The limits of magic

Nothing is impossible, there are degrees of improbability!



– Uncle motherfucking Al

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Yeah, I know I’m great.
People should send money!
I’ve just spoken pithy, cut to the chase truth you’ll remember for the rest of your life.


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I don’t know the limits of magic, but I have to be completely honest with you and say that I have observed things that I thought would be absolutely impossible happen immediately after I did spirit work with no REAL effort on my part.

This part is just tangential evidence:
As is obvious through most of my posts, I’ve been through some stupid relationship bullshit. I was (one sided) no contact with my ex partner for 2. Full. Months. After an absolutely awful split (of our platonic relationship). And then within days of making petitions to a few entities specifically asking for him to contact me, he suddenly did, and used language identical to the kind used in my petitions. He’s come back before, but that timing… the things he said… I don’t believe it was a coincidence in the slightest.

Now that said, I think it’s very possible that a lot of magic is about being guided to do what is the correct thing to do, regardless of anything else. Like, you ask an entity for something, and rather than them just magically making everything work for you, they guide you to accomplishing it yourself by doing things that aren’t even common sense. Or they help you raise your vibration enough to bring it towards you.

A lot of limits are self inflicted… and I can’t think of any case where that is more true than magic. In a lot of situations where magic doesn’t work, it’s due to the caster doubting it. But I’ve also manifested some things while completely convinced that no progress on the matter would ever be made, but who knows? The world has a plan and I guess you gotta try very hard to disrupt it.



I too was cynical. I was going to cut and paste bits and pieces of your post but there were too many. I particularly mention your penultimate paragraph. Thank you and well put.


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I think Norski wrote something excellent on that;

Where as, yes you can consider a big junk of things just from a psychological way,
and still get great results from it.

Does it make Magick Obsolete?

Not really.

Because Magick can also form the Chaos,
create opportunities that normally wouldn’t exist,
can change the enviorment ways very difficult to achieve otherwise.

Weather Magick might not be the best example,
but it’s the first which comes to my mind.

Drastic Wethers have definately their impact on the world,
even today,
and a Sorcerer is much more likely to successfully conjure a Storm over an Enemy City,
than a Psychologist.

Also, i feel like with all the new technology and TV/Internet addiction present in todays peoples lifes,
such simple things like people starving of having lost an harvest,
have kind of fallen out of the picture.

To abstract? just bullshit?

what about Covid.

So - i’d say there are things that can ONLY be done with magick.

  • “But wasn’t covid made in a laboratory?”
    Who knows?

Maybe the Pest back then was also made by Bayer-Monsanto.^^

Limitations of Magick:

How about the following Limitation:

Physical Leviatation.

It’s said to be possible with Magick,
whenever looking for reliable,
real Evidence,
it’s hard to find one who can showcase to you how to do it,
without using tools like hoverboard, or a Steel Rod hidden under cloth…

(yes, i’m still looking for a teacher on that one. :stuck_out_tongue: )

And, on a more interesting note:

Limitation of Magick:

Creating a Physical Vessle - an Empty Body, to host an Servitor into the Physical Plane.




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When you start behaving like a rabid dog that’s the only limit of magic I can put a finger on.


This may be possible. The servitor may need a soul though

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The limitations of magick are none
The limitations of a human’s capacity to DO magick is psychological…The more taumas and unprocessed emotiona are faced, the more synchronicities occur that are identical with that which was consciously desired post ritual.
The limitations of the species in performing magick are the limitations of imagination…If u imagine a sequence or technique will work and are convinced, then it will.

Magick does allow u to travel through time, even though not physically…Only reason we haven’t moved from magick as practiced on this forum to some anime shit shooting fireballs and stuff is a question of technique…

There are no limits to magick. Everything I want is here.

Just maybe it isn’t healthy for u to seek ur ex back. They are ur ex…A plethora of ppl on this form join just to get an ex back, or control an ex, or MAKE someone love them (they aren’t like rapists…sarcasm) …I’m even gonna wager many join this forum just for 1 spell, to get a lover or lover back and thats it for them…I don’t know if ur one of those ppl. My question is why u want ur ex back?Maybe this is an oppurtunity to use magick to overcome ur loss and maybe attract someone far better???

Im sorry if im a bit dry and unsympathetic, even sarcastic, but the way ppl use magick to force love, sex or attraction kinda disgusts me in general, because it never takes the other person’s autonomy into account…

Magic, magick, and sorcery (yes i include stage magic, because to make an illusion requires an understanding of the mental plane, and blindspots in perceptual awareness…im sure one can ask a djinnor certain demons for aide with such operations as well) are limitless. We humans who interface with such an awesome force, are at least CONSCIOUSLY very limited. Maybe many of u less limited than myself, so that I am not projecting my limits unto any of u. Its limitless.


If Earth ascends to 5D like many new agers talk about, that type of stuff would be common. I agree that it is possible now, but usually very hard in practice. A lot of it is people not believing it is possible. They close off their experience with it.
They frontload themselves with the belief that certain things are impossible.

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I do believe in certain limits that only source can overcome. Though I don’t think there are as many as people here believe.

I think with anything else practice makes perfect , when learning to do art you must practice , you don’t wake up one day and paint like Picasso, so the limits are less and less as time goes on maybe .

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I’ll give u food for thought. We cant build pyramids…With modern technology, we have tried and failed…Yet ancient humans seemed to have pulled it off…Maybe there was a time where ppl had the power to summon lightning, shoot fireballs…etc…They certainly could levitate things we cant…Perhaps at a point in it’s celestial alignment, we were in “5d” and perhaps due to alignment (earth spins around the sun, sun around the center of our galaxy, galaxy around a blackhole, and that probably around something larger…i could be wrong so vet it) we are no longer there…

You see what Im getting at? Perhpas the new age beleifs are an inversion of whats really happening or happened…Now in our interstellar voyage on Star Ship Earth, apparently in our current motions, alignment in relation to other celestial and stellar bodies, the feats of ancient times and the ability to make that subtl energy as dense as a solid object are gone…

The implications here are NOT popular or supported, hence why I think it’s probable…Imagine telling someone, “we were a great species…now we are degrading”…who the hell would wanna hear that???Which doesn’t make it untrue, rather , reality is probably so depressing the human mind just ignores it…Anyway, I just wanted to pitch a view I havent seen anywhere…

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Magick limitation is based around the laws of physics in my opinion to say there’s no limitation to magick is in my opinion being blind to the limitation of the world itself.
You definitely won’t see someone create a physical body or blow up a planet, or anything ridiculous like that.

Many see that as a bad thing for there to be limits but limits aren’t a bad thing in many cases. Just as you’ll find things you do in the realm of imagination/astral not as limited as the etheric which is not as limited as here. It’s just that, no matter how much you want to ignore the limits won’t make them go away just to pamper the imagination.


Magick has no limits, but there are rules, and they cannot be broken

The imagination has no limits but indirectly magick does have limits. In this realm, this space. The limits are based around it. Just as in the astral you can do anything within the confines of that space, would I call that magick? Not directly but still.

I can see the appeal around newbies/new people wanting there to be no such limitations but limitations, rules, whatever you call it; it’s there.

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not if you are extremely evolved, you can do pretty much anything, on any plane, but even then there are rules

cant get used to white stag lol, but still a nice pic

The thing is I’m not going off baseless conjecture. Any kind of “well if you’re using source” or “well if you’re evolved” etc. those are things that are pretty much baseless what ifs and what not. You’re in the space and you’re defined by the laws and rules of that space whether you like it or not.

I’m sure anyone on this forum let alone this planet will get to such a degree where they will cause such capabilities.

If a person wants magick to have 0 limitations they’re better off in the astral/plane of imagination, if they want to work their magick with the laws and achieve what is possible whatever that may be then yes, because currently the laws of physics and magick can intertwine, but it does not remove said laws nor will you overstep said laws.


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the last time someone like that showed his capabilities to public, his people turned on him and crucified him, those that have gotten pretty far are quiet hermits imo