful, cautious and analytical…make good decisions and your finances will improve
  3. generally = judgement card plays right back into #2 if you ask me please make sure you make the best decisions possible

please give me feedback now or even months later I am working on improving

hey i re-read the thread and thought about you. I did another reading tell me something is there something about your appearance that may be causing an issue. Meaning do you dress too well, look too good or something or are you a very confident person.
Card pulled = 9 of pentacles.

@sailing :pleading_face:


i totally didn’t see this on my re-read sorry I will do it soon i can’t do it now because i applied an overnight creme to my hands so they are greasy and will impact the shuffling.

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hi 3 of cups reversed it seems that you need to seek out new groups, communities etc. with people of similar interests or that you just need a new supportive ppl around you in general. That card speaks to current environments stifling your creativity basically you need to find your people and work on building community. Let me know what you think.

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Exactly what I was talking about with my friend last night, finding communities where to share common interest, cause I’m stuck, no social connections.
Thanks a lot for the reading!!! Accurate as hell :fire:
Also, for me is another indicator that I need to get out of my shell.

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