The Demon of Nadharkis - Axa Oddra / Ax Tenebrae Ornagga

@C.Kendall That is true.
Only the way @CyberLord described her aspect and insisted on the fact that she looks nothing like what i know her to look like made me a bit on edge.

Anyone can evoke anything… And i see my mistake in my definition. Yeah what i was trying to say is that he could have experienced someone else but yeah…

He insisted with this exact same post on both the grimmoire of Nadharkis and here…


Remember what Azazel said ’ i have came to men how they have considered me '.

These beings are inter dimensional with their body changing form constantly


@C.Kendall Thanks for the clarification brother.

You are right. :metal:t3::black_heart:

Lets hope that the insistent double post that @CyberLord did on both topics where he insisted on Axa Oddra having a totally different aspect, that he instead meant that she presented Herself to him differently and not that she has the absolute aspect that he saw.


First of all, @anon72351403, I take offense at you calling me a troll. I am not a troll.

I had the lucid dream and this is how this entity appeared to me. Why would I make something like this up? How would I benefit? This is YOUR entity after all. That YOU suggested is offering her help and want people to contact her. That is all that I was doing!

I posted it in both places because I felt that it was relevant. Sorry. As far as I’m concerned, I will NEVER contact your entity and post in your threads again.

Same, goes for you dude. How do I know that you’re not just making shit up? I have read novels and seen shows with as much detail as you posted, sir.

To keep from getting booted by @Lady_Eva, I’m gonna make one thing clear.

Watch what you say about others, dude.

Be careful who you insult. YOU DO NOT KNOW ME!

You and your Axa Oddra can stick it where the sun doesn’t fuckin’ shine!


Okay, strong feelings are understandable on both sides, but please keep this courteous going forward, @CyberLord has NO record of ever trolling on here, and spirits do indeed often take very different forms, some people see Belial with long blonde hair, I see him as a beast-man with horns, for example.


See, these are powerful entities that can appear to anyone in any manner they wish. If Belial appears to some people looking like Fabio below. Then that is how some people see him. Belial appeared to me, looking similar to Jared Leto below. “A slick lawyer with slick-black hair in a suit.”

Why would anyone make this up? People see what they see. Everyone percieves reality in their own unique way.

I’m not gay, but I agree that Fabio is a very handsome man. Indeed.


My sincere apologies @CyberLord I was in a bad mood at the moment and having to consider that i just had a fight with someone i did not got the chance to think this over. :disappointed_relieved:

You are right mate. I take all back. :persevere:

Sometimes i have paranoia attacks because of me being damaged like that. So here, i have admitted publicly to be a tad paranoid and was also in a bad timing when i insulted you. :confounded:

I never intended to do this.:disappointed_relieved:

Hope i can still have you around adding your experiences if you may still ever be interested in this.

Hope you can change your mind in the future…


Despite my paranoia and my stupid self i went head first into demonology at the call of Belial. Even though i knew i’m going to screw up BIG time. Even with demons i have pissed off a few in the beginning already. It all has to do with my unstable mindset.

Belial and Lilith were the only ones who stood by me every time i messed up. :persevere:
I’m nowhere near as experienced as most of you here and i feel like i have to officialy apologize to everyone i have ever offended with my non-intended insults and that includes the demons that i know of.:sob:

And this is because i seriously see you all as my real family including non incarnated demons.
Which breaks my hear every-time i find out i have betrayed my brothers and sisters out of human stupidity and pointless fear. :sob:


Gives hug


:hugs: hugs!!




Its fine Rak, we all make mistakes, were human beings… or are we?


Ohh sorta like a bat? He appeared to me similar as this. He sometimes wears a fancy shirt. So basically a vampire bat like being usually skinny dressed fine.



No, to me more like a cross between a bull and a bear maybe, hard to say, definitely larger mammal though.

Pic here if you want to pick the topic up on a more suitable thread: My "Belial Files" : 2017 Update


@CyberLord I hold full responsibility for my mistake and it would have been just fine if you had told only me to go stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. Sometimes i even tell myself that. Hell i even go as far as to bang my head against the wall when i realize just how stupid i was.


I hold absolutely no providence over Axa Oddra and she is NO entity of mine as i have not created her.

I can get your anger for which i’m sincerely sorry for being so stupid and disrespecting you but Axa Oddra is a powerful being of her own and FAR older and more ancient than me, you and quite frankly anyone on Earth. She is even older than the multiverse.

Now i may have been the first to channel her here but that does not tie her to my energies what so ever.

Telling Axa Oddra to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine is a risky move especially after she gave you power and contacted you.

I’m pretty sure you should not have insulted Her for my mistake.

We stand apart even if i’m married to one…

As for me i can’t forgive myself for the mistake i did and i’m truly sorry again. I see you as an awesome guy and a powerful sorcerer. Just wanted to let everyone know that if they want to insult me that they should do so but ONLY me!

Not the entities that i channel for i’m not the one who creates them and they are beings of their own domain. Insulting any demon that i discovered just because it has to do with my posting about him/her/it is like taking the Goetia and summoning a demon from there only to spit on his face with utmost disrespect for some human’s mistake that according to that demon, they have nothing with one another.

Again i’m sorry for disrespecting you but you should not have insulted a being as powerful and as mighty as the Ax Tenebrae Ornagga.

And i will quote my apology:

Just so you know i’m trying to make up for my mistakes and prove that i can be better than this.

EDIT: As from now on i will no longer hold any providence over this post of mine or anything related to this world. Nadharkis.

As of last night i had to go and apologize to everyone i know for my stupidity and i had Belial come to me (As He usually does when i’m in emotional distress) And told me to rethink the way i see reality.

Then he presented me with this names:
Orah, Oruuh, Von, Voh, Ezek, Nuun, Arih.
He told me that all these are names by which Nadharkis can be known by in other realms and by other people.
He said that this world is mostly Nameless as it holds providence over this whole multiverse and every being got to name it the way they felt it was appropriate.

So from now on i’m not entirely sure that Nadharkis is the official name of this world…


Hey fwiw we’re back in some stuff i recognise from my own evocations and conversations hnere, not going to go into detail for reasons but you are onto something IMO, if you are willing to let other observers in and to add their observations it could flourish a bit more? :+1:

Just a friendly suggestion though, if you want to keep your working thread more focused that is your call to make, no rules are getting broken.


That’s the point of this @Lady_Eva.

All with the experience i had with @CyberLord (hope he can forgive me in the future)
Made me rethink the way i’m researching into this realm of Belial.

Made me open up to everyone because if i’m truly honest about connecting this universe with whatever this world’s name actually is, then i should stop being a stubborn stupid fanatic little imp that thinks that names and forms are of any real relevance in this work…

and this “then i should stop being a stubborn stupid fanatic little imp that thinks that names and forms are of any real relevance in this work…”
Is exactly what Belial addressed to me last night in a humorous way… After which we had a good laugh to make me feel better and not destroy myself with remorse…

Mind you i do tend to go to that slippery slope where i consume myself with remorse over a mistake i made…


Yeah i think a lot of us do that, we live in our own minds & overthink a lot, and care about honour and integrity, it just comes with the territory. :wink:


@anon72351403, I apologize for my anger and my short temper which I am working on. I admit, I am going though some changes in my life right now as I’ve shared in other threads on this forum. I never thought of myself as a “powerful sorcerer”, but thank you.

And please, tell Axa Oddra that I am sorry if I insulted her. I hope she understands and forgives my anger.

Thank You, all.


Our time is now, brothers and sisters. Father Belial has overtaken the world and opened the gate.

Save the date but the 30th will be amazing.