So, ever since I started interacting with occultist and those interested in the occult, I have encountered a consistent obsession with personal Royalty Spirit Companions/Guides. And claims of being a Royal in some other realm themselves.
Today for example, I was on a call with a client who was telling me her background in the occult. She couldn’t tell me how she Astral projected, just “That she could.” And had been to the astral often. And had somehow found herself tied up in the Astral Realm about to be sacrificed and freed herself. Which of course raised flags in my mind. When I asked about her meditation schedule she expressed her dislike for it and complained about my directions to meditate everyday for at least 15 minutes. So you can imagine my thoughts on the matter she claimed.
When I suggested my personal beginner Faerie “bible” The Faerie Way: A Healing Journey to Other Worlds
My client had a very interesting confession and wanted to know, “if it resonated with me.”
She informed me she was The Queen of the Faeries…
As someone who walks closely with Bridged and has since I was a child, you can imagine how this sounded to me. After a pause of surprise, I told her it’s certainly possible to be in touch with a group of Faerie that work only with you, and see you as a solid leader. But added that I had only accomplished that specific feat (of discovering an undoucmented group of fae) after over 12 years of intense practice. I’m not saying it’s impossible, I’m saying it’s improbable without much practice. Even then, nobody is going to give up Bridged’s thone away in the faerie realm. This client also had no idea what the process was to get to the watch towers in the faerie realm.
This isn’t the first time I gave had a client approach me about summoning a Prince/Princess, King or Queen guardian etc. Faerie or otherwise. It has gotten to the point where I will not promise Royal conjures to anyone, simply because novice practiconers don’t seem to understand that not ALL entities are human friendly, and the ones that are (more often than not,) are not “royals” whether it’s by blood or ties.
I get it it’s shiney, it’s fun, a lot of people want to feel “special” in the occult and get told by other practiconers they are correct simply to make them happy and keep them coming back. I’m not that kind of magician, I like to be honest and candid but also I try not discourage anyone.
To those who have also encountered this situation, how do you all handle this sensitive subject?
It just is very reminiscent of the joke, “I was Joan of Arch in my Former life…”
Most dabblers get a past life reading at some point and they are always someone “important.” Such as Julius Ceasar, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monrone, King Tutankhamun etc etc.
I think I approached her question diplomatically, and indeed there are rare occasions I find Royals, but why are they given such prestige in the eyes of beginners? I get it, crowns, subjects, castles, etc pop in their heads. But I find this is more for those who want to play “make believe” rather than study the occult in depth.
How have those of you who encountered this situation handle it? Yes we work with Kings and Queens of the Infernal Empire. But not once on here have I heard anyone mention they are a Demonic Royal. On other forums (that I refuse to participate in any longer because of the madness,) it has been said so often that I eventually showed myself out, respectfully.
But…why? To feel “important” or…? It’s as if they want all the perks with zero work.
Would love everyone’s input.
Hail the Infernal Empire and hail thyself🔥