The university that hates disabled people and how to fight them

My university expelled me again without any plausible reason. I’m autistic and they have been harassing me since 2021. They have lost the lawsuit and have been retaliating against me ever since in every way possible.

I’m working with Belial to ensure they let me graduate. Only 1 semester remaining for me to get my degree.

The judges here in my country gave me permission in 2021 to continue my studies. However, the university doesn’t respect any laws and is expelling me AGAIN.

Some professors bully me for being autistic and needing more time to do my homework and tests.

The university doesn’t respect the medical orientations that my doctor gave to them either.

I’m taking many medications daily to be able to perform the way they want and doing lot of stuff without any accomodations and unfortunatelly I DO need adaptations to my tests.

I’ve been doing a lot of magick against these people and I had many victories against them but I’m alone fighting against a huge institution.

These people are relentless and they are trying everything in their power to hurt me and my family also.

I want to unleash all the evil of the Universe upon this university.

I want to know what is the most cruel curse that I could do to them?

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death curse, i know a demon from the book of azazel, Dra’Talon, who will plague the victim day and night until they die. while probably not exactly what you are looking for, it’s just to give some ideas on what’s possible


Thats awful

Im sorry to hear that.

I hope you good luck with your revenge


I’ve called Dra’talon once to make a guy stop bullying me. He disappeared from the university one year later. Never knew what happened to him…

They won’t stop me. King Belial taught me to not be a coward so I’m fighting them with everything I have.

I’m thinking about putting the Nidstång curse on this university. Has anyone tried cursing a place with this?

Getting hold of a dead horses head is a bit tricky, so, no.

its a suggestion, its better if you progammed the curse to hurt someone in university who bully people like you so you will give them great favor while you not in there anymore (graduation).so good luck i think your anger is good power to curse thats shitty university.

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I was thinking about a horse’s head carved of wood or clay. I would never hurt an animal to do a ritual.

There’s a large group of people there who likes bullying people. They usually target the poor, women and disabled students.

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You’d think they would have learned after two djinn kings lit that fire under their ass

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Then you can just use a wooden staff. :slight_smile:

The point of the horses head was that it really meant something to the Norse. A horse was wealth and power. A dead horse was a huge loss and display of extravagance. Kings were buried with thier horses.

If you can drum up that emotional impact for a hobby horse that’s fine, but you might do better to substitute a modern equivalent with more impact for you that represents your might. Maybe a really nice crystal or something.

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I’m starting to think that I’ll need to put a death curse over the people who are doing everything to stop me getting my degree. Bad luck, curses, diseases and even a lawsuit didn’t stop them.
They have been on a wave of real bad luck on the past year. One student killed himself and the parents are blaming the university because he was suffering severe bullying from other students and teachers.
Some students threatened the university last year because people get bullied and they do nothing.
I think in this case only a death curse will be able to stop these people.

You’re a genius! I’m going to think about how to do this.

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King Belial kicked the university’s a** again and I’m coming back to finish my degree!
Hail King Belial!!!