The Keys of Ocat: A Necromantic Journey

Koetting said to have fun while doing magic, but that’s a new level :smile:

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Well, it wasn’t during the ritual- it was during the plotting it out part. :rofl: But if I’m doing heavy energy work, or long rituals- I bring smokes and a snack :laughing:


Indeed. To update, my target received an extra $100 cash with their pay check from the boss, was paid another $2 per hour for their labor this week due to it being more skilled work than he was hired for, and his roommate ponied up $400 for the current months rent, as well as bought some groceries and little shits.

This all happened the day after I did my work, so whether or not it would have happened anyways, who knows- I’m going to count it as a win in my book.

I am however disappointed as earlier in the week, I had a nagging sensation, that I needed to contact my long dead father. He passed when I was 19, and I am now almost 36. I know he was around for a while after his death, as he visited me a few times after I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter a few weeks after his death. About a year after his death he stopped coming to visit me, so I have assumed he’s passed on, possibly only a shade of who was is reachable but I can’t be certain.

Well this nagging feeling, persisted until I realized it wasn’t really me that needed to contact my daddy. It was Anziel.

All I could really do was relay the message and god it feels urgent and I have no idea why but please. Do what I’ve been failing to do and contact my daddy.

He did. It almost seems to be more about Anziel’s expectations however, than my daddy needing to talk to him. Or at least I can’t figure out why the conversation they had, would be important, under any other context.

Essentially, my daddy wanted to have the typical what are your intentions, with my daughter conversation.

Say what? How does that make sense… Legit. I’ve dated, I’ve been in a good relationship in addition to this one and this has never come up before so what’s so urgent about it this time?

I could try to guess, but I’d rather meet up with my father and demand he give me some answers, cry over the fact he won’t be here for me through whatever this life brings, and that I’ve missed his presence in my life for a number of years.

Yet, I keep failing to connect with him. I’ve tried twice now, and maybe three times will be the charm, but I’ve failed to project to him- maybe because I don’t know where that is, so maybe my intentions aren’t clear enough, maybe I need to sit down and try to draw him to me instead. But it’s easier when I can project to something, the communication is clearer, they can show me what I failed to see or hear etc.

I also felt like a bit of failure today with my new herbs. Most of them are doing beautifully but I received these on Saturday. I thought they were real cute, I opened and watered them but they arrived early and the soil I ordered to plant them in, is not supposed to be here till this afternoon.

They seemed a bit dry when I opened them, so I watered them and put them in the window with my other herbs that are seemingly thriving. Today I get up and despite the fact I checked twice yesterday, they are dried out as fck, wilting and dying.

Photo May 17, 1 24 01 PM

I hope my soil arrives sooner, rather than later so I can do the transplanting I need and hopefully save these little guys. In the meantime, I reached out to them energetically, pushing love and healing energy towards them and I also lit orange candles on my altar to help facilitate concentration on my goal to save these wee ones… (picture from Saturday, I don’t want to take one of them wilting towards death, makes me sad (ish) They were suppose to be good in their packaging for at least five days, so apparently I should have left them in it, rather than opening them.

In other news, I need to order me some Black Cohosh- in the herbal/or plant form. I’ve been taking it in vitamin form for about two weeks now. My friends have commented on how I’m much more even keel, less spastic, slower to irritate and generally less pissy, in the last few days as compared to prior to me adding this supplement to my routine.

I’ve noticed my day time hot flashes, are less often and considerably less intense. I’m still having night sweats, on a regular damned basis but I’m getting about 2 hours at a time before it’s unbearable, and I have to get out of bed to cool the fck down to the point of freezing, to try again as the over heating is just about making me fcking sick.

I’ve tried using the vitamins as a way to connect to the spirits related to the Black Cohosh plant and I haven’t failed, but. It’s not clear like some of the other plants I’ve had legit in my possession in the past, or the Lily’s which are thriving in my bathroom window. We had frost this week and the temperature has not risen about around 45 at night so, I don’t want to put them on the balcony yet, and the only place my cat can’t accidentally get exposed to them and kill herself- is the bathroom window. It’s too much of straight up jump for her to get there. (thank goodness)

So I’ve reached out and feels like… hey we can hear you but you’re too far away to hear us clearly, or something similar. Sounds crazy to put into words, but I know what I mean and it kinda makes since when you consider how diluted the plant mater in a commercially produced pill would be. (to me) So on my agenda for pay day, is order Black Cohosh in a form I can make a tea with, and hopefully go deeper with.


I finally connected with my daddy, while dreaming. I thought I’d recall the encounter better than I do, but alas I know this happens sometimes when I am too tired to try to record my dreams.

In the first dream sequence, I walked through a garage like area and was headed towards Anziel when two tiny zebras came out of nowhere and started biting at me. I told him about it, woke up and then found myself dreaming that I was with my father and several teenagers. He was treating them differently than how he had treated me at that age. It was so noticeable that I spent some time talking about it and trying to figure out why he would treat them differently.

Eventually my daddy came up to me, and told me that he was treating them differently, because they were not me and the circumstances were different this time. He explained that he wanted to speak to my boyfriend, because things were not the same as they had been.

I wish I could recall his exact words, alas I woke up went over the dream in my mind and rolled over and fell back asleep. Often, if I just recount the dream to myself I will remember it well enough that the missing details come back to me when I do record it later, but not this time.


Thursday, the more feminine of my two lavender plants told me to call it Lola. I was sort of startled, but not really surprised- lavender is my moly after all. Then the bigger oregano and rosemary told me that they didn’t want Anziel’s dirty mitts to touch them. I giggled but they did not give me names, nor did any of the other plants.

I realized about halfway through the day Friday, that I was very quickly developing the symptoms of a sinus infection. I wasn’t surprised, the friend I’ve been hanging out with has been fighting a sinus infection for about two weeks.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to get a hold of my pulmonologist until Monday, but that if I didn’t get this head cold under control, the drainage would cause me to develop an infection in my over sensitive lungs.

As such, I began gargling with sea salt and oregano- oregano was once considered an antibiotic, it has aseptic properties in it’s long list of health benefits. I also consumed two cups of elderberry and echinacea tea that evening.

None the less Saturday (yesterday) I felt like dog shit. The pressure in my head was mounting, the congestion was near unbearable and I went to bed early after making dinner for my kids. I continued the gargling routine however and today I feel pretty great. I’m still minorly stuffy and there is slight pressure behind my sinuses still- but nothing like it was yesterday. I feel confident I am going to beat this without it developing into something worse- for the first time in years.

My son woke me up to video game with him at 11pm. Apparently my wake me up if you need anything, also applied to gaming. It ended up being a fun time and I was already feeling better and I laid down to project around 4 am.

I was almost out 2 or 3 times, but kept needing to pee, something about getting old and trying to make sure I’m hydrated while sick. I had clear intentions for what I wanted to accomplish, something I’ve been thinking about for a while and I’ve just finally decided to take action upon.

I didn’t get where I intended to go. Instead I found myself in a room with other people. I can’t recall what we were discussing, but then my daddy entered the room from a door on the left. he had a checkbook and looked like he did when I was a child, prior to his health issues.

I was aware I was projecting, but I’m not sure what over came me. I got in his face and I wasn’t yelling, but my tone was clear I was hurt. Don’t you know, don’t you know I’ve been struggling and you just abandoned me.

I’ve been struggling too. I can’t take care of you anymore, this is your life and your problems.

I was stunned. How could he be this way, it most certainly doesn’t sound like the man I once knew, but it feels like him. It looks like him and it sounds like him.

I don’t recall most of the rest, I was being chased by things and instead of being scared, I was fighting back and demolishing them. I ran it all through my head several times when I fell back into my body, but I felt sick, and sweaty and too tired to even get up to go pee, let alone roll over and type it up the minor details in my phone. I knew I wasn’t going to forget the part that mattered, it had hurt me, it felt contradictory to when I dreamed about him and yet is it? I’m not even sure.

Dreams can be subjective. I was pleased to dream about my father, but things were indeed different there too. I’m less confident about the dream than the projection for sure. While projecting I could feel my fathers energy, who he was, touch his arm and recognize how physical wherever we were was.

There’s really no guarantee the dream wasn’t just my subconscious trying to figure shit out. In fact maybe that’s all it was. I struggled to recall it so, it wasn’t an important spiritual message- I know that. I don’t recall being able to feel him, so maybe. Maybe it was just a dream.

Maybe it doesn’t matter. Where ever my daddy is now, he has his own struggles. His own problems and he can’t help me with mine.


Just to update, magic hasn’t stopped in my life. I’ve found that plant spirits respond quicker than just about anything else I’ve worked with and things have been going really well for me.

For instance, several weeks ago in a moment of desperation, I did two rituals from the Angel’s of Omnipotence. Both were designed to bring someone back into my life. I was downright astounded, when the next evening I got a text from J. He didn’t know if I’d answer considering his lack of ability to respond to a check in, but told me about how he could feel me, screaming desperately inside- that I was in trouble.

That one little interaction, allowed me to make a decision to that completely 360’d my life and changed the trajectory I chose to allow my path to follow. I’m glad for that moment of I can’t fcking do this, I need you- as it allowed me to make the decisions I was avoiding, because I just really dislike hurting others feelings.

Then about 3 weeks ago I did a working with Basil, and Hecate.

I started with making magical paper, the purpose of which I will keep to myself for at least a moment. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work, but what ended up happening was I I made my paper, then drew a sigil representing my desire (Chaos style, using the letters from a word or name, and removing duplicate letters and vowels). I then burn two candles while pushing my intent and communicating with the basil and Hecate.

Later on that evening I burned the sigil. I was rather surprised, when by 10pm that evening- I had what I needed, though I had no idea the result was what I was looking. I was given a reason, and damned good one. Over the next five or six days, more reasons became blatantly obvious and I was able to take mundane actions based upon those reasons, and fix the problem I was trying to counter.

I was super pleased with the working, it’s speediness and the fact I made several extra sheets of magical paper. The results were outstanding, and it was worth the trouble to create the paper and spend all day on the process, just to get results roughly 12 hours later. I’m sure the excess paper, will be real handy to have, when I need it later on.

I’ve also seen the workings I mentioned previously, for the friend who was having money trouble, continue to bear fruit. His roommate paid his rent on time this past month, contributed more than usual to the household and the friends boss has continued to pay him more per hour than was originally agreed upon.

In other news, I’ve had a lot of shadow bonding time. For example, the shadow has begun teaching me more about himself and how his abilities work. I thought for months, that my shadow was created last October, shortly before I began hearing him calling my name.

Well, on his 1 year birthday, he was clear about it. It doesn’t really change anything to know that my shadow was created on the day J dropped me in a hotel, to send me home- but it does give me more insight into things. I’ve suspected for a while that it was more intentionally than raw emotional desire to protect me when J couldn’t, but even when we’ve spoken about, J doesn’t say much more than he’s aware of the shadows presence in my life.

I’m constantly somewhat astounded by how well designed the shadow actually is. I shouldn’t be I suppose, I did teach J how to create servitors. In fact he helped me create both of my children’s servitors.

I just never expected his skill to surpass my own, but perhaps that is where the raw emotional desire to ensure I would always be okay, even when he couldn’t be here- comes into play.

I’ve also got to learn more about the shadows skills, how he protects me and my magic, how to call upon his abilities in a bad situation, how to more fully connect with him.

I’ve never-the-less, been amazed that my friend I’ve spent so much time with- can see my shadow. He says it sorta oozes off of me, undeniably. Interesting- I hosted a scan contest, and had everyone I trusted attempt to get a read/scan on my shadow when he first made himself known to me. I’ve yet to have anyone other than @Arianna pick up on him, at least well enough to describe him. Others have said they can sense something, but their minds couldn’t focus on it, or they got a mirrored wall etc.

That’s really just the cusp of what life has been like the last six weeks, and I’m not sure that anything I’m doing is actually interesting to anyone, but also time is not on my side now a days. I’m only home Mon-Thursday, about six hours per day, every other weekend I have my children and every night I am someplace where life is better than I ever could have expected. I’m not even doing as much servitor work as I was. I don’t really need to, so I’ve taken it as I’ve had requests, but I’ve never been driven to see my maximum potential, and now I really don’t need to. I’ll continue as things come, on the days I am able to, but now that I have much more clear view of my path and where I am going, I am content with using my skills in other ways. Servitors are unfortunately, not the most fun thing in my life anymore.


I think your work is fascinating.

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Lol, thank you. I tend to think it’s rather bland compared to most :laughing:

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It’s really great! :+1:

I’m still learning. But hopefully I will get there. Right now, I’m hoping to evoke Hathor. But idk. Im nervous.

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I kinda just want to keep sleeping my day away, but it’s almost time for me to be up anyways. I have lots of things to ramble about, but my trouble is when I do get home- I’m so tired all I do is sleep, take care of my pets and plants and the head right back to my lovers home when he gets off work.

I was just going to sleep today until he called me to tell me he was on his way from work, but I had to remind myself that it was Thursday. It’s really nice that he works four tens and that we always have three day weekends, but I do not have my kids this weekend, so once I leave- I’m gone till Monday around 5 am.

Like I said, I have lots to ramble about, but every time I feel like rambling, I’m not where I have good cell service, or my computer- so I just kinda journal in my mind, with it directed at no one. It certainly helps me process and work through things, but there’s something about having it down in words, that I can see and read that just feels better.

I guess the place to go for this entry, would be right back to the last time I journaled- Three weeks ago yesterday. I got a phone call on 6/14/21 that I had to appear in court on 6/18/21. Talk about panic in a short order. I’ve had several months notice for all of my other court days, except the one where they hauled me in, so I was all out of sorts and upset.

My lover sat at my table, helping me thumb through my herbal books, I was looking for a particular ritual in Entering Hecate’s Garden. It was one I saw when I accidentally bought the book for kindle, and just paged through it out of curiosity. In fact, it was something that tilted the scales towards, Yep, I want this book- in physical copy.

Somehow even though we both paged through the book multiple times, I just could not find it. I ended up re-buying the kindle version, so that I could use search terms in order to locate the ritual. I actually was thinking that perhaps the version I had in my hand differed from the kindle version, but I was mistaken, they are pretty close to identical.

The ritual I was looking for had to do with court cases. Basically banishing them, with the spirit of Fennel. I just happened to be on the phone with my guy, when I was reading over the ritual two days later, for the materials needed and what to do. I said something to the effect of Well, I have everything but Vodka, so I’ll just substitute that with something else.

Ended up, he insisted I go over to his place to get enough vodka for my witchy stuff. You know it will work better… Yeah, maybe- sometimes. More likely to work like the author intends it, but I’ve not had any bad shit come from substituting so… So I walked over to get 4 oz of Vodka and came back.

It was a pretty simple recipe and ritual. The basis of it was grounding up the fennel seeds, tapping into the energy and spirit of Fennel, mixing it with Vodka and then utilizing it on a copy of the court document, while relaying to the Fennel spirit what you wanted to happen.

Naturally, I spoke to the Fennel spirit, explained what I needed, or at least what I needed in the worst case scenario. I then dipped my finger in the mixture, and wrote dismissed on my copy of my court documents.

Fine and dandy, can’t do much more than that, so I didn’t think about it- I just accepted that whatever is, simply is. It’s not the end of the world, but man sure would be nice to get out from under what I didn’t do. Goodness knows I cause enough trouble, without being blamed for shit I didn’t even do- at least not to the fullest extent of the claim.

On that Friday, I ended up real unsure why I had to be there, my public defender just asked for an extension to negotiate restitution and I was given a new date to appear- 7/9/21. While we were there, we down to the prothonotaries office, because I needed a copy of my divorce decree in order to obtain a marriage license.

Man, was I pissed when they handed me the folder with my divorce case, and there was no decree within it. My lover was watching me leaf through and he’s like You’re not divorced.

Me, I was like Bull shit. I didn’t contest anything, it was signed and ready to be filed for the six month waiting period in April, of 2020. This is June 2021, I should have been divorced like eight months ago.

Edit/shit removed: Circumstances just changed, I guess I’m in for a fight. :woman_shrugging:


Oh man. I just error and lost a ramble that took me almost two hours to write! Cock sucker. I knew there was a reason I used to always write in scrivener and just pasted it over. Dammit all.

At any rate. While I’d clearly be happier if I could just resummon up the lost text, I guess I’ll get over and try to get to the point faster than originally rambled through.

The gist of it was when I first started actively practicing magic, I had a really difficult target. Or so I thought, I really had no contact with them what-so-ever after the first six months, and so I can’t rightfully say that I had no affect on them, after they were completely and totally removed from my life.

But I didn’t garner the result I was after, and now the situation has escalated to the point that I need results on it by- YESTERDAY, at the latest.

Basically my target has finally revealed their hand of cards, and it has become clear to everyone from my spouse to my public defender that an abused woman is facing a corrupt system where the target has influenced those with authority and it’s reached extortion level antics.

Naturally, I’m not real pleased despite the fact I have documentation supporting me, etc and I’ve been advised that I need make it so that it’s no longer profitable for them to obtain their goal.

I’m trying to keep this brief, since I wasted a lot of time on loosing it already, but I had previously agreed to a deal, until the terms became such that there is quite literally, no way I can meet them. I probably would if I could, but I don’t happen to have a years wages laying around to get rid of extortionists so… I have no choice but to tell my story, share my evidence, and hope to the god that I don’t worship- that someone hears me.

In the meantime, I have just over a month to garner results and I’ve got fund problems- not for day to day life, but for fighting this- it’s going to get expensive fast, and I’ve spent the last week calling every attorney in the county and then some, just to learn free consultations are rare, the old school way of billing court fees and costs to the sole provider during a divorce really doesn’t happen anymore and that well, I no longer care about collateral damage.

Good. I thought that was what held me back nearly three years ago, and while I have no idea for certain, I can at least proceed certain that collateral damage possibilities will not affect my work. I’ve come a long ways since October 2018 when I first began to practice my skills, rather than reject them.

The plan is to hit up a four day intensive, starting Monday. It’s been months since I did an intensive, despite the fact I do something magical every single day and well, I work well under pressure, I even love a challenge- just not this particular one. I’m waiting till Monday, as it’s Thursday so it’s really my last day with spare time till Monday, I’ve not even managed to get my nap yet today and well. Weekends are always busy in my life now, and I have my kids this weekend so, I’m going to shoot for rest.

I’m going to need a lot of rest. I’m already tired every single day. Sometimes I sleep decent at night in my lovers arms. Other nights I just lay there tranced out, or wake up at 3 am when we need to be up at 5am. I’m not used to constant activity anymore as well.

Well I did sleep late last Saturday. It really surprised me when I woke up at 11:30 am, my lover gently caressing my cheek and telling me Good morning sleeping beauty. Cute and all but unexpected as he’s an early riser, guess that whole morning work thing usually puts people on a schedule, even if I am the only person who is never going to like mornings, no matter how many years I have to be up for them.

So, back to the point- I need to increase and maintain my energy level. I intend to start by removing my targets defenses, attacking their friends and family to keep them distracted, attacking their livestock, their pets, their spouse, job, mental and physical health and so on.

I’ll be lucky if I don’t make myself physically ill, even with rest. I always see a shit ton of progress though when I do an intensive and this is real important. I know that sometimes my lover gets off early from work, so I’ll be needing to do the work when I first get home in the morning, rather than napping and planning on him arriving at normal time. Not really a big deal, but it could be if I fail to stay on point.

I’m sure I missed some important details, part of the story or other goofy rambles, as this is now about a third of the text lost to an error… :rofl: :rofl: Oh well. Maybe by the time I’m journaling my ritual work on Monday, I’ll recall what I left out. :smirk:


In other news, I spent the morning playing with plants/spirits. It’s always a good way to just sort of relax and most of my plants needed repotted so that they have more room to grow. I was rather pleased that I ended up with just enough dirt to fill my new grow bags, the rest of my pots and to even replant my starter trays with sage.

The dirt I use is kinda fun. I know, I know, I’m nuffin but a big kid, but it’s still fun to receive this neat little brick size package that turns into over 2 gallons of dirt. It really works out well for me and the plants I’m growing, it’s economical and so forth and what not and would have you.

I had to move the bigger tomato plants to the balcony, I then reused those pots as well as the extra from the last time and refilled my windowsill. I thought I was screwed- I had five pots too many, then realized I could rig things to work out for now. In a few months, I’m going to have my own personal in home greenhouse, on the second floor of our home- but I have to move out of this apartment first. Originally I thought I would be moved out by now, but things clearly came up that take priority for a minute. It’s going to be a hot minute tho, because I’m already over it and ready to get back to what I was doing.

I also made up herbal capsules this week.

No they were not for me. I’ve been rather pleased the last few months- my spouse is very willing to try herbal, homeopathic and alternative means of treating ailments, aches, pains and the like. For example when I first met him, it was hard not to notice he had some toe nail fungus going on with one of his feet. Luckily he mentioned it to me, was willing to try what I brought him and I was even impressed with how quickly things began to clear up.

This particular blend is for liver function and memory. It took me quite a bit of time to cross reference things, double check that none of the herbs I chose did not have any contradictions with the one liver medication he takes, and then of course to grind them all up and put them in capsules for him.

It was worth the effort however, I absolutely love and find it amazing how easily it is to connect with the spirits related to the herbs you are grinding up, harvesting, using etc.

I guess that’s all folks, Till Monday.


I haven’t even, recorded in my personal records most of the last years working and occurrences. I’ve reached the point where it’s just part of life and while my practice has its own this makes it magical stuff, I still fly by the seat of my pants and live and breathe this stuff, particularly the energy workings.

We’ve managed as a family to have a few cherished members cross to the other side, and it has further deepened my personal shadow work, as well as my work with the dead.

Mine used to look real petty
Was the picture in the dictionary
Of the guy that wasn’t ready to grow up
And all it took was a last goodbye
A broken heart on borrowed time
And letting go of things that are hard to let go of

Now I love a little more, dream a little deeper
Leave all the leavers, keep all the keepers
Find peace of mind in the time the good Lord gives
I’ma cross one off, put two more on it
Say, “I love you” 'fore the moment’s gone
And never have to ask myself, “What if”
When I get to the bottom of my bucket list, yeah

I managed to be energetically present as one of these special members passed, and somehow several weeks before their sudden and unexpected death, this song came to me in reference to them specifically.

It also caused me to realize, I have lived like this, Sorta.

Three years ago this month, I found what it was to loose the only thing important to me, for the second time in this life.

For a long time, I lived like I was dying. But now? I don’t actually have a bucket list anymore.

You see, at first that kinda troubled me.

Oh shit. I’ve done it all. I’ve done everything I wanted, I have everything I dreamed of so… what do I have to live for now…

Now I have the answer to this, but it took me a minute to see it. It took a minute to realize it didn’t always have to be about me. My Bucket list may be done, but that doesn’t mean I can’t go all in supporting the person who is my everything and their bucket list.

It’s not giving up all my choices or any of my thoughts or anything like that, it’s quite simply I accomplished my dreams.

All I ever wanted was to be a good mom. Now we can debate this one all day long, but it’s a check mark in my box.

Then I just wanted to be loved by someone who loved me as much as I did them, and visa verse.

I struggled to find that one. The best friend plus spouses thing basically.

Then I didn’t really want to be… noticed, but I wanted to be good. At everything. Most recently and most continually my spiritual practice.

I ended up achieving that and some, I remember thinking I didn’t need the Become prolofic ritual from success magic… in fact even snooping my nose at the idea, but doing it anyways…

Turns out I have a love hate relationship with that successful aspect of life. I don’t really want to be the most known or famous or even rich, but…

I love helping people when I can, when I feel like it and I have time.

Lol most of those boxes don’t get checked for the forums, but in real life? Man. I love helping people fix their life’s and see the bigger picture and idk… stupid, ridiculous, probably conceited even- so can I get a point back for the fact I don’t look for these people at least?

Ok so back to my list. That best friend love box, it got checked too.

Then we get to being able to live comfortably.

Yep got that one checked too. Some months have been better than others monetarily but, we aren’t cold or starving ever so… check.

I don’t ever care what is on tv. Well rarely like once every six months I want to watch something…

I’ll eat anything.

I am Sagittarius so we all know I can do the on the fly shit, but I swear I found early in life, that life gives us plenty of impromptu moments to add lib into our life without me going and looking to make life spontaneous.

In fact, I find life much easier and I am happier when it’s simple, consistent and I know about stuff ahead of time so I can try to talk myself into wanting to do it…

So lol, basically we discuss everything, but I don’t have any dreams to chase, so I’m content to play sidekick for now.

This ramble probably doesn’t help anyone, but it’s where I am!

This one’s for momma :


I was just wondering a day or two ago where you’d been for the last [checks watch] billionty years. Welcome back :heart:

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Well, I am still going to be hit or miss. Life has been on a weird…need for speed mode, but it’s giving me more hours to try to fill at the same time, or it will if this weeks example continues. I have a few things to share but most of my work has been real personal, or super similar to things I’ve already talked about doing.

I’ve had more than a few times I could have browsed the forum as filler space and I just didn’t feel like it, because every time I post it seems I let a bunch of people down in the weeks following in not really being available to chat, or seeing their question until well afterwards.

:heart: I was thinking about you a few days ago too, I don’t remember what we were talking about but I was like oh my friend Veil


That’s a mood lol. Hope you’re doing ok lass :two_hearts:

:joy: I legit had a draft saved in the TL3 lounge thread from two or three days ago like “btw, where is my waifu @Keteriya? Haven’t seen her in yonks”

Glad you’re well x

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It totally is lol. Dammit you always calling me out…

Thank you! I’m glad you care enough to check once in a while on me! I appreciate it a lot :star_struck::gift_heart::heart:

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Just a bump and to throw it out there that if anyone is looking for healing, thanks to the MfWB, I have donated an energetic healing to anyone who wishes to take advantage of it (it will work kinda like reiki in you don’t need to be there to tap into it)

Here’s the link!

Also I felt lead to give you all some encouragement in my working in my shadow working journal- it seemed more appropriate there.


Glad your back! I missed reading all your posts. Keep going strong.

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Most of my work in my current journals can’t be shared very easily, or at least needs me to write it down and decide what to redact.

This however is just an example of some of my more regular practice. I don’t make it up to my office every single day, but most days when I do go in, I share my first cup of coffee with husbands deceased parents. I knew his mother, and actually looked forward to having a good friendship with her. Both frequently stop in, visit my dreams and are around while I am out of body, so this is the arrangement that I came up with.

There are many new and old items alike, some that are simply there for the short term to charge and so forth and so on :slight_smile: