The Unholy Saint Herodias, Patroness of Vengeance

This is great! :+1:

In Her honour, I will repost something I wrote on this back in 2014, the question was how to increase charisma and become a leader, and the first post verged on politics so it’s now Unlisted:

People don’t always remember every word you say to them but they will always remember how you made them feel, and one short-cut to charisma is to give the person you’re talking to 100% of your attention while you speak to them.

That may sound the reverse, like you should be cold and aloof and put them in their place, but in fact if that person’s basking in your attention, they temporarily feel like the most important person round and they WILL remember you gave them that feeling, associate it with you, and so on.

Look at any really skilled politician or public figure, they turn their face 100% to the people they’re addressing, and give them full-beam interest, there’s a warmth and a focus there - it’s not what people expect from anyone in power and authority and it leaves a very positive impression.

Most average people have fairly low self-esteem and a lot of self-doubts and pain, and if you make them feel small, since they feel that way anyway, they’ll begrudge you for what they perceive as seeing their secret shameful selves.

I’ve seen too many people who aspire to leadership in any field be distracted, doing that thing of looking over someone’s shoulder to see if someone more interesting is out there, and it leaves a bad feeling and doesn’t make that person seem charismatic or magnetic, they just seem distractible, rude, and weird.

Also, develop a good firm handshake, NEVER look at a woman’s breasts while you’re talking to her if you want to be taken seriously (save that for off-duty!) and make sure the palms of your hands are always dry, people remember a sweaty palm and it sends all the wrong signals.

If your teeth are dodgy, either fix them or work out a friendly smile that doesn’t show too much, and also develop the ability to fake-smile in a way that looks sincere, you have to kind of crinkle your eyes a bit, maybe think of someone or something you’re fond of to get some warmth in your eyes. You shouldn’t need it often, but it’ll be invaluable if you can master it.

Source of my opinion: working in media & related things in London for several years, meeting people (including politicians) who got it right and far more who got it wrong, and talking to people who coach others to be professional & charismatic. None of this is magickal as such, but it IS really simple, and means you can save your big guns (godforms, demons, spells etc.) for the important stuff.

I will also add this link: 2 Little Tricks To Look Cool On Video & Meetings.