The Ritual of the Neutron Star

Ok I’ll admit it - I admit it! I was afraid of my own ritual. It’s intimidating. It’s so much energy even if you don’t do it all the time, I wonder what would happen to my body if I did that more often.

Nothing against you people, but fuck narcissism dude, what a fuckin buzz kill of a vibe. I wasn’t even doing it right. Not that I don’t get along, but that’s not my favorite color dude. You are certainly allowed to believe what you want to believe. I’m good.

Aren’t boundaries just dandy.

It’s amusing, all these little stories we tell ourselves, all these delusions of weakness. I love chopping my own head off, just the weakness head.

Don’t mind me, I’ll just be bellowing from the deep.

So many DEMONS.


Belonging - My people were brought to me.
Truth - To my people, my effectiveness was known.
Creation - Through my efficacy I was known, and through this I created my reality.
Decay - Decay flowed through me like a tornado.

Transformation - Pleasure became passion became pride, and my pride is my freedom.
Creation - In my freedom abundance flowed through me.
Belonging - My creation created my people.
Fortune - Greed gave me passion.

Belonging - My people remained.
Protection - My freedom remained.
Truth - I knew how to be free.
Corruption - Corruption flowed through me like a tornado.

Healing - Through my actions I set myself free.
Truth - I gave my freedom to myself, and so it remained.
Transformation - There I was, unbroken and free.
Decay - Decay made me cold.

me | the mortifying ordeal of being known | the comfort of love

I am grateful, for all that I have.

Ahh, so this is my power. Released from a dark curse and bound to a higher calling, my own.

This knowledge cannot be taken from me. Never again, never again will I allow myself to suffer in such darkness.

How many chains have I broken? How many more would dare lay claim to my success?

I ask, what more must be broken?
I ask, what must I do?
I ask, what stands before me?

I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

Nicht schießen? Hmmmm?

I wonder, will you be useful to me? Is there efficacy for me to know?

Why don’t you go stand in line, wait for the slop to be given to you, and think for a moment about your life.

Wow, you’re so big and strong!


For the purposes of baneful magick, I consider myself to have two different types of other people - competitors and enemies. Competitors are to be cherished as they create life, prosperity, and development.

Excuse me, sir?


You didn’t clean up after your dog.

Yeah I forgot the bag today.

No I don’t think so because you know it’s not just the statutory law it’s the law of civility, man. And I’ve seen you before and you come out of that building, your dog craps, and, you just leave it where it falls.

Why don’t you mind your business?

This is my business.

Oh you’re that guy.

I am that guy.

Well do you have an extra bag?

No, no, see, I used mine.

Well I’ll get it next time.

No I think you need to get it this time.

Why don’t you let it slide?

Let it slide?
That sounds simple, easy, sure, let it slide it’s just some dog shit.
But those are three, devious little words.
You know, if if I let your dog shit slide then I have to be ok with this whooole plaza filling up with it which it would, before we know it, oh, then it would be on our pant legs and our shoes, and we would track it into our homes, and then our homes would smell like shit too.
It’d be easy to let it slide, you know why don’t we let, why don’t we let petty larceny slide too? Some kid steals five bucks from the news stand, who cares? Maybe next time, he decides to steal your TV, or break into your brown stone and steal your fucking wife. But what difference does it make? Because by then, we’re aaalllll livin in shit anyway.

Come on man, I don’t have a bag.

You have hands.


Use your hands.



Aw man. Come on buddy.

There we go, atta boy, that’s the spirit.

It’s a very simple question. If you shit on an enemy, and no one makes a sound, do your friends and competitors have to deal with it?

In groups, out groups, identities, us, me, you, such empty, impactful concepts.

How about, 49%? chuckles

How bad could he be, that was a nifty tranq, cool chair, didn’t do the swing around thing just turned on some lights. Even in such situations, it’s the protocols of civility, man, read the room. Have some goddamn respect. I don’t even know if it was a tranq tbh, fair enough. I don’t like being denied my victory, however.

Some updates on ritual practice

I am thinking that at some point in the relatively near future I will release all of the empowerments for each Aethyr all at once. If I am to be honest with myself, I am looking forward to new revelations, but I kinda feel like I already got the gist of it, and so I can probably just pop these all out so you all have that and don’t need to rely on me and that notification bell.

Even with the concepts and empowerments spelt out in plain sentences for you to read and understand with your logical, conceptual minds, if you don’t connect with the spirits and receive a direct understanding from beyond this mortal plane then you have understood nothing and have some empty thoughts arising within your mind, likely within the illusion of duality.

It is also the reality that I do not control this platform, and even BALG does not entirely control this platform, so at any point, this knowledge could be lost to time. I would like to give you what it is mine to share sooner rather than later in the event of such an unfortunate circumstance coming into manifestation, for the life, prosperity, development, and good of all humanity.

On that note, in terms of spiritual retreats, it would perhaps be ideal to do one after completing the 2nd Soyga table, which involves constructing and using all the Loagaeth tables. At this point you should have a very strong foundation of meditation and dream abilities, as well as what comes from the Loagaeth tables. During this retreat, you should be as solitary as is possible. There are a few possibilities. Regardless, I would say that each Key should be spoken for one day. It is possible to make that 3-day segments, with the Loagaeth tables being used as well. It is perhaps not advised to make this an entirely solo endeavour, but there are times when such circumstances are incredibly useful for spiritual practice. It could be possible to have a select few with whom you spend time with regularly who support and ideally collaborate with you on this project. The point of this is to really, really really really become unattached from the material, but you don’t want to enter the realm of mental unease or do something just because there is a long tradition of doing so among the truly dedicated, serious spiritual practitioners, be they unity-seeking monks or lords of the left hand path. In reality, I tend to favor a dialectics approach, although I may be misusing that word (I just think of it that way). Push it to an extreme, then peel back to a more effective state.

When it comes to spiritual practice, it should be clear I do not mince words here. There are requirements if you want the results that can be achieved.



Ego feeling sore? Massage it more!

I don’t know how many of you actually do dream yoga, but lucid dreaming has long, long been a desire of mine, and it has been the spiritual practice I’ve struggled with by far the most. I’ve been seeing some great developments in my practice and some amazing results from the practice, so I’m just feeling JAZZED UP BABY oh yeah.

First, I know this is what was always holding me back in dream practice, but I never before had the right methods to power through the initial obstacles. Drugs (alcohol and cannabis) were an easy way to turn off the dreams and find peace in sweet, sweet nothingness. Sometimes, exposure therapy just isn’t enough, and you need to experience events which counteract old wounds and encourage new mental states. Proper dream yoga gives powerful methods for achieving this. That’s not to discount more recently developed practices which take the magick out of it, it just is what it is.

I’m practicing at about 2 weeks of consistency, and although the meditation and mindfulness is a bit shaky, the results of consistently accomplishing dream yoga are already apparent. It has become my perception that my dreams are now longer in time, and the clarity of my experience has increased dramatically. Using more purely psychological methods (MILD-style visualizations about 3 times daily) I got to getting lucid on average every other day every 3 days or so, but this was a shallow lucidity held back by my inconsistency in practice, which usually resulted in up to 3 or 4 days of no dreams, and even just 2 days really hinders dream practice because you essentially erase much of your progress that week in terms of recall and clarity.

I am now at peace with being sober as a gopher. Yeah, later in life, after I’m just too damn good, I’ll probably pop an edible on occasion at the concert or wherever. I feel little desire for alcohol, mostly just as a social pressure. This message was (not actually) brought to you by the K-Safe, slayer of addiction. Getting high is fun, usually, probably, but accomplishing dream yoga, now that’s dank.

I have found the following to be a powerful practice when incorporated into mindfulness habits. If you are able to perceive the Godlight which arises as the foundation of manifested reality, remember to perceive that light, and as you do, feel the dreamlike quality of your experience. This is perhaps easier to do while somewhere like out walking on a chill, overcast day. Realize that, in this moment, you could be in a dream.

Combined with consistent dream journaling (more on recall practice later), this seems to massively increase dream clarity. I have now had dreams where it felt remarkably like the waking state in terms of clarity of experience, very little fogginess or dampening of certain senses, like muddled visual perception.

This can, perhaps of course, bring up the classic fear of, if I walk out into my apartment building with just underwear on and people see me and it’s not a dream that’d be a fuckin wacky moment, or perhaps, I don’t want to dive off my ship real quick to go and retrieve that treasure chest which just parachuted down from the cloudy sky and plopped into the water just right there, cause what if this isn’t a dream?

The importance of the preliminary practice before sleep is also not to be understated. When you consistently, every day, recall your waking life, the events, the objects, the people, all as just a dream, it transforms your mind.

After sleep, for the final recall practice, I suggest first trying to recall the dream before you read over your notes or listen to your recording. According to the book, the dream journal is a tool that is eventually no longer needed, and you may find dream journaling inconvenient or perhaps not feasible in certain situations, so you want to train your mind to naturally and automatically recall and keep dream memory.

If this all sounds a bit esoteric, just realize that dream yoga is one of the most effective methods of divination I have ever used. It doesn’t give you dreams that straight-up tell you what to do, usually, but it does give you scenes, feelings and impressions to contemplate which synchronize and lock in emotional resonances and untangle confusions.

When you have a Peace dream, a real genuine peace dream (pretty much every single time, perhaps literally every single time without exception, but I’ve been doing this whole magick thing for a bit), you do not only produce a dream sequence, but the dream carries with it an emotional resonance, an energy not unlike what is summoned in ritual magick. This force will influence your mind if you invite and allow it to do so. This force healed many extremely difficult aspects of C-PTSD for me, that is how powerful these visualizations are.

Quickly now, in terms of fire kasina meditation, I’m ultra scrubby, and if you are too, here’s my take on trying to record a TMI-style progression as I go along. Even with previous meditation experience, my mind is not used to returning to these particular objects, so it feels like I’m close to a complete beginner even with being able to sustain 30+ minute sessions comfortably.

I start with gazing at the flame for about 5 minutes, beginning the mantra (for me, the Enochian word norquasahi, nnn-ooo-rrr-wooo-aaa-sss-aaa-hhh-iii, which translates to pleasant deliverers) when the timer begins. It seems best to occasionally re-gaze at the flame to get the dot back. You can focus on the visual confetti and washes and waves of light and color if you’re seeing that, but if there’s not much going on it doesn’t hurt to make the flame the object until you can return to the afterimages.

With the mantra, I find it to be helpful as a fallback and as an ongoing object among the thoughts, especially while getting used to the fire kasina primary object. With the breath there is more I can focus on because I’ve done that practice up to like stage 5-6 TMI, but fire kasina I’m still figuring out at a very basic level. Just remember that the mantra is the fallback, and that it’s ok to stabilize on it, but then go back to the fire kasina.

With mindfulness, I try and just observe what happens while returning to external sensory information. Thoughts and other internal mental events I try to catch and move away from. If they do arise, and if there are subsequent emotions that arise, just ignore it and return to external information. You can discourage these events if you want a bit, but this is like the fallback. Eventually you may start to notice only like half or part of the whole sequence arising when it is triggered or spontaneously arises due to activated cognitive structures. Eventually, the mind will be cleansed, and only what is my active intention will remain.

As a last note, there are some practices which you kind of know going into it that it will be a temporary practice to get some results, but it is still a practice with energy you can align with easily. The occasionally psychopathic money angels come to mind, for example. I want my money, and sometimes you need that extra juice to push you to the next level, but for me, money is one of those things where once my lifestyle is fine and it grows acceptably I want to eliminate as many “I am doing this for the money and no other reason” activities as is possible cause I’m here for the experience, thank you very much. Dream practice is not like this. Dream practice is a life-long practice.

You’re welcome in advance for the fruits of my practice. You know you want it.


The curse of knowledge, the mechanics of human behavior

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.

Oh Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love with all my heart,
all my heart,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.

I am become death, destroyer of subtlety.

Hail Satan.


And on that day, darkness fell over the land.

A few notes on ritual/meditation practice

First I’ll do some fire kasina notes. I’m mostly doing this for my own practice and maybe some day I’ll put together an ebook or something. This is a pretty nifty meditation method, and I’ve found very little modern writing on this subject, especially writing oriented around using this method as a standard meditation practice rather than using it as a retreat-only hyper-intensive method. We’ve got the breath/air meditation, here’s a fire meditation for insight and concentration.

It seems good to practice with both high and low light conditions, in terms of general ambient lighting. Low light seems easier to focus on the afterimage from the flame itself, like the red dot, but high light seems to produce more swaths of colors, but this could just be an early stage sort of thing, or just my limited experience.

You may also experience facial muscle tension from trying to squint your eyes cause you’re over-efforting. I use this like the mantra, sort of. I periodically check-in with my muscles to see if there is tension and then intentionally relax them, rubbing or wiggling around if necessary. It’s good to encourage this behavior to go extinct (technical behavioral term), but while it’s happening you can notice how it affects the visual field.

In general, if I’m seeing interesting things happening, or really just anything happening, I’ll keep my eyes closed and continue to meditate on the kasina. If there’s nothing really happening or so little that it’s difficult to remain focused, then I’ll focus on the flame again for a bit, long enough to refresh the red dot. The red dot usually disappears pretty quickly, but there’s usually some color swathing after that, and after that little static confetti. Apparently more happens, or you are able to perceive more, with practice. Playing with intention is for later after there is no mind wandering.

With the mantra, I like having a little gap between the end and the beginning as a reminder that the primary object is the kasina and the mantra is just there as a support.

In terms of other things to use other than a candle flame, I try and be careful with this as I don’t want to blind myself, but I have looked at brighter and larger lights and then gone into a dark room and observed much longer-lasting and larger red dots, with the follow-on swathing as well. A simple candle flame is working just fine, and don’t go around staring at the sun like a dumbass.

Even when not doing fire kasina practice, I’d say it’s a good idea to do a few eye care things. One is to look across a long distance and focus the eyes far away. Another is to be careful with screen time and to use a blue light filter, like f.lux.

Regardless of method, if you’re getting back into mindfulness practice, there will be times when your mind bombards you with unpleasant appearances, as these appearances tend to chain into each other. You just have to accept that it’s happening and mindfulness your way through it. Enter the void, empty, and become wind, or I suppose in this case, fire.

On another note, with the The Stillness practice, I like to swivel the sensations of space around me, both on a 2d plane and in 3d space. Holding these sensations should be quite challenging.

I suppose that is the question. Do you want to have the results of the pathworking with you or not?

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I am hum…

wait a minute, no I’m not.

Oop, yeah, not me. Not me. Not me. Not me. Not me.

Clearly being my authentic self which technically isn’t real, now we’re talkin.

Ah, yes, hello dream characters. Yah ever get fuckin zippity zapped my dudes? Yah ever be clear? Yah like jazz? I like jazz. Feed it to me.

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Brandishes bridle


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Ah yes, the natural consequences of our actions.

In dealing with egomaniacs who try to use you to fill the void within their pained minds caused by their failures, I suggest you just don’t.

I’m not disrespecting you! I just place zero value on your knowledge, abilities, and experiences. This is the conclusion that I reached via the calculations of my logical, thinking mind, honed in the arena of high intensity logical requirements. I put no ego in my calculations, nor do I put value judgements (good and bad), I simply aim to know what logically follows from a set of assumptions or information or whatever. You ever study logic itself? P’s and K’s and shit?

That is sometimes the truth. Disrespect means that I enjoy your suffering. I don’t usually do that, unless I am disrespected. This requires a high degree of clarity of thought. I am skeptical of things, but I also can spell out in precise detail the workings of human behavior. People don’t tend to like it when you explain their behavior to them, as it makes their egos hurt because they believe you gave them a little boo-boo on their ego. Did I make your decisions for you? Oh, no, that’s right, you’re just a special snowflake who’s just so different from all these other humans and have attained something beyond this existence, a mind incapable of prediction, a mind which breaks statistical analysis and analysis of cause and effect.

Call me cold, I won’t deny it. What, exactly, do you give to me? What, exactly, are you expecting me to give to you? What, exactly, are the mental gymnastics that you perform to arrive at these expectations?

If you wish to blame me for not wanting to deal with your weakness, because it is a fucking problem I do not want to solve for you, I assure you, I am accustomed to people heaving their mounds and mounds of bullshit upon me. I’m surprised they haven’t found work in education, such is their efficacy as a projector.

Why don’t you perform the RotNS and see what happens. You may not necessarily like it when the cold, clear truth is presented to you. Self-hatred is for the weak, but what if weak you are.

Well then, I think you know what I would suggest that you do. Allow weakness to die. There is too much potential in experience to allow yourself to dwell in suffering and mediocrity.

My apologies for not being nice to the projectors. I forgot that some try and thrust that behavioral requirement onto me.

I dislike petty little bickering. It is unproductive and unfulfilling. But do I accept egomaniacs who try and shit on my face, and then feel good about their administration of aged wisdom and their elevation over me? No, I don’t, I kindly request that they go and project their issues onto someone else because their ego is annoying and they don’t give a flying fuck about who I am, just what I can be to them, what function I can have in their life.

How about we do a little logical exercise. Here we have an assumption - time alive is directly proportional to “wisdom.” We could say that wisdom is knowledge and particularly knowledge of the best course of action with regards to a situation. Go away epistemologists.

Let us say we have Person A and Person B. Person A is 40 years old, barely passed high school, and has worked in food service retail their entire life. Person B has a college degree.

Who has more wisdom? Well, I would say that we do not have enough information to answer this question. On what subject are we seeking wisdom regarding?

Perhaps that subject is investments. No, how about human relationships, actually. Person A has a loving and healthy relationship with his wife, children who love him and care about him, and a diverse and healthy group of friends. Person B spends every weekend alone, has no significant other nor has ever had one, and has a toxic family. Who is more wise?

Well, once again, we do not have enough information. Perhaps Person A is more wise, as this person has demonstrable proof of interpersonal efficacy. Perhaps Person B is more wise, having gone through a challenging life experience which provided knowledge. Perhaps one only has the appearance of success or failure, but simply experienced life turbulence on the way to fulfilling their self-actualization? Who knows?

Why is it that we are attempting to ascertain an answer to this question? Is it perhaps the case that we are attempting to assign superiority and inferiority to individuals based off of arbitrary and non-arbitrary criteria which have no bearing to the matter at hand, deciding upon effective courses of action with regards to investments or human relationships?

Pssh, who am I kidding, I just have no common sense. I’ll bet that 40 year old sandwich slinger has troves of aged wisdom, just waiting to be discovered. Yes, sensei, please teach me the ways of the balanced mayo, the optimal arrangement of bell peppers, and how to get away with lying to customers beneath your 25 year old manager’s nose so you can go home early and space out to shitty tv commercials. I have become nourished and enlightened with such wisdom, gained through the fountain of unskilled labor and fear of change. Me? Oh, what could I possibly know about the ways of the sandwich, in my limited years of life experience, and certainly in my limited learning capacities?


You know the bicycle only accelerates when you peddle forwards, right?

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Don’t mind me, just over here living my life, engaging in what I find limitlessly stimulating, minding my own business.

Imagine, your entire conscious experience being about someone else and how much you hate them. I suppose some people just have so much hatred they don’t even know what to do with it anymore!

Come now, ore no Blümelein, feed it to me. Give me power.

Or, like, fuck off and leave me in peace. If you’d like some therapy, I accept PMs. That is the circumstance in which I will listen to the ignorant.

It’s interesting, the conclusion is the same, but the process is so very different. They think I’m a moron, and their evidence for this belief is egoic delusion rooted in nothing but self-hatred, other-hatred, really just lots of hatred spilling out all over the place nonsensically, like a toddler vomiting, and also weakness and other forms of fear, of which there are several which do different things and have different energetic qualities. I think they’re a moron, and my evidence is facts which are empirically demonstrable about the reality of the world.

Very fascinating. Here we have the human beings, in their natural habitat. Ahh, and here we have the Alpha Male, large, loud, off-putting to many, dominating the weak. And here we have this other male, quietly getting what it wants, defending its turf. Go right ahead, Alpha Male, I have no interest in those females who are attracted to people like you, and I have no interest in what you seek. I suggest you seek domination elsewhere. Here you will find great resistance and little gain. You will not know that I have won, and you will not see your fall. Let us instead have peace. I have bread to trade for your beads. Very good. My people will talk to yours, and you will never have to look upon me. I will have my places, you will have yours, and on we go with our lives.



Haha just kidding I’ll go ahead and put these out there as I do it and as I feel it is appropriate to do so. Aaaaaaaaas you can see here, these are not complete sets of empowerments. Eventually, I will make a post with just the complete system of empowerments for all the rituals, including the “Rituals of the Angels” and the ones for the Aethyrs for purposes of organization and ease of copy-paste. Be aware that these are technically subject to change, but that is unlikely. Enjoy.

Note - the [] spot just means the spot where the cyclical demonic empowerment goes

Note - I would say that you do not have to perform the entire Ritual of the Key on each of these days. One approach would be to do the first two empowerments with a full ritual complement and then also with the one or two angelic empowerments. I, personally, do, believe it or not, have a life outside of magick, 4-8 of various levels of integration and depending on how you look at it, why don’t we just call it 9 cause who knows how many lives dream will give me.

Reminder - there are no “consolidation weeks” in between each Aethyr. This is perhaps counter-intuitive given the nature of these empowerments. You’d maybe think that you’d want some extra time to let these process and soak in. It’s more the case that the extra weeks during the first section of rituals are for getting your material shit together. All of these rituals, both the more obviously material and more obviously mystical, will be playing out well into your future if you do them, especially if you do them as I have described. Remember as well that the 2nd Soyga table involves the Loagaeth tables. Make of that what you will.

Acceptance (earth) (lil)
Fortune -
[] - Greed flowed through me like a tornado.
Fortune - With darkness came scarcity.
Decay - Light became darkness.
Transformation - Light became light.
Corruption - Boundaries were placed over the light.
Belonging - In the beginning, all was light.

Insistence (water) (arn)
Corruption -
[] - Corruption made me cold.
Fortune - Inequality came to be.
Decay - Segments broke and died.
Corruption - The unity was fragmented.
Protection - The unity remained.

Eagerness (air) (zom)
Decay -
[] - Decay gave me passion.
Fortune - Others wanted what was mine.
Decay - Others took things away.
Prosperity - Abundance was absolute.
Corruption - Others came to be.
Truth - I was the light in unity.

Freedom (fire) (paz)
Fortune -
[] - Greed made me clear.
Fortune - Darkness gave power.
Decay - Light became limited.
Healing - Light overcame darkness.
Corruption - Darkness became essence.
Creation - Light was the essence.

Intuition (earth) (lit)
Fortune -
[] - Corruption gave me pride.
Fortune - Time and space brought meaning.
Decay - Time and space brought death.
Transformation - Time and space changed.
Corruption - Time and space formed from the unified light.
Belonging - Time and space were meaningless.

Creativity (water) (maz)
Corruption -
[] - Decay flowed through me like a fire.
Fortune - Separation brought grasping and aversion.
Decay - Limitation brought darkness.
Corruption - Some light was forever separated.
Protection - Separation was meaningless.

Contribution (air) (deo)
Decay -
[] - Greed gave me pride.
Fortune - Of and in time and space there was scarcity.
Decay - Limited time and space brought death.
Prosperity - Of and in time and space there was abundance.
Corruption - I became a being of time and space.
Truth - I was beyond time and space.

Adaptability (fire) (zid)
Fortune -
[] - Corruption flowed through me like a fire.
Fortune - Dualities brought preferences.
Decay - Dualities brought death.
Healing - Dualities were rectified.
Corruption - Out of awareness came duality.
Creation - From nothing came an awareness.


Bit of a long one today so strap in.

Get a life! This is my life. One of them, to be accurate, which I inhabit in the gaps between my being my other lives. Sometimes doubt/guilt (self-hatred) will arise when I feel like doing this, but that is simply the external influences of others attempting to sour my experience. I just enjoy writing. It helps me practically and it gives me pleasure. I haven’t really thought too much about my writing in a meta way in quite a while, like how I structure phrases and stuff, but the content is still quite enjoyable for me to create.

Let’s start with some musings on the sex magick sigils. There are probably times in many people’s lives when you really do need as effective a practice as is possible to achieve what you want to achieve and get through a particular period of time, but mostly I wouldn’t be too concerned, and I just enjoy working out these sorts of things.

When you have a large number of active workings, there is the question of interleaving versus focus. These sigils do produce magickal effects, or perhaps we could say align with the intentional flow of reality, so I don’t think there is any rigid rule that should be always followed, but principles that can guide practice.

My approach is to fire sigils whenever it seems that a significant portion of time has elapsed. What this means is that significant events occurred, significant decisions were made, or additional significant information came to light. By “significant” I mean that there has been a distinctive change from how things were before to how they were after this period of time. This can be one day or it can be many weeks, depending on the situation.

I think this is a reasonable way to do things while you have a working going for a current situation that is dynamic and in the midst of significant developments. I have done workings before which were more like preludes to upcoming situations, to get myself into the proper mindset and to prepare the way with a proper plan.

I’ve also done sigils that were more intended as a way to achieve emotional security and to pave the way for relatively far future things. This would be like doing a sigil for a situation that’s already ongoing and is quite stable. You want to maintain that stability while being assured that when changes do come, you already have magick power directed at that. Not as exciting as a sigil that brings a major result very quickly, but still effects that I value.

I’ve spoken before about the possibility of stripping away most all magick practice aside from Loagaeth tables and Guardian Angel (personal connection to magick power) magick. I still think this could be an interesting thing to do, but on the other hand, I enjoy having some tools at my disposal to provide indications and guidance. For instance, I still reap many great benefits from when I studied Tarot more deeply. The cards are quite reliable and often surprisingly insightful, as if that needs to be said, and the same goes for lists of powers with spirits.

A bit of a topic change here now, as is indicated by my topic-changey sentence. Let us discuss learning and behavior in the context of dogs.

There are four things you should know - positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Reinforcement encourages a behavior, punishment discourages a behavior. Positive means introducing a stimulus, negative means removing a stimulus.

Positive Reinforcement - providing a pleasurable stimulus to reward a behavior
Negative Reinforcement - removing a displeasurable stimulus to reward a behavior (probably the least common, in non-toxic situations)
Positive Punishment - introducing a displeasurable stimulus to punish a behavior
Negative Punishment - removing a pleasurable stimulus to punish a behavior

For these to work, they need to be paired with the target behavior closely in time to create an association between the behavior with pleasure or displeasure, or the removal of pleasure or displeasure.

Dogs are behaviorally programmable entities. They seem to lack self-awareness, but may perhaps have a primitive, rudimentary consciousness. When puppers smiles at you, that is just the outward behavioral display of pleasure. When puppers barks angrily, that is a pre-programmed behavior which is “designed” to influence other behaviorally programmable entities. Such inherent programming is arrived at via the process of evolution, which encourages the passing on of genetic material, which is where the pre-programming comes from, which is maximally effective at continuing the passing on of genetic material via sexual reproduction. So essentially, pre-programmed behaviors which encourage maximal child birth and survival to reproduction are “encouraged” by biological evolution.

Puppers doesn’t give a shit about you because there is no “self” in the animal beyond self-survival instincts. That is not a concept which really makes any sense. The dog is behaviorally conditioned to expect survival necessities from you, and things like food are very pleasurable. The dog is also wired to be a social animal as social in-groups bring protection and improved conditions to the group, which increases offspring and survival rates.

Puppers also doesn’t fucking understand English. People do that dog-voice thing because they learned that behavior from other people and it conveys either neutral emotional content or pleasurable emotional content. There is perhaps arguably an in-built behavioral compulsion (if I recall) in people to do this to infants and small children as it creates a feeling of pleasure around the infant, which is otherwise an abundant source of displeasure and broken boundaries. If you had to change an adult’s diapers at 3am every day, listen to it crying constantly all the time, had to give up your entire life to ensure that it doesn’t die and gets what it needs, and had to clean its vomit off of you frequently, you would probably come to resent that adult, and the same would apply to babies if humans weren’t so strongly pre-programmed to feel “love” (some form of pleasure) towards their children and children in general. That’s why baby features, such as large eyes, are seen as “cute.” It’s harder to stab or neglect things that are “cute,” which leads to more frequent reproduction and higher survival rates.

What dogs do understand are pleasure and pain, as well as primitive body language things and the like. Saying “bad dog, bad” in a weird, stupid voice which conveys no rage or hatred does absolutely fucking nothing. It does not. Understand. ENGLISH. It is an ANIMAL, like a goddamn goldfish but with a marginally larger brain. If your voice conveys fear, oh fucking lord, the dog is the one in control.

Puppers is not out to get you, it is an entity which exhibits behavior according to its behavioral programming, which creates behavioral compulsions. If programmed to attack you, then it would be “out to get you” in that sense, but there is no concept of “ego” in dogs.

Dogs do seem to abide by similar emotional rules as humans do. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a depressed dog before, and how that dog got to that point was by large-scale removal of pleasures and frequent introduction of pain.

The reality for many dogs is that they spend by far most of their time isolated and alone inside a relatively small box, or a really small box. There is no pleasure in this time, and there is likely the introduction of displeasure. I’d be displeased too if I had to hold my shit in all day. When the owner of the dog returns to its presence, there is perhaps some pleasure shown towards the dog, but oftentimes, when the dog is “like,” “oh thank fuck this pleasure-giving-stimulus is back maybe now I can remove my displeasures and receive pleasure,” the human barks at the dog and thereby punishes it for seeking pleasure.

When this sort of thing happens often enough, the dog’s “experience” becomes almost entirely displeasure. How this displeasure manifests differs according to the situation.

If the dog is not really positively punished too often, just when it seeks pleasure but not at other times, it will probably become a yappy-ass awful little shit who rages all the time because it is usually alone and in pain because its owner treats it as a love slave toy to gain some amusement out of and the illusion of not being alone while not caring at all in the slightest for the animal beyond what they must do to keep it alive and prevent it from punishing them by shitting on the floor or bringing the wrath of the neighbors upon them.

Another possibility is that the dog will live in fear instead of rage. This is more likely to occur if behavioral exhibitions compelled by rage are punished. The dog will learn that its avaricious attempts to break out of the painful boundaries of its existence will only ever result in pain, and so fear overcomes the rage as the dog “experiences despair” (possibly) and comes to believe that it is bound to unchangeable circumstances, by which I mean that its behaviors compelled by rage become associated with pain, there are no introductions of pleasurable stimuli, and so there is only displeasure which is discouraged from evolving from fear into rage as pain is a stimulus which inherently triggers fear to cause the entity to avoid that painful and presumably damaging (detrimental to reproduction and survival) stimulus.

Have you ever been minding your own business, out on a walk, and as you pass by a residence you get aggressively barked at by a dog, and sense the human’s pathetic pleasure in feeling that it has dominated another? What, I wonder, would happen if you growled back at the dog, malice dripping from your breath. Oh, what a sight that would be, to hear the dog whimper in fear, to sense the human do the same, its illusion of dominance and mastery shattered. And what if that human was actually experiencing real pleasure, and not the illusion of pleasure created by weakness?

Well now that doesn’t sound very mature of you. So what you’re saying is that I’m supposed to just sit there and get screamed at by a voice tinged with rage? Yeah, I don’t think so. Unless, of course, that is the requirement to achieve my objective.

But it’s just a little pupper! Little pupper needs to shut the fuck up. Is it my problem that you can’t fucking handle being with yourself and so require the illusion of a presence to project anthropomorphism onto? Or a behaviorally programmable being that is easy to dominate or inflict sadism upon, and which you can do so with essentially no risk of punishment by law enforcement? Why yes, yes it is my problem, as I do not wish to be denied the right to peace, calm, and silence in my airspace, or to go about my life without being assaulted.

If you yourself enjoy dogs, that is your business. So long as your pleasure is not my problem, why would I give a fuck. I just so happen to not be the biggest fan of dogs, which is why I use them for this example, because I am allergic to these animals, and I was forced to live with one inside my active residence for many years, so not only was my mental and emotional environment toxic, the literal physical space in which I lived was toxic to me.

So many allegories! Aw, why do you have to be so mean to the puppers?

It is more than a small wonder that I am no longer absolutely misanthropic. As a helpful reminder, if you are normally surrounded by morons who are incapable of listening, just be sure to remember that when you interact with other people who do not resist the intake of or perhaps even already comprehend basic introductory level concepts.

It is what it is. The dogs do not understand English. They vomit out English from their behaviorally compelled, stupid faces, but there is no power of mind overcoming emotional compulsions. Let them whine, let them get all fucking butt-hurt about their delusions being questioned and your not allowing them to break your boundaries (but why do you have to be so meeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn after I assaulted you, insulted you, and tried to make my problems your problems all while giving you absolutely nothing but condescension and trying to start dumb, petty little bullshit samsaric games? cause you’re toxic and crying crocodile tears you shit-fuck, don’t blame my awareness and foresight for your toxicity - I don’t want to fucking deal with you, that is a project I do not consent to, and my time and my peace of mind is far too valuable to poison it with such nonsense - other people’s ignorance, lack of self-awareness, and massive, impenetrable walls of egoicism are absolutely no more my problem than they absolutely have to be), and watch in amazement at the power of being educated.

I didn’t choose the StuG life, I was drafted into the Wehrmacht. Good thing what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right! Tell that to puppers. Nice basing of pride off your delusion of weakness, fuck face.

And by that I mean smile, placidly, patiently. Drip, drip, drip on my face, all nothing but empty stimuli, self-liberating in the clear light of rigpa.

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I’m just really going off today and am choosing to lean into it and embrace it. Pardon my objectives. It would please me to know that you got some knowledge out of it, dear dudes.

It feels like my entire life has been sucked up into the vortex of the tornado. Fire illuminates my mind and burns what is on the ground. Some fires grow, some fires die. The earthquake deals with any particularly stubborn fires and other such things which need to die. The tsunami clears away all the debris, all the ashes, and everything falls from within the tornado down into the water which carries it all into its proper place.

God fucking damn is magick powerful.

Rock bottom, my old friend.

This is the price I pay for being who I am, and it is a price I am readily willing to pay. Thankfully, the magick doesn’t always do me quite like this and isn’t always this disruptive. Sometimes that’s just life and the summary of events.

I will say this, though. I feel aligned. There is chaos, there is uncertainty, but I feel aligned. I feel no struggle. There is fear, there is pain, but no struggle. I can be scared, but I cannot be scared off. Every day that there is meditative practice, my pain lessens, my fear lessens, and the peace and silence increases. Even when I call for an increase in the wrath of God, my peace increases.

No longer am I trying to fit a square in the circle hole, a triangle in a square, a circle in a triangle, etc. There is flow. There is no fighting against the current, pushing to do “what I need” or “what is good for me.” I feel good and natural, like I am with my own kind. When I go into my next activity, I often feel relief. Activities which could produce pain are being transformed. The space in-between activities is being transformed. My awareness brims with pleasure. The pleasure of flowing in skilled action, the pleasure of expectation, and the pleasure of raw experience in the clear light of rigpa. The crispness of the packaging as I prepare my food. The multitudes of sound, arising and passing away, in the sheen of sharpening my knives.


Lifestyle design, aka how do I not really have to pee or be full of food/fluids at inconvenient times. I like being efficient and effective, but cushions are nice.

You know what sucks about freedom? Cause I sure don’t.

In terms of sleep schedule, so long as it’s within like an hour or two and stays pretty consistent it’s probably fine. Sleep deprivation is not desirable.

I have one day where I rest from exercise (cardio and calisthenics, simple, easy, straightforward, nails the triangle of strength - flexibility - stamina), and even then I have an active thing to do. Stretching daily and daily? often? occasionally? using the foam roller with studdy bits is amazing.

Even if (when?) I transcend the flesh, I’m not trying to be decrepit, in body or mind.


I believe that life is basically all about continuing to show up. I may be biased as my natural or perhaps cultivated inclination is to seek progress in skilled activities, but if you are making large changes, as occultists tend to do sometimes, there can be fear of failure aka resistance which tries to block you.

This is when I pour on the magick. Boom, boom, boom, boom, until I am habitually compulsed to do it.

When I do not pour on more magick or even just add a dose of power is when, guess what, IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING, and there is just fear for no reason other than residual karma lingering as karma does until it is self-liberated in the clear light of rigpa.

Sometimes, I get used to seeing my rituals manifest results that day, and this can make me forget that magick sometimes manifests more slowly or gradually, or even just at a later time. Sometimes, I do the ritual, the result happens, and it is done. Other times I have planted a seed. Some seeds need more nourishing, some will grow just fine, especially when you continue to summon that sort of energy.

Need more change? Do more magick. Already got it covered? Then you can do the magick where you have some notions of what you want to happen with it but aren’t going to be looking for results.

I sometimes also forget that magick is a skill which requires study and practice. With only study, you remain in the armchair and never gain experiential knowledge of the thing itself. With only practice, you may stagnate or be unable to improve or even practice at all due to lack of guidance. Surprisingly many people fall into one of these two imbalances. Some never experience anything and just read or watch, others spin their wheels doing ineffective practice.

I occasionally see material from other spiritual communities, and it is amazing to me how many times I see something like, “I’ve been meditating for the last three years, but since I tried using this active method instead of listening to an app or taking deep breathes with myself it was pretty hard and am at the beginning stage according to this book.” Yeah my dude, not shaming you for this, but you weren’t meditating for three years, you were just sitting down and mind wandering, which can be rather stress-relieving, but that isn’t meditation. To put it simply, they were not doing it right and somewhat wasted three years of their practice time.

If you study and practice well, success is inevitable. I like to remind myself that the only bad meditation session is the one you didn’t do, but even here I don’t exactly need an excuse to be harsh with myself.

There is all this crap in the mind that tries to grab at your attention and make you think it’s important when it really is not. You can set aside time for thinking and scheming. Things are rarely as pressing as they may appear to be in most situations in daily life. Some people have a life that is more prone to random distraction from work, but most don’t. Meditation is one of my works.

I like to remind myself of this as someone who has to go out and get after money. If you just work a regular job, you have to show up, but you get paid automatically. I have to take down deals and do business stuff or I don’t get paid. This elevated level of uncertainty, technically sort of, can fuck with you. If you are used to getting the fuck after it, you may be unnecessarily stressing yourself out and overworking yourself when you could let some of that go and realize that you are free to have a more expansive life where your identity is not tied exclusively to the thing which makes money.

At the end of the day, it’s not about the money, it’s about the pleasure I can experience. I have some things I do which don’t cost very much, and other things which are more expensive. I have to manage my finances, but I don’t get fixated on the dollars. I have my lifestyle which I live within and which opens doors for me, but it is not healthy I think to get obsessed about what costs more or less and to assign personal value to things and experiences based off of their financial value or financial costs to acquire those things and experiences.

I know that I have to spend time to acquire dollars, and I know that my dollars are a limited resource, but I don’t think, oh this thing is more expensive so I have to enjoy it more than that thing. It’s just a matter of allocating resources to maximize my pleasure, and some things require more initial and/or ongoing resources. If I am satisfied with my pleasure, and I am satisfied with the outlook of my financial growth, then why does it matter?

This is why I like to still do ritual 1 from 7OMR. I enjoy what having more money does to me, and I do enjoy what I do to make money enough to do it more than I may technically “need” to because I want the rewards. It is sort of ironic how doing a simple little candle ritual daily or regularly about money makes me think less about money in my personal life. I think it’s because all this worry for no reason goes away.

(I’m doing this because I enjoy writing and sharing about magick)

Money is one of those topics that is very easy to get encroached on by outside opinions if you don’t intentionally set your mind straight. I don’t want to let other people’s hyper-buzzing anxiety get projected onto me, or their “values” when it comes to money. There is no logic in that quite often, only anxiety and poverty-thinking, not calm, easy abundance thinking, which will get you more money and more pleasure in your life regardless of financial position.

If you live in a state of money anxiety, I would practice 7 Occult Money Rituals. That is what I did when I could have been living in supreme money anxiety, and it helped tremendously in terms of emotions but also in terms of results. It can just be comforting to know that you are doing something pretty much every day to get more money in your life. It eases the anxiety when you do the ritual because you are taking action, and the energy does the rest.

I personally align with the book rather well I have found. Maybe not 11 straight years of so much money magick rather well, but well enough that I lean into the energy and tendencies and am pleased to accept the preferences that come with the energy. It doesn’t make me a “money-grubber,” quite the opposite I’d say, but it does help me get after what I want and enjoy it. I often feel the need to do a label when I discuss money, but at a certain point if they don’t like it they’ll just stop reading.

I also dislike having to do it because it can cause some encroachment. Yeah, I like these things. Yes, I enjoy this sort of humor and I enjoy this energy. I may not want exactly that thing I’m labelling to chill this person the fuck out, but I don’t hate those people who do, and in fact I relate to the underlying desire for access to that financial plane of existence, and no, I don’t think about others while I am coming to clarity on what I want or feel any need to financially martyr or even just diminish myself because of other people’s “values” (read as: jealousy) and deeply held beliefs about how the world should be, regardless of whether those beliefs would make any sense in the reality of a world in which darkness reigns, where there are some who have more and different powers than others.

Safe travels, dear readers. Enjoy your magickal lives.

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Seems that some vibe-picker-uppers walk among us. Talk about a wild ride.

I will now give some meta-info on what to expect here going forward. There will be periods of time in the future when I am away on various life projects and will not be active here during these times. I may or may not be done with the Aethyr empowerments by the first one of these, which is about 3 months from now. I put them out here as I get them, it is what it is, go complain to the angels if you want them faster. I listen, it’s what I do.

Some fun facts about my practice, for that sweet sweet occult content. Fire kasina just isn’t my jam right now. I gave it a good try, but I want the breath. I’m thinking two 30 minute sessions, probably work up to two hour long sessions as I am challenging myself to get up to a point where I can maintain mindfulness in less monastic situations. If dream practice gets to a certain point, I could always just meditate in the dream.

I will also be seeing where I can push energy work. I opened my “energy veins” long ago, but I am curious to see what happens. I like Robert Bruce’s NEW Energy Ways system (Astral Dynamics) since it has the 7 primary chakras, the secondary and tertiary systems, as well as energy storage centers. I’m just gonna see what happens. I believe this is what opened my abilities for greater spirit communion, and apparently this is the move for astral projection type practices. I don’t know why, but I am curious to see what happens.

I also feel that a bit of delving is in order. Enochian will be there when I return, and I don’t worry about it, I just listen. Dream practice also helps. It’s harder to get more clear than it being plainly said, clearly and without obfuscation, in a dream you know is not a samsaric dream. I very rarely have samsaric dreams these days, and the ones that I suppose are technically samsaric dreams are usually more like games or sexual play. Why does my arm feel pseudo-pain when I wake up after getting shot there? Thankfully now I don’t get randomly put in shitty situations where I don’t have a weapon and can’t move. That’s dream yoga for yah.

If I find anything interesting or, well, mind-blowingly insane, you know where to find me. I’ll try not to overuse the armchair relative to the cushion.

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Sex Magick Working

How did I come to be so wonderfully mindful?

Not the biggest risk takers, I take it?

I find it to be an interesting question, free will.

How did I come to be so wonderfully mindful of appearances?

Why should I particularly care about that concept if magick reveals to me my deepest desires, what will give me the deepest fulfilment and satisfaction?

One reason why I believe it is my path to pop in and out of the Keys pathworking at appropriate times is that it is so abstract and deeply mystical that it can take quite some time before it all really sinks in and starts to be where you operate from.

How did I come to be so wonderfully mindful of emptiness?

This implies, though, that there is magick which I need to/should do if I want the best results for my intentions. So presumably then I could fuck it up. But if I do the magick, then my chances of fucking it up are reduced considerably. Absolutely? As in all the way to 0?

Why the fuck would I choose to fuck it up? Like really, why would I do that? Have I just become so skilled, so powerful in magick that I am able to receive what I need to receive, to act as I need to act, and to be psychologically as I need to be for my intentions to manifest?

But I know that I am not a perfect being. Should I be? What does that even mean?

How did I come to be so wonderfully mindful of the dream state?

The more I refine and subsequently manifest my intentions with magick, the less I feel the burdenous weight of others’ corruption. For me, I am used to the expectation of perfection. I am used to being in a system of power where it is expected of me to conform and comply or be subjected to harsh, harsh punishment. As I break these chains physically, the mental chains which I bind to myself break within my psychological experience, but only if I break them.

Let us not delude ourselves or speak in labels, the world lives in chains, and this is for their own good. Can you imagine how quickly chains would be re-instated in the event of anarchy? People like chains, or perhaps such is their delusion of weakness.

I say this as a means of pointing out how easily inclined people can be to seeking out chains to don themselves with. But in reality, if you live in the material, you live a chained existence, tethered and limited.

How did I come to so wonderfully abide in rigpa?

Unless you have reached an advanced age, there is unlikely much need for rush when it comes to spiritual attainment, and even in such a case, I do not believe there to be need for rush. I suppose your karma is your problem, and if you carry with you all the seeds of your own self-disgust and self-directed malice, the resulting blossoms of your self-directed dark pleasure will be yours.

That would be a dramatic note to end on, but I feel something tugging and pulling on my mind, seeking more. Or perhaps that is lethargy.

You know, I must say, it really is a good feeling to know that you are not a nuisance to the people around you. I suppose I don’t particularly care all that much unless I care about those people. I believe quite strongly in the idea that you are either an asset or a liability in any given situation, and so I do my best to be valuable. And how good it feels, when your value is seen, treasured, and used.

I will admit, I have had nuisances in my life. And how sweet is the silence that comes after the rain. Here my trophy hangs, dusty.

The prize of death on the battle-field is to depart from life in the heat of the fight, struggling till your last breath for the noblest of objects and without having learnt to know suffering.

There is not one of you so dull and unreflecting as to hope to reach his home by flight, when he remembers the length of the road he traversed from his native land, the numbers of the enemies that lie between, and the size of the rivers he crossed.

for none ever who either by necessity or choice formed such a resolve have been deceived in their hope of putting their enemies to flight.

And when the enemy have the opposite hope, most of them being sure of finding safety in flight as their homes are near at hand, it is evident that the courage of those who despair of safety will carry all before it.

If you reason and purpose as I urge upon you, it is clear that victory and safety will follow.

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I do not believe it can be understated the difference it makes when you use power that is deeply aligned with your true nature than when you try and use other power. It feels awkward, out of tune, and not in a hip jazzy way.

It amuses me that this seems to apply perhaps only to dark magick, but I suppose that is not surprising. I’ve gotten myself all worked up over things which I could do quite easily. With some magick, it always works, usually very quickly and with ease and pleasure. Other magick, it maybe used to work, or it never worked. I like to explore, but at a certain point, I’d rather just live my life than spend an eternity giving everything a fair shot. I can’t even astral project or lucid dream at will. I’ve got plenty to do, and too many material things to achieve to wallow in magickal mediocrity.

The magick works, so perhaps stop avoiding life by living always within your mind and just accept that you can enjoy and find satisfaction in what you do, and that magick can open the way.

So much needless thinking, buzzing around in my brain. I need more time in the calm of meditation.

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It has come to my attention that the following may be a more effective method for cultivating dream memory. Currently I do voice recordings, and these are effective, but perhaps less so over the long-term and for the full extent of skill possibility.

Basically just write them down instead, but rather than writing out narrative sentences, write down key words in a relatively fragmented way.

So instead of,
In the dream, I was at the store, and there were these three guys there, and then I walked through the store and outside, and then a truck drove by, and then one of the guys ran over to me and handed me my wallet which had fallen out of my pocket.

You’d do something like,
Store, 3 guys, walked outside, truck, guy handed me wallet, fell out of pocket before

This also makes it easier to note down various details in the scene quickly, which is important as dream memory can fade quickly. The idea is to attempt to recall the memory using cues rather than writing literature.

I believe this will actually be more effective because it is easier to reference quickly at later times and attempt recall. You can just scan over pages quickly and allow the memories to arise. Also, in the final period of practice before arising for the day, where you review all dreams from the night (or whatever), you can more easily limit how many retrieval cues you give yourself as you attempt recalls.

This is like the difference between the following:

Pleasant deliverers

Pleasant deliverers
[] covered up, try to remember
‘lift hand’

Retrieval practice improves the strength of memories, as does spacing retrieval practice across time. Texts on dream practice I have read do not cover the details on most effective cultivation of dream memory beyond “keep a dream journal” and “just meditate,” so I feel the need to explore this. I don’t want to make assumptions like, “You tell your brain that dream memories are important by keeping a journal, which is why you remember them better.”

Whatever the reason may be, I will be revising my practice and seeing what results from this. I’m thinking at least once a week review the dream journal, which may be more critical to the practice than is often let on. Some texts don’t even mention dream journals, perhaps because the student’s meditative abilities are already reasonably well developed by the time they are given dream practice materials.

I am just so fucking tired of being a novice at this dude, fuck. Or perhaps that is simply carry-over baggage from years and years of PTSD dreams, which I have since healed with dream practice, obscuring my enjoyment of dream practice.

Don’t mind me my dudes, don’t mind me. I’ll get over my own baseless stress just fine. I always have, and my power has only grown.