The Universal Core

I’m sorry I don’t follow him, so I can’t say.
Based on a cursory internet search, he seems like one of the middle men, I will check him out - guys like that sometimes quote interesting sources, though they have nothing new themselves.

In this field, you can’t trust anyone, so the ones that really interest me are the sources themselves - ones who died unexpectedly after whistleblowing, or only gave info on their deathbeds or late into retirement, or only talk openly about it within their circles. They got nothing but strife and death from telling what they knew, which makes them more plausible.

The interviews with Bob Lazar, books of Charles James Hall, William Burnes… Max Spiers, Dr Edward Spencer, there’s a lot, there’s more and better sources even I’m just bad with names :slight_smile: They all have just a bit: add them all up, take what works and discard the rest, you start to build the picture like a jigsaw puzzle. At this point, it’s work, but worth the research.

There’s also the genre of books where the supposed history is told as fiction, as a way to disclose the story in plan sight. Examples of this are the Lost Book of Enki by Zachariah Sitchin, which, while Sitchin was wrong on some thing was right on others and this was mentioned by a whistleblower out of the Monarch program that is was dictated by Enki, who is still alive, himself . (This claim is not in the book).
Also the Horus Rising series of scifi, which in a code form is meant to relate the progression of wars, the formation of the GF, the first arrival of the race that created Earthlings, it’s over a dozen books long and I got the first few but have yet to read them. This is getting very fringe and I like to be aware of the content but will stay judgement for now.

I’ve had my own personal experience with “abductions”. Only once, when I was young And the first part wasn’t any sleep paralysis. Since alot of cases are just sleep paralysis. Although even today I don’t know exactly what Happened besides my memories of it.

You say retrieving memories might not be authentic? Like they can be manipulated? I’ve always been curious. I figure if I go could an retrieve memories or something, might clarify for me. However if it’s not a trustworthy method then I dunno.

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I have the impression some of the controllers are on earth all time.

Do you think they want to be known to the general public or they will stay at shadows forever?

Why they continue doing abductions? Maybe the abductees have some implant so they could trace us, one time I went to jail because the aliens abducted my friend and I after dinner.
She was driving to her home, suddenly a huge light appeared on the middle of street and 3 hours later there was police around the car. I explained that Idk what happened, so I have to go jail until she appeared again. Next morning she was scared as hell, went to jail and told them that she escaped 6 grays that were touching her in a bed at a barn, every detective hearing her history laughed and I was free soon after.

I believe hypnosis could help find the answers even if false memories are implanted.

I remember the whole craze in the new age community about the disclosure when I was young I was really believing in it too to a point I was all in my mom’s face about it all happy xD

I think they’re dead men walking, actually, for reasons… Wars are eventually won, aren’t they? They created most of the wars on Earth, so they should know. Humans left alone are pretty loving and peaceful, I think, like Bonobo monkeys, all half of them really want to do is eat, fuck and sleep in the sun, and the other half want to curiously poke things and create art as well as eat, fuck and sleep in the sun.

That has the hallmarks of human false flag. This is part of he ongoing war. It won’t stop until the people committing these crimes are stopped. You were supposed to be laughed at for now, then later the story becomes fodder for propaganda to support a world wide war against an ‘alien’ threat. In reality the threat has been here thousands of years, and this is just control tactics, while allowing a reason for lucrative wars.


Check out the ability of genes to store data - “7 billion ipads worth” in a gram, apparently, hence genetic memories perhaps? Add nanobots with gene splicing to that. They experiment on the military and animals.

They targeted this guy, he lost of his, fought, got it back but no damages. I don’t think he’ll live much longer. He’ll have a heart attack or will be suicided.

Knowledge can be transferred from one human to another

The professor [Dr Charles Morgan] reveals that they can now store & conceal images and movies in DNA and bacteria, he also says that just 1 gram of human DNA can store the equivalent of 7 BILLION iPADS, … He also says that it is possible to programme a cell and direct it to target ANY part of the body, including the brain which can then also be reprogrammed and controlled from an outside force.
Such is the level of accuracy of this technology that miniature nanobots about the size of dust particles can be programmed to attack any portion of the body to deliver a payload or virus directly into the bloodstream, organs, brain, eyes etc. The reprogrammed DNA cells can also lie dormant in whichever portion of the body it has been directed to and can remain there undetected until the appropriate electronic signal is delivered to re-activate it.
He also says that they can manage and change peoples memories and perception and that they don’t even need to persuade them, all that is needed is to change their memory through audio and visual images, in other words TV

And if we have this tech, what do the aliens, who we might have got it from, but might not but they’ve had more uninterrupted development time, have?

All this makes it less surprising the entities we work with can teach us by clairsentience.
I makes it somewhat disappointing, and kinda sus, that they don’t do it as much as they could.


The connection between this and entities teaching us through/by clairsentience is? You mentioned that, just want clarification.

Well, since these mechanisms exist, and to my mind aren’t much different from synchronistically finding info, and seeing signs and omens, when we ask for info, this is one way they can get it to us. Maybe they do and as it’s being received subconsciously we just don’t always recognize it conciously :thinking:

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Does anyone knows the political reply in here?