Theogensis: The Hunter of Men

As my stupidly psychic self, when I saw the sigil, I felt it ridiculously dark and potent.


Well, I’ve got someone in mind. What’s the point of preventing reincarnation, though, out of curiosity?


You make sure the piece of shit won’t come back? Hahaha!


They can’t come back and be assholes in another life

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Oh yeah. He doesn’t respond to his emails but his soul does.

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Norath also enslaves them. A whole eternity of torment. Perfect for pedos.


My first working with NORATH aught to be the most memorable one that I’ve had, since it was with dealing a long-time issue that I just couldn’t get rid of.

I summoned Norath on a Saturday night, at 10:00 PM, and explained to him my entire situation, just as I will to you. A long time ago, a very close friend of mine had a boyfriend, who was fine, agreeable, and charming at first, but over the course of eight or nine months, turned out to be incredibly abusive.

He regularly told her how much better than her he was, how grateful she should be that he would even look at her. Every time she was upset, he blamed her for making him upset with her problems, and at times took on an extremely possessive streak. He tracked her everywhere through her phone, he forced her to dress in the same hoodie every day, no makeup and not even letting her wear her hair down. She was forced to photograph her “uniform” every 20 minutes. He was a music producer, and she was not allowed listen to any music besides music he produced, which would always start with him shouting the words “MINE”. She was not allowed to have any friends he didn’t approve of, was only allowed to spend time with heterosexual girls, and could not even be around boys, straight or otherwise. At times, there was even physical abuse, and all of this was followed by a deep religious justification. Interestingly enough, his entire family has that behavior, suggesting a vicious cycle of deep abuse.

It took forever for her to separate from that entire mess, and more willpower than most could muster. But, he was still there as a loose end. In the end, he was isolated, but he was still following the path of stalking her, and given his immense skills with computers, used hacking and tracking to harass her. I had taken magical action towards disempowering him, but he himself was well-defended enough to counteract any attempts at harming him.

Almost immediately after the evocation of Norath the harassment stopped, and it had been around a year since I last heard of him. His brother was sent to jail, for armed robbery and drug use. More recently, I found out that he had attempted suicide and was sent to a mental institution. Public healthcare institutions here, are some of the most disgusting things you will ever encounter, and the last I heard the boy is still trying to end his life, but continuing his torment, having been completely ostracized by all his friends, failing academically, and lost all touch with family.


Like another poster asked, did you find it to be a precision working or was the risk of collateral damage there? The brother could be collateral I would assume?


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I know nothing about the specifics of the arrest, and the only thing I know about the brother is that the two were twins. No specifications on collateral damage were made on my part, and as such I encourage experimentations. I will say that Norath is going to do what is necessary.


Yea after my “discovery” I’ve kept searching for Norath and seems everyone who worked with her (was a female in my dream) had amazing and rather fast results. Definitely Norath is going to be my first choice in the future when it comes to baneful magic.

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Very interesting.

That could be explained if the twins were sharing one spirit, as can happen with multiple births sometimes. Sounds like Norath takes the spirit out of the body, leaving it unpiloted kind of, so when he took one he affected both. Extreme mental, emotional and physical sickness would overcome the vessels left behind, but it could take several months to finish the process. The maddened vessel probably would be very unstable and attack others as well. Otherwise this feels like precision work.

Hail Norath.


I literally felt – euphoric – like I was hit with a drug - reading this


Ummm…then enn please?


Sounds like Norath could use a three course dinner soon. Info saved. #focuspocus.

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He doesn’t have one, I guess we improvise!

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Despise abusers and narcissists.

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OP…if Norath was called to address an issue with…say, a very bad guy…would innocent children of bad guys be safe from Norath? Say…the sorcerer and bad guy have a child that was created via a violent act by said bad guy? The child, which the sorcerer absolutely cherishes and never wants harmed. Asking for a friend of a friend.

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I have a noob question – If I have already offered a soul elsewhere - can I still call Norath?

@anon50363245 I’m afraid the OP is banned by his request… Maybe it would be better to summon the OP and ask…

@elvenbird I guess the same answer goes to you too, but I don’t think Norath sounds like someone who likes to share :sweat_smile:

Like the OP said, it’s a predator, not a warmonger.

If you can give it something worth its while in return for certain stipulations, there would be no reason it would say no.