The Thrice Born




@Lux_Anguis I have unlisted your journal. 90 percent is off topic for the purpose of this forum, some is repeatedly targeting one youtuber for scorn and ridicule, a type of drama we don’t do here, some is glorifying violence and some is highly political including identity politics. None of this is appropriate to BALG.

I’m sorry but BALG is NOT social media and may not be used as such. We are a discussion forum that allows people to keep online grimoires or journals. With so many off topic and rule breaking posts this is an abuse of this feature. Not everything is appropriate here and it’s certainly not the the place to dump non magickal randomness or single out youtubers you don’t like.

Feel free to create a Journal that actually links to magick, spirituality or self improvement in some form.

If you would like mod help to remove non magickal posts and/or move the magickal pieces into a magickal Journal feel free to flag them for mod assistance :+1:

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Draging, and draging this reeking wretch of being trough the desert, with the whiplashes of 333 on my peeling back.

Like slippery rubber it slides off trough my fingers grip unto the hungry dunes of the desert to let it eat it all away in its heat and furry.

What remains is my 13.

After a while the whiplashes dont hurt anymore instead it just bounces off in a dull manner.After a while, it just slithers like a snake besides my trodding trough the desert.After a while i stoped walking .

I slowly turned back to look 333 into its eyes.And all that i see is vast black smoke with endless whiplashes ready to torcher, they apear and disapear in its whipping motions out of smoke and back again into its dark mistery where it emerged.

I saw its total brilliance and it ignited my hollowed out empty sockets where once my eyes belonged in silent flames.

Like in a hypnotic trance i aknowledged the revelation, and so i surrendered and opened my arms for the embrace of complete devourment.

What i gained is 11


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