The hot steamy new thread for single people (18+ only) (Part 1)

He’s trolling


I thought this was some glitch in the forum a comment like this coming from sentinel :grin:
Anyway hes trolling

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In an occult forum I’d at least assume you would have more in common than the general public

Fooled me lol I appreciate the clarification.

How often does this forum malfunction? And what is trolling? :neutral_face:

You little devil.

People here are always talking in codes and it’s hard to keep up with all the code words.

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I just wanted to know the definition of ‘trolling’, jeez. It’s not like said you’re retarded or something.

This isn’t going in a very healthy direction… ffs lighten up @anon59886753, if there’s a problem PM me, I want to try and help. :hamster:


Yeah tell me about it. Why would there be a problem, my fair Lady?

I see an unknown word–I ask about it to strengthen communication and better insert myself into the community.

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“Troll” is a word you never saw before online?


No. But we’re a family. And family help each other out. So someone please tell me the definition.

Here you go man, just for the sake of strenghtening your forum related communication skills

since u asked



@anon59886753 knows perfectly well what it means, witness him using it in a sentence here:

And earlier in this very thread:


So i searched online for that doll for nothing?

It didn’t even paste right, let me try with a different one:

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He is an angel @Lady_Eva stop making false assumptions :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

You need to save the image then drag-and-drop it in, I think. Your link isn’t working, the site probably has hotlinking protection.

The second time worked though, it even got me a badge that made me feel useful.