The Ritual of the Neutron Star

People oh so rarely appreciate the value of what is before them.

Grimoires these days tend to recommend beginning magick with more casual requests, things which would be fun to have manifest, but aren’t going to radically change the course of your life.

When you get deeper into magick, and you do use it to direct the course of your life, there can be all this stress that builds up around your rituals. Do I need more magick, will this one work? Will I be ok?

Being around negativity only makes this worse. There are those people who have become so bitter and jaded that they suck the fun out of everything. It’s just a game bro.

I, personally, am so inclined that if I get into something, I tend to go all in. That’s just how I do it. That is what is fun to me. Fun means being challenged to me.

Is it fun when you have allegorical bullets whizzing past you in a challenging situation? It definitely can be, but I can understand that this takes its toll. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve been through, how tough you may or may not be. Being under constant threat is not a desirable situation to be in. It erodes your psychology and weighs you down.

This is why, from early on in my practice, I have taken a keen interest in money magick. Most people’s financial reality is untenable. One push, and it all falls apart. They may or may not be taking fire, but there isn’t much protection against even a simple accident like tripping and falling over. This is akin to being constantly under threat and is not a psychologically desirable state to be in.

One of the characteristics of C-PTSD is pronounced despair. Despair makes you feel like no change is possible. Misery makes you cry, but despair is a vacuum that sucks you in and clouds your judgement to a far greater extent, in my opinion.

How you get the so-called “complex” PTSD vs the regular kind is by being trapped in a tortuous situation in which you cannot escape. This is why it is more common among prisoners of war, especially those kept under harsh conditions, than those who experience a single traumatic event.

Being unable to exercise your will and being forced to conform yourself to people who have no concern for your well-being, over an extended period of time, will have a psychological effect. If you are intensely Godlike in your meditative abilities, then perhaps you can get out mostly unscathed, but such conditions rarely afford you the time or the peace to be with yourself and practice and take your mind away from constant calculation of what you absolutely need to do to get to the next day, or even just the next interaction.

I, at this time, don’t really have a “primary profession,” I kinda just do stuff, and some of that stuff is intended to support me financially. For your knowledge, I have a book on the fashion business, which I have opened and which I keep next to my Japanese textbooks, and I have a book on the music business, which is still in its plastic wrap, and which will never be opened. See what I’m getting at here?

People are often stuck in rigid patterns of identity. “I am this,” they tell themselves, “and so I cannot do that because I am not that,” as though these things were mutually exclusive.

I believe that magick gives the potential to have a truly extraordinary life. No, I do not wish to spend my days accepting the boring toil of “work” and wallowing away my time on activities which merely distract me from the pit of despair rather than nourishing me with endless stimulation.

Much the same goes for the people in my life. It is what it is, I don’t hang out with casuals. I’ll play with the casuals, that’s fine, but why would I choose the casuals over the ones who are in as deep as I am? Casuals just don’t give a fuck. They just don’t! I see no enjoyment in what they are doing. I see no thinking, no learning, and overall very little engagement in the activity at hand.

Normally I like to say, “I would say I don’t understand this, but in fact I have a pretty good idea what’s going on,” but I’ll admit this one’s a bit of a stumper. Like really people, why are you here?

I don’t usually like to say this, but really there may just be some smooth-brainness going on. I can’t believe that these people experience the same level of satisfaction that I do, but perhaps that is simply an ego response from me, and perhaps this whole sentence is an ego response.

You ever watch any of those piano videos on youtube with someone playing arpeggios really fast that have like 3 million views? Very few people have any idea what is going on. Literally all that is is rote-repetition of a motor skill. An achievement of learning, to be certain, but there is no artistry in that, nor is there thinking, it’s just like walking.

I don’t say all this to disparage people, but to draw attention to the possibilities of experience, especially with magick. I mean they’re just so lame. That dude who’s eating shit but clearly gives a fuck and is engaging in learning? That’s not lame, that’s awesome. That dude who learned how to play an arpeggio kinda fast (laughs in bebop) so he could get all the girls to look at him at the party, that’s lame. What, you think I have any trouble capturing attention? Tell me, do you really think I would want to spend my time with someone, if I am being artistically, who can’t fuckin hang? Eating shit does qualify as hanging, just to be clear. Everyone who gives a fuck eats shit all the time, such is the nature of pushing the boundaries of artistic ability. Woah dude, that one was fucked up, haha.

But then you have the people who are deathly afraid of shit-eating. Is that always what is going on? I don’t think so. For the fuck-givers, sure. But it is a simple fact of reality that not everyone is a fuck-giver.

In everything that I have ever given a fuck about, there has always been the casuals. I believe that within each individual population, there is a higher percentage of egotistical maniacs among the casuals than among the fuck-givers, with the percentage decreasing as skill increases. To clarify, the casuals make up by far the vast, vast majority of the overall population. Some fuck-givers get capped because they don’t understand how to learn, and some get capped by the other situations in their life. A tragedy, to be certain.

If I set aside the noise from the life casuals, I can see within myself the belief rooted in experience that magick most definitely works, and that really it works quite well. You have to experience all the different kinds of magickal results a bit to get a feel for how this all comes together, and I have done this (you can always go deeper).

I won’t try and squak that my lifestyle design is the Best and that everyone who doesn’t live like I do is a fool, but I believe there are many merits to the principles I have picked up. I dislike getting bogged down. I like multi-disciplinary artforms which incorporate a wide set of skills which all require development. I dislike authorities with power over me, most of the time generally speaking outside of very specific environments. I like having the ease of knowing that I can do whatever I want, more or less, in this material world.

With each year, more chains are broken. An inexorable machine of freedom has been set in motion.


Ahhhh, malice, all part of a well-rounded breakfast, just like these shrieking beeping noises and narcissistic pleasure voice that knows I’m sleep deprived.

Malice? What malice? I can’t say no, right? I love you!

Funny, how the Imperials thought they were safe and secure in their little Death Star. Both of them, in fact. Let me check my watch real quick. Oh, about 7 or so years now, perhaps 10 or 11 if you count it that way. Jeez I’m just so impatient. Jeez I’m just the opposite of whatever positive quality I believe about myself.

Would you like to know the most painful thing I have ever done in my entire life? I ghosted probably the best person in my life, for absolutely no reason at all. When you have been put in solitary confinement (fuckin twice) and deprived of all means of communication, it has the chance of inducing behavioral change which causes one to be highly dysfunctional in modern human relationships which are forged over electronic communications methods. I beheaded that part of myself long ago, but this pain is still with me, and I hate myself for what I did. Ohh and this is no ordinary hate, this is the old, crusty hate of one who knows how vile humanity can be. I have no intention for this hate to survive much longer.

Remorse requires behavioral change. Otherwise it is manipulation.

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Ok, I am done. Not forever, but for now.

Either the world will explode or I will return to sharing with my readers magickal methods, but I cannot tolerate this ridiculous shitshow any longer, and I do not wish for this digital place where I put out my greatest contribution to the world to be further stained.

When I see an opportunity to seize the initiative, that is what I do. But frankly I don’t care anymore. I will not allow my personal life to become an influence activity. Yeah, you see that? You playing along with me? See how much that fucking sucks?

Is this what I get for being a dark priest? No, and regardless I am through with that. I have manipulated everyone for long enough, and it was good for me because of what happened to me, but that is behind me now. All I want is peace, the one thing I have been forever denied. It is not my fucking job to do what I have been doing, but such were my behavioral requirements nonetheless, because there is no way in hell that I will ever delude myself into believing otherwise.

To those who aided me in the oh so ironic period of time in which I was both the least and the most at war, I thank you. Getting drafted sucks. I see so much life, so much pleasure and fulfilment, satisfaction and happiness in front of me. This freedom which I have craved for so long is there, ready to be seized and grasped, just as I have seized and grasped every stone which has formed the path on which I walk, guided by magick. Seize the day, dear readers.

Todesverachtung. All are born to die. If mine be today, yours will be tomorrow. I care little for how you will spend yours, as my life is mine, and mine are the consequences which I have reaped.

Hail, myself.

Hail, myself.

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I feel that it may be a possibility that if I do not continue some people will be kinda fucked up with little idea what to do about it. Fuck me I guess.

The following are labels


Like I said, I will once again draw your attention to the fact that I write on a LHP forum, and so I am certainly an advocate for dry magickal practice. That being said, I think that it is good to know when it is the time to adjust practice and to ensure that the energy you are summoning is a good idea for where you are now.

I have also come to the conclusion that any expectation of a successful lucid dreaming practice without a certain level of mindfulness is just getting your hopes up. There are other ways, presumably (I haven’t done them too extensively), but if you’re going for the insight meditation and concentration cultivation you may as well use the time as you fall asleep to do the four visualizations. If you do them all and have more dreams then do whatever.

For those who are not as deeply well-knowed in the lore, I developed these visualizations from the practices presented in The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. They are Peace, Clarity, Power, and Corruption.

This is perhaps the most immediately powerful magickal practice that I have ever done. They have given results every single time without fail. That is not an exaggeration for the purposes of aligning with energy, that is my perception of my dream practice.

These visualizations produce dreams which are inherently and intuitively insightful. It really doesn’t take too much “intuition.” The dreams are usually very clear. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been doing this sort of thing for a while now, but with these Enochian practices it is usually pretty straightforward in terms of what the spirits are communicating to you. Sometimes it is a bit uncanny.

Peace - visualize a translucent Enochian ‘A’ at your throat. Imagine it as a 3d form, like glass, and then allow red light to arise and to radiate in that space, passing through the form. Allow the red light to color everything that arises within your experience as you perform the visualization falling asleep. Even if you don’t do it perfectly, literally just visualizing it once and then falling into monkey mind as you fall asleep is sufficient for the visualization to take effect and produce a dream.

If you do not remember your dreams, just keep a dream journal. Everyone who isn’t ultra good keeps a dream journal. If you don’t then you’re gonna be a scrub, that’s just how it is.

Clarity - visualize a dot of bright white light at your brow. I usually do right above the middle of my eyebrows.

Power - visualize a translucent Enochian ‘O’ at your heart chakra, in the center of your chest. Allow blue light to arise and know that it colors all of your experience.

Corruption - visualize a dot of dark black light somewhere around the genitals.

Thanks for putting up with my darkness, upside-down smiley face.

The book is worth reading, in case you were wondering. Dzogchen is pretty cool. The Tibetans got some of the good magick stuff, nom sayin.

Oh no, I have to meditate. Do it.

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In conducting prosperity magick operations, I believe it is good to be aware of and take into account the gold coin, silver coin, and bronze/copper coin energies. I will be using Enochian sex magick for the examples. If you already are familiar with all of this, then it sounds like you know a thing or two about money magick.

These are perhaps fairly self-explanatory. Gold coins are worth the most, copper the least. Copper coins are what you use for most if not all of your regular personal expenses. Silver coins are for sizable purchases that aren’t too huge.

This is about what most people have (generally speaking, in the developed Western/Eastern world). Most have enough copper coins to not starve and keep a roof over their heads and pay for what they need to do their job(s) and some miscellaneous items, probably drugs of some kind like smokes or alcohol. I would consider these to be low-income people. That’s not an insult, that is an objective evaluation of their income level.

Middle income people also get silver coins. Low-income people do also get some silver coins, but not as many, and they are usually actually a bundle of copper coins used for a poor-quality silver coin item. These are irregular or one-time purchases which you would probably not want to have be recurring, like a subscription, as that would eat into your coins too much for your liking.

Gold coins are sometimes found with middle-income people, usually just one or a few. Gold coins aren’t always out of reach of low-income people, but they usually hate and are afraid of money too much to get after them.

A unique quality of gold coins is that they tend to be good at getting you more gold coins. A gold coin is something like a house.

Most all dedicated money magick systems worth their salt will give you all three kinds of energy, although I would say Wealth Magick is pretty much exclusively focused on gold coins, with all other coins that come as a result being incidental.

Note how I am using both coins and energy to describe this magick. Money magick is one of the most tangibly physical kinds of magick out there, but it is still magick.

When I do copper coin and silver coin magick with the Enochian sex magick method, I usually phrase my questions as, “How did I come to have such wonderful __?”. This phrasing captures multiple different intentions. It allows for direct financial effects, like discounts and deals or extra cash, effects to the quality of the item, and also effects to your own behavior.

Fuel is a pretty common example. Or you could use transit expenses, or even just groceries. If this is something you need, and something that you’ll probably buy and pay for, then why not fire a sigil for it? At worst, nothing changes, and you were presumably doing the correct thing. But maybe you find the secret spot, or get better at pathing your travel, or maybe now you work from home. You have a strangely horny experience at the gas station. Amusing, but effective magick.

With copper coin magick, the sigils are often for recurring items, so what about repetition? If you feel the need for a general purpose money spell, I occasionally turn to a simple “My income increased.” sigil, dollar sign. For specific items, I believe a good way to approach this is to fire a renewed sigil whenever there is a significant change to the situation (beyond any results from the previous sigil) or when you are anticipating or intending for a change. If you buy a new helicopter, then another copper coin ritual to fuel it up in advance is probably a good idea.

Silver coin items are usually worth the magick to generally enchant, even if the coins themselves are not a problem. You are dropping some silver on this, so it’s probably worth taking some time to ensure quality.

All of this thus far has mostly been about personal expenses, as opposed to business expenses. Not everyone is a business operator, but if you are, then you probably don’t need me to say it is advised to keep personal expenses and business expenses separate, I’d say even in magick. If you pay insurance costs in your business operations, I’d do a separate sigil for that and personal insurance costs. There are different things to consider with each of these and they are fundamentally different situations, even though the word is the same.

Gold coin energy tends to be in the business workings, although this does depend. If you are not an entrepreneur and earn your primary income, benefits, and bonuses from regular employment, I suppose the essence of the idea is still the same.

Gold coins do come in many different forms, but often people will specialize in a certain type of gold coin. Summoning gold coin energy is pretty much never a bad idea, but once you know you have found your racket then people tend to get more specific in their gold coin workings.

With myself, because my business is to acquire a large amount of a few different select types of gold coins, I summon most of my gold coin energy through workings that are about how to do that rather than directly labelling the assets, although both is good.

A problem many people encounter is that they try to solve their financial problems by spamming copper coin energy. Summon it, but then let it be summoned and active and focus more on gold coins. Gold coins are what do the real heavy lifting when it comes to increasing your income and available coins sitting in the vault(s). To be clear, I pretty much always spend all my copper and silver coins and pretty much only spend gold coins to get more gold coins.

The great thing about gold coin magick is that you can do very general gold coin magick. Most of my money magick to date has been general-purpose gold coin magick. Unless you know for a fact that you have found a pathway that can potentially make you the kind of gold coins you are looking to make, and even if that is the case, your reality forms itself from the magickal energy that you summon. I like general gold coin energy because I can rest assured that even if this working or that doesn’t work out, I’m still drenched in gold coin energy, and I’ve always gotten results from gold coin energy.

This is why I like the books Wealth Magick and 7 Occult Money Rituals so much. Magickal Riches feels a bit too math-nerd energy for my personal tastes. I take pride in knowing my numbers, and I don’t hate math, but some people really nerd out on math and that ain’t my racket. These first two books really get you into the mindset of the gold-coin-holders.

As with all magick, time to manifestation varies. Magickal money has been flowing through my life for some time, but it is the case that it may be necessary to continually summon gold coin energy to make the changes and open the way for the coins to actually manifest and not just the mindset and lifestyle changes.

For the record, dedicating myself to serious, focused persistence with money magick is one of the most worthwhile things I have ever done. Yes, it required me to make many changes and even to throw myself into uncomfortable situations. I had to be around annoying, boring, obnoxious people (not all were like that, thankfully). It was very obvious that we were very different kinds of people, but I traveled to their lands to learn their secret ways, and that paid off big time. Huuuuuugely. And now I can speak their language and don their appearance.

Even better than that, I have learned their secret ways. Every dollar spent, every ounce of suffering I endured, every sacrifice, every sleepless night, it was all worth it.

Little did I realize in those 33 days how profoundly significant my request was. I asked for a path to be lain (layed?) before me, and the power with which this was carried out has far exceeded my expectations. In the end, I didn’t have to accept a day-to-day existence fundamentally at odds with my personality and preferences. I get to do things that I enjoy and want to do. The problems that I face in my life are much different now, and much more preferable and less severe.

I can’t stop people from cynically lashing out at me, and the magick is what it is. My path is my path, and magick has always worked with what I have at any given time. What I know is that my life, since magick, has been far from ordinary, and that many opportunities have been opened for me, opportunities which did not punish me. I have glimpsed beneath the skin of the world and seen magick. I feel my power in action every single day.

I regret nothing. Magick has always been with me. When I think back to my early days with magickal practice, what I see is so quaint, immature in a way but with bounding enthusiasm. I even remember buying the archangel book when it came out and reading it on my phone at lunch.

Even for the toughest, stickiest, most unbudging of problems that wouldn’t move no matter how much I threw at it, magick has gotten me there in the end so long as I kept at it, laid off when that was needed, and kept listening and remaining open to magick.

The practice of magick is a discovery unlike any other. Become a Living God.

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In my opinion, things are really weird right now. A global plague came really late (all of this is my opinion) in the debt cycle which created various conditions which had some really weird economic outcomes.

Markets go up and down, this we all know. Supply and Demand. What most do not know is why.

The economy is fueled by debt. Credit is the kind of cash you get from a loan. It works just like actual cash, but you just pay for it. The bank doesn’t have to have enough cash or reasonably liquid assets to pay for all of its debt at once. Fractional reserve banking.

Poof. Woosh. Here’s some cash fucking money my dude, pleasure doing business, thanks for your cash money. Yours is real, right? What do you mean I can just borrow against my equity for an amusing interest rate goes I got all these GOLD FUCKIN COINS hell fuckin yeah? What exactly are you getting out of this?

A good practice which I picked up is to consider the upside potential and the reasonable downside potential. If you drop some gold, you want to know that your coins are well spent. If you know how your business works, and it is a business among others which are successful in a market with opportunity, then there are usually ways to be better than at least half of the other competitors. Maybe try and be a bit better than that too. Really, though, I’d say it doesn’t take much. Just do your best and enjoy being a thinking and learning mind.

I am fire. I am death.

I have spent much of my life and given much of myself to the altar of the dollar, more than many will ever know. At this altar I remain. There is nothing as satisfactory as manipulating this material world to give me exactly what I want.

It is not a problem for me to be a shark, but I realize that it can be for some people.

There is nothing that will separate me from my quest. No matter what forces rise against me, all will be met, and my quest will be mine until I have accomplished the objective and the resources have been acquired. I am quite glad that I manifested all of the financial pathways that I did in the reasonably long stretch of time over which I did indeed manifest those pathways via a combination of thinking about it a bit and using my goddamn magick fucking powers.

Yeah, that’s right, infinity. There are rules, though, here in this material world, and so you have to actually do an arbitrarily large number. I think it mostly depends on what you want your silver coins to be used for. Copper coins should not be an issue, although of course I will summon the energy. If you get enough gold coins at various points you can get into very expensive markets, and I would say that’s pretty much the only reason to seek additional gold coins for personal expense purposes.

What is it that banks do? Banks have assets. Many of these assets came with liabilities attached. Some of the liabilities work out better than others. If you get a bit too loosey goosey with making loans to people you really maybe shouldn’t do that with given their financial situation then some things may explode. Bank doesn’t get its money back that it lent out to the person/business that defaulted and didn’t pay it back so it can’t pay for other stuff, and then they gotta sell a bunch of strange wondrous and exotic financial instruments and craft other financial instruments to pay for stuff, and then if lots of enormously gigantic behemoth banks do that all at once the other behemoths feel it as does the rest of the relatively puny economy.

You can look at a chart of the S&P500 (SPY) and see what has happened with that for the stock market. I wouldn’t make any guesses, just look at it. Fun fact, pretty sure over 50% of Americans do not own any stocks. They have $0 in public equities, and they may or may not have some equity in a property that is their residence and that they used a mortgage to buy, so probably less than $100k for a long while.

Nowadays there are many jobs in low income parts of the economy it would seem to me this is my opinion not financial advice, as well as various niche areas which are in some way connected to people/businesses which have done well in these conditions, but that wasn’t the case at times during covid, and some parts of the economy are still disrupted by the effects of covid. These conditions variously distributed benefits and negatives to various people/businesses in the economy. Sometimes the economists just say what that one dude did like 50 years ago and made a shitton of money doing it, some have very useful information.

Last I checked, inflation was like 7%. That is a hilariously high number. You wanna go for like 2%. There are commercial mortgages for like 4%. You get nothing for 30 yr gov bonds and junk bonds are kinda around commercial mortgages I think, don’t quote me on that.

Day and night day and night, just churnin me butter. Crankin, hankin, BRRRRin along.

I believe that it is quite potentially a reasonable time to be planting seeds of various types in this economy. Either it keeps going up or it goes down, or it kinda stays the same for a bit. If it goes up, it goes up. If it goes down, what happens. What happens to you. Where did you park your money? Did you find the secret places?

Great trees of fire, growing within my mind.

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Notes on ritual practice

I am thinking that I will resume the practice of the Keys next week, so expect empowerments to be released accordingly. An important note on this topic - stretching is an important part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Up, side to side, careful about pinching the back of the neck. I said the words in the Omnipotence Transformation quite plainly, and that ritual worked just fine.

Also, an adjustment to the sex magick operation. What I was thinking would be part 5 you actually interleave with parts 3 and 4, just like that. This seems much more appropriate for achieving a breakthrough. I don’t really do business rituals on my days off, and I have interleaved these with other workings, such as art-related workings for skill cultivation, with various free spaces in the pattern. You don’t want to go too fast as the energy that you are summoning should be aligned with your current situation. Hell, I may even start interleaving in all of these sigils and not worry about the pattern too much.

I think that it is important to remember, if this applies to you, that this is all taking place alongside the energy of the first Soyga table. There are eight such tables, last I recall. I am comfortable with saying that I intend to complete this pathworking. There are various things being mixed in and stirred around at this time, but I sense peeling back as the pathworking continues, not adding on.

There are some whom I look to as examples of great success. I can take pleasure in witnessing their success without having to live a similar life. I am somewhat skeptical of even doing sex magick when the second Soyga table rolls around. Hyper-intentionality has its place, but I have asked myself many times what it is I’m going for, and I do not want to be forever within an environment with exacting demands for practical magick.

The forging of empire is all well and good, but I will not be blinded by material temptations. If you’ve never experienced meditative tranquility, it will be outside of your ability to imagine just the beginnings of what these practices do in terms of transforming the quality of your experience.

At a certain point, there is no need for more. There is no need for unearthing discoveries and crafting grand plans to execute over the course of years. You can just live and do what you really want. Experience, without fear or necessity controlling you.


Ever amused at getting divinated by your own schemes?

I have like 24 workings going on right now, so that’s fun. 14 of those are about them COINS my dude.

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to be so wonderfully skilled at meditation?

How did I come to be so wonderfully skilled with attention?

How did I come to be so wonderfully skilled with awareness?

How did I come to so wonderfully perceive beginnings?

How did I come to so wonderfully perceive endings?

How did I come to so wonderfully perceive middles?

How did I come to experience such wonderful meditative pleasure?

How did I come to have such wonderful mindfulness?

I will admit that my motivation which I say to myself when I sit down for my daily meditation is to further accomplish dream yoga. There are two main things you want to go for with this as your purpose. These are mindfulness and concentration.

It has been said before in the book that the most effective way to achieve lucidity in the dream is to achieve lucidity in your waking life. That means cultivating mindfulness. If you have not read any meditation texts, you are deluded as to what this means and should read The Mind Illuminated. It is a highly effective book on practice.

Another effective book is Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha. This is the second purchase (or read for free on the author’s website) after TMI. You can learn how to meditate to a high level of skill with just TMI, but MCTB is very helpful, particularly the idea to use noting to help with getting that initial bit of concentration to make meditation into a much, much better experience.

Concentration is secondary to mindfulness because mindfulness is what gets you lucid. You may not retain that very well, but you can’t retain something if it doesn’t arise. If you spontaneously become mindful in your daily life, and as you do you remember that your experience is of the nature of the dream state, then that will begin to happen in dreams, especially if you keep a dream journal and become more accustomed to dream experience, holding more memory of dreams.

Concentration is related to mindfulness in that it helps you to continually remain mindful. I sort of assume that this is what abide in rigpa is but perhaps I am incorrect. You want to allow what arises in experience to self-liberate. If that is happening, that is rigpa.

How you do this in practice is continually bring your attention back to the meditation object. If you do this all the time then you are being mindful.

Concentration is also useful in achieving consistent WILD, it would seem to me. WILD seems to be its own thing, but I know that I have achieved WILD before when I was naturally “wake-back-to-bed-ing” after like eight hours of sleep. I pretty much went right from being awake experience to being in a dream experience. That’s the idea. Normally people become lost in the samsaric mind and random shit just happens (not exactly random, but random to you) and that’s how dreams normally go. You don’t really think about it, you just go, oh yes, this is the situation, I do this then. Ah, yes. Ok this is happening now. Ok now we’re here. Words, hmm, yes words indeed. And then you wake up.

In all honesty I’m pretty scrubby even at my old peak, but achieving lucidity more frequently seems to just happen if you do the practices, so you just let that play out, and then when you get lucid I think you just have to go full monk and be like nah not flying not rubbing stuff (maybe rub stuff still) not gonna talk to any of them over there, just gonna meditate on my breathe. I think you mindfully rub stuff, and generally take in sensory information. Then from there you can kinda chill a bit and do stuff but it seems really helpful to get a foothold, as it were, to get over the assumption that you’ll wake up (and then have a false awakening) and sort of gather your bearings and follow-through on your intention or decide on something.

You ever have a dream, wake up to your alarm right at a moment (gotta get rid of this thing), and realize that you just gotta get after it?

I am reminded every day that I am currently, in various ways, like a student once more at the bottom of the foodchain. I remember, back in the day, being one of the celestial masses which the other bodies gravitated around in the classroom, to then becoming a common one among the masses. The schemes began. It was not through narcissism that I cultivated the life which I led, I just naturally gravitated towards that when given the freedom to move and bounce about and I just can’t help being this cool, I’m sorry.

I remember, there was about a year of eh whatever in terms of classes while my human relationships developed into the conditions necessary for my development. Even then, I achieved.

I can’t help it, my mind just gravitates towards being effective. What am I supposed to do, intentionally be a dipshit? Would you like me to pretend to be a dipshit so you can feel good about yourself? Why can’t yah just, like, feel good about yourself my dude. Why do I gotta go through all this trouble to act like a complete utter moron so I then have to be like wo-HOOOOH here’s what’s going down! But what about all that stuff you said? D: You mean all those mirrors and labels? Yeah, but like, I’m thinking we do this. Yeah? Why you gotta be so mean man? Why you gotta be so incompetent? I’m just workin with what I got.

That is one thing I tend to find amusing.


How did I come to know this power?

1 Like

23 workings, ha, try 31! Notice how there are resonances of the blended magick while the practice still aligns with the energy of the method. Did somebody say interleaving?

Imagine it is 8 months from now, and all your workings have come true. How does that make you feel?


You ever remain mindful while doing the dishes and watch as your own insanity plays itself out within your mind? Talking to the appearances again eh?

This shit is fuckin wacky. It’s not like there’s a “me” to get overlayed on, but I do have a voice. You should look up proper vocal chord care and throat massage if you speak the Keys like I have described and end up straining your voice because you listened to some dude on the internet.

Is it really insanity if you can observe the appearances non-dually? Seems pretty insane to me if you do not learn how to control this power. If you do not meditate, you’re gonna have a rough fuckin time.

This is what seems to have happened. Instead of magickal insights arising as they would before, with a pretty reasonable angelness or demonness to them, they get filtered through some constructed appearance. There is a gif which sometimes plays when I have an insight into the working of my mind or into magick. It’s a useful and reliable indicator, but it’s kind of weird and annoying, which I believe means I have to construct something else or somehow get a different one.

What does not help is trying to fix the appearances in your day-to-day going abouts. Usually what happens is random insane shit arises and then some sort of fear arises, either of the appearance or of associations. I would use guardian angel magick or some form of intentional meditative practice if you want to fuck around with your associations, otherwise just abide in rigpa and neutrally allow the appearances to pass, being aware of their empty and dream-like nature.

Will I discuss the potential applications of this power?

I believe that it is good to understand how to use a power on yourself as well as on others. So many threads, tugging this way and that.

It can also be used for a variety of more just for fun simulations. Be wary of deluding yourself. You wouldn’t want to observe the plain reality of your power being manifested through a member of the collective, now would you?

Mind reading? Woah now, bold assumption there dear reader. Ok ok not that bold. An amusing time, to be the only awakened being in the room.


If you don’t know how to deal with it, just stop fucking thinking. The simulacrums try and get your attention because that is how they remain as a being.

If you can’t think about a subject without an association arising, well that’s your problem my dude. There is probably a mixture of mental stuff and a physical body feeling.

The simulacrums will tend to be most problematic when you are in-between flow states. This also happens to be the easiest time to begin integrating all-day mindfulness into your life.

I breathe, and there is the breath. I breathe, and there is the breath. I go to do this activity, and there are the sensations around me, and there is the breath. I engage in activity, and there is only activity, and there is the breath. I plan out interactions, and there are the simulacrums, and there is the breath. I engage in social behaviors, there is the calculating, and there is the breath. I go on from social behaviors, and there are no simulacrums aside from whatever arises as a result of the activation of cognitive structures. The simulacrums are not fed. There are the sensations around me, and there is the breath.

Or there’s a fire kasina DMT trip. I got shit to do so probably just the breath for a while. Fire kasina may be a Loagaeth thing. Have you maxed your gems, dear readers?

Simulacrums which nourish me get fed. Feed me, feed you. Tit for tat. Damn, now that’s a lot of tits.


I was thinking of doing some lazy copy-paste content with some passages from TYDS, but then I got another idea and I usually just spew whatever’s on my mind. Content!

I want to discuss obstacles. I don’t think it’s just always weakness, sometimes you just really don’t know.

If you are having trouble getting magick to work, or getting a certain result, then very likely you are just doing it wrong. Not the magick, but the thing. I believe that most successful occultists would agree that results almost always occur like seemingly ordinary events. I have manifested events which I can only describe as miracles, as in they defied all ordinary laws of physics, biology, and psychology, but normally it’s less out there than that.

This is a lesson I took from Lucifer magick. Basically just pretend that magick does nothing. You can accept that there’s weird mental stuff you’re doing but otherwise it’s all in your head. Now, how am I supposed to do that?

I see the world as a bunch of probabilities. If I go here, do this do that, there is a probability that this will happen. I also like to remove probability as much as is absolutely possible and attain certainty.

Nothing is ever certain, but you can get pretty close enough if you put yourself into the right situations and/or with the right group(s) of people. I’d say that’s actually how most magick works out, or at least gets started.

I’ll do money first to get it out of the way. I basically just considered an arbitrarily large pile of money and went about figuring out how to get that. I have a number now and can do the math on what that number likely means, but in all honesty I don’t really have much of a clue what the hell I’m gonna do with that in terms of personal expenses. Ridiculously excessive consumerism becomes very boring very quickly, even if you are consumering in ultra luxury markets, so it would really be for personal projects. You don’t have to have the money, you can just do the math and see that it doesn’t take much for stuff to no longer be a problem, ever.

After considering the arbitrarily large pile of gold, I took a good honest look at what I am willing to do and what I do not want to do. I most definitely sold out, but only in certain ways. I will never have to make art that is first and foremost commercial (let’s be honest with ourselves, lots of art is blatantly and exclusively commercial) because I found other ways to make money. If you want to make blatantly commercial art, power to you. I will never fault someone for seeking the dollar.

A different example - weight loss. Lots of people get stuck on weight loss, myself included for a while. It’s a simple formula - diet and exercise. Apparently your body burns carbs for energy until it runs out and then burns fat, so presumably low carb is the move. I prefer body weight exercise but you can lift or cardio too presumably to burn energy. Alrighty next.

Not quite. Self-sabotage! People are usually attached to their current situation, even if it sucks. Or, alternatively, they spin serious bullshit stories to themselves. I deserve this reward. Well maybe you totally do, but like how about you do a reward that doesn’t fuck with your shit and wait until you actually reach the goal to do that reward when it can no longer fuck on your endeavor? It’s like, holy shit dude, I didn’t think it was possible to get here. Yeah, totally was, and you can keep going. First result is amazing, then there’s the push, then it’s just cruisin.

Human manipulation magick, or being your best self in very targeted ways magick, whatever. It may seem like probabilities are more at work here, but I believe the same idea of attaining certainty applies just fine. The first human to manipulate is yourself. If your expectations are stupid, your magick will be stupid, and your results will be low quality or non-existent.

Which object would you try to bend - a thick-ass oak tree or a band of rubber? One of these will just snap and then not only have you wasted your time and energy, you’ve probably caused a problem for yourself. With a rubber band you barely do anything, if anything. It just happens.

Having said that, part of that self-manipulation involves learning skill. I will admit that I have made oaks bend, but that is not easy to do and very rarely is it worth even attempting. If you got options, the path of least resistance is almost certainly the way to go. That doesn’t mean the laziest path, unless the laziest path is effective. “Laziness” is often an insult used by people who are in shitty situations which devour vast amounts of their time, so they project their shit onto people who have leisure and balanced lives. If I can take the elevator up to the top of the mountain, and my objective is to reach the top of the mountain, why the fuck would I walk? You just don’t understand the value of HARD WORK, STRUGGLE, and SLEEP DEPRIVATION. No, you’re a moron experiencing cognitive dissonance. I would explain what that means to you, but that sounds like some hard work, and so I will pass.

If you take a moment to put yourself into favorable situations and positions, even without magick shit just gets easier. I feel that I can say that magick does indeed add on to that and make things even easier. It doesn’t suck the fun or the challenge out of life, but I can most definitely say with some concrete, tangible examples that magick has removed so much ridiculous, arbitrary bullshit nonsense that I could have potentially had to do. Even to the people on different paths, these things have no value at all whatsoever and are complete and utter wastes of time. Maybe someone in some position of power benefits, but ugh, fuck you? No. Your arbitrary bullshit hoops are fucking stupid and I will not be among these clowns you are herding through them.

I mean really, do I seem like these people? Or do I seem like I’m ahead of the game, like I am the King among the commoners?

I get it, and I’ve been there. I won’t say I’ve never whined, but I got the fuck over it and got after it because I know what it feels like to have God abandon you and to be left to your own devices. My craftiness truly knows no bounds.

Fuck you, I want it.

In terms of meditation, if you aren’t getting far it’s very likely because you are only practicing during formal sessions. If you don’t extend it to all day it really won’t do shit. It’ll kinda do stuff, and getting up to one hour daily sessions will help regardless, but leaky buckets are not desirable. That’s a TMI reference. If you aren’t going to get into all day (all night) mindfulness, there’s really not much of a point in doing meditation and you may as well do something else with your time.

Similar point applies to dream practice. Half-assing it gets you even more mediocre results than usual when it comes to dream practice. I would know, I’ve mostly ever only half-assed it and my results weren’t great. I started journaling and doing the visualizations, that was like 3/4-assing it. I want the whole ass. That’s a weird way of saying to remember to remember that your experience is of the nature of the dream state, but like, mindfully. Did I just get you? Were you aware that there was something to be got there?

A fun fact for you - I wrote out those extra workings a bit ago, and waddya know, already got a result. I’m thinking about bonus ritual-ing every week, but instead I think I’ll do sexual gratitude once per week, bonusing on occasion. Could be every week as well, who knows. Sometimes you gotta blast those things out, but that can get tiresome. Just, like, relax. Eat your goo and watch as reality forms itself as you tell it to.


Here’s some more content. Today I would like to discuss training in group contexts.

My general principle is, unless I have some injury, I’m going at it. Some people can’t handle that.

Group contexts bring out the egos in us all. When I go full blast, that is not me trying to “flex” on anyone, that’s just me being myself. I don’t really need that much external validation because I just enjoy what I’m doing. It helps to see that your practice has yielded results, and there is pleasure in uplifting people around you, but if no one is judging me, I do not judge myself.

The reality is that you sometimes have to bring yourself down to a different level, and I don’t see this as a negative thing so much as an opportunity to revisit fundamentals and peel away any “advanced technique” that’s really just unnecessary.

Some people have problems with ego-inflation, meaning insecurity in themselves. I don’t really ego-inflate. If someone wants to flex on me, I usually appreciate that as a learning opportunity, or at least as inspiration. If it’s hateful, that’s one thing, but if I’m holding you back and you just want to let loose for a bit, I think that is acceptable and quite reasonable and the price I pay for the learning opportunity.

The more efficient and effective you are at learning, the more you can be confronting to people. The casuals will get turned off by your seriousness and those who are more skilled than you may not like how you’re doing it faster than they did, or they may believe that some knowledge should be or is only available to certain people who take certain paths through life.

I largely say this for those who are similar to me in that they have intended to reach a position in life characterized by freedom. I went about getting to where I am now very intentionally and with clarity on what I know is unacceptable. I don’t give a fuck what many people say about that, about this sort of lifestyle, and really just about how I choose to live my life. They are so confined within this tiny little box of enclosed thinking caused by weakness.

Taking action is something I pride myself on. I require no outside force telling me what to do and usually hate that exceptionally. It usually only benefits “The Boss,” not me, which is why I took calculated action, so many little actions, step by step, piece by piece, year on year, to build the reality I now enjoy.

It is disgusting how people will project their bullshit nonsense onto you, and it is disgusting what weak people will do when they have even just a tiny little scrap of power. Like really, go do some BDSM or something. It is even more disgusting what weak people will do when they realize that they are very likely to lose their tiny little scrap of power because they are not capable of being effective. If they were effective, their life wouldn’t be like it is, deathly afraid of losing their “power” which is insignificant and illusory.

You see why I’m tired of this nonsense? Given the freedom to act, my life tends to go pretty well. I remember a time when I would wake up, and the very first thing I would experience was either fear, rage, or hatred, every single day. I learned stuff from that, but I was also isolated and deeply unhappy. I got my sadistic pleasure from taking my jabs and watching how effective baneful magick can be, mostly the second one as petty little jabs tend to do nothing good for me.

When you curse someone, that changes things forever. There is no going back after that. You will know what you did, why you did it, and you will know that the events which unfold thereafter were by design, no matter how effective you may be.

I have never had a person in my life which I have deemed fit to be cursed gain my respect. Never has that happened, and not because I do not want it to. I am far too awake to try and manifest a respectful relationship with someone who has never experienced joy in my presence. They are like rabid dogs, out of control beasts, and if they bite you, which they will always try to do, no exceptions, they will give you rabies. You want to try and domesticate that dog? Or will you apply a single application of what is necessary?

Maybe I’m just jaded. Get stabbed in the back one too many times and it can make you a bit jumpy. Or maybe, just maybe, I am awake.

Thankfully for me now I have reached a point where I can take preventative action and keep a good thing from going bad, no baneful magick required. This requires self-control. I know the places I can go, where I have gone, and I know what I can accomplish.

But do I want to come out of the proverbial retirement? No, I really do not. I would rather lucidly dream of the Enochian Heavens and experience the most profound beauty I have ever known. I value knowledge of corruption very highly, but I also value an awareness of the full scope of my being.

Some would claim to be great masters of dark magick, so at one with the demons that no human could ever get in their way. If they cannot use this power which they claim or believe themselves to have to give themselves the option of a comfortable life, free of fear and weighted obligation, then I see no mastery of anything but a life of fear and hate, and the propagation of that fear and hate into everything and everyone around them.

You think I don’t understand? Please, I don’t want to prove you wrong.

But I suppose it is the reality that this world is inhabited by a majority of ignorance, with most possessing little more in terms of cognitive ability than mere animals. Whereas many domesticated animals are love slaves, neglected and used by their owners to deal with their pain of being with themselves for a brief few hours of their time, confined, isolated, trapped, alone, and without necessities, many domesticated humans are money slaves.

Get the fuck off me.


Dream magick. I mean yoga. Oh yeah dude.

Why don’t I just put on a little film for myself called the Clarity film. Ah, yes, I see, naruhodo. That one was a good one, very cheeky magick, very clever. Such a player with words, that one.

Would you like to come into my arena? Oh, no I don’t really talk about business outside of my arena.

You can also just do the original Wrathfulness instead of Corruption. Had a Greed dream last night, so that was fun. Absolutely classic move, that one there.

Reminder that you have to do both dullness and the opposite of dullness (super bappin around-ness) and also extend mindfulness, which is to say encourage the spontaneous arising of the intention to observe what arises, which you do by trying to remember it in association with certain activities/events and then going from there, so review what just happened, I guess that’s more investigation, and then to intentionally bring your attention to something or certain things like the sensations of water on your skin or the ground under your foot. Maybe one of these days I’ll realize that if I meditate on a visualization for like 10-15 minutes that would be better than drifting into random thoughts or trying to raise positive energy and then drifting into random thoughts. Gets the Peace one done too and so probably a few at the end you can use for induction.


Here’s some empowerments yah fuck faces. See, it doesn’t matter what your gender is, nationality, ethnicity, social class, creed, you’re just a fuck face.

Creation - I manifested the end results.
Healing - The process gave me pleasure.
Truth - I knew what to drop.
Greed - Greed made me cold.

Truth - I knew the progression.
Transformation - I sought progress.
Healing - Challenge gave me pleasure.
Corruption - Corruption gave me passion.

Also, for the special formations which are centered around a certain key word which I’ve been doing on the consolidation weeks, so far it’s mostly been the usual suspects and I’ve been lining those up with the elemental energies that seemed appropriate. However, I will share the following as they seem to provide insight.

Tolerance - Happiness
Conduct - Pleasure
Endurance - Passion
Progression - Pride

I considered doing Peace for Tolerance, but I think I’ve already done Peace, and in all honesty it’s been a while since I’ve had sustained happiness in my life. It can be challenging to abide in happiness when you are faced with fuck-faces who won’t get off your fucking back, but that is part of the point of this magick.

You pickin up what I’m puttin down :crazy_face:?? No. Nothing is being picked up, and nothing is being put down. Jesus Christ, can a reasonable individual just fuckin be without being harassed?

On an unrelated note, why didn’t I realize that I just needed to display dark pleasure? Oh yeah. I like having demon friends, they’re either utter dipshits who strangle themselves to proverbial death out of my life very quickly as they get blown out the other end of the tornado, or they’re chill demon friends who get it. Fuck yeah my dude. WOOOOOO. Shit, I got so much PTSD, I gotchu my dude. I can handle myself without getting bogged down.

Back on into it, speakin the Keys. Hol-y fuck. There’s almost twice as many heavens as there are self-help rituals, and those are heavens with the circles not just the rectangles. And then after that there are Loagaeth tables with angelic and demonic sides with fuckin intense vibrations. Enochian magick. Fuckin radical my dude.


Ok magick fair enough, clarity dream and then later a synchronicity right after I started randomly thinking about the topic (with no mindfulness, got me), fire kasina it is. Time for LSD behind my eyelids, eventually.

On an unrelated note, it is very tempting for me to use this as a platform for influence activities in my personal life, but that’s kinda lame, and I would prefer to not corrupt the integrity of my relationships which I value and respect. Here I would like to be in the mode of delivering that tasty, tasty content, for educational and entertainment purposes, not getting all up in people’s shit cause that’s like not cool.

It’s also a bad habit I’m trying to break. It is what it is, I made the decisions that I made in the past and surrounded myself with certain people when I didn’t technically have to do that. I keep bringing this point up because I believe it is particularly relevant to those on the LHP. Some people give their lives to the boundaries, and in a way I can respect that. I would like to think that it is apparent that I value serving the people around you, as all too often there are none who are willing to step up and make the world a better place, the corrupt world being what it is.

I suppose it comes down to what energy you want to live with. Do you really enjoy doing what you do, or are you giving in to the allure and glamour, or just avoiding something? Yeah, gonna call you out on this one. It is so easy to do things like what I’m doing now and avoid the thing.

Speaking of fog, do you really understand the progression that is before your very eyes? Do you feel it, deeply in your emotional beliefs? I enjoy this material world, generally speaking, despite its corruptions, but have you really dropped the shackles of materialism? I assure you, I enjoy power and commanding things to happen and seeing my little fingers wiggle their way into people’s smushy mushy brains (you ever seen a human brain before, in person?), especially when it comes to things I fuckin put in the work for to gain the knowledge I have, like modern occultism, perhaps the dopest subject around.

You got 17 years left? Tick tock my dudes. If not, best summon up as much energy as you can to unfuck your karma as much as possible cause that shit’s coming with you into your next life. Assuming, of course, that God has deemed you acceptable to have a next life. There are some shitty possibilities, let me tell you that. What, you think you’re just gonna go to Heaven? You ever heard of the concept of “faith and works?” What exactly do you think the enlightened being who is said by the Gnostics to have transcended the flesh, I don’t quite recall this exactly but perhaps before supper, after having granted the scapegoat the demonic power to rule the material, meant by “works?” Vaguely praying to a God you don’t even vaguely comprehend, feeling no energy arising from beyond material existence? Noble eightfold path huh? Very cheeky, priest.

You know why I set aside 9 hours for sleeping? Cause I wake up at least like 4 times, usually more like 6-8 times (naturally, no alarms) and record my dreams, and then I play back every single recording and attempt to recall the dream before it plays out. Have you ever had the experience where your mind feels kind of off because you just experienced way more dream experience than you’re used to and it kind of threw you out of wack? It’s also quite unattractive to go back into sleep deprivation land after being there for, like, at least 8+ years and then experiencing continuous always being well-rested, energized, and with the mental clarity and capacity to maximize performance, meaning greater efficiency and effectiveness, which means more done in less time with better quality. With good sleep, meditation, a touch of caffeine (more for the delicious cup of coffee), and yoga I feel exceptionally sharp but also calm and controlled. Cortisol does not great things if you are constantly blasted with it all the time, I would know, and I am here for a life of pleasure and enjoyment, not self-induced pain.

Can you see the progression? Endurance, my dudes, dream state stamina. If the source is to be believed, it has been known since 1991 that this has been achieved to an extent. If the hushed whisperers know something I don’t, well I suppose I don’t give a fuck cause magick gave me the download, direct access, straight from the top.

To my understanding, fire kasina is effective for cultivating concentration and mindfulness as a primary meditation practice, and also vipassana insight if you’re into that sort of thing. I haven’t read the original Pali(?) text, but the Fire Kasina Book, available for free by the authors, seems to be the hot thing nowadays on the subject, and I haven’t read it all yet but it seems to be more focused on intensive retreat practice and getting right into the DMT. I haven’t done DMT but LSD doesn’t do closed eye visuals too much, although it did cause a feeling of an alive energetic connection among the music and the crowd, and I assure you, it was not a chumpy dose. Good times. I like breath meditation, and it really is a classic, but I dunno I got the clarity dream I got the synchronicity right after the random unmindful thoughts I’m not gonna worry about it too much and I’m just gonna do it. Checkmark B and all that (closed eye scrying is how I received that - this jackass of a ball just reflects myself, although it does represent my world).

Choices, decisions, consequences. End results. What you get stuck with in the middle. Do you get stuck? By my calculations, it has been at least 17 years since 1991. I wonder, in all that time, what could be achieved? Could it be happiness? Could it be power? Could it be freedom? How about awakening to the true nature of reality?

Maybe I’m off my rocker, driving myself insane with meditative hallucinations and delusions of abilities I do not yet possess (ignore the progression of my material life and the “results of my lifestyle magick”). Or maybe, perhaps just maybe, I am awake.


When you keep getting signs that you should connect with your spirit guardian, it’s probably a good idea.

The reasonable Creatures of the erth let them vex and weede out one an other

OPEN The mysteries of your Creation: And Make us partakers of undefyled knowledg.

Didn’t have knowledg of the spell check back then, clearly.

I don’t usually like to use this word, but sometimes it helps when someone tells it like it is. You’ve got the ordinary, normal people, and you have the powerful spiritual masters who can do shit like have an extremely clear, precise, and helpful divination dream on command, for someone else. You can’t do certain things if you don’t go full pseudo-monastic cause you have to study and practice. Tasty, tasty mind treasures.


Ok so adjustment to the empowerments. This is for the consolidation weeks.

Tolerance - Peace
Conduct - Pleasure
Endurance - Passion
Progression - Pride
Visibility - maybe do something like Privacy as a counterbalance sort of feel
Abundance - Happiness (or Joy, I just prefer the word happiness)
Assessment - Love
Actions - Bliss

The whole happiness - love - bliss thing is a bit of just a theory, man, but seems reasonable to me.

But the 24th Aethyr is denoted as Bliss! Efficiency! True, and I’m just some dude who hasn’t even spoken all the Keys yet, but it seems to me that the consolidation weeks may be getting removed from the pattern once the Aethyrs begin. I’ve pretty much covered everything I think as my ritual groups were very broad by design and there’s just not that much to target at that level.

It’s also the case that once you get into it more it’s easier to sustain a higher level of involvement and still enjoy it. This isn’t as big of a deal if you are doing a less lengthy in terms of time the ritual takes to do approach, but for myself I am committed to doing the 1 hour meditation and then up to around 2 hours of the ritual itself with all the different parts. I have noticed effects from each different component.

As a reminder, the pattern includes doing a week of the Vision ritual between the Rituals of the Angels and the first group of Aethyrs, along with constructing (technically you’re supposed to construct it during the first week, but I suppose technically maybe not) the first Soyga table and doing the ritual.

In terms of how to do that, perhaps the text from the first table in Liber Loagaeth should be used. For reference, I’m looking at Klein volume 3 of the paperback. The letters “lonhauyenra” are written in Enochian before the first line begins, so perhaps you could vibrate those at the beginning, end, and in-between the other passages while speaking the passages normally, or speak it all normally if you prefer. I’d probably do that after scanning over each letter in the table. At this time I have no ideas for a special scanning pattern like with the Loagaeth tables. Perhaps you can just do the same thing, although there are no front/back distinctions, and the Loagaeth pattern symbolizes the Heaven to Material connection, and these Soyga tables seem to be a level beyond that distinction, so just straight across, right to left, or probably whatever with these seems fine. If you are deeply-knowed in the lore you may know that I consider the corruptions of the tables as part of the system.

It isn’t entirely clear in the section in volume 3 with all the tables, but I believe I’ve read the section in the main text where D&K receive the Loagaeth tables, and if I recall correctly each of these passages was within an individual square within an overall table. The subtext by the page number, though, seems to imply that some of the first page is on the front side of the first “Loagaeth table” while the rest is on the back side (denoted as a/b in the text). Without looking at the main documents (transcription of the main documents CHILL MY DUDE), my take on this is that the letters written in Enochian (lonhauyenra) form the front side while the passages form the back side. Horny jail! This would imply to me an acknowledgement of the duality of Heaven (or Infernal, or Dream) and Material while the table itself is an acknowledgement of what is beyond or underlying that duality, the non-duality of pure Source-God-Consciousness.

The reason why meditation is important for this work is that it allows you to transform your conscious experience to be more aligned with Source-God-Consciousness. Comprehensiveness is also important, but it is true that the sense door which for most people is most often used and most taken for granted is the visual sense, and one thing fire kasina does is habituate attention to focus on the visual sense, as opposed to breath meditation, which focuses on tactile sensations. When I am being generally mindful in daily life outside of meditation, I like to move my attention to my external senses and off of the mind sense, where thoughts and the like occur. I am perhaps speaking a bit outside of my direct experience here, but the mind sense is like an “internal” version of external senses, with the sensory information being internally generated rather than received from the external environment. There are also things like having a sense or impression of knowing something, which isn’t like hearing thought words, although thought words are how you often elaborate on this knowing to yourself. That I’m not too sure on so don’t quote me on that. Further investigation is required, particularly in the dream state, where this sort of spontaneous arising of impressions about the situation is common for me.

I’ve been harping on this quite often because of my perception of its importance to this pathworking. The spirits will probably block you if you do not attain a certain level of ability with dream practice. That, or you would be better off doing other magick while you develop your dream practice so you can get more out of Loagaeth magick. I’ve gotten some pretty intense, and I mean intense effects in the waking state from doing a couple Loagaeth rituals and even just from partially constructing a table, and I would like to think that if you are a long-time reader of mine that you will see that I mean really, really intense. The angelic side blurred the line between waking and dreaming while awake very severely, to the extent that I believe if you do not have a steady mind rooted in mindfulness it would absolutely, 100% get you institutionalized or severely negatively affect your material success, and the demonic side (earth table) caused powerful, powerful demonic earth element results. I even put “intense” in the contemplation while initially gazing at the sigil, that’s how fuckin intensely magickal and supernatural I’m talking. I can’t speak on this out of experience yet, but I would say that if you are going to set aside the time to regularly, every week construct a Loagaeth table (one side) and then do the ritual, you won’t be doing much in the way of “practical magick” aside from more fluid “non-ritual” methods, if you do any at all aside from guardian angel magick, and if you are going to go ahead with that and go that deep, I think that it would be worthwhile to lean into that energy as much as is feasibly possible and go as full-blast mystic while maintaining your material success as is absolutely possible.

If magickal effects which are so intense that they could institutionalize a less trained mind sounds like a pretty awesome time, oh I most certainly agree. My readers should know by now that when it comes to magick, I turn the dial to the maximum.

I believe that my magick has been guiding me to this. All of my pathworkings have developed my life to the point where I have the freedom to enjoy my material success while diving into the spiritual work that really, really matters. We are fortunate in this day and age to have access to magickal methods which are extraordinarily effective for a low price and without excessive obscuration.

I understand that some place greater importance on material affairs, and I see no problem with this. Even after completing the Loagaeth pathworking (there’s no way I’m only doing that once), I’ll still have many material years ahead of me. If I do not transcend the flesh by the completion of the Soyga pathworking, I’ll still have quite some material years ahead of me. During all of this time, I will still be enjoying my material success and doing my various projects and stuff. I’ll presumably be accomplishing sleep yoga, but also seeming to be a relatively normal dude to most people.

If you are attached to the material, that’s fine, but just realize what it is that you are accepting. I feel that it is necessary to address the topic of money. I suggest divination and financial magick, specifically deep wealth magick. I can add nothing more meaningful to this point in this post, aside from pointing out that deep wealth magick will break your patterns of assumption and break through internal and external blockages if you persist with the deep wealth magick. In reality, it takes surprisingly little to attain financial freedom once blockages are broken through. This all takes time, and likely a bit of attention re-directing and changing of material working methods. Hate me if you wish. It will get you nowhere. I do not require your sympathy nor your pity. My path is my path, my pain is my pain, and the sacrifices and choices that I made I stand by. The same tools which changed for me the very likely outcome of years of soul-sucking labor and painful existence around god-awful people into work which nourishes me alongside admittedly not my favorite but absolutely acceptable profitable work are available to you. You cannot take away from me the toil and suffering which I endured to erase shitty, shitty life outcomes. I hold no pride for my suffering, but I hold pride for the sheer fucking determination, resilience, and undying will to never accept defeat and fight to my last fucking breath or stand at the end, covered in gore and grime, with my results. I have since bathed. Now, I give my heart of iron rest.

The curtain draws.