The Ritual of the Neutron Star

Hello, dear readers. Today we will begin and end with dreams.

Dream practice would be one of those practices where it is best to let it take over your life. If you’ve read The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, you may know that the author suggests associating dream with awareness and presence, which in the Tibetan tradition is known as rigpa. Yeah, no shit, that’s what lucid dreaming is - being aware of your experience while you are dreaming.

If you’ve read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming or been on any LD forum ever you will have heard of Reality Checks. I may be repeating myself some here but these things bear repeating. Reality Checks (RCs) are basically the watered down version of the more effective technique of mindfulness paired with the awareness that your experience is of the nature of the dream state. I have done the “nose pinch” RC, where you pinch your nose and if you can breath through it then you are certainly dreaming, but only after I already have attained lucidity due to the arising of the awareness that my experience is of the nature of the dream state. I intend to stop doing the RC because it is like anxiously checking your pockets for the fifth time to make sure your keys are in fact in the pocket that is deep and zipped close.

If you don’t want to be a dabbler then you should do some mindfulness meditation as part of your dream practice. One sit for an hour a day is good. You can build up to that. If you do not believe that you have time for that, I suppose we all make time for what is important to us. With a mindfulness practice, it is important to encourage the arising of awareness throughout the entire day, not just during your meditation sit. Bruh are you calling me unaware? Yes, yes I am. With dream practice, you take this a step further, recognizing all phenomena that arise in awareness as being of the nature of dream, and encouraging this awareness to continue into sleep as well as during the waking hours.

This post you’re reading. Dream! The phone or computer? Dream! The water you drank today? Dream! The food you’ll eat? Dream! The thoughts and emotions that arise? Dream? The people you interacted with? Dream! You? Dream! Me? Dream! Dream? Dream!

Here is part of my practice which I alluded to before but I’ll elaborate on more now. First, in case you haven’t read the (Dream!) book, you’ll want to start cataloguing your dreamsigns. These are anything that you frequently encounter in your dreams. People, places, events, anything. You can do a (Dream!) sex magick working with these, by the way. As you make a list of your dreamsigns, periodically review them and use them for the following technique (I loosely call it the MILD (mnemonic induced lucid dream) visualization).

I currently do this three times per day, though I may increase this as I get used to the routine. The first time is after my coffee and occult reading, the second time after doing (Dream!) hatha yoga, and the third time right before bed. I was having some trouble doing my kegels consistently so I started doing them right before this (three sets of 10, alternate between hold 10 seconds each direction and 10 quick pulses alternating directions). (Dream!) Big paragraph so new one.

After doing my kegels I go right into the visualization, no preparation or buildup or anything, like a dream. I imagine myself in a situation involving dreamsigns. I usually use locations, but you can include people in those locations too. Sometimes I will move around between locations, sometimes I’ll stay in just one. I’ll bring the dreamsign and its label to mind, and then think, wait a minute, [dreamsign]? Oh, of course I’m dreaming, what else could I possibly be doing? I’ll then imagine myself rubbing my dream hands together and examining my surroundings to stabilize the dream. Chill for a (Dream!) moment. Then I’ll imagine myself doing something in the dream. Maybe I’ll just walk around, maybe I’ll fly, maybe I’ll do something sexy with a dream partner, maybe I’ll stab something, maybe I’ll shoot laser beams out my eyeballs, whatever. Then I’ll ask myself, How did I remember, that I am dreaming? Then I’ll get on with my (Dream!) day.

Quick note - my current hatha yoga routine is a set of three videos which I do and then have a rest day, which I should probably use to go for a walk. If it’s a rest day I’ll do the second MILD visualization before showering. I also don’t do kegels on the rest day.

It is possible that you may find yourself getting somewhat frustrated by the practice of encouraging (Dream!) Dream! to pop into your head all the time, especially if you, like me, are still in the beginning stages of dream practice. The solution is to be aware of the dreamlike, illusory, transitory nature of that emotion and allow it to pass. The more you do the MILD visualization and the more you see the results of dream practice in your dreams the more you will come to associate dreaming with pleasurable feelings. Persistence is (Dream!) effective.

One more thing. Directly prior to going to (Dream!) bed (well I do this in my bed but you know what I mean), I do my kegels and then the MILD visualization. After this, I allow memories of the day to arise, and I recognize those memories as being of the nature of dream. Just as I remember these waking memories that are and were of the nature of dream, I want to remember the sleeping memories that are and will be of the nature of dream. When I (Dream!) awaken, I record my dream memories. When I awaken for the final time of the sleeping period, after recording my dream, I remember that I want to abide in rigpa and recognize my experience as being of the nature of dream. And so the wheel of practice turns through day and night.

The author also suggests visualizing many beautiful Dakinis in the room all around you as you go to bed, watching over you and protecting you. If you want to imagine a bunch of sexy people all hanging out in your bedroom you can certainly do that. The first dream visualization, Peace, should also serve as a reminder that you are protected by Enochian powers (or by spirits in the Tibetan tradition if you use the traditional Tibetan visualizations).

With these visualizations we have Peace and Power, Clarity and Corruption. We have the Peace of creation, the beginning of desirable things. We have the Power of destruction, the ending of undesirable things. We have the Clarity of light, knowing and abiding in pure supreme awareness. We have the Corruption of darkness, knowing ignorance.

I’m not really much of a chakras dude, but here we have red with Peace and blue with Power. Red symbolizes the root chakra (though the visualization is done in the throat), and the practice the peace that comes from the fulfillment of fundamental needs. Blue symbolizes the throat chakra, the power of making labels for forms, though the visualization is done in the chest. Red and blue blended together create shades of purple, the brow and crown chakras, which are about psychic and magick powers and connection to magick and stuff like that.

You know the practice is good if it’s got me talking about chakras.

On the note of practice, I almost talked about a good practice routine for learning music today, but I do have things I would like to do. I’ll give you the quick version today. Oops I basically typed it all. You don’t have to do the entire thing every time or every day, but if you are a serious artist then you will want this to be something you do quite regularly. If you primarily make music electronically, then I suggest learning to sing and doing singing for all but the last part. If you make music electronically and also play another instrument, then mostly practice your instrument and make tunes but also make some time for singing. The singing is mostly for building musicianship and improving your musical Ear. Ideally also have some exercises for rhythm. A good teacher whom you take lessons from helps. I suggest a jazz musician that has formal training since they’ll have good exercises. If you don’t know where to find one go to a jazz club when the pandemic ends. If the music you make isn’t really jazz then also find someone skilled and successful who does do your genre. The jazz cats have good technical stuff but can sometimes be kinda snooty if you’re not doing jazz (the cool ones aren’t snooty), so keep that in mind.

Settle in and warmup. Maybe make some tea (smoking weed before practice is a no no) or something and review what you want to get done with the session. Then, technical exercise. A few scales (played like you mean it) would be your warmup, so this is more like etudes (when I was a sax player I used the Charlie Parker Omnibook), chord progressions, arpeggiating chord progressions, improvisation patterns, stuff like that. Things that are not actual tunes that you want to play/make but that help you play your tunes a whole lot fucking better. In case I need to say it, use a metronome. Then, kinda halfway between technical exercise and actual playing of tunes. This is where you isolate stuff that you want to use in whatever tunes you may be practicing. You could consider chord progressions to fall into this category instead of the previous, for example. Lastly is actually playing/making some tunes.

The last part is the only part you’d really want to share with anyone else. You can share your technical practice with another musician for co-motivation, but that stuff isn’t really music for listening. I do also encourage you to share what you do with this last bit of your practice routine. Post stuff on soundcloud or instagram or whatever (or both). This is probably not where people will find your Masterworks of Grand Glorious and Supreme Awesomeness, but it will encourage you to finish and complete many, many, many, many, many bite-sized projects and will help you get used to sharing your stuff. I’m talking like 30 second (or shorter) (or longer) little tunes that you finish in a single session or a few, possibly taking a week at the absolute longest. Include in them whatever you like, but make them complete. Spam that shit. It may also help you start building a following. I’d say your artistic craft is the foundation of your artistic career, but your following is also pretty important.

Ok that’s all for (Dream!) today.

Remember to remember that your experience is of the nature of dream.

I think today I’ll just do a few notes on ritual practice.

For starters, I was using a slightly different variant of the RotNS previously and felt compelled to make a change right before I posted it. The gratitude section used to come after the questions, rather than the delightful part. I’m not settled on either version at this time and felt that I should share this in case anyone practicing the ritual wants to try a different version.

There’s nothing in particular I have to say about sex magick at this time, except maybe to remember to laugh a little.

With money magick, here’s a cleaned-up script for ritual 6 of the 7 Occult Money Rituals. But I’m almost done with that one! Well there’s always next time.

Begin the ritual as described, chanting the names (I chant them three times) and imagining the sun. I face West because that’s the direction my standing “altar” or “magick desk” or whatever faces. That’s the opposite direction of how the sun is supposed to rise but my magick is just that awesome. After chanting, project yourself into the future.

Do you remember, all the way back, all those decades ago (it can be less than that, but it should be a while back)? Imagine a moment from this time. That was back when I was [insert stuff you are doing nowadays, naming them and seeing yourself doing them] (create the feeling of this occurring long ago). Was I worried about something back then? Money? But everything unfolded so magnificently didn’t it? Feel the awe. There was no cause for concern at all. Call the angels, singing the names, imagining the blue lightning striking you. Then look up and see the brilliant blue sky that’s been there all along. Don’t try to imagine how the magick will work, what changes or opportunities it will bring. Just bask in the money energy and let it flow through you and into your life. Thank the angels.

Return to an earlier time. Do you remember way back when, all those years ago? Imagine a moment from this time a few years back (from the actual present time). That was back when I was [insert stuff you are doing nowadays, naming them and seeing yourself doing them] (create the feeling of this occurring some time ago). Was I worried about money back then? Maybe, but there was no need for me to feel that way at all, now was there. Feel the release. That’s right, I called to the three great angels of wealth, and everything worked itself out so easily, didn’t it? Feel the relief. There really was no cause for concern at all, now was there. Call to the angels, singing the names, and feeling gratitude with each strike of lightning. Look up and see the brilliant blue sky. Soak in all that money energy, and perhaps catch a glimpse of the sun in the sky. Thank the angels.

Return to the present day and see the sun that you imagined at the beginning of the ritual, feel the rays warming you and passing through you to the horizon. Then see the clouds come in from all sides, and see them cover and hide the sun. Feel whatever it is you feel. Feel any fear, any sadness, any longing. Slam down your fist. This can be gentle, but it should be impactful. Enough of this. I will have more money, because that is what I decided will be, with the power of magick. Call to the angels, singing the names, feeling the lightning strike you from the clouds. Then watch as the clouds depart, and watch as the brilliant blue sky emerges. Bask in the money energy, thank the angels, and then conclude the ritual and continue on with your day.

Next is the power of Universal Magick. As you begin the ritual, gaze into the sigil, and know that through it, you open a gateway to the Enochian Power of [whichever Power you are summoning]. Through this gateway, mighty beings hear your call. And through this sigil, you can bring the immense power of Enochian magick into your mind, into your life, and into the world around you. I then scan the outer ring of letters, then begin speaking the words and names. With each section (the Godname, the Elders, the second Godname, the words of summoning and the spirit of the elements, and then the word(s) of summoning and the name(s) of the spirit(s)), I first scan the letters, then state my request/desire/intent/magick phrase. Then I speak the names or words. The Godnames and words of summoning I chant normally. The angel names I sing and imagine white lightning striking me. The demon names come out sort of like a normal chant but more demony sounding. After speaking the words/names I state my request again, and then feel the energy of the magick, remaining open to potential messages from the magick. I move on to the next section when I feel like doing so and conclude the ritual after feeling the energy from the final spirit(s). It does not seem strictly necessary to linger in the energies, and perhaps not even necessary to speak the names at all, simply look at the letters, but in my experience to get the most out of the magick you should let it energize you.

If you would like to know my approach to working with the book Success Magick, here it is. Before going into this, I would suggest doing a Universal Magick ritual around once per week to act as a rest from the Success Magick ritual.

Bear in mind that this is not the only valid approach, and this way will have you living more of that monastic lifestyle. This is not practical for everyone depending on your life circumstances, but for those who now or in the future will have the freedom to do this I will give the full details. I do not suggest living fully in the clouds, as it were, and I believe it is important to continue to make progress in and live your mundane material life. You can look through my earlier Enochian journal thread for some of my previous thoughts on this topic, though I have been reminded of when I was younger and promised to myself that I would not do eponymous naming of things, and younger me in this instance had a nice idea. I also, of course, want to shill my ritual. (freedom) Sex, Money, Power, Success. Good ole magick.

Perform the ritual after a mindfulness meditation sit of one hour, and give yourself up to two hours for the ritual. You probably don’t need all this time but sometimes you might. If it is the day of a new ritual, prepare the sigil and have the Key written out prior to meditating. After contemplating the ideas, prepare your ritual space. Begin the ritual with the archangel centering/banishing. Even if you are not speaking the Keys or using the additional steps, I suggest doing this to balance out any potentially undesirable side effects of continually summoning the Enochian powers not for yourself, but for the good of all humanity. Periodically performing the RotNS should also help in this regard. But thems be the works of the Divell! You’re fuckin right it is

After the banishing, time for some energy work. Follow the “Magickal Chaos Energy” procedure to build up energy in your body, explode the fountain of light, and circulate light through your body. Then, imagine each chakra as a sphere of glowing, pulsing, swirling light. The root chakra is red. The sacral chakra (around your belly button) is orange. The solar plexus chakra is yellow. The heart chakra is green. The throat chakra is blue. The brow chakra is bluish purple. The crown chakra is reddish purple (this may be less a sphere and more the area on the surface of your head). Take a moment at each chakra to circulate the colored light through your body. As you proceed to each following chakra, take a moment to visualize each of the previous energy centers, practicing seeing them all. There is no particular conclusion to this exercise.

I will also note that in my previous work with this magick, the angels revealed a secret chakra around the center of the head, towards the crown, perhaps touching it, perhaps forward towards the face a bit. From this chakra the light of the body manifested. It’s been a minute so I’m not feeling very connected to it at the time of writing so the location as described here may be slightly inaccurate, but when I was working the magick I could connect to it at any time. It’s like seeing the continuous arising and passing away of the spiritual essence. There were times when my body felt definitively like a meatsack.

After the chakras, then perform Light from the Dark. This is a fast process, less than a minute, but it seems that the contemplation of infinity is worth doing.

After this, attain the Stillness.

Also, the Advanced Calling is probably worth doing in place of the regular Circle of Power ritual. It may seem strange to include archangels in Enochian magick, but the archangels were present during the original revelations of the magick, and again I believe it is important to include a centering/banishing ritual when doing this sort of magick.

Beware, walls of text approaching. From here, gaze at the sigil as normal, scan the letters, then speak the words. I now own Kevin Klein’s transcription of the original manuscripts so I can look up the Keys here, and I will probably create a separate post with each Key written out and a guide to my approach to Enochian pronunciation. I have previously looked for the Keys online, and the sources I found seem to have taken them from Crowley’s writings, which to my present recollection differed in places to Klein’s transcription of the manuscripts. I will also note here that I will likely experiment with the Sigillum Dei Aemeth, which I will probably create with Enochian letters (for the compound “el” I’ll probably just omit the “e”). The second layer I don’t know what to do with, perhaps just looking at the symbols is fine. The layers with names I’ll probably just speak once or three times each. The layers that are strings of letters, such as the outermost, I will speak each individual letter. In my system of pronunciation every letter is pronounced the same way wherever it appears. Vowels are fairly straightforward. In words with consecutive consonants I make an “ugh” sound, like in “fun,” between the letters. It might seem weird to make sounds that may seem like grunting a bunch, but I wouldn’t expect Angelical to sound normal to the English ear anyways. The major point of doing this is so that you can focus your attention on the sound of the consonant as you make it and then the after-image of the sound that is perceptible while you are vocalizing the “ugh” sound. There’s probably some wack-ass rabbit hole you can go down with the numbers, but for this ritual with the sigil I’ll probably just ignore them.

After speaking all the words and then the names, I remain open to what may happen. Sometimes nothing particularly interesting happens and I close the ritual. Sometimes I receive visions. When this happens, just let it happen. You don’t have to do anything. Just watch and let it happen. I do not record the vision in ritual as that would distract from the experience. Previously this is all I did. There were a couple times, however, when images spontaneously appeared in my carpet rug, plainly visible to the naked eye. It does seem appropriate to have some sort of equipment for scrying. As with internal visions, images will not always appear, but they have appeared to me outside of ritual and so I cannot deny the possibility of experiences that may be more effectively conveyed by the angels via scrying. There are various hand-held mirrors available for purchase at very affordable prices, though considering I have seen images appear in a towel and a rug it seems that many surfaces are workable. You may feel like a bit of a jackass at first, but there are also crystal balls you can acquire. If you’re gonna do it, fuckin do it. It seems that dark, reflective surfaces work best, but I’ll have to see. It also seems prudent to have a writing instrument and paper to hand. I have channeled things from angels in the past, and these words were conveyed entirely within my internal mind, auditorily. It is possible that things worth writing down may appear in the scrying object, and perhaps even in the room. The angels remarked to Dee and his scryer before Kelly that they would deafen the others in the house to their words. It is not clear to me the different ways in exactly how the angels communicated in the original transmission, but there are places where it seems that Dee himself heard the angels, presumably in addition to the scryer. Again I suppose I will have to see what happens.

Again as well, clearly this is some angel magick. Working in this way is perhaps not practical or desirable for everyone, and if you are reading this and want to work with the system as it is literally presented in Success Magick I trust that the Gallery has shared a simplified approach that brings good results. I am sharing this approach for those who are able and willing to live this sort of lifestyle for a time. It is an integrated approach that is designed to yield a wide and deep scope of both insight and material benefits.

Obviously, if you are following the complete system as I have presented it here (not to claim that this is “my magick”), then your life will be balanced more towards magick and spiritual practice than your mundane career and likely your social relationships. I would be surprised if there were not those who would argue that it should be adjusted more one way or the other. Some may say that one hour of mindfulness meditation is insufficient. This routine is focused more on magick than on traditional vipassana. Such insights will likely occur even with just one hour of formal practice, especially if care is taken to remind mindful (and aware that your experience is of the nature of the dream state). In some ways it is concentration that is really the point of including meditation, but the Enochian angels seem to be exceptionally compatible with insight meditation practices and may accelerate the results of this practice if care is taken to distinguish between mystical insights and the insights from investigating the characteristics of all sensate phenomena. I believe that both types of wisdom are of great value.

Before I go on to the next paragraph, I feel compelled to state again that this approach is set out for those who have reached a place in life where they are able to make magick their primary focus. This is not financially viable for everyone, and that is why I have elaborated on a mundane investing strategy that can be used to attain financial freedom, likely within four-fiveish years if done with diligence and the aid of magick. Some will likely resent me regardless, but I will not hold back my words. I can only encourage such individuals to perform the money magick I have shilled here to cleanse themselves of such damaging associations so that they can attain the freedom they desire. Magick allows for material attainments just as readily as it does mystical attainments. For those with the freedom to commit to this system, I believe that it is not strictly necessary to practice money magick to this extent. I still get a lot out of the rituals, but if you would prefer to use the morning ritual time on something else or some other magick that is up to you. Performing the Vision ritual from time to time seems valuable.

There are also likely those who feel that this is too much magick, and that one should spend more time on mundane activities and engaging in socialization. I do certainly believe that care should be taken to not completely abandon your material life and connections. The system as presented in Success Magick is at all times connected to the Great Table of the Earth, and I believe there is good reason for this. Spending all your time immersed in magick may prevent you from refreshing your perspective. It does also seem that with this magick in particular, the risk of outright delusions or insanity is something that should be seriously considered. I’m all for an open mind, but I am even moreso for true knowledge.

I will also say that a developed dream practice allows one to experience many things and fulfill many desires. Again, retaining a connection to the material world is something that I do not believe should be dismissed or forgone in the name of any spiritual practice or goal. Having said that, if you are doing this magick to its fullest extent, putting in the time to do the practices and study relevant materials to aid the practices, your time maintaining a material practice and maintaining social relationships will be quite limited relative to other times in your life. The emotions that we experience in dreams are just as real as the emotions we experience in the waking state. You do need to cultivate the state of mind that makes this fully possible, but dreams can provide the experiences that you may wish to have but have difficulty finding the time for when pursuing as extensive a magickal undertaking as this. Some may view this as an unhealthy avoidance of reality or a retreat into dysfunctional fantasy, and I will not argue with such people. I believe I have made myself quite clear on honestly discussing the things involved in seriously pursuing magick at this level. I do not encourage becoming an isolated hermit with no material goals and desires, but I will also not lie and deny the very real benefits and knowledge that is difficult to access without basing your lifestyle around the practice of magick.

Freedom, Sex, Money, Power, Success.

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I find it to be so interesting what magick does to you. At this point I almost don’t even think about manifesting results with magick. It’s interesting because back when I was first getting started, the results were what convinced me that magick is worth doing, and I would dwell often on moments that felt like magickal manifestations.

These were the things I would notice - when I got the money, when the curse worked, when the girls and the guys started tripping over themselves to get to me, when the influence I wanted to have on the mind of another made itself apparent, when behaviors of my own arose that seemed far beyond my capabilities with a particular skill, these sorts of things. Even more noticeable were the times when magick seemed to fail me. When she didn’t have sex with me, or even do a second date, when I didn’t get the job, when they didn’t drop dead immediately, these sorts of things. This was even moreso the case when I would read stories here from people using what I believe to be subpar magick. They’d do little more than look at a sigil and perhaps say some words of questionable authenticity, and that would work. The unyielding certainty often seen in the ignorant seems to have an amusingly beneficial effect on magick when the person doing the spell has an intent that is quite reasonable and able to manifest quickly.

This made me ask myself, am I the one who is wrong? Is it perhaps the case that essentially any and all magickal methods all work and fail equally? The environment in which I grew up caused me to be inclined towards self-doubt, which in some ways is exceptionally useful though unhelpful in others. After further consideration, my conclusion is that no, there are methods which are better than others. But what does that even mean?

A good and useful benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of magick can be a tricky thing to figure out. We could say that magick should maximize pleasure and minimize pain. This seems reasonable enough. I do not believe it is possible to outright eliminate pain if you do not also accept that you will have to outright eliminate pleasure. This is what many traditional Buddhist practitioners attempt to do, or at least what they say they attempt to do. Some understand their own practices and philosophies much better than others.

This benchmark can be problematic, however. Some just get off on pain, or at least on the idea of pain. As a sadist I certainly appreciate the masochists out there, but really I cannot relate. But then what even is pain? There are physical sensations which create aversion and a perception that is deeply uncomfortable, but when investigated using meditative methods this can change and the perception viewed more as a neutral phenomenon that is simply occurring. So I suppose that is eliminating pain.
The thing is, performing such investigations on pleasurable sensations can have the very same eliminating effect.

This is what many Buddhists are referring to when they speak of liberation or freedom - a release from the compulsions of attraction and repulsion. Their goal is essentially to rid themselves of emotions and become absolutely neutral towards everything. I believe this is the main reason why training in “morality” is emphasized quite heavily from the earliest stages of meditative training.

Personally, I find this to be an unreasonable goal. Perhaps I have just not read or heard certain words of those who have gone much, much deeper than I into such things as vipassana, but from what I have read and heard, these practitioners tend to end up with mind states that are characterized by a sort of “joy.” If you have worked with the Enochian Rituals of the Keys, what I call the rituals in Success Magick (with the Keys added), and really it seems just the first ritual Vision with the Nalvage sigil, then you have probably felt this emotion or energy yourself. In my previous foray into the magick, I got up to the Boundary ritual (amusingly enough), and I would say that Happiness Magick would be a reasonable alternative title for the book. The Enochian angels have this energy that many call joy, though I prefer happiness because joy reminds me too much of New Age dipshits who rub themselves with crystals and smoke a bunch of weed and call that being spiritual. This happiness energy, under the emotional paradigm I have proposed, is a form of pleasure.

Pleasure is something that causes attraction. One thing the Enochian Angels (summoned by the Keys and the Nalvage sigil) seem to do is fill you with this energy so that it becomes your most prevalent default state, thereby creating an attraction to your everyday experience, or you could say an attraction to life. The metta-esque practice of summoning the angels with the intent of sharing the power with all humanity has the effect of creating a positive association with “humanity”, especially if you also thank the angels for this.

I believe that this magick has effects other than this, despite the lack of other intent, because the real power of magick often arises from just summoning spirits, or “invoking” or “evoking” them, whatever you want to call it. Simply being exposed to the presence of the spirits to the extent that occurs when magick is performed causes things to happen within your mind, within your life, and within the world around you. It is a fairly elementary idea within occultism that the inner world is a reflection of the outer, and that the outer world reflects the inner. Ultimately the separation of these worlds is illusory, which is why the act of magick, which occurs within your mind, causes effects external to oneself.

Ok that’s cool what the fuck is your point. Let us return to the observation that those who perform magick which I deem to be of dubious quality often get results which are comparable to those produced by magick which I deem to be of very high quality. I think the thing to look at here is the longer-term picture of someone’s life.

It is a common fallacy within investing that there is somehow a difference between “long-term” and “short-term” strategies. The outcome of an investment strategy over any time horizon is dependent on a continuous series of decisions. By continuous, I mean it in the sense of not broken down into discrete units, in this case discrete units of time. That’s a cool theory, but it’s not possible to make investment decisions in a non-discrete way. But considering that computers can now make such decisions on the millisecond level, let’s work there. It doesn’t matter if you are thinking about 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years, whatever length of time into the future, the optimal decisions will be the ones which result in you having the most money that you possibly can at any given time. The more money you have now, the more you can make, so you should always try to be invested in things which will go up and shorting things which will go down. But even the best investors cannot be perfect, so really it’s about picking a portfolio which maximizes your expected return while minimizing your risk (measured with something called the Sharpe ratio). But then you have time spent managing your investments to consider.

Again, what the fuck is your point. Part of my point is to drip-feed you investment theory. The other is the weird analogy that my mind came up with between this and magick.

Let us consider a book which I consider to contain great magick - 7 Occult Money Rituals. Have I been doing this magick for years and years? No, so if for some reason you aren’t already, take everything I say with a grain of salt, meaning a healthy degree of skepticism. Each of these rituals has a distinct, unique effect. Ritual 1 eliminates fear regarding specific situations involving money, and also provides a sense of easy motivation with elemental Fire energy. Ritual 2 eliminates fear in a more general way, partly by making you feel rich relative to other people and by giving you experiences which you associate with rich people. I have also had dreams (as in the things you have while asleep) of places and situations that seemed teeming with wealth and riches. The ritual, at least for me, starts to make you put yourself into the category of “rich people” and to associate “rich people” with pleasure, aka positive feeling. It may also open up access to other people’s money, the main source likely being credit. This ritual also seems to be the one that loosens you up when it comes to spending money, which makes sense given its other effects. Ritual 3 has caused me to become aware of dysfunctional emotional associations involving money, primarily hatred towards money itself, and also of emotional associations, again mostly hatred (aka resentment or jealousy) involving actions and ideas which could lead to having more money. After becoming aware of these emotions, they have been removed and often had pleasure take their place. Ritual 4 has always caused me to have more physical things every time I’ve done it. Sometimes it’s straight-up cash money, but sometimes it’s things like access to more physical goods of some sort, such as artworks, at no expense (or exceptionally minimal expense). The power of Jupiter seems to increase abundance in a huge variety of ways. The ritual also generates a feeling of confidence in the magick, and a feeling that you deserve more money, no matter how rich you may be. Ritual 5 seems to attract money in a variety of forms, including such things as discounts and good deals, while also getting you used to doing things that may initially make you feel uncomfortable, though eventually they may become thrilling. It also opens your mind to numbers that may have previously seemed ridiculous or unattainable. I don’t personally ask for chump change with this ritual, though it does seem that this brings more of that “bronze” or perhaps “copper” energy. Ritual 6 seems like more of that silver energy, but perhaps I’m wrong on this. This ritual creates the feeling that the future will entail having more money, and that your money will continually increase even as you spend it. It also encourages you to act on potential opportunities and to make beneficial changes in your life, just as the book suggests. It also further encourages associating pleasure with money in a very direct way, especially if you consider the energy generated by contemplating the brilliant blue sky to be money energy. Ritual 7 creates the feeling that you are lucky. It also attracts good luck in situations that involve randomness or probabilities of any sort. I have used it before a poker game, and the result was that I came out slightly ahead, but with much less profit than the biggest winner. This was also a game with massively fragile egomaniacs, so I considered myself lucky. I also got to be the bank, so that was fun. I’ve also used it before rolling for skins/characters in video games, essentially gambling for non-monetary items, and have gotten some pretty lucky hits.

Again, is there a point? My point is that I believe this to be quality magick because it is an integrated system of effects that blend together to create a greater overall pattern of results that will cause the manifestation of the ultimate end goal, in this case continuous growth in wealth to the largest extent possible and the mindset that allows you to enjoy such wealth, as efficiently and effectively as possible.

What about, say, the Ritual of the Neutron Star? If I may be so indulgent, I would consider the magick as I have presented it here to be of high quality, though also incomplete as I have yet to elaborate upon all of the ideas which I believe are essential to derive the most benefit from the ritual. I’m not trying to write a five gazzilion page mega-tome full of ramblings, but there’s a lot to the ritual, and many ideas which are of practical value. What would the end goal of this magick (which I consider to be a form of Lucifer magick, considering that Lucifer did give the ritual to me) be? At this moment, I would say the maximization of knowledge. From this you get things like maximizing pleasure, eliminating fear, attaining wealth and control, those things you find in the ritual.

To me, knowledge is like a puzzle, of the jigsaw variety. Jigsaw puzzles represent an image of something which is put together, piece by piece. But with knowledge, you also have to paint the image on each individual piece without a perfect reference to the whole, complete image. You also have to form each piece to interlock with the others. This happens on an individual and on a collective level. Often, it is the case that after creating many pieces and assembling them together, usually at various different locations amidst the interior of the puzzle, it is discovered that the wrong images were painted and the wrong forms molded with some of the pieces, and so the puzzle must be taken apart and the pieces modified, and then put together again. The irony of the situation is that the puzzle will never be complete. There is also the question, where does the puzzle reside? And where does that which contains the puzzle reside? And on it goes.

What we have here today is a rather scattered collection of ideas, some conveyed explicitly and others via implication. I’m going to be hungry soon and this seems satisfactory enough so I’ll leave it at that.


No content this week cause life is happening. I have been typing up the Enochian Keys from Klein since they appear to differ from some of the online sources I checked before, and when I’m done with that I’ll post those in a different thread and link to it here (for the good of humanity I guess).

I did quickly look through the dictionary bit in the appendix of the third book in the paperback edition, and here’s what seems to be the text spoken in the Sex Magick ritual:

gohia bien yolcam ialpirgah laiad auauago malpirgi cicle moz ouof ozazma ul(?) urbs

We say | unto my voice | bring forth | the flames of first glory | the secrets of truth | the thunders of increase | the fires of life and increase | the mysteries | joy | may be magnified | make us | nor end | beautified.

This could perhaps be re-written as "We say unto my voice, bring forth the flames of first glory, the secrets of truth, the thunders and fires of life and increase, the mysteries, so that joy may be magnified. Make us, without end, beautified.

olani oln olpirt

For two times | made | light

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First, here’s a link to a thread I created with the Enochian Keys. I will check it periodically to ensure there are no errors, but I already double-checked all the Keys so any potential errors should be relatively insignificant. I will write out my approach to pronunciation here in this thread. I’d rather keep the thread with the Keys unbiased, but if you are familiar with the source materials you may know that there are some places where it is not 100% clear exactly what the words are supposed to be, so there is no avoiding some personal bias on my part. To my recollection there are very few such instances and I tended to follow Klein’s notes. When I did some of this magick previously I was using something that differed from the original manuscripts in places and still felt the intensity of the magick, so it seems that perfection is not to be expected or required.

Second, it seems that I have been guided to make further changes to the ritual process. I am wary of creating needless complexity, but I also do not want to ignore what I know and what the spirits reveal to me. Complexity is not bad, nor is it good, it just is what it is, and with this magick, complexity seems very useful because it is complicated fuckin magick.

The structure is now as follows - banishing/centering, fountain of light & chakras, Enochian Empowerment or Universal Magick (whatever you want to call it), Light from the Dark, the Stillness, The Key, The Names, sharing the power, communion, close.

The addition from my previous structure is the Universal Magick ritual. I was partly inspired by the extended ritual process when summoning Shem Angels with the 72 Angels of Magick book, where one of the 72 Godnames is used prior to summoning the angel. This addition does make the ritual significantly longer, and this is acceptable to me. I will now describe how to perform this section.

The rituals with the initial 18 Keys (the “Rituals of the Angels” as described in Success Magick) each call upon three angels of different types. The Clarity ritual (of the 1st Key) calls an angel of secrets, an angel of transformation, and an angel of conjoining. The idea is to include empowerments with the three Primary Powers that correspond to the angel types, as well as one with one of the demonic powers. The phrases used in these empowerments should relate to the power of the Ritual of the Key. I may or may not share my phrases as I go along, but for the sake of example here are my empowerments for Clarity.

Truth - I knew the clear truth.
Transformation - I acted on the clear truth.
Belonging - The clear truth brought me belonging.
Fortune - Greed was good.

To be clear, these empowerments are done one at a time over the course of four days of doing the entire ritual process. On this note, here is the approach to how long to do ritual I have come up with or perhaps received (the distinction is not always obvious). Within one week, the ritual is done for 5 days. One of the other days may be a rest day, one may be for a different ritual, perhaps a Universal Magick ritual, perhaps a 7OMR ritual, perhaps the RotNS. The 5 days of doing the Rituals of the Keys seems significant.

Here’s where it gets complicated. You start with the first ritual, Vision. Then you do ritual 2, Clarity. After this, you do Vision again (for another week). Then you do ritual 3, Pathway. Then you go back to Clarity. Then on to ritual 4, Confidence. Then back to Pathway. Then on to ritual 5, Desire. Etc. This way, each ritual is done for two weeks in total, five days each week.

To clarify the empowerment section (my writing today is super boring but I’m just trying to convey information), one day of the five days performing the entire ritual will not have an empowerment. I suggest the last of the five days, to remind yourself that the angels you are calling and the Key have intense power on their own and are supported by the empowerments in these rituals, not the other way around. What I am currently not clear on is the second week. Repetition of the exact same phrases seems not useful. One approach would be to do a similar style of empowerments that relate to the Key, another would be to use the Universal Magick like how you would on its own - targeting it at results that you want to see in your life. You could also omit the empowerments from the second week. I’ll see how I’m feeling about this when the time comes. Again, the empowerments are by no means essential, but they really juice you up.

This approach will make the entire pathworking (I like this term more than “magickal journey” or the others) last for around two years and change, especially if there are breaks, which is likely. If this seems like a bad thing rather than a good thing, then perhaps it is not a good time to go into this magick. I am reminded of my foray into Lucifer magick, which resulted in many changes to my fundamental being that still impact me today and I imagine will impact me until I shuffle off this mortal coil. I am quite at ease with the idea of opening the gates of hell, and this is something I believe I have done to a significant extent. Is there more to know and experience? I imagine so. But I do believe that magick guides us to find balance, and I believe that the gates of both heaven and hell may be opened.

Part of the point of doing this magick is to cause an extremely thorough re-wiring of your mind. The ideas and the empowerments play their part, but simply abiding in the energy of the magick for an extended period of time has a dramatic effect on one’s mind. I could see others being concerned that this is too much magick, that doing this is more likely to cause stagnation or insanity. I can appreciate the concern, but I am just so curious to see what happens to a mind so awash in magick.


I feel like my last few posts have been kinda lame so ima try and hit you with some top-tier shinri ramblings today. I’ll start with my approach to Enochian pronunciation, which I will elaborate on further in the future (Enochian seems like it’s rabbit holes all the way down). I’ve got some ritual practice notes as well and perhaps some ideas on cognitive dissonance. Musings at the end.

Enochian Pronunciation
A - ah, like claw
B - buh, like book
C - kuh, like cook
D - duh, like duh
E - eh, like fell (not ey or ei like skate)
F - fuh, like fell
G - guh, like gush
H - hhhh or huh, like hush or the sound of an out-breath
I - ee, like feel
L - luh, like loose
M - muh, like massive
N - nuh, like nut
O - oh, like open
P - puh, like paper
Q - wuh, like the ‘w’ in water
R - er, like rhapsody
S - sss, like snake
T - tuh, like talk
U - ooh, like cool
(V is U)
X - sh, like shelter
Y - yuh, like yes
Z - zzz, like zap
TH - th, like thread

Vowels (A, E, I, O, U) are the same wherever they are found. Consonants can vary depending on the context. F, H, L, M, N, R, S, X, Z, TH can be held like vowels. It may sound strange to hold the “m” sound with your mouth closed while vocalizing a word, or to go hhhhhh like an outbreath, but try it and see how it goes. If one of the other consonants is before or after a vowel then let it act like the beginning or ending of that syllable. If two of the other consonants (like g, c, t, etc) are next to each other, you can make an “ugh” sound (like fun) between the letters.

I’ll do some examples another time cause I don’t want to spend forever on this topic today. You may be wondering why “th” is the only sound made by combining two letters. Fuck if I know, that’s just the vibe I’ve picked up. “sh” sounds like ‘sssss hhhh’ like a hiss then an outbreath (‘x’ sounds like the English ‘sh’). “ch” sounds like “cuh, hhhh”. “Chis” is like “cuh hees” because there’s a vowel after the consonant “h”. “qu” sounds like “woo” like “that’s some woo-woo shit.” If this sounds convoluted it kind of is but that’s the pronunciation rabbit hole for yah. Wildly different approaches to this have presumably worked just fine for many people, so if you want to try doing it this way know that perfection is not required. I like it because it’s consistent and it sounds cool.

Other notes on ritual practice

I have recently been reminded of the last time I went deep into angelic magick. Back then I was more concerned with discovering my identity or true will or what I really wanted out of life, and mystical insights came almost as a side-effect of this. This time around I am more interested in the mystical stuff, but also in how the magick will affect me on the psychological level. Insights into myself have already come as well, almost as a side-effect, and the same goes for external results and manifestations.

Back in the day I was shown an energy work technique by Metatron. I saw spikes of vibrant white light pierce through each of my chakras, which I saw then as glowing spheres of white light. I didn’t do much in the way of straight-up energy work in the interim between then and now so I didn’t use the technique, but here is how I have integrated this into the fountain of light/chakras exercise.

Begin as normal, breathing in light. Allow your body to gradually be filled with light, and when you feel you are about to burst, allow the light to explode out the top of your head and radiate around you in a sphere, gathering around your feet, where it flows back up into your body and circulates in this loop. Every in-breath brings in more light, and this light is not lost, but circulated through your aura and through your body. Feel the light surge up through your legs, torso and arms, and then out through your head.

When you are ready, begin visualizing your chakras, starting with the root and working up. As you inhale, focus on the chakra, and as you exhale focus on your aura. At all times continue to feel the light circulating through you and around you. At each chakra, allow the light to be the color of the chakra, so that the light within you and around you is colored by the chakra. I focus on each chakra for three breathes before moving on to the next. If you want to spend more time doing this, I’d personally suggest setting aside a different time exclusively for energy work to keep your focus on the ritual and manage your time, but you can do what works for your schedule. (the book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce has good techniques, though I don’t subscribe to all the theories, also can google his NEW Energy Ways)

After working with all seven chakras, pause for a moment and allow an awareness of each chakra to arise as you circulate the white light. If you can see them all, cool, if not, don’t worry about it and just practice. Then, starting with the root chakra, visualize a spike of bright white light pierce through the chakra and infuse it with light, the white mixing with the color of the chakra. See the chakra expand and then burst, white light exploding out from it and shooting up through your body, out your head, and circulating. See that the chakra has become a point of white light, and then proceed to the next. When you have done this for each chakra, take a moment to continue circulating the light/energy, and then proceed with the ritual.

You may wonder what is happening to your chakras if you do this exercise. If your “energy organs” explode, wouldn’t they stay that way, like a physical organ would? Although there is a power to this pattern, it is still a combination of imagined sensory phenomenon that you control, not a definitely objective reality like things in the material world. If you visualize the chakras, they exist. If you believe you have removed your chakras, then they won’t exist. The way I think about it is that my energy body is empowered and transformed through this technique, and although the chakras may appear to pass away, they re-form naturally without the need for conscious input from me.

A few other things

With sex magick, you can move around the sexual energy (which you are instructed to consider to be a bright white light) like how you do with the fountain of light, as the author suggests in the book. I imagine you can do all sorts of things with this, solo and with others.

Also, another point that the author suggests in the book, after you attain the Stillness and before you scan the sigil for the Ritual of the Key, take a moment to remind yourself, “I look forward to connecting with the energy of this magick, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such wondrous power.” Something not suggested by the author but by me is this sequence of thoughts when gazing into the sigil (this differs from other rituals) - “Gaze now, at this sigil, and know that through it, I open a gateway to the Enochian Watchtower of the __ (or the Enochian Aethyr of __). Through this gateway, countless beings of infinite might hear my call. And through this sigil, I can bring the immense power of magick into my mind, into my life, and into the world around me.”

Ok cool time for cognitive dissonance. This is a term I’ve heard thrown around by people who don’t know what it really means, and pop pseudo-psychology is a plague which I detest, so here we go.

Remember that psychological post I did about ideas and emotions and associations and the neural network stuff? Basically cognitive dissonance is what happens when you associate conflicting emotions with the same idea.

Money is a really easy example to use for this. If you work with the 7OMR, you will likely have experienced the pleasurable energy in the rituals associating itself with your concept of “money”. If previously you have associated negative emotions, such as fear, rage, and/or hatred with money, then what happens is your mind enters a state of cognitive dissonance and seeks to resolve this conflict.

What this means in terms of experience is that the negative emotions will tend to arise to the level of conscious awareness more strongly than you may have previously experienced. If this happens that means these emotional associations already existed, but you were not aware of them. This is essentially your mind trying to figure out how the hell it’s supposed to feel.

The Universal Magick rituals have had a similar effect for me. If you are like me, then you probably have (or had) an amount of doubt that magick exists and works, likely because of the beliefs prevalent in modern Western society and the potential social consequences of being known as one who believes in magick. When I have done the “Enochian Empowerment” like the author describes, where you go “my whatever magick was always effective,” my mind sometimes will try to read it as “ineffective” while feelings of fear or embarrassment (a form of self-hatred) arise. This has lessened as I do more of this magick, but I say this here to provide an example and to provide some insight as to what the point of doing that sort of ritual is on a psychological level.

When I previously did some of the Rituals of the Keys, I experienced the mind state that seems to naturally arise from summoning this energy, a state which you could label as a degree of tranquility and equanimity, and perhaps happiness. There were moments when I was very surprised by the complete absence of rage following an event which would have previously triggered at least a little bit of this.

I can’t claim to know this for certain as I have only worked these rituals with the inclusion of the Keys, not the stripped-down version literally presented in Success Magick, but it seems that speaking the Keys causes this energy to be summoned to a more intense degree than if you did not do this. I believe this is why the magick can sometimes “get heavy” or have effects that do not exactly feel like joyfully frolicking through a field of flowers and rainbow sunshine. It seems that the magick creates deep beliefs which conflict with fears that can run just as deep, and associations do not seem to go away without some sort of conscious intervention. Magick is what does this. “Your half” of the work is performing the ritual, and then magick takes care of the rest.

I tend to mainly dwell on the psychological aspects of magick as that is something I generally understand rather well and enjoy learning more about, but I feel it is important to comment on something which will probably happen with you if you go deep with this magick. It’s been happening with me and it happened the last time. Boundaries exist in this material world for a good reason. If you are reading this then you probably have at least some idea as to what you are getting into with this magick. I always encourage people to listen to magick. Resisting this is like deciding to drive to disney world, waiting a long-ass time in line (or fast passing I guess), and then when you finally get to the ride you refuse to strap yourself in cause you don’t wanna and then they kick you out. If you want to experience the ride you need to listen to the instructions and allow yourself to be taken into the experience.

That being said, it is also important to remember that we are living here in this material world as well, and here in the material there is much corruption. The magick should protect you from the ignorance of others to a degree, but you need to ensure that you are not letting yourself be taken advantage of, exploited, or made to do something you do not want to do that will cause you displeasure. I could say more, but I think that is sufficient to get the point across.

That about does it for today. I’ll share some of my thoughts regarding my activity here to close this one out. I think that I will share the empowerments that go along with each Key as I figure them out. Just keep in mind that this is obviously experimental magick and not “The One True Way tm”. I could wait until after the whole process is complete, or even after many years have passed and the long-term effects become more apparent, but I have benefited hugely from other occultists sharing their stuff so I’d like to do the same. Regarding my experiences, though, I will be taking a different approach than what I was doing with the journal thread. I don’t really want to have to share every single interesting thing that happens, partially for personal privacy, partially because I don’t want to “spoil” the magick for anyone, though I don’t think this is really much of a concern, and partially because I don’t want to feel any pressure to have outrageous crazy visions and stuff every week. I’ll share the goods as it feels appropriate to do so.

Speaking of the goods, here are some excerpts (with minor paraphrasing) from my journal. Thank you for reading. Take it easy my dudes.

I feel so bright.

I am a bounded infinity.

When I attain the Stillness, I observe time flowing through me, and so I know that I am beyond time, gazing into it.

I have the feeling that my consciousness is now connected to this physical body for the duration of its life.

I can feel myself expanding into universal consciousness. The boundary between the internal contents of my mind and my external circumstances has never seemed more thin.

I feel like I am undergoing a transformation that will radically change my experience of the world. I want to look at other humans and feel like an alien because of how different our experiences are.

I saw two circles, light and shadow, revolving around nothing.

I’ve got some ideas brewing to write about but nothing that’s quite ready so not much this week. I wanted to post the empowerments for Pathway though, and these are at the bottom. I think I’ll put any of my musings and experiences with the Keys at the end of my posts for consistency along with the empowerments. I’ll probably end up talking about the ideas and whatnot throughout but I mostly mean things like notes from my journal.

And just to be clear, I don’t claim these to be the only way to phrase the empowerments if you want to include them. The rituals of the Aethyrs don’t have specific types of angels listed for each ritual, but I imagine I’ll still want to do empowerments, and I could see some of these being more suited to my own personal magick, so basically feel free to adjust any of these if you are following along and feel like doing so.

Also, the post with the Keys got taken down for legal concerns. If you’d like a copy you can PM me and I’ll send you them as I have typed them up from Klein’s work. Maybe you can find them online elsewhere and I took a bunch of time to copy them for no reason like a chump but when I looked before various websites had various errors to my recollection and doing things like this seems like part of the magick anyways. I understand that not everyone wants to drop $100 on a transcription of some obscure old documents though, which is partially why I copied them into a digital format. If some lawyers want to come at me I can stop.

Ok readers stay sexy. Enjoy looping time through yourself.


Protection - I stayed on my path.
Transformation - My path brought me freedom.
Truth - I knew my path.
Corruption - Corruption was good.

I have intentions for tomorrow dear readers so I’ll write you some stuff early this time.

I recently picked up the book Dreaming Yourself Awake by Dr. B Alan Wallace (religious studies Ph.D., sometimes a monk) and Brian Hodel. Honestly I just wanted another dream practice book to read and this one seemed like one of the more legit ones. The opening words of the book are “Meditate, you fuck,” so indeed seems legit.

Last night I had the opportunity to enjoy a rather interesting lucid dream. I don’t quite recall exactly when or how I attained lucidity, but what I do remember is the long chain of false awakenings that kept occurring one after another. There’d usually be around 30 seconds to a minute or so of spelunking around between the FAs. I do use my “of course I’m dreaming, what else could I possibly be doing?” phrase, but it seems that my mind is still being trained to really believe this at a deep level, so I also will do reality checks. Normally I pinch my nose and try to breathe (I only ever do this while asleep - in waking life I just say the phrase and become mindful), but this time I felt the urge to look at my hands, which were growing and morphing fingers together, so that was kinda trippy.

Right before fading into one of the FAs, I was sitting on my (dream) bed, and I saw my third eye open, like a vertical eye on my forehead, and saw the purple of the brow chakra glowing in my head. I then had a FA, and subsequently walked into my apartment. The windows were covered with blinds, but I could see a purple glow coming from outside. I dove through the window like diving into a pool of water and floated down to the street. This was after some number of false awakenings already, so I had my bearings about me enough to want to try and go somewhere. I thought to myself, I want to go to the succubus tower from Ishuzoku Reviewers cause they have infinite succubi there so you can request exactly what you want. Upon doing this, it was like everything around me was painted over with a sort of “anime-style” paint. After looking around for a moment, it was like this “layer” was pulled off and I could see the “normal” looking environment around me, and then the paint went back on. I flew, somewhat awkwardly, towards a city district I know, thinking that maybe it’ll be over there, and then had another FA.

I was then surrounded by some people who said something along the lines of, “Ah, you’re back from all that now.” Don’t listen to the dream characters if they tell you that you aren’t dreaming!

Another interesting point I’m just jamming in there - before I went to sleep and had this dream sequence, after recording my previous dream, I noticed that the notecard app I use glitched, and the last two entries, which are displayed as two columns of square cards, were hidden beneath the two entries before them (all of the same sleeping period), and I could see them when I scrolled the cards a bit. I closed the app before going back to sleep and re-opened it after the lucid dream sequence above. I do advocate for mindfulness meditation, but I do perform sex magick to aid my dream practice (I do sigils for my dreamsigns at the moment), and it certainly seems like magick can move the process along smoothly and quickly when done alongside the other practices.

It seems that perhaps the reason why I had these false awakenings over and over again is because I am used to lucid dreams only lasting for a very short amount of time, so somewhat subconsciously I expected that to happen again, and so it did, but instead of outright waking up I “woke up” (experienced what I expected to happen) while remaining asleep. I am currently thinking that to change this I need to set the intention to have longer lucid dreams and to expect this to happen. I think one way to do this is to imagine an entire scenario playing out to completion in the MILD visualizations during the day (this is easy for sex, and for something like flying perhaps something like imagining I made a cool discovery (just feeling that feeling, not imagining anything specific) after exploring around for a bit), and whenever I get lucid to take a bit longer to settle in and become mindful rather than desperately rushing into the dream experience out of fear of the dream dissolving.

Time for the wacky bit. If you’ve read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, you may recall the story of the person who lived an entire alternate life within the dream state for what he perceived to be decades. Immortality, question mark? Do ancient beings with aeons of memory walk among us?

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It’s that time once again. Today I would like to talk about the challenges that can come from living with freedom and a bit on learning. Maybe some finance too.

Oh, and if you are curious about what the approach to the Rituals of the Keys may signify, I don’t think of it as two steps forward, one step back, but as two steps forward, consolidation, two steps forward, consolidation. It is not so much a regression as a solidification of the concepts and powers.

If you regularly perform the RotNS (with this whole system I got going on here I do it every New Moon, when the light from the sun that shines on all is gone), then you either now or likely eventually will be faced with what naturally occurs when one has greater freedom, especially with regards to your time and how you spend it.

If you are anything like me, then you probably have a variety of projects that you’d like to be engaged with, some at different stages than others. I have things which I need to do if I want to have more money (real estate empire, anyone?) (link to the sacred text, in case you haven’t gotten it already), and I have magickal and artistic projects, as well as social relationships and my physical health and fitness. Even with magick taking up a reasonable amount of my time, and with needing to make money, I can still find the time to do all of this. How?

The name of the game is interleaving. Generally speaking, when it comes to learning, it is better to do smaller amounts of something across more time than to do a whole bunch of something all at once. This stands in contrast to some advice you may hear on productivity, which states that you should batch together work in chunks so you get it all done at once. There is a place for both of these, in my opinion.

For things like emails and similar communication, and for things that require large amounts of setup, batching seems like the way to go. These are activities that aren’t so much about learning as they are about executing a necessary step in the process of doing the thing. These are the things that you’d kinda like someone else to do but for whatever reason you have to do it yourself. If you create video content, for example, and need to be in the videos yourself, not just write the script, it can make a lot of sense to get the crew together and bang out a bunch all at once after the creative work is done. This saves time.

Ideally, you want to eliminate or automate as much of this as is absolutely possible. If your work involves communicating with a team and you enjoy talking to these people anyways, it still behooves you to be as efficient as possible with regards to work. You’ll either get to be more productive together, getting more done in the same time and enjoying working with each other, or you’ll free up some time to casually socialize. If you are not working with a team that values being efficient and effective demons, then either align everyone so they are or reconsider your people.

So batching is one side of the coin, while the other is interleaving. If you gave me the option to practice music for either 4 hours once a week or 1 hour across four days, I would choose the latter, 1 hour across four days. What you are looking to do is balance how much time you can devote across days in your week so that you put in enough time in individual sessions to do what you want to do while getting enough repetitions across time that the learning can process and sink in without decaying too much. You actually want some decay to occur, but you also want the overall trend to be going up.

In case it is not clear already, the learning rabbit hole is far, far deeper than you may expect if you haven’t explored this before. I’ve been in it for around five years now and it’s still getting deeper. It is perhaps the most fascinating thing I’ve ever studied and experimented with.

While I’m tangenting, I will speak the somewhat controversial idea that I believe intelligence to be a somewhat overrated concept. I think what really matters is your ability to learn. What really matters with learning seems to be personal motivation, caused primarily by passion, and quality of learning, which involves personal abilities as well as the instruction one receives.

Quality of instruction seems to be extremely influential. Not to dig too hard on these people, but of the relatively small number of engineering and mathematics professors I have had, every single one of them has been absolute shit garbage at teaching. My high school calculus teacher is a shining exemption, but anyways.

There is only so much information our mind can process all at once, consciously and subconsciously. When engaged in the process of learning, the mind has to take in new information, understand what it means on its own, and understand how it fits into the bigger picture of the subject. Occasionally the bigger picture itself needs to be re-considered and re-evaluated. What excellent teachers do is present information in a way that is clear and easy to understand on its own while managing how much new information the student is processing. If you are right at your threshold, pushing yourself but not dealing with too much, then learning is optimized.

Some would argue that certain topics are just inherently more difficult than others and so that’s why the educational process is more difficult. I believe this to be 99% bullshit. I believe what happens is certain people get labelled as “smart” and others as “dumb” because of differences in personal interests (passions) that start at a young age, as well as things like racism and misogyny. The “smart” kids are encouraged to learn and to study specific subjects that tend to be in high economic demand in society, while the “dumb” kids are encouraged to just get by in school and end up wherever they end up. Am I oversimplifying enormously complex psycho-social phenomenon? Yes, but perhaps you see my point.

I believe that anyone can learn how to learn, and that by doing so you learn how to do anything.

I’m really going off the deep end here, but it is clear to me that some people were infected by toxic ideas that they don’t need to carry around anymore. If you encounter some dipshit who tries to proliferate such toxic ideas and force them onto you, then I’d encourage you to stab them. For legal purposes that’s a joke.

I also believe that authentically connecting with ancient and deep magickal forces infuses your mind with an intelligence beyond your own.

I’ve hinted at a few financial things in the above writing, and I don’t believe this is the appropriate post to cover some more concrete finance topics, which I will get to in the future, but I do want to say that I believe the quest for money to be fair and noble. Not everyone may understand, and many would ridicule such a thing, but I disagree. Those who commit themselves to this quest, however it may manifest in their own life, are the ones who increase prosperity for all, not just themselves. Being a value creator is one of the most admirable qualities one can have, in my opinion.

And not to shill too hard, but I really do recommend that book (this is not financial advice). I’ve been on the quest for a number of years at this point, and this is by far the easiest, most straightforward, relatively low risk way of making obscene amounts of money relatively quickly that I have ever seen. The author also seems like someone who understands the value in putting it all on the altar.

Wrapping it up now. I don’t have empowerments for you this week as I took an extra week, so expect the Confidence empowerments next time. It’s called listening to the magick and listening to myself. I have worked out the empowerments for most of the Rituals of the Angels, but I think I’ll drip drip drip them to you. But what if this or that!? I want them all now!!!

Patience, mage. In due time.


Some bonus content. Hooray!

If you’re speaking the Keys, you may experience some soreness in your throat from chanting/vibrating so many words. I have two suggestions. Some warm tea does wonders for the vocal chords. Flush your mouth with water after a cup to protect against teeth stains. Neck and throat stretches are also wonderful, but take it slow and gradually so you don’t injure yourself. It’s nothing to be scared about, just listen to your body. It might not seem all that worth it while your throat is feeling scratchy and tired, but I’ve found that the Keys have unlocked a new resonance with which I can sing or chant the words and names that has a very nice sound to it.

Now some sex stuff. I picked up this idea from a video on pornhub titled “How to have tantric sex for couples, what is tantra” by Robbie OZ. An amusing source for magickal technique but there yah go. This is a daily (or most daily) practice which I do before getting out of bed, after dream practice stuff. You can do this physically or mentally/psychically. If your partner is not physically with you, you can use something like a pillow to support, but the focus is really on the energy, and this entire practice could be done in any position with no props.

Spend some time relaxing and cuddling with your partner. You don’t have to try to get horny. It’s probably going to happen, but if you just end up relaxing together that is ok too. After a bit of rubbing and breathing and stuff, if someone’s gonna put their dick in the other person, go ahead and insert the penis. Again, this can be physical, or it can be mental/psychic. If there’s no dick involved, then do whatever you’d like to do to connect with your partner’s sexual organ while closely embracing them but not outright having sex. It’s like super cuddling.

Spend some time basking in your partner’s presence. You may be sleepy and fuzzily relaxed, or you may be super mega aroused. If you end up fucking then have a good time, but otherwise remain somewhat still and simmer in the energy. If you’d like to, whether or not you are physically with someone, you can also look at some images in this time, or read some words. It’s called ecchi, and it’s art! You can drink in as much sexual energy from these as you desire, but keep your attention with your partner as well.

There are various merits to this practice, aside from it just being a good time and a nice way to start the day. For one, it will do wonders to increase your sexual energy. It will also strengthen your bond and union with your partner (I suggest doing this with one person at a time if you have multiple people you’d like to connect with in this way). Even doing this psychically, I have experienced intense rushes of sexual energy, like electricity shooting up through me from the genitals, unlike anything I’d experienced before.

If you feel a bit ridiculous doing this “by yourself” in your bed, it’s really no more ridiculous than your other magick rituals, really.

I felt like tossing this in there this week, and I don’t want to go on and on with the bonus post, but something I’ve been musing about is how this system uses both what I think of as layering and blending. The Freedom, Sex, Money, Power, Success paradigm (is “paradigm” a good word for that?) allows for great flexibility while building a core of ideas and powers. It is interesting to ponder these words, in both directions, and see how they relate. Notice how key words from Freedom (the RotNS) are used in the Sex and Power rituals, and how the Success rituals define the Power rituals and relate to the insights of the Sex rituals. Notice how the Money rituals cascade and flow into Freedom and Success. Notice how Sex brings Freedom and Money, how Power brings Money and Success, and how Sex and Power relate. Consider how Freedom is fundamental, how none of the other ideas matter without Freedom, and how paradoxically, none of the ideas matter without the energy that comes from the Success rituals. Strange, how one may even lean one way or the other.

Enjoy your week my dudes.


Gonna pop a quick one in here for now and then come back later with some sex magick workings, with commentary. Part of me feels kinda weird sharing my rituals, but even if we’re not using the same sigils, sharing similar workings feels to me like it has power.

First, some recommendations. In terms of new books, Seeing that Frees - Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising by Rob Burbea and The Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. There is also Right Concentration by Leigh Brasington.

If you are relatively new to meditation, I suggest that you first read The Mind Illuminated and start cultivating a practice of mindfulness of the sensations of the breath at the tip of the nose (and as a side effect start referring to everything as a cultivation). Once you have a practice going, I’d then read Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, probably Part 1 and then Part 4, and then the rest if you’d like. This author does not shy away from magickal material, by the way. These texts will give you a solid foundation in meditation and the various abilities and insights it can give you. They were my gateway drugs, way back in the day, and if you are interested in exploring more Buddhist teachings and practices, a solid foundation in mindfulness I would argue is essential.

I currently do 1 hour of TMI-style meditation right before doing the Ritual of the Key. Recently I have picked up a 30-minute Zhine practice as well, from The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, as I had a bit of time after ritual before sleep. TMI-style focuses on the breath and tactile sensations, while “forceful zhine” focuses on an external object with the eyes. I do zhine right before bed. For a couple days I did some journalling right before bed, and that is just asking for samsaric dreams. I drew an Enochian ‘A’ in red color pencil like a “bubble letter” or a blocky letter so it looks more like the dream WILD visualization. I used a square index card (I could only find rectangles when I bought them so I cut them in half) like I use for my sex magick sigils. I also intend to do an ‘O’ in blue, and probably objects for the other two visualizations, either a white dot and a black dot, or a blank white card and a shaded-in black card. Usually when focusing with the eyes in ritual I get kinda tranced out, so this practice challenges me to remain more alert and mindful with visual perception.

Seeing that Frees, though. This one seems like it takes you places. Empty thoughts, arising from emptiness and passing into emptiness.

A quote from The Tibetan Yogas of Body, Speech, and Mind
“Whether physically, energetically, or psychologically, we experience ourselves mainly through our pain. It is hard to recognize riga, the enlightened nature that is our self, the nature that we share with the deities. The small self is more familiar to us. The small self is the one through which we express our pain, and because it is so familiar, it becomes an important door through which we may discover our bigger self - and through this discovery, release our pain.”

Right Concentration I recommend if you are curious about experiencing the jhanas, which are meditative states of extreme concentration or undistractability. They range from absolute focus without distraction on pleasurable sensations of mind and body to states of formlessness. It is a good book, but I do feel compelled to say that it is somewhat annoying when spiritual teachers bend over backwards to appease the materialists. I get that sometimes it needs to be done, but if someone is so dead-set on interpreting ideas like “gaining the ability to pass through walls” literally and then uses that as reason to discard Buddhist writings, then perhaps meditation just isn’t for them. I pass through walls all the time in lucid dreams, but that kinda works as a cop-out answer to everything, so there is also the allegorical interpretation of gaining the ability to cross boundaries. I have also noticed that electrical outlets have changed locations upon returning to a room I knew very well in the waking world, so there’s that. I don’t recommend being stupid, but we’re all meatsacks composed of sub-atomic particles embedded in the fabric of space-time existing in quantum probability states, so there’s that.

In terms of films, I recommend The House that Jack Built. Know that I am not easily disturbed, but if you need to take a break to watch this all the way through, then do that. This one’s not exactly the best choice for family movie night. If you’d like to know what probably pushed me over the edge to pursuing studies in Psychology, it was the show Hannibal.

What house will you build, dear readers?

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Transformation - I let go of needless fear.
Healing - The clear truth healed me.
Belonging - I had the people I needed.
Decay - Decay was good.

This is not financial advice (don’t sue me). Lecture series on investment theory basics. Video from the same channel on the infinite money machine. Buy and hold baby

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to have such wonderful investments?

How did I come to have such wonderful public equities investments?
Public Equities
(the S&P 500 Index)

How did I come to have such wonderful government bonds investments?
Government Bonds
(30 year Bond Ladder)

How did I come to have such wonderful commodities investments?
(broadly diversified, perhaps also gold & silver, for funsies)

How did I come to have such wonderful real estate investments?
Real Estate

How did I come to have such wonderful crypto investments?
(just a splash, for diversification)

How did I come to have such wonderful corporate bonds investments?
Corporate Bonds
(bond ladder, diversified, investment grade and junk)

How did I come to have such wonderful private equity investments?
Private Equity
(companies that are not publicly traded on the stock market)

How did I come to have such wonderful venture capital investments?
Venture Capital
(like private equity but more early-stage)

How did I come to have such wonderful hedge fund investments?
Hedge Fund
(if you ask for it with magick, it will manifest eventually)

How did I come to have such wonderful capital?

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to be so wonderfully skilled at BRRRR?

How did I come to be so wonderful at buying?

How did I come to be so wonderful at rehabbing?

How did I come to be so wonderful at renting?

How did I come to be so wonderful at refinancing?

How did I come to be so wonderful at repeating?

How did I come to be such a wonderful BRRRR investor?

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to have such a wonderful lifestyle?

How did I come to have such a wonderful sex life?

How did I come to have such a wonderful social life?

How did I come to have such a wonderful art life?

How did I come to have such a wonderfully quiet life?

How did I come to have such a wonderfully calm life?

How did I come to have such a wonderful life?

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I feel compelled to say here again that none of this is financial advice and that you need to do your own research. Don’t buy stuff because some dude on the internet told you to.

By far almost every single source of financial content you can find on the internet is terrible. At best it is people getting paid to pump and dump stocks (illegal), at worst it’s people who “day trade” in a bull market, don’t even beat the market, have absolutely no idea in the slightest about anything related to financial economics, and are so deluded by their ignorance they actually think they’re helping.

If you want to get rich by investing (not financial advice), investing in a diversified portfolio of assets like stocks and bonds and pretty much not touching it ever will lead to increased wealth over many years. The real estate strategy I shared (not financial advice) is a faster way that requires more active involvement and more risk. I’ll probably share some risk management systems, but again none of this is financial advice, you need to do your own research.

The reason I suggest the S&P 500 Index for stocks is because trying to pick and choose individual stocks is a very difficult game that most professionals lose at. Investing in the S&P is like buying a little bit of most all public US companies. You can easily look up the historical performance of the S&P so you can see how much an investment would have grown that year.

A bond ladder is where you buy bonds that expire in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, all the way to 30 years when you initially invest. After that, you always buy 30 year. That way you get the best interest rate every year on bonds (so it averages across time) but still get some principle back every year.

If you have more bonds in your portfolio, it will be lower risk and with lower expected return. More stocks means more risk but more potential return. Sometimes, the stocks dip. If you panic and sell, I’ll thank you for letting me buy stocks for super cheap. You can try to sell high buy low, but you’ll probably fuck it up and blow yourself up (wall street talk for lose all your money). Buy and hold baby (not financial advice)

The goal of investing is not to make a quick buck. Some investing strategies, like BRRRR, are designed to be faster, but the mindset that works best is thinking about the next 30 years (or whatever). If you build enough wealth, you’ll be able to live completely off of investments. But you need to get yourself educated if you want that to happen. Put in the time, get the results. Do the money magick. Or don’t, and look back over your life in 30 years and wonder why you’re still humping into work every day, selling your life for money.

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Heyy girl you wanna conjoin our natural substances?

Starting with a lame joke today cause the next section is a bit dry, some notes on ritual practice. After that there should be some fun stuff. I have some sex magick workings to post as well. I’ll do those in another post and I may come back to that later tonight cause I gotta do my yoga (the exercise stretchy kind) and stuff.

I have started speaking the Keys by saying one word at a time, one word for each breath instead of chanting however many you can fit into an outbreath. This has extended my time in ritual. I don’t know by how much exactly, nor do I particularly mind, but in total it takes me around two hours to do the entire Ritual of the Key, banishing/centering, chakras, empowerment, light from the dark, the stillness, the key, the names, sharing the power, communion, close.

The point of speaking the Keys this way is to make it into a proper mantra-style meditation within the overall ritual. I’ll say here that this is not strictly necessary if you want to work with these energies in a way that does not require you to live as a pseudo-monastic, but if you want to do what I’m doing at this time, the goal is to cultivate more-or-less 24/7 concentrated awareness. I do still like to party, but the rest of the time I’m pretty much always in magick mode (I’m still in magick mode while I’m partying, it’s just a different kind of magick mode), which in this pathworking means abiding in rigpa.

Unless I’m overinflating my own impact, it seems that I have a wide variety of readers with a wide variety of backgrounds and levels of attainment and spiritual experience, so a few notes on meditation. It may seem boring at first, but meditation is sort of like looking at your own mind through an increasingly powerful microscope. It is, in my opinion, extremely interesting.

These ideas are best applied first in a formal meditation practice, but then they should start to carry over into other moments in your daily life. In meditation, generally speaking, your goal is to direct your attention onto a specific object chosen for the meditation. This can be, for example, the tactile sensations of the breath that arise at the tip of the nose, or the auditory sensations from chanting a mantra, or the visual sensations from an external object.

Whatever object you decide on, the goal is to keep your attention on the object. Until your concentration develops to a more advanced point, thoughts will arise and your attention will automatically move to these thoughts as that is what your mind is habituated to do by default. Meditation is essentially building the habit of ignoring everything but a certain, specific thing.

I’ve already listed books with step-by-step guides to working through various stages of meditative training, the best one to start with being The Mind Illuminated imo, so the last thing I’ll say here is to pay attention to the vividness of the sensations you have chosen to be your object. The more vivid and clear, the better. It takes practice and it takes patience, but the reward is a mind that can bring powerful focus to anything.

I suppose there is also this to say. For the post Ritual of the Key zhine meditation (meditation on an external object), I do indeed have four cards with each of the dream visualizations - Peace, Clarity, Power, and Corruption. These line-up with the four empowerments from the Rituals of the Keys. To be honest with yah dear readers I haven’t actually done any of the rituals for five days yet, just the four empowerment days and then like four days in the consolidation week, so it’s a good thing that perfection is not required. I have, however, recently taken an interest in the Fire Kasina Book (check out the glossary on the website for a quick peek at some of the wacky shit). I’m thinking that every additional day of doing the Ritual of the Key I will reward myself with a fire kasina meditation session. This one just sounds really cool, but I can tell zhine is doing good things (and don’t be surprised if weird things start to happen by meditating on the symbol for magick Power), so if I want to do the cool meditation then I have to do the work.

But what about the consolidation week? I’m thinking similar vibes for that week - four days of zhine, fire kasina for any additional days. Maybe at some point I’ll switch over to only fire kasina.

Speaking of being a pseudo-monastic, I have thought about adding some more meditations or energy work or the like, but the thing with being a psuedo monastic is that I do still want to have normal things that I do, like play with my kneaded eraser after some art practice. It also takes time to operate a business, even when that business is automated exceptionally well and relatively not time intensive anyways. Being a rich pseudo-monastic is more fun than being a broke pseudo-monastic, if you could even afford to be a pseudo-monastic at that point. If you yourself would like to live this lifestyle but can’t afford to yet, just know that I spent a good several years with essentially the entire focus of my being directed at money. It is incredible what can happen with such determination and focus. I wasn’t even particularly patient, but money was always on the mind, and it paid off in knowledge and opportunity.

I’ve also had some thoughts regarding duration of this pathworking arise. I could do around two years, working through all the Rituals of the Keys as set out here. I could also do four years, doing the entire process twice. I could also do eight years. What would be the point in doing that? I think that understanding will come to you if you do the magick.

A B C D, who is me? Not you, not you, not you, not you, not you.

just me

Time for some sex magick workings. I’ll probably post these on occasion but not all the time. I’m sharing these because I think they’d be helpful for certain people, and because if you are in some ways not on my level then you’ll learn how I think which will get you to my level and probably past it, which will allow me to then slingshot myself up past your level, etc.

And by the way, I write these out in my journal all on one page (or front-back) like I write them down here, and as I do the rituals I check them off (like :heavy_check_mark:). I could date them but I don’t really feel the need to do that.

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to have such wonderful business operations?

How did I come to make such wonderful use of computations?

How did I come to make such wonderful use of spreadsheets?

How did I come to make such wonderful use of communications?

How did I come to make such wonderful use of automation?

How did I come to make such wonderful use of time?

How did I come to make such wonderful business systems?

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to build such a wonderful business team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful legal team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful accounting team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful finance team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful marketing team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful labor team?

how did I come to build such a wonderful tech team?

How did I come to build such a wonderful human resources team?
Human Resources

How did I come to build such a wonderful leadership team?

How did I come to have such wonderful employees?

How did I come to own such a wonderful organization?

Some notes on this one. You can allow some flexibility in how these rituals are interpreted. “Labor”, for example, is quite general and non-specific. To me, it means any sort of work that is relatively low skill and not requiring much in the way of knowledge, and also work that I find dull, repetitive, mind-numbingly boring, or in any way shape or form undesirable, but that needs to be done. “Labor” here could mean anything from working a cash register (something I have done, so I don’t mean to disparage, it just is what it is) to manual construction labor to cleaning data. If you, the person who is reading this right now, dread the thought of doing some task, it is probably labor to you. Thank god for W-2s.

For those with some business knowledge, you may be wondering about the distinction between accounting and finance. Accounting is basically just financial record keeping, whereas finance is the practice of managing money. Accountants record how money moves around and blend with the legal team when it comes to things like reducing taxes, but the finance people are the ones who actually make the decisions. That’s probably a bit of a controversial statement to some people, but it is what it is. “Finance” can also be interpreted to include any business decisions that involve money, which would be all of them. Any profit maximizers?

Employees can also be more loosely thought of as anyone who does any sort of work for your business who does not own any of your business, or at most owns a very negligible amount of it and has no high-level decision making power. This blends a bit with “Leadership”, as those towards the top of the ladder are often still just employees, even though they may be making more significant decisions.

I’ll also say that “Team” sometimes means just you. Sometimes you gotta be legion.

Sex Magick Working

How did I come to be such a wonderful entrepreneur?

Perhaps you may have noticed that these three plus the BRRRR working (a more strategically-oriented working relevant to my business interests) add up to four workings. I think I will complete these first, then do three more workings. One will be all about Risk, one all about Properties or perhaps Assets, and one more oriented around Professional Relationships (you can have a relationship that is both personal and professional - business and pleasure, if you will). I could come up with them now and interleave them all, but priorities are what they are.

Personally, I do not aspire to have much of a career in business. It should be apparent that I want some amount of a business career, because I do indeed quite like money, and some ways of making money are just better than others. My main career interests are in art, but in order for me to have the sort of money I’d like to have, I would have to do things with art that have much, much more wide commercial appeal. You can make good money with very high-quality, crafty art, but very rarely if ever do these sort of artists make the kind of money that corporate teams who produce stuff more-or-less destined for the top 20 (cause they have marketing people, and probably also make the top 20) or whatever benchmark the kids are using these days. I want to have an impact and be influential in my artistic domain, and that tends to involve commercial success, but really that barely matters to me because the money I make from investments will dwarf whatever I make from art.

I could go off on an intense tangent on that topic but the edible’s starting to kick in so real quick I’ll just say to all my artist friends out there, step your game up. My shit’s not been the most together either and life has priorities, but you know what you want. Make it fuckin happen. I want my back-stage passes. And/or the feat. But I’m just the feat. - you’re the artist.


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Haunted by the secrets in my mind

Enochian magick puts you in a pretty strange headspace. I feel like I can kinda leave that sentence at that.

It’s been a bit since I’ve talked about sex magick stuff (perhaps the less dry notes on ritual practice). First, I’d just like to say that sometimes I’m amazed that experience can be worthwhile enough to be worth taking a break from cuddling with a certain someone forever.

I’d also like to say that I, for one, love cuming in anime girls, especially when they just don’t stop, I mean my god, over and over again.

Before really getting into Enochian sex magick, I had never, ever, EVER had relationships so devoid of corruption. It is so different, but I didn’t even really notice it at first, to the extent that when some small amount of corruption did inevitably arise, it was shocking because of how things are all the rest of the time.

I’ve already shared my spiritual sex practices, but I realize that these may be somewhat challenging for less developed practitioners to fully engage with. I don’t mean that in some ego way, I mean that it can take some practice. Masturbating with still images of some sort really helps a lot, in my experience. It doesn’t have to be doujins (sex manga/comics, hentai). You can use regular photos of people as well. You can also use both, in combination. One thing I really like about doujins is how many different situations you can find to stimulate the imagination. You really have to wade through the sea of crappy hentai, but when you find a good one that is an absolute treasure. Often even when I know I’m going for a normal porn video, I like to keep current with the industry, if you know what I mean.

When doing more “energetic” or “hands-free” practices, I’m normally laying in bed, basking in that kinda awake kinda asleep wonderfully pleasant state. You don’t need to do a grand ceremony to summon your partner. You know they are there. The goal isn’t to hump or grind on your pillow (not that that’s particularly bad or anything), so when imagining more movement, sometimes I’ll do things like move my feet while the rest of my body is relatively still. Sometimes I’m on my side, sometimes my back, sometimes my stomach, sometimes all fours, sometimes more upright - you get the idea. Little gestures can do so much to aid the imagination. You may sometimes feel that more physicality is needed, but I would say that because these things are occurring within your mind, they are the only reality. Not to imply that it is false that it feels so good to shoot my loads, because it most certainly does feel good. Have you been doing your kegels? Have you been practicing with your energy cock?

Ok time for a bit of a switcheroo in topics now. In the course of my studies of the histories, it has become known to me that soldiers in the Wehrmacht were encouraged to cultivate Todesverachtung, contempt for death. I would encourage you to do the same, dear readers.

Also, I will state once, clearly and plainly, that only a moron would genocide their own population instead of letting them fight.

There’s blood on the street, dear readers. There’s money to be made.

Truth - I knew what I wanted.
Healing - What I wanted healed me.
Transformation - The clear truth transformed me.
Fortune - Greed gave me control.

What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder, and stronger.

If the Enochian angels bid you to say goodbye to the waking world, how would you spend an eternity?

That’s one of the hardest workings ever. Only very skilled witches should try it. The demonic elementals unleashed through enochian magick are very powerful.

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The magick has felt safe to me, and I don’t think beginners to magick would have any problems if they want to use the magick, though I certainly agree that the energies are very strong. It does also require a bit more input in terms of what you ask for with the sigils, how you construct the sex magick workings, and my experience with other forms of magick has helped me with this. But again though I don’t see any problems with beginners using the magick.

The Enochian sex magick hasn’t felt demonic to me, though, but it also hasn’t quite felt like most angel magick. If I had to pick and say it was one or the other, I’d say it’s more angelic, with the caveat that preconceived notions about angels and demons should be set aside.

I feel a deep connection to my partner, and I also feel connected to what seems to be the source of sexual energy. It’s challenging to put the exact nature of these connections into words, but the vibe is kinda ACAB. It feels like the boundaries between our minds exist only very thinly in the material world. If God were two, it’d be me and you.

I realize that I’m not the first one to do this sort of magick, not by a few millennia, but also that people read what I post and engage with it, so I try to be careful about what I put out here. I’m concerned about blabbering on about what was just schizophrenic brain-noise, so I often let ideas like this simmer a bit and bounce around to see if they fall apart. I already cringe at my old writing as it is, and I don’t want to add raving nonsense onto the pile. That being said, this is some of the most wonderful magick I have ever experienced, and I don’t know if I’ll ever stop doing it.

I suppose I’ll also toss this out there. My partner suggested to me that I sing the words “olani oln olpirt” some months back, and more recently I was “inspired” to sing the words as follows:

o - la - ni
7 - 7 - #11
ol - pirt
7 - #11

The exact notes for me are E and B in the key of F major. E is the 7 and B the #11 of F major. The low E is the bottom of my vocal range. I play the lowest F on the piano to set the key and then sing the other notes (with piano assistance at first). It seems that the most important part of this is to sing the words as above (7s and #11s), so the key you choose is probably somewhat arbitrary. If you are physically present with someone else doing the magick, you could try singing the same notes if possible, or singing in the same key but at different octaves. I’d be shocked if there’s not some wack-ass musical rabbit hole to go down with harmony and stuff but these notes (7 and #11 over the root in the bass) create a very distinct feeling. If you haven’t trained your ear much this may take some practice to fully hear, but #11 to me has always sounded very piercing and clear while having an edge to it. The interval between the root and the #11 is a tritone, fun fact, which back in the day the classical musicians called the devil’s interval, so there’s that.

Went a bit off the rails there but I usually like to write a little somethin somethin around this time.

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A quick update. I may use the fifth day of ritual practice to work with the Loagaeth tables (you can find these in the third book in the paperback version of Klein’s transcription). Something like starting by speaking the words above the table, then speaking two-letter combinations, starting in the top right square. You start the vocalization with this square, then speak the letter down and to the left, so at a diagonal. So for table 5a, it starts with h-h, o-c, x-n, a-a, s-s, etc, that line concluding with h-a, the h on the topmost left then looping back around to the a beneath the topmost right square, the h at the beginning. Enochian hooray!

You go down the table in this way, working across each line (two rows of letters) right to left. If my count is correct then there are 24 lines, each with two rows, then one extra row at the bottom. The bottom row you just go across horizontally, speaking two-letter combinations, right to left. I’m kinda feeling like you speak the words above the table between each line as well as at the beginning and the end.

This is how you do the front side of each table (the ‘a’ side in Klein’s book). This side symbolizes the heavenly aspect of the table, whereas the ‘b’ side symbolizes the earthly aspect. I don’t think it’s exactly that kind of A and B but similar vibe. Oh yeah Enochian magick baby.

To do the back side of the table, you follow the same pattern of letter combinations, start in the top right then down and to the left, but you speak them the other way around. So for table 5b it goes c-x, n-a, a-l, r-b, a-e, the first line concluding with h-g. Work down the back just like you do the front, and then for the bottom row same vibe - t-h, c-o, etc.

I’m thinking that I’ll do the front side during the first week of working with each Key/Aethyr, then the back side during the second week. This probably takes a while so first time I’ll just do this and see how long it takes. I usually set aside about 3.5 hours for mindfulness meditation, ritual of the key, then 30 minute meditation session. Any extra time after working with the Loagaeth table I’ll just do mindfulness probably (normally I’ll do mindfulness first if there’s time). Speaking letter combinations for 4 hours may sound kind of boring but the point is to make it a meditation where you keep your attention on what you are doing and not let thoughts distract you, just like in mindfulness. Part of me is concerned about destroying my vocal chords, so “vocalizing” the combinations in my mind is a consideration. Maybe I’ll just get some beefy vocal chords.

There is also, of course, constructing the table. That’s a lot of letters, written by hand in Enochian after measuring out the table. Yep, sure is.

There are also the Soyga tables. Apparently these weren’t directly received during the Enochian receptions, but Dee jammed them in there from another book. I don’t fuckin know dude, but the angels conveyed to me the vibe that this magick should be done for eight years (ish), and there are eight Soyga tables, so the vibe is to do the Soyga table (oriented landscape on the page) during the Vision week. There’s a bunch of shit in there for table 1 but whatever I don’t worry about it I just catch vibes.

Yeah that’s cool but you’re on ritual 5 now. Yeah so I think you do Vision again between the rituals of the angels and the rituals of the first aethyrs and the first aethyrs and final aethyrs (so between rituals 19/20 and 38/39). After ritual 49 you loop back around and are on Vision again, moving on to the next Soyga table.

What are the Soyga tables? It seems that they somehow guide the pathworking across each of the eight (infinity sideways) pass-throughs. Being oriented landscape is probably significant, some kind of wide feeling compared to the more narrow focus of each Loagaeth table. “Missing” the first rituals with the first Soyga table symbolizes the gradual opening of the magick (that sounds better than alternative explanations heh). This table also has the most “corruption”, at least in Klein’s transcription, so why not ima roll with it.

The need to construct each sigil for all 49 rituals and each two-sided Loagaeth table symbolizes the willful “effort” required in the beginning of this magick. After this, the mind will presumably have been brought into a state where it is naturally aligned with the energies. Constructing the Soyga table each time through symbolizes that the rituals are not being repeated in the same way, but are unlocking new understandings even as the same powers are being called.

You may notice that the Loagaeth tables begin more-or-less completely filled in, but later on have more spaces between the letters. What came to mind for me is how the physical world appears very solid to our regular perception, but at a more fundamental level, the level of atoms and sub-atomic particles and quarks and all that quantum jazz, there is more space between things. So perhaps the Loagaeth tables open new levels of perception.

Also, the weird loopy letter in the font Klein uses seems to be an ‘x’. This is what a couple online sources have said. I think I may have seen another letter that is somewhat ambiguous. If I run into that I’ll see what I can figure out. “These be means to understand,” sure but can we just use normal letters please.

The pattern used in working magickally with the Loagaeth tables symbolizes how, with this magick, energy that originates in the heavenly realms is brought down to the earthly realms, and how energy in the earthly realms resonates with corresponding heavenly energy. More to it than that, as either way you go you eventually run into source, but the magick does feel oriented towards heavenly energy.

I should say here that I suggest Klein’s work if you want to get into that pseudo-monastic Enochian lifestyle. Other sources I have seen have not been entirely accurate, as Klein’s presumably is. I do have the Keys typed up for anyone who wants those, but I don’t really feel like typing up the Loagaeth tables. I do have other things to do, and if you are willing to construct these tables and speak letter combinations for hours then I’m guessing you already have or will get the book.

I believe I have already stated some of the reasons why this magick is worth doing. I can’t claim to yet know what the rituals of the keys do entirely on their own, or with the empowerments, or with the other magick I’m doing involved in the mix, all done over time, and what adding in the Loagaeth and Soyga tables will do, but again I don’t worry about it I just catch vibes. I’ve been given a vision of what was presumably a heavenly realm, and that’s not something very easily forgotten.

But the angels said this and that and the bokes and the thaidofhaosdhioihawhnioawoihsghobiuusadgohibnasdgnoikgsdanokljisdfg. Something something beginner’s mind. Vibe catching. No, I probably won’t do the math, I’d rather do magick. Remember to remember that your experience is of the nature of the dream state.

This insight brought to you by [insert (the penis heh) practice here].

Some more middle-ish length discoursing today. Starting with some musings on Enochian magick as a whole and then some sex talk.

Let’s start with the Loagaeth tables. Initially I questioned the value of spending a good several hours every week measuring out grids and writing down thousands of letters when I could instead be doing literally anything else. To be honest though I always assumed that I wouldn’t make this far, so when magick encourages me to do something at this point I just fucking do it. I’ve seen too much to really do otherwise. My path is mine, and I imagine that not all of my readers are at a point in their lives where it is appropriate to follow along with what I am doing. I do me, you do you. It amuses me, but a few years back there was a time when I would alternate between summoning Goetia and Lucifer demons every other day, and during this time I received a glimpse into the future where I would “do my magickal Ph.D.” (yes I really did think like this, like a huge frickin nerd). There was a similar occurrence a few years before that one. I am blessed today to be able to stand on the shoulders of titans. I do not know how much of the work I am doing now is truly novel, but regardless I am grateful for the opportunity to explore and unravel Enochian magick.

The Loagaeth tables. I’ve written a few lines of table 5, but I think that I will wait until the next ritual to start really working with these tables, for a few reasons. For one, I need bigger paper. Normal printer paper is too damn small. It’s already a bit of a strain reading the tables from Klein, and that’s a fairly large boke, and I’ll be working with these tables for some years. I don’t think you need to get huge canvases, but you can get larger papers at art supply stores. I’m thinking something that fits neatly in my magick workspace and that allows me to write the letters closer to the size they are in my other sigils (probably still smaller, but not absurdly tiny). Something I heard from an optometrist to promote good eye health is to occasionally look across longer distances and focus on something relatively far away for a bit every so often. I can feel the lenses or whatever adjusting when I do this, and I imagine that’s the point.

If you are wondering why you would bother with these tables, I can’t say exactly for sure at this point, but I did notice some interesting thoughts arising while writing the lines. Maybe studying Japanese has made me develop a perverse pleasure in writing a whole shitload of characters over and over again in little boxes. As a side note, beautiful handwriting is something to be sought after!

Let it be a meditation. Let it be a symbol of your dedication to the magick. In the couple minutes of research I’ve done on the internet, it seems that people like to try and intellectualize some meaning out of these tables, taking great pains to map out all sorts of correspondences and attempting to tie these tables in with other magickal systems. Perhaps there is something to be gained from this, but it seems to me the sort of thing that armchair magicians do. I will have to see for myself, but my approach with magick has always been to put practice first and almost dismiss any sort of theorizing, cognizing, or intellectualizing of what is ultimately beyond such things. There are “theory” ideas which have value, but these arise from a direct experience of magick, and such experiences are only gained through the practice and performance of magick. Writing down these Enochian letters, arranged in these formations, seems to constitute a magickal practice in and of itself, but you probably don’t need me to tell you that summoning spirits and magickal energy in a proper ritual is an entirely different experience. If you want to do “practical magick,” there’s plenty of that out there already, including Enochian methods. If you want to explore more mystical territory, you’re not gonna find it by sifting through books of dubious quality, based on corruptions of the source materials, plagued by biases, sunk-cost fallacies, and egos desperately attempting to justify themselves. I get it, it’s good fun to feel like an occult pioneer, but not all pioneers strike gold.

One thing that I like about magick is how it attracts people looking for all sorts of different things. I like how magick can be about getting your way and getting what you want in your life. I also like how magick can reveal knowledge and open understandings of reality that can only be acquired in the practice of magick. There have been times when magick was more of a supporting force in my life, often on my mind, but taking only a small place in the greater scheme of my daily life. There have been other times, before now, when magick was my life, when I was so deep in that not pushing through would have left me shattered and in pieces.

I have emphasized the importance of maintaining social connections while in the midst of great magickal work, but here I will state the other side of this. Too much time with the normies can be detrimental. For one, you don’t really want to get dragged down into their ignorance. You’ll want to talk about your practices and the cool experiences that you have, not to mention the extremely profound, healing, freeing insights that crash into your mind, but it’s either going to go waaay over their head because they just don’t care, or they’ll invalidate you. Neither of these are particularly enjoyable to deal with.

Some final notes on the Loagaeth tables. It seems handy to have some sort of pointer to help keep track of where you are in the table. You could use your finger, but that may require you to bend forward and hold your arm in an uncomfortable position for a while. I remembered that I picked up some calligraphy brushes a while back, and one of these brushes is very nicely sized for this purpose. The bristles are still stuck together and so form a point, and the handle has a cool look to it. I already gave in to the jackassery and bought a crystal ball so a “wand” is really not a big deal at this point.

On that note, I haven’t seen anything appear in the ball yet, but the angels have said a thing or two about it, and it seems that the back of the eyelids is a perfectly suitable surface to scry on anyways. I do also have this tall mirror that’s been sitting in my apartment for quite some time, and I must say that I feel compelled to paint it black.

As I get into the sex stuff, I’ll also say that one of the brushes has such a soft, lovely feeling to it, with an absolutely gorgeous, firm handle.

I think I’ll start with the gender stuff to scare away the normies before I get to the other stuff. First, I’d really like to say that the proper thing to call people is either assigned male or assigned female at birth. That is what happens. But I do believe that just because you have experienced dysphoria in the past doesn’t mean that you always have to experience dysphoria.

One of the nice things about being non-binary is that people can’t really hate you (and be afraid of you) if they don’t know that you exist. Considering that I have, to my knowledge, met a grand total of maybe two other nb’s in my life and seen one nb actor, that probably makes my occult persona one of the most well-known theys out there, amusingly enough, so I’ll share some of what that’s like for me. If you’re not particularly interested you can scroll down.

Probably the biggest point of confusion for me has been if non-binary is really the most accurate label or if I’m just trans and in denial. I’ve known a few trans people irl (had one for a music teacher at some point), and I’ve seen several “transition stories” play out for various public figures, so I wondered if that’s what you’re “supposed to do” in this sort of situation. I dislike the thought of being a coward.

At least for right now, though, that’s not really me. I stand by the they/them/their, and I don’t feel a huge need to radically change how I present myself to society. There are aspects of masculinity and femininity that appeal to me. Some are more stable, some fluctuate more, but all are at least somewhat fluid.

When it comes to my personal sex life, I do like to change how I present and behave, especially in spiritual and eventually dream practices, where there is much less limiting what you can do. Having various qualities at various times that appeal to more masculine or feminine sexual images or urges makes me feel very good. Often the line between these feels quite blurred, but other times I enjoy being referred to and treated as a he or a she. If in doubt, it’s they/them/their, but I communicate when I want something else, and I am happy to shift one way or the other to satisfy my partner(s).

I have some more things that you can do to make your partner(s) have a good time, but first, I’ll say again that I don’t particularly care about how I present my sexuality to most of normal society. I care a little bit, but really I just don’t give two fucks about any of these people, so why does it matter if they “sir” me or whatever? It just doesn’t. This isn’t even about being called an attack helicopter (not really that bad of an insult, tbh). I genuinely do not care about these people. There are people that I do care about, and with them these things are never an issue anyways. My flavor of nb lets me “straight-pass” pretty easily, especially to people who are pretty socially clueless, which is by far most of them, and I like to use the pass when it makes life easier for me. Sometimes I like getting attention, but I’d rather get the attention from someone who matters to me.

If you’d like to do something for someone who matters to you, it’s hard to beat a good massage.

I’ll admit though that sometimes you want to show them what a beast you are.

Doing your kegels, dear readers?

That about does it for today. I suppose a few more random notes and then I’ll send you on your way. For those who are performing the magick of the Enochian Keys, I’d encourage you to start writing out the Keys in the Enochian script once you are comfortable with your ability to read Enochian. Making the sigils and doing the rituals was enough for me, so you don’t need to really “study” the alphabet or anything. I put a little dot between the words to help keep them separated. Using regular roman/latin characters is fine, but I find it much more natural to read and speak the Enochian words with Enochian pronunciation when they are written in the Enochian script. Enochian Enochian Enochian

After speaking the Key in ritual, then after speaking the Godname across the top of the sigil, I scan each angel name four times, then speak the three Godnames, then sing each angel name four times. As I scan and sing the names, I bring to mind the type of each successive angel, so that on the first time through I think of the first angel, then the second time through the second, third the third, and then none of them in particular the fourth time through. So for Desire it’s Secrets, then Healing, then Transformation, then all of them without considering the labels. It’s easier to do than explain so apologies if that’s a confusing set of instructions.

After I finish calling to the angels, I usually feel the energy arising up from the sigil, down into the room, and from within me. After feeling this for a moment, I notice two spheres of white light. One arises from the sigil, one from within myself. As I think to myself, “I summon this power, this power of __,” I see the two spheres pull into each other, orbiting and spinning around and eventually merging together between my palms. Then I think, “to share it, with all humanity,” and as I do so I stretch my hands outward, palms turning upwards, and feel the energy expand out all around me.

After this I linger a bit and see what happens. I’ll usually at the very least receive some sort of communication, even if all that comes through is “yep ritual’s over good work today.” Sometimes I’ll receive a vision within my mind, as though I were visualizing something, but more recently I’ve started seeing faint images appear in my external visual perception while my eyes are closed, as I mentioned earlier. The “checkmark B” came to me in this way, for example.

Oooone more shout-out to my partners real quick. Hot damn you are wonderful people, and also very sexy.

Ok dear readers stay greedy.