The Infernal Saga. ( The True Lore and Myths of Hell )

I felt a strange pain in my right ear while reading the part of Aglat Bat Mahlat. Not anything too painful, more like a pinch. Does anyone know what could this mean?

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Mega super top :star_struck:

@Epsilon_The_Imperial I basically shaped the body after how I am now

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C.Kendall. I know not how you came upon this bounty of information. But these words and story you shared have power. Much like many here it was as I heard the voice of each speaker even those I have yet to evoke before. Truly you have done something great by writing it down. My own journey and wanderings have whispered to a similar a lore, not nothing such as in depth like this.

Thank you

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This spoke to me so much. As I read the words, I felt the truth. I have to say I’m becoming a fan of your posts and have learned a great deal from your work already. Thank you for sharing your experience and extensive knowledge with us. I have not yet worked with Lucifer himself, but I feel very drawn to his energy. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner like myself? Thank you!

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Why thank you :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yeah here is a post I created a while back detailing everything you need to know about Lucifer, it’s a great foundation to begin working with him.

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Thank you so much! This may be a silly question, but is there a particular day/time/moon phase ect. that works best or does that not matter so much?

Thats just breathtaking, I became very emotional a the moment :slight_smile:.
Hail the infernal! :apple:

This is a great post. Very interesting. I’m interested to digest this in light of the revelation that Lucifer just gave me that I posted (Who is Lucifer, really?)

I’m interested to know though… is there anyone still on here that read this and did the rite? What were your experiences and do you feel that they have been long lasting…coming down till today?

It is going to be interesting to meditate with this. As I read i became sexually aroused which was interesting.

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I dd the rite some time ago


What have been your results?


I don’t really have my senses developed yet so just same as usual

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There has probably been some change, but I don’t know about it


This one :slight_smile:


Really needed that you tought me something by being their voice GREAT TOPIC

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Hi I’m new in all of this may ask if I would do the ritual tonight should I draw some sigil on some places or is it not needed and I should just face where it is instructed? Please help me I want to learn this path

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Welcome @Jmb123 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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I really enjoyed reading the Infernal Empire Saga. The energy from each of these great beings from their own accounts is truly amazing. @C.Kendall this is an awesome piece of literature and to actually get their own accounts into writing is a great accomplishment. Awesome work; and you have certainly have won the favour of the Infernal Empire for letting people know the truth about how these great beings have been mistreated and the viscious lies that have been spread about them. Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you so much for this. I truly felt each one of them while reading this!
Lilith really got my mouth hanging open with her part and I could hear her laughing at my reaction.
Funny enough while reading beelzebubs part I saw a fly fly across the room from the corner of my eye but there was not fly.
They were present with me. Especially while breathing in the vortex did I truly feel them.

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What really pisses me off is how these great beings, some of them who were patrons to ancient civilisations are betrayed. And the mere mortals who did betray them, who were they to say that were evil when all they’ve wanted to do is help the human race. Things like that make blood boil, I hate any form of corruption, so when I am asked to choose sides I am with Infernal Empire🤘