The Infernal Saga. ( The True Lore and Myths of Hell )

This one :slight_smile:


Really needed that you tought me something by being their voice GREAT TOPIC

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Hi I’m new in all of this may ask if I would do the ritual tonight should I draw some sigil on some places or is it not needed and I should just face where it is instructed? Please help me I want to learn this path

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Welcome @Jmb123 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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I really enjoyed reading the Infernal Empire Saga. The energy from each of these great beings from their own accounts is truly amazing. @C.Kendall this is an awesome piece of literature and to actually get their own accounts into writing is a great accomplishment. Awesome work; and you have certainly have won the favour of the Infernal Empire for letting people know the truth about how these great beings have been mistreated and the viscious lies that have been spread about them. Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you so much for this. I truly felt each one of them while reading this!
Lilith really got my mouth hanging open with her part and I could hear her laughing at my reaction.
Funny enough while reading beelzebubs part I saw a fly fly across the room from the corner of my eye but there was not fly.
They were present with me. Especially while breathing in the vortex did I truly feel them.

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What really pisses me off is how these great beings, some of them who were patrons to ancient civilisations are betrayed. And the mere mortals who did betray them, who were they to say that were evil when all they’ve wanted to do is help the human race. Things like that make blood boil, I hate any form of corruption, so when I am asked to choose sides I am with Infernal Empire🤘


The whole saga is one great source of first hand information and I’ve read it a few times now but what struck me the most is the closing message from Belial’s Second Section to “(…) seek the emperor himself Lucifer awaits you” .
That was priceless and although l admit that it will probably take a few more reads to comprehend the whole message that was conveyed through Mr Kendall, those last words of Belial were something l was waiting and looking for.
Thank you Connor for your efforts and for the amazing experience of getting to know what the spirits want us to learn about them.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

This ritual brought me to Lucifer, Lilith, and helped me to better understand what Samael has in store for me. Azazel will always be with me, and he has been calling a lot lately.

It is time to get off my ass and let the darkness flow again!

Ave, To the darkness!
Ave, to my power!
Ave, to Lucifer, Lilith, Azazel, and Samael!
Ave to all of the infernal kingdoms, United in darkness, blessed with the light of Lucifer, and empowered by ascent!


Hell the Cleanser but can we transcend the fire?

One Military Family

Yeah when I were reading this I felt a strong connection to the dark goddess Lilith


thank you so much for sharing this.
But in regards to the meditation/rite, is it ok if i pause now and then to check i’m reading it right or work on my pronunciation? (sorry if this is a foolish question)

When I read it I felt a heavy pressure on my 3rd eye and the left and right side of my face making a perfect triangle I was in almost a trance like state reading it I have to say thank you because this is truly something invaluable here meant for who it is meant for bless you

Great read Connor - timeless piece

I was thinking about applying rite for a long time and today I finished it tonight. Frankly, I had some strange events.

I briefly describe what I have done and lived.

To practice the rite, I decided to do it with sigils and candles, so I drew 4 sigils and put them one by one in separate directions.

Before the Rite started, my hands were starting to feel warm.This warmth continued throughout the rite. I felt the warmth in my hands rise even more as Lucifer and Azazel repeated the enn. But what I felt strange was that while Samael enn was repeating, I felt like he was holding a grudge against me. I felt like you didn’t care about what I said. I had slight tremors in my body as I repeated the Samael enn. Then I started to feel very safe repeating Lilith Enn. There was nothing around me that bothered or frightened me. It was as if Lilith was saying, “I’m here, don’t be afraid.” I never wanted to get out of this situation.

The strange thing I experienced during the rite was that while I was repeating this part, the back of the notebook in my hand started to catch fire. I was not afraid, on the contrary, I was very happy to see it and continued my work. I checked after a while and I don’t know how. I think my notebook burned because it came into contact with the candle.

Finally, I finished by doing the same steps.

In short, these were the things I lived through. Even while I’m talking about this right now, my hands are getting warm lol

True. I have noticed this as well. However, often times, there is some overlap when you look closely. For example…although I didn’t get all this same information…much of it aligns with and confirms what Lucifer told me about his origins and the infernal empire…although, there are some differences as well.

I think a key, though, is in what one of the demonesses said… stop spending so much time dissecting their nature for we will never fully comprehend them.

I believe that Lore and Myth is meant to not give us literal historical facts per se, but more to reveal lessons and understandings in story form. The task is for us to dissect the story and gain the wisdom.

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I haven’t heard those exact words…but everything energetically says that this is the underlying message to it all!

I once had a dream a few back that I was leading red headed girl through a ruined landscape under night sky devoid of clouds. We came to a great circle of fire with great drop descending into the earth surrounded by giant thrones all around it with giant figures dressed in royal attire from every culture you could imagine. We approached one kings/lords and he got up and pointed to the sky as orbiting red planet passed by. A figured appeared out of the planet that looked egyptian and reminded me vaguely of Osiris/Ptah/Khonsu.

I can’t help but wonder if I was seeing the infernal council at court and met one of there members unknowingly. None of them looked eygptian or even human but they all looked regal and fierce. The fact they pointed up a Egyptian deity in the sky always intrigued me. No idea what it meant but the fact it around a great pit of fire makes me think I was in the infernal realms or part of it.

If Purson is Thoth that might explain why I’m a drawn to him and yes energy feels very different as he says he’s different. It blazes with intensity but not without purpose. It’s a controlled and focused flame. The fact he’s a librarian frankly explains that well.

Also why would the demon kings take these new appearances and not there old ones they favored for so long? I think more people would flock to work with them if adopted there pagan forms of old. Who knows though maybe just long to appear as something that feels more natural to them? Angels and Demons aren’t human after all and I suppose it’s unreasonable to ask them to change just for us.

Great Post Connor!