The Fairies stole my spoons: A diary of a hedge witch

The fact that I have actually said that about spoons is true. For 2024 I am redoing my Hedge/Herbal/Fairy practices and going more into a poison path as well. So this means I am going to try to make my yard around my home a magical jungle so to speak. I am also getting a green house for my poison path babies.

I am going to ramble a lot on here and probably forget to update but I am going to force myself. I am going to start with a make over of the Fairy Green house and start a gnome side garden.


I believe you! In my family it’s always the scissors. And pocket knives. (I think the phone cables isn’t them but I buy them in 12 packs and I have two left now).

Can’t wait to hear the rest! :smiley:


I literally laugh when I have this conversation because I am always always always having to buy new spoons so it’ll be interesting if it stops. I am relieved that you have your scissors disappearing. I feel less crazy :rofl:


I’m just used to it. I buy enough to share too :smiley:

I find if I flatter them and ask “Oh I lost that thing, you’re great at finding things can you help “remind” me where I put it?” it shows right up. :joy: Also works for the car keys that I put down somewhere silly in a hurry, and they like that part of being asked to help and getting thanked, it almost makes us friends. These ones are house entities they belong here, so the wards against unwanted Fae don’t bother them.

I wish the hobgoblin in this house wasn’t so reticent, he’s there but hides a lot, if you had any ideas on making friends with the existing hearth Fae when you get there, I’m all ears :smiley:


I will let you know I bought loads of light clearance, pretty things that sparkle for them too. That meant integrate in their outdoor garden and then I’m gonna try to make a little like indoor altar area for them to.


For me it’s socks. Vanishing socks. But I believe my sock issue is most likely a mundane phenomena :slight_smile:


Me too.

Yep… yet once they are missing, I’m left with a stray sock and the mate never returns.

Other things turn back up in weird places (usually I set it down someplace odd because I got distracted) but man the socks…once they are gone they are gone.

I’m certain they are not stuck or in the lint trap, I occasionally find one under the bed, but for real the bulk of them just permanently disappear.

I’ve got a stack of four or five different one atm and four of them have been stray socks for about a year… I hate to throw them away, their mate might return…


I have also had some success with asking nicely to please show me where item xyz is, sometimes it turns up in a weird spot and others it’s right where it should be and where we checked 80 times.

But some of it is mundane neglect, not being able to see the item amongst the clutter as well.


Oh… fairies like to do similar things outside of tallow or your house plot. I have encountered them more than once, they are very intelligent and strong creatures, although they look very fragile. They love sweets and children, as well as their territory, which they carefully guard. I recommend making offerings to them and establishing friendly relations. Don’t quarrel with them, they can be very good helpers for you and your home as a whole. But they can become enemies that you would not like to have. Gnomes and similar entities are very interesting to work with and they live much closer to humans than we might think. Their measurement is very close.


sometimes they’re in like the rubber lip in the dryer. If they’re not there, I’m pretty sure dryers have portals that the fairies steal the socks. (This is a half joke) but we took our dryer apart and only found three socks the rest are just gone.


yeah, I’m getting mushroom fairies circles in the dirt in my backyard. The next time it happens before we get long hair off take pictures of it but they are definitely not happy with the state of disarray of my house’s yard. I have Three shelf bookshelf that I turned into like a little greenhouse/altar for them but I’ve had a lot of chaos in my life the last year and I kind of just neglected them so that’s when the spoon started going missing. The crows in the wildlife are also missing their little meals of corn and stuff. I would put outside as well.

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honestly, I’ve had this happen when my house is like spotless and I will look 30,000 times on a perfectly clean coffee table for a remote and then not be there and then the 30,000 and one time I look again after asking for it to be returned. It’s right where I left it so either I am blind or there’s something else messing with me.


Water and something sweet, preferably fruit. nuts, candies (natural), you can use some kind of jewelry, costume jewelry, or colored ribbons.water, ale or diluted wine.sugar, you can have a mirror, some very small toy, a very small but elegant decoration. This is what they love if you want to make friends. Most of all, they don’t like iron.


I just got loads of this on clearance so I want to give them some of it for sure.

I also have all of these really adorable houses and statues. I used to keep it really nice and i would grow my herbs in the greenhouse around them. I just lost the discipline to take care of everything. So, this year I am getting back to it. My goal is to have a house like i did when I lived in Alaska.


Its my taort cards :cry: they go missing. And it takes a while to find them.

I have missing spoons and bowls and cups and plates but I think thats an I have teenagers problem. :laughing:


Ask @Mulberry i had to have her close a thread once because they stole my fairy deck.


Haha, they did that. They teach me how to laugh when I’m stressed… 'cos if I didn’t laugh I’d cry. :joy:


Here it’s forks, knives, hair- and cosmetic tools made of medal. :laughing: I’m impatient and used to rage that ”I need x item back NOW” and they reapper immediately (on clean tables which I 5 min ago checked etc.). They are nice, welcome Faes and used to my temper, so they don’t get offended by my tantrums :smile: They even help sometimes with house cleaning!


Could this be your own mind/psyche doing this? Maybe you are very powerful?


Maybe not that would be super powerful of me to be honest.

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I love this. I wonder how many spoons they really took :sweat_smile: Maybe I’ll ask for them all back :rofl:

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