The Occult Jewelry Thread

Silver, ugh. Breaks me out in blisters.
Gold offends me.

I prefer steel. Great for drawing power.

A personal sort of prayer cord i made some time ago.
As i am not so expirienced in making jewelry myself, professionals and greater mages would call this pretty minimalistic, especially the amount of braids for numeral symbolism etc.
There are some stains of blood here and there if you look closly and lays almost always next to my Kali shrine, since sheā€™s the Goddess which gave me my first raw and basic gnosis of The Nightside.
I use this cord as talisman during some workings or as tool for counting if i have to chant a great amount of times a chant.
It is inspired by a known talisman crafter iā€™ve found back in the days when i still got fb who was linked to Edgar Kerval, Daemon Barai, TOTBL etc but iā€™m not sure of his name anymore.
The hendecagram pendant that i bought from etsy is stainless steel, i dont know from which material the braids are since this was a low budget project.
Doesnt matter though, i really love it and it works fine for me.
Maybe iā€™m going to craft it again someday but iā€™m not sureā€¦


I really like it!


Thank you my dear


Okay i just realized something.
The number of braids goes as following:
9, 11, 5, 3 on each side.
9 + 11 + 5 + 3 = 28
28 + 28 = 56
5 + 6 = 11

I didnt even counted well at the time i made it i just wanted to make it even so it would fit.
Wowā€¦ coĆÆncidence really doesnt existā€¦


My new ring almost done


I have a feeling Asmodeus is honoured by this and will grant you some nice favours.


I hope. Amount of work, time and pain I give when doing this was also some sacrifice. But it need some polish and I must also engrave his enn on it. Than it will be finished.


Believe me, when Lord Asmodeus grants favours you will not be dissapointedā€¦


I hope more that my relationship with him will be good. But favours also are appreciated :smiley: And I will do some art as offering, this is something that I do good and give much work when done.


Great approach :+1:

Will you share your art on rhe forum or keep it for yourself and Asmodeus?


I donā€™t know. If he agrees then I will share it on forum. I already posted some of my art on BALG.

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Some bracelets:

The snake one is pretty much just a propā€¦but I like to wear it during certain invocation rituals.
The Amethyst one is used to make people not notice me mainlyā€¦ironic considering its pretty eye catchingā€¦some other protective properties too.
The green one made of stone is for calming.
The bronze one with the green stone is used for power reserve.
The steel one with the squiggly markings: supposedly a sanskrit spell of protection. Had a lot of space for engraving on the back so I did 7 bindrunes for protection and charged with blood and crystal grid.


Gorgeous collection! (or part of the lot)


Took 5 pics. Bit too much for one post, so Iā€™m spreading it out to actually make myself write it all :thinking:
Annnddd some rings:

Front row
The one with starā€¦and hearts if you squint: My current ā€œget in the ritual mood ringā€, generally its on my devotional altar, worn during any major ritual.
Green stone ring: Power reserve.
Moon ring: Hecate devotional.
Bronze hammers: Magical ā€œbrass knuckleā€ essentially. I do have a silver one for my other handā€¦somewhereā€¦hopefully
Middle row:
Snake and cat totem spirit rings, ā€œOm mani padme humā€ for calming, blue stone for protection(got it from my grandfather when I was 6ā€¦needless to say it doesnt fit in the same finger anymore) Blackened Sapphire ring: just for general sapphire properties. Assassin ring: just really like the code.
Back row:
Stone rings to be used for their stones properties, Draupnir for attracting prosperity (and gambling) Luciferā€™s ringā€¦rarely worn.(takes too much of my finger) 3 pentacles ring: Old primary ritual ringā€¦from when I was fatterā€¦Skull for being extra edgelordyā€¦Black stone ring has a storage section which I sometimes use to keep a paper talisman of some kind.


Haha i had the same idea to do that with my rings but i have so many that that would be an overload xD


Annnd earrings:

Mjƶlnir is Mjƶlnir.
Ankh for generating charm.
Gold cross for protection.
The triangle looking torch for Loki
The snowflakes for Skadhi
The big ankhs and pentacles for feeling extra witchy
The stones are used just for the stone or color properties.

Also I tend to lose a shit ton of earringsā€¦:sweat::thinking:


I had put a possessing Spirit into my skull ring, the little bastard kept trying to work its way back up my arm, so I had to bury it at my place of employment. Thatā€™ll teach the little bastard. I was looking to get something a little more low profile. Big and bulky doesnā€™t really suit me.


Pendantsā€¦that I donā€™t wear as often as I used to as they kinda clash with a tattoo I have. Also some cloak pins and one hair clasp

Most of this stuff is kinda obvious. The pentacle I used to wear daily for a decade or so after my first one was tragically lost in England. The upside down crosses I tended to wear just to be extra edgy. They were enchanted, butā€¦not in a way that actually useful. The red one still looks nice though. Lots of thorā€™s hammers. Luciferā€™s sigil I wear most often these days as long as Iā€™m also wearing a shirt that covers my tattoo


Wawawiewa :astonished::drooling_face: