The Necromancer - Beginning the path - Finished

I was “compelled” to perform the Rite of Raising the Dead. I essentially removed all of the physical components and did it energetically - because I’ve been doing similar things for a few years now, but with different names for the Gods/Goddesses. The difference - I was going it for a purpose and not solely the fulfilment of my ego.

The Rite of Raising the Dead calls forth the dead, using the connections the user has with Azrael, Santa Muerte, and Az Jahi to essentially call for the dead for…nothing tangible. It could be useful, but stops just short of being so. There are hints that armies can be raised this way, but that’s it. There’s nothing concrete afterwards or any explanation of what worked for others that used this method, which is essentially a blind evocation of the dead in the hopes of finding some that will agree to join the author’s cause for…some reason…

This is what I did to remedy that.

I used my own authority to add weight to the words given, beaconing out as far as interested parties were listening. Not the globe, but it could’ve been, with enough reach and will.

I used the given text to call forth “interested and appropriate spirits, especially those looking to move on or form relationships” when I called on Azrael, Santa Muerte, and Az Jahi. Why? Because dead that aren’t interested in something I’m interested in (or looking to move on) aren’t worth my time, are they? I don’t need to look out over thousands or tens of thousands of the dead for no reason at all. It’s like filling a concert stadium with someone up on stage saying, “Hi, thanks for coming.” We all have better things to do with out time.

So I opened Hel’s gate that’s here in my back yard and paid to keep it open to allow those that wanted to pass, to do so. A much more efficient use of my time.

I didn’t seem to need the Compelling Scent of the Dead, because the Dead also answer to authority, power, and stuff they’re interested in, just like anyone else.

So, how is that a better use? Because I can now call on a group of the dead that I have already helped, have already given a tangible benefit to, which cost me next to nothing to get.

With all that in mind, this is what I now have left.
Nergal and Ereshkigal

Rite of the Dead Soul p.73

The Evocation method for his spirits (regular evocation worked in a test) p.88 - brewing for 9 more days.

Rite of the Black Sun p.188

Entering the Dark Council’s Chamber (meditation) p.191

The Internal Timeless Iris (on the fence) & External Timeless Iris pgs 192, 194 (there is a similar ritual part that covers this. I will have to find it, but I read about it earlier).

Portal Jars (probably only do one, just to do it) p.198


Forgot to include this in my last entry and people have already read it.


I decided to do the Rite of the Dead Soul sitting at my desk. I don’t know why, but I felt it would work out. This essentially means it was an entirely energetic ritual. I dispensed with the candles and hexagram, but kept the pentagrams and used them to good effect.

To my surprise, it took hold much better than I expected. The rite is similar to floating into the Abyss (Invocation of Abaddon), but this one was quite strong. I was expecting it to be lighter than it was, given the little ritual prep beforehand (none, really) , no tools, and it still being light out (1740hrs).

I was expecting a light trance and it reads like a visualization-heavy meditation. The pieces came together quite nicely and I found myself in a very deep trance, very early one (almost from the pentacles at the beginning). Enough that I was floating and cut off from the world inside of a vast, black darkness. I had to remember to read the words, because I was floating so deeply.

I did several rituals yesterday and while I didn’t feel any lag from them today, I didn’t expect to go so deeply with this. That is to @C.Kendall’s credit.


Would it be useless to perform the invocation of the blood moon with no red candles? I know i can perform magick with no tools, i am low on candles.

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I probably used one the first time. Once Az Jahi gets involved, the candles don’t hold meaning outside of personal meaning.


I performed the Rite of the Black Sun tonight.

I followed the instructions for the Pentagrams and their colors. I didn’t have space for the hexagram and couldn’t have laid down in it if I did. Things…bite…in my backyard, whether that’s using teeth, fangs, or pinchers and that’s not including the broken glass, old construction screws (WTF? These were done in the 60’s), or small, sharp snail shells that will cut you. That’s all right. The ritual will still work.

I called the pentagrams, using the words and colors for each. Since I’m limited in space, I set up the representatives listed on my table and linked them energetically. In place of the listed fuel, I used Tiki torch fuel, which is close enough. Here’s a pic of them.

Everything connected easily enough and the sun formed. It honestly lowered itself before I was ready for it to. It was my cue that it was time to go through it as directed.

No sooner had I gone through it then I was whisked away into their council chamber, without thinking about it or having to look for a path or doorway.

I walked forward a few steps and said the phrase given in the book. I was given a welcome, shown a seat, and told to return as desired (all of this unspoken, but impressed upon me). Almost everyone was there. Seat 2 was empty, but 1, 3-7 were present. There were also attendants of some sort looking after some, but not all. They were personal servants or similar.

They were finishing something up and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. This is odd for me, but usually means it wasn’t for my ears.

I was asked what I was doing there and answered honestly. They answered with this:

“We do not care how it is used (the knowledge). Some will use it for. Some will use it against. (You) Go forth and use it against.”

At this point, it was time for me to go (I didn’t know why and they weren’t telling me this. I was telling myself). I thanked them and left. I can go there directly now and plan on it. Five minutes after I came back, I was interrupted enough that I would’ve had a hard time staying or reconnecting. It was a good thing I listened and fully came back before being interrupted.

Nergal and Ereshkigal

Entering the Dark Council’s Chamber (meditation) p.191

The Internal Timeless Iris (on the fence) & External Timeless Iris pgs 192, 194 (there is a similar ritual part that covers this. I will have to find it, but I read about it earlier).

Portal Jars (probably only do one, just to do it) p.198


I was in a mood tonight. My theme song on repeat since exercising earlier was Dead City Crown’s In Revolt. While the lyrics were on the top of the radar, the music was.

I called on Nergal. He suggested doing the tablet for the greatest effect. Very well. He did suggest contacting Ereshkigal. I’m game. I could feel her approval of the meeting and decided to do it (mostly) my way.

This could’ve been as simple as writing her name down on a piece of paper and calling her forth. I did get her signature, so I wouldn’t be worried about parasites interfering. I decided to use the cuneiform given in the book and the words to call her forth. Did I need those exact things? No, but there was no harm in using them. I would be calling her to me, instead of me going to her, so I dabbed the cuneiform with a blood offering. Was it necessary? No, but it’s better to have an offering than not. I also put a mix of Frankincense, Myhhr, and Copal on the two coals I had going. With all that in mind, SILDI.

(tip - some of them can appreciate some willful (surface) disrespect, but not too much.)

She was inclined to come, so she came into my area much more easily than a forum member I’m thinking of that loves to fight like hell… I thanked her for coming and acknowledged Nergal, whose ‘interest’ I felt in the encounter, meaning he was partly in the area, observing).

I asked about the workings given for her in the book. I don’t know why, as I haven’t done this with any of the others. The Exorcism will be helpful with a person I’ve been working with where I’ve removed 90% of it and want to see if this will get rid of the last bit. She approved of this use for it.

The Hook of Irkalla can be any hook, really, but the preference is for one that can hook and hold, right? I asked about an ocean fishing hook and she agreed that would be fine. For some reason, I thought of whether one would wear a hook like this (or smaller, like a bait hook), as a ritual implement to carry her with you in daily life and asked if the points could be cut down, smoothed down to not catch on anything. She agreed to this and said that they wearers should call her forth to have them “blessed” by her. My personal note is that this could be done by evocation, where she comes and touches it or evoking her into the object itself to carry her essence. If you’re better at sensing objects than spirits, that may be the way to go.

Finally, we talked about the Summoning of the Living Incantation. I stated this is just evoking another person and using the symbolism and channeled power of the Hook of Irkalla on the target. I’ve evoked many people (normally banefully) and usually act on them energetically, as that’s my primary ritual means and sensitivity. This was the snippet of the conversation I had with her about this.

M: “Isn’t this just an evocation of the target?”

E: “It is. They’re using the Hook against them. You should do more of that.”

M: “But it’s just an abstraction and an extra step (from doing it energetically).”

E: “Unless it works.”

Fair point. If it works, it has value. I will experiment with that, when I start ramping up baneful workings again. There’s always a need to “practice”, as Abaddon told me many times when I worked through the Shadownomicon.


Dude you are awesome and incredible man


Thanks. Still human, so I guess I have to work harder :wink:


Yeah . We all do

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I got home early for an appointment and decided to do my daily prayers before it kicked off. It’s been a shitty day at work (Wednesday’s usually are, due to meetings with people I’m not seemingly compatible with). I was going to wait, but felt I should do it now and that going into ritual would help reset my mood.

The wicks broke off all three candles. I got them lit eventually, but the wind kept blowing them out. I had to light and protect each one to keep it going long enough. I finally get done with all three.

As I typically do, I go straight into the Invocation of the Blood Moon and Az Jahi typically fills me with energy, rather than the Blood Moon. Today, she came over to me, told me “Not today”, and stood there. Very well. No need to stay in ritual, in that case. I got up, put the candles back, and left the space.

No idea, but I wanted to capture it here. I’ll likely head back into ritual later tonight, about 4-5 hours or so and see if it’s better.


Came across a scenario today

Thought I should add the Elixir of Az Jahi

Round 1 is done.

Round 2 will start tomorrow.


That candle looks like it’s been gunned down and is bleeding out :sweat_smile:

I can really feel what it is giving off, man, despite my shielding.


Gunned down… I will have you know, Good Sir, that is was part of a 20 candle package that Amazon delivered…

Prior to…additions…and spirits…


Like the gunshot wounds…I mean, holes? :sweat_smile:


Ouch… only in spirit…thanks to you… I thought Canadians were more cordial that that…

Plenty of holes, but instead of being filled by what you’re suggesting, they were filled with a succulent collection of bloatfly maggot corpses, revealing fish scale remains, some scandalous fish spine remnants, powdered bone, and dressed with a combination of Az Jahi’s own Kiss of Az Jahi Elixir. This has been drizzled with some Necromantic Elixir, for those with discerning palates…

While I would suggest letting discarnate friends enjoy this banquet, the recipe is provided in the Necromancer cookbook, published by Balg, here
Bon Appetit, mon ami!


It did occur to me to ask if anyone thought some of those ingredients would be considered “sweetbreads” by the spirits…


Interesting question… :thinking:


Last night, I spent my ritual time speaking with a spirit about creating servitors from Death energy and how they suggested I should program them for the first round of effects. Since it involved stuff from the book that Connor hasn’t revealed yet, I didn’t out it in here. But I did get the “sample” the spirit made (which was simple enough) and was then tasked with programming it and sending it forth.

Tonight, I did decide that I was likely NOT going to do the portal jars. I just don’t see the benefit when the ingredients, intent, and environment are so similar to the Necromantic Elixir. There’s a lot of wait 9 days in this book for a lot of things. I need to see a benefit that I’m not getting from scrying in general, journeying, or candles sitting in a liquid whose base has healing elements in it for ambience.

So, this knocks off the Timeless Iris series and the Portal Jars. The obsidian orb would be wasted, since I use a desk, some water, or whatever else I feel would work for scrying.

So what DID I do tonight? Ereshkigal’s exorcism ritual. I know someone that feels they are possessed. They’ve been worked on in the past by others. I’ve brought some improvements after a ritual and wanted to follow-up with this. If I need to, I’ll do it again.

The kicker for this was that it was all done remotely. I had to connect to the person via their username, evoke, Ereshkigal, and adapt the ritual to be both remote and target the unknown lingering spiritual elements. I paid her with blood and we’ll see if I have to do it again, but the majority of the spirit was already gone, due to my other methods.

It was a very straight-forward ritual. I don’t remember if it says to evoke Ereshkigal first, but I did it to get her buy-in before hand. A 3 x 4 piece of paper painted in blood later and the world was good. Haven’t gone down this path (been avoiding it, actually), so there’s not a lot of direct experience. But hey, my motto is (usually) SILDI…


I did the Hook of Irkalla today, using a treble hook I had available. I chose it over the J hooks, because I could feel Ereshkigal and she liked it better than the others I had. One thing from my conversation with her the other day stuck in my mind - she preferred a hook that was made to pierce or hold flesh.

I bent the hooks to face the same direction and it occurred to me that is was one for the torso and two for the arms.

I did snip the points off for my own safety, since I know how I am at times.

I didn’t know what to do for a chain and when meandering to see what caught my eye, I came across my old mail (chainmail - don’t like that word for this) kit. I also found a chain I had been working on years ago that was still in good shape. Ereshkigal approved, so that was that.

The barrel swivel is due to the twisting of the chain several times later on and I didn’t want the barbs to get an unintended blood offering.

As I called to Ereshkigal, she came and blessed the chain and hook directly in the ritual itself, which I paid her for. I did be sure to connect the Hook in Irkalla to this hook.

Since I don’t have a standing altar for this path, I decided that the hook will simply be kept on top of the Nexus Urn itself.

Since the hook needs to brew in the altar for up to 9 days, I’ll wait for a signal to continue.