Thinking about performing a seduction ritual

So I have a target in mind and I have her picture. So I was thinking about like drawing a sigil of Piamon or Belial and charge it, to cause attraction.

Is this a good idea or should I try something else? I’m looking for some powerful yet easy to do seduction rituals to get laid.

Any advice? Thank you so much :pray:

It’s not really their forte. There are other entities that have good track records for this though.

Check out the tutorials we have, there’s a list in there of Goetic entities and the various qualities they bring to add to your approach.


Thank you so much for replying. Ok, I will ask another entity but is the technique itself good, in your opinion? Thank you

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Well, once you’ve charged the sigil, you have… a charged sigil. That’s a great start… What are you going to do with it?

How about, gaze at it to open it and get contact with the entity to ask them to perform this for you? I would try that if I were you. :+1:
Ask them for a sign that they heard you and will do it if you can’t sense presences or intentions yet.


I’m planning to draw the sigil on the picture of my target, to have a similar effect as a sympathatic magick and also do as you said. Do you think I’d be more effective?

Sounds good, I think it will work either way. Since the factor making it work is you, the operator, do whatever you need to make this feel more meaningful :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your advice. I greatly appreciate it :pray:

I’ll use Belith’s sigil for it. And if I don’t see results I’ll proceed with other rituals to speed up the process. Like rituals from Gallery of Magick books or similar, or maybe some good’ol vk jehannums chants with EA’s candle magick :slight_smile:

I’ll make sure to let everyone know my results.

Thanks again for being so helpful, I truly appreciate all the help :heart: :slight_smile:


Sitri would probably be better tbh


Alright then I’ll go for him. Thanks. Tbh I just Randomly picked a demon as an example. I haven’t decided on the demon yet.

Hey question: How about I use the sigil on myself? Making me a sexual magnet? And maybe Photoshop and the sigil on my Instagram and tinder profile pic?

Nah just command the demon tbh


The power isn’t the sigil it’s the demon behind it, so putting a demons number isn’t going to get you laud anymore, calling him and telling you to get you laud will work

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Ok have tried one ritual from Henry Archer’s book


You might scare more people away with a sigil overlaying your profile. The sigil is something we use to contact an entity usually, charged it can be like a “portal” to that energy. You putting it over your image probably won’t do anything at all. Magick is in the nuances and intentions, not the ‘slap over a sigil what I want.’ Demons aren’t LOA tools, they’re spirits you ask for help.

Just do the ritual or make a petition. A sigil isn’t worth much if it’s not connected to energy.

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Not for nothing, but, have you tried the hello how are you, want to grab a drink/coffee approach? It’s a lot faster than a summoning. With direct results.

I hate cold approaches also they may suck at talking to people or something

Right on. I can dig it. Was just being nosey. :grin:

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Develop mastering your last and techniques for attracting females. I’ve studied this a lot but here’s some game.

It’s called the 6th senses approach, you have a plan to attract her through each sense.
You’ve already knocked down down the metaphysical aspect.

Wear a good cologne, brush your teeth, “wear the right clothes and get chose with your mouth closed”.
For touch you gotta get an excuse to touch her, you can’t just randomly ask for a hug, or touch her shoulder without prior notice, this is probably the hardest aspect of game as you have to make it subtle enough so that she doesn’t find you a creep (assuming she’s not interested) but it’s just enough so that she realizes you’re doing more than being friendly.

Figure out how to ask good questions, people love talking about themselves, especially women, women are social butterflies. Ask her about how her days going, or compliment her purse or something simple, then you escalate the conversation to something meaningful and the last step is you flirt.

You must establish a base as a solid communicator and interesting person before you start flirting, if she’s attractive (in actually if she’s just a woman) she’s gets hit on all the time, you have to set yourself apart from all the other lames who have talked to her that week, that month, and that year.

In sales you do something called qualifying have you ever seen that scene where someone says “sell me this pen!” Well that’s what you’re doing your selling your personality and love, another word for selling is proposing or persuading or leading. Most salesmen come up with a bunch of random reasons as to why a pen is a MUST HAVE and essential to every person, ALL THE BENEFITS and what not. But did you ask the person if they’re even in the market for pens?

Taste - this is dependent on the date, the setting or how well versed you are. Try to go for something sweet or exotic you want to associate yourself with whatever IS YOU.

A basic cheap date for me would be going on a hike (plenty of time to talk + I love exercise) and then grabbing smoothies after. She’d associate me with fitness and sweet health drinks. Not to mention she’d feel much better as she drinks the smoothie because she has endorphins running through her body, so even if there were a few hiccups during the date or something, biologically she would feel better just from the meer fact she worked out with me.

If you want me to write a longer post going more in depth, short game vs long game I can.

Most men are terrified of women, and their fear is proportional to how attractive the woman is. So the more attractive she is the more afraid of rejection they are. When a guy asks a girl out on a date he doesn’t hear “Oh no thanks” what he hears and what is body tells him she’s saying is "you are biologically unfit and unworthy to get me pregnant and have kids with, I am not giving you a chance because doing so would not be a good investment of my time or energy. You do not meet my evolutionary standard for a proper mate, get lost loser.

“Probably fuck your life up :man_vampire:

Great video

From my study of women the most appealing archetypes are vampires, they like dark and mysterious men. They’re into the “bad boy” he has the capacity to take their souls and end their life. But most importantly a vampire is a gentleman.

(Note the only reason she didn’t kiss him is she has a charm to prevent mind control from vampires, a vampire can mind control any normal women)

Okay I’ll shut up

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