The Decoding Your Dreams Thread

You’ve been put in a position of authority that demands some respect, and therefore probably responsibility, but you don’t yet know the full picture maybe?[/quote]

Yup, sounds about right.

Alot of work to be done this lifetime…I’m sort of ‘playing catchup’ now, got thrown off the path for a few years there for sure.

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Had so many dreams again, but one i could write here… This was strange: i was on some yard taking pictures of rising moon, and the same time there was a descending sun yet the sky was dark - and taking those pictures steadily was hard; because there was some kind of “reality glitch” going on, and the sun and the moon were on same place.

Then something weird happened, and the house which yard i was on - was somehow where my mother lived (even if in reality she doesn’t) and i was back in past some years, i gone inside the house and explained her how i know who she is, and i saw myself as a little kid then i said “don’t tell me this happened before it has happened” and then i passed out to future again… But i don’t know what happened after that.

If there is any good dream interpreter who is bored, i’m up to discuss about my many dreams in private - because they are kinda like confusing.

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I have been recording my dreams ever since my first evocation of Lucifer. I am getting better at remembering them. I had one lastnight that seemed to blend communication with an outside source, and my mind at play.

The early parts of the dream found me conversing with a girl I met in college. Our conversation was highly sexually charged, but I can’t remember a ton about it. I do remember that we were not about to have sexual relations, she was preparing me for some kind of sex magic that we would be performing at a later date.

The second part of the dream had me fighting Russian Terrorists at a hospital. I almost achieved lucidity when I found that I could direct the course of bullets in midair, but I woke up :frowning:

I think the first part of the dream may have something to do with my recent work with Lucifer, but I would love to hear any interpretations.

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I don’t have any recurring dreams but there are some dreams that left a strong imprint on my mind those are the ones I will relay.

I want to say at least 6 months ago I had a dreams with 2 figures on a landscape I can’t recollect. They both we’re looking at me the one on the right in a grayish robe said “We are trying to teach you the secret sciences” he then held two clear crystals discs above his head the one in back larger then the one in front. He made a motion with his hand and the one in front twisted. Both discs had a grid on them.

I feel this dream was talking about what I’m learning now. These secret sciences of Magick. They could also possibly be guides/guardians of mine in imagination and spirit.

A dream last night I had of a figure who I thought was Kevin hart (he was as black if not blacker then him) but was/is way to fucking tall now that I think of it to be him. Had on a suit and a pair of black eagle wings with gray tips. We were conversing of something and we’re luring people into what I thought was my bedroom. They would fall over and die I think. We laughed through the whole process. They woke up at the end but they thought were dead until then. He wrapped himself inside his wings at the end also.

I was reading the book of Azazel and was calling him before I went to bed. I asked of him several things this seems to been a response.

The one thing I recollect that’s reparative is a all black figure with a light shining behind him. The first time I seen/met him all I saw was the door way he stood in and light coming from behind him. He gave me a name I wrote it on my wall but couldn’t read it. The other time more recent. I was listening to Robert Bruce about how to penetrate into the astral dimension going a 45 degree angle.

I went to sleep I saw a hill atop of the hill was a motor cycle with a light on the front I had a skateboard. I grabbed the tail end of it. As we were going down hill. I let go as I gained an ass load of momentum. I hit a person in front of me that slowed me down. I rock caught my wheel and I began flying at a 45 degree angle hit a wall that was a huge door. It made a sound that reminded me of oak and padlocks. I fell to the ground. out of the top right corner of my vision he stood in the distance light behind him and figure black i feel like he wanted to move toward me but didn’t. I proceed to do nonsense and laugh with people around me like nothing happened.

Weighting this I feel this is talking about my path in life I need to take. I just recently came upon Magick left hand path etc. the black figure is either myself/godself or darkness talking attempting to get my attention. The locked door is a avenue that is currently or permenantly shut because that not the way to go.

This is my two cents I thoughts I felt I should share.

I dreamed that I’d opened a small hotel in either the everglades or South Pacific islands, the greenery was a bit like this:

There was an open area of water like a river or inlet (no beach) and wooden decks alongside the hotel, and a couple of flying boats rocking gently in the water:

Euoi was my bar manager and we were sitting in the bar discussing the decor, we’d had it newly redone with lots of steel and aluminium fittings to reflect the shifting water outside and appear cooler in the warm humid evenings, and we were having an in-depth conversation about the type of paper napkins to use, we’d agreed on teal and there was a lot of matching pale-greenish blue glass everywhere as well.

I have no idea what this meant (I think this was the first time I’ve dreamed about Euoi?! Dunno why, sorry mate!) and why my subconscious would present this choice of decor for a bar in a humid area (where wood would rot, but metal’s cold to the touch and aluminium doesn’t rust, although it would probably draw condensation like crazy) I have absolutely no idea.

Anyway that’s my most recent forum-related dream, it was a few days ago but for some reason it’s stuck with me.

^ What my subconscious evidently really cares about. O_o

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I had a few strange dreams in the past years, and with the presence of two protective and loving entities by my side, they seems to have the ability to monitoring my dreams and interact if needed.

  • I had a nightmare where I was in a dark, old cellar with bricked walls and dusty greyish air surrounding the sight. My deceased father was present and he tried to talk, but only his mouth were moving without any sound coming out from it. Then he disappeared and it got alot more tensed than before and I’ve got a feeling that I wasn’t alone, but someone or something was observing me and I felt very uncomfortable by that presence. At the same time I felt uncomfortable I felt a comforting pressure around my body, like someone were hugging me, while standing there in the damp cellar. Then I woke up and the comforting pressure was just as present as in my dream. Apparently, one of my ladies “tuned in” to the discomfort of my dream and took action to make it better.

  • 2 years ago I had a dream where a female in golden skin appeared in front of me. Very tall and gracious in her presence, and beautiful as a goddess can be. But she had a dysfunctional “flaw” on her physical body. I noticed she had a limb were her right arm should be. The area was surrounded by woods and houses, like a suburb or small town with a summertime feel to it. I still wonder, to this day, who she is and why she appeared in front of me.

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So I had a few dreams years ago.

First dream:
I was with this Gorgeous woman red shortish hair,We were walking in a park.
I looked into the sky I see Jupiter in the sky,basically it engulfed most of the sky. And we carried on walking and she was really happy and was holding onto me and the next thing there is a donkey on the path. I wanted to pat it,she said I must leave it alone I refused and went up to it and as I went to pat it,it looked like it was decaying. Maggots everywhere and I started to throw up maggots she was rubbing my back while I puked.

Second dream.

I was in a war seemed like the south pacific. Next thing my hand gets blown off,the same woman I dream’t of was there dragging me to safety. She held me tight and looked like she was crying, I laughed to try comfort her. Wasn’t a long dream.

Is she a spiritual guardian or a Succubus? The love I felt from here was romantic.

On a side note I have dreamt of Jupiter often.

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Constantly seeing dreams of death and mayhem, violence all around. also i’m beating or stabbing people often, once i paid a guy after i beat him so he wouldn’t call the cops in a dream. I also keep seeing my old nightmares about being back in school and those old school time “friends” or enemies, and i’m also often in my grandfa’s old house in my dreams too…

Its not uncommon to see dreams where i drink or take drugs too, the food and drinks do have taste in my dreams, and pain and pleasure and wide range of emotions can be felt. I also saw this dream of bears a couple times a while ago, there was always bears coming and i had to play dead.

I can get into a sleeping paralysis state usually after an impact in a dream, like hitting my head on the wall or someone hitting me.

Also now a last time i remember seeing a pine tree before falling a sleep…more like a picture of a pine tree, a drawn picture - image.

I’ve seen two dreams with Lady Eva,one with Euoi and one with Bran…
I remember Lady Eva’s presence was very friendly and acceptable.Like a friend who can be your true self around him without to worry about judging.In the first dream she was brunete with short hair…I can’t remember rhe second one…

Euoi was very young and very beautiful i can say.Dark shiny hair covering one side of his forehead,symetric eyebrows and good looking in general.We were chasing a demon or something like that and Euoi was pissed big time…

The one thing i remember from Bran was a hairy chest and a manly smell from him.I think it was the smell of beer.His voice was very strong,piercing and commanding but with humour and passion.He was laughing at loud with his firends drinking something inside a house…

[quote=“dron, post:70, topic:354”]I’ve seen two dreams with Lady Eva,one with Euoi and one with Bran…
I remember Lady Eva’s presence was very friendly and acceptable.Like a friend who can be your true self around him without to worry about judging.In the first dream she was brunete with short hair…I can’t remember rhe second one…

Euoi was very young and very beautiful i can say.Dark shiny hair covering one side of his forehead,symetric eyebrows and good looking in general.We were chasing a demon or something like that and Euoi was pissed big time…

The one thing i remember from Bran was a hairy chest and a manly smell from him.I think it was the smell of beer.His voice was very strong,piercing and commanding but with humour and passion.He was laughing at loud with his firends drinking something inside a house…[/quote]

Oh hey now when you mentioned, i just remember that i have seen lady eva in dreams too. Telling me something…

And there was some kind of mixture between lady eva and euoi… Euoi was this english lady who took me in her house and was some kind of ally to me. even if in reality he is an american boy who doesn’t probably even like me. : D

Two nights ago, my dream had me taking a vacation with my family to some island; the climate was very warm, all tropical-like. Near the shore was this amphitheatre type open area where everyone was watching this depiction of Jesus being killed, buried, resurrected, etc., like some sort of Christian mystery play. Between the burial and resurrection, I wandered off, bored true but mainly just feeling very out of place. I wandered along the beach and although I’m not normally a beach person at all, this one was completely deserted and I found myself truly enjoying the sights, sounds, smells, and feel of the shoreline. I decided to take a swim, and started to get pretty far out, swimming against the rising tide.

Some distance from the beach I saw some kind of monstrous head briefly break the surface of the water ahead at speed, and though, oh, crap! Of course this would happen! Needless to say, I immediately decided to swim back for shore just as fast as I could, but it was too late because very quickly I had been caught in the jaws of some kind of monstrous shark-serpent hybrid; I tried to fight with my fists as the creature shook me around by my legs, but that effort was just a gesture in futility. My break came when a huge wave hit and knocked me free of the creature, eventually to wash up on the shore.

I lay there in the bloody sand, not really up to the task of standing up, and gradually came to notice this spiritual female presence in front of me. I looked up and it was a regally pretty woman who looked young but whose whole manner suggested considerable age and wisdom. Somehow I instinctively thought of her in this dream as a disir, a kind of female family guardian spirit from Germanic folklore. She said nothing, just gazed at me with a distant dignity, and I lay there bleeding with equal stoic silence. After a moment of this, she simply beckoned and turned to head further inland; I was too hurt to stand and walk, so I began to drag myself along behind her, and she seemed way too ok with that but this was a dream so I guess dream me would never tell a lady to go fuck herself regardless of callousness lol.

After some time of venturing inland, we came to this massive rock, rising up suddenly and alone in the middle of the island, the size of a small mountain easily. Looking again I saw that there were a pair of plainly carved, solid-looking wooden double doors set into the rock, and the disir knocked, upon which they opened on their own. She went in and so did I.

Inside it was dark, but a largish room was hewn out of the rock. The place was well-appointed with generally low wooden furniture of dark colouration, leather, hunting trophies, mediaeval weaponry - pretty much like some kind of hunting lodge that happened to be inside a solitary mountain in the middle of an island, i’m sure you know the kind lol.

There were two other female figures inside, dressed in armour and helmets, carrying spears and shields. ‘Dream me’ immediately knew them to be valkyries. My disir walked over to them and said something that I couldn’t make out, and the valkyries replied that their master was away but I could sleep there. That I would miraculously heal, at a slow and steady pace, for as long as I could hold a magical spear over myself perfectly still.

When they said ‘sleep’, they didn’t mean a bed apparently, because what I got was a cold stone slab much like a dead body might be laid on. After pulling myself onto this and flopping down like one of the dead myself, I was handed the spear by my disir, and held it over myself parallel to my body, slipping into a deep trance that I knew would last for a very long time, eventually fading into these beautiful Wagnerian strains… (I guess the source of this dream has a sense of humour)

The dream that immediately followed found me me several male family members both alive and dead, on a large (for its type) fishing boat. I knew somehow in the dream that it was the place where a sunny and warm island had once stood, but other than that I didn’t know of any significance or anything that might once have happened there.

At ‘present’ in this dream, though, it was a vast and deep lake at very high altitude, surrounded by mighty, snow-covered mountain peaks. At different places on the distant shore I could make out what looked like the deserted wreckage of many similar boats, and some of the frozen wrecks were -old-!

Many generations of my forebears were on the boat with me, but I was the only one actually fishing, while they watched silently. I caught a few during the dream, and an old woman I suddenly realised was on my immediate right at the front of the boat would hold the net for me to deposit the catch into. In the dream I instinctively knew her to be a disir, too. If the dreams are considered liable to chronological arrangement it could be that she was merely the older version of the first one; I personally don’t think such beings would age in the same we that we know of such things, but mainly the -feeling- I got was that they were simply two different identities that were attached as ‘family spirits’ to my line. The first one was like a protective spirit, there was actually little in essence to separate her from the valkyries except that the latter owed allegiance to Odin and the disir was concerned with a particular family line. Also, this older-looking one seemed to be concerned with the Fate of the family, and its members.

Anyway, I fished with a pole from the boat and she held the net out to actually retrieve the fish from the water. Considering the weight of some of those suckers I fished out of the lake, she was a lot stronger than she looked!

Roundabout the third fish I caught was noticeably -extremely- heavy compared to the others, even, and I had to struggle to pull it around to the right part of the boat and then out of the water. As soon as I had it in the right spot, though, the disir easily (how embarassing) scooped it up with the net, and not only was there a magnificent fish that I had been fighting against, but with it -somehow- (no real explanation given lol) was a large chunk of ancient looking stone, worked all over with Norse/Celtic style knotwork and chiselled with ancient, worn runes.

The disir finally smiled, and said that it was an excellent catch worth many spans of years, and that a few more like it would see the culmination of a great undertaking.

Suddenly, in a flash, I knew that the fish were souls, being caught up to be born into the family line, and instantly I woke up.

So there, haha. I clearly like storytelling but sometimes brevity just doesn’t do it I guess!

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Okay, i felt like there was something in these dreams… something "warped or twisted like the reality is " in a dream night before, i was watching stars in the sky with my sister and explaining her how it is just light that has traveled here for many years - and the sky/environment looked/felt weird but i cannot remember how exactly.

In last nights dream the main story line was somewhat that "everyone tries to trick you ( Me ) " in this dream even forum members like Lady Eva were talking here with multiple accounts for confusing and tricking people. Its funny how this gets into my dreams even at times when i have been more silent in here…

Anyways that’s not all, i was shown something born of my seed i was sitting next to it in a car - it was some kind of slimy looking monstrous thing that was liking me and i was told that i should just bond with it that it is my children ???

Then there was this woman, who was pregnant and she was clawing her stomach and somehow blackmailing me to stay with her - but i got some files from my friends pc, on a memory card so that only i would have all these files and somehow that was my ticket out of it, even if the woman was to kill herself by opening her pregnant belly… Then i was just walking outside with my friend, and my friend also asked that if i took all he’s files is there going to be any embarassing photos of him that i will see - and i told that i had the files already, but now only i have them so there is nothing that i haven’t seen.

We also had these ridiculously long and huge cigars that were sweet-tasting but it wasn’t like i was smoking one of those for the first time it felt very familiar like it was “our thing” with my friend to smoke those.

Somehow i felt like this has some sort of a meaning…

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Speaking of killing people, I had a strange dream which I don’t remember fully but I do remember strangling a hobo behind a dumpster and then setting the body on fire and watching it burn.

Other dream I had was also quite strange here’s what I managed to remember:
I’m in some kind of old castle or a church building which has a large room where some strange people do services lead buy a guy on TV (some kind of sect basically). Next thing I remember is these people leaving to another room to form a circle, hold hands and mumble something. They don’t seem to pay attention to me so I sneak to the TV room because I have an idea that it will be cool to do a ritual there, and I find a magick circle there. Then while walking around I find some strange old door and I decide to walk thru. I end up in a cave where I start feeling pretty dark presence and hearing whispers (I am not scared, quite the opposite actually). I follow these whispers until I reach dead end. I raise my eyes and i see something shiny. I reach out and find some kind of golden lamp and inside of it there is a tiny golden hand held saw. I look puzzled trying to understand wtf I just found then presence gets more and more intense and my vision goes completely black and I wake up.

Hmm, i felt a sleep after writing about those dreams here… Now these dreams felt very meaningful too, its just hard to put that feeling in words. I was so many emotions at the same time, i used to wake up from a place - maybe it was my old room where i had lived most of my life… I remember going to the lake/river, and then going to a lake on another city and drinking there… It felt very huge, the shifting of cities like it was one of the greatest meanings in my life to be in different cities of my country, and almost like living in all of them. But everyday i was scared that some day everything will feel meaningless and boring even if i got my wishes through because of the immortality and eternity i had in front of me.

I also think that i was going bald or my face/head had some weird stuff going on, i think it was like going bald and going back… And i saw a picture of my self with very small eyes at a point when i discovered that i had started some kind of internet video series about just fighting non-professionally… I have no clue what’s that about.

Anyways, there was voice of E.A koetting telling me that i have to give the demons that i’m working with some kind of mantras and emotions everyday to think of their sigils and think of something great, and this was to be done repeatedly - and i thought that i love them. I was also told to sacrifice numbers of greatness to them, that i should just start writing and associating important numbers with these demons.

I feel like there is something more to say, and this is so much less than what i felt in those dreams… but its so difficult to explain. But i can add that i remember some kind of basement too, you know where there are storage boxes… but i don’t remember what i was doing there.

And now i will continue for the third time… You liked or not : d

Some parts of my latest dreams: a homeless guy was playing some sort of carnival game in old western looking setting where he had to shoot bottles, and when he finally hit with that crappy/cheating aim the gun had it didn’t make much of an impact but the game keeper was like “okay yeah sure you will get something for hitting it” but the homeless guy was actually a god and destoyed the place with he’s wrath.

In another dream, i had to hunt a bear - so i tracked down and hunted a bear with shotgun in the woods, and i was told to make sure it is dead by shooting in again… When i did this i felt bad thought the bear was still young, and i felt like i had done something wrong by killing these animals,- i had like the most hippiest feelings in this dream. weird usually i have to pretend dead in dreams when i encounter a bear, now i killed one and felt bad for it.

Okay, in the next story - this guy i know had some sort of a very short video of me where i fool around on a stage at bar, doing some kind of jokes and maybe singing a bit. And he posted it online, and i was very pissed for this and wanted to know how to revenge him, i only told him at this dream that “Why did you do this, i can promise in the end you too will suffer for your deeds” then i was planning on ways of killing him… And there was something more to this dream, but i really don’t remember what it was i only remember a door to an black smith or some sort of teacher of killing… And a random sandy beach…

Okay, then the last story of my dreams i will tell was way more messy. i was firstly in a dark place, and i was a fat child a brother of some other fat child (female) at least so i was shown at one point - and there was these rooms i had to go on, like someones bedroom where i had to destroy these strange skeletons that were growing there. Then i had to encounter some greater enemies, it was some kind of force that i was told is impossible for me to beat - and the other child that woman was also attacking me this was shown like in a video game and i only had like 10/100 of my life left… Now i’m blacking out what happened in the end but i don’t think that i died after all.

Actually i still have one : D… I was getting on a horses, or whatever my dream personality at the moment was getting on the horses these people were dressed like elves or something, and i told this woman that she has to ride on the same horse as me as i told that in our ways women don’t get their own horse, and she was opposed to this but in the end did come up on the back of same horse. But just to prove point that it was dangerously slow to ride on one horse when there is enemies around she made some sounds and got shot by arrows just in the back of my dream character… Then i realized that there were enemies everywhere a head. And my perspective changed now i was looking everything from the upwards like the “eyes of god” and i had 2 raging soldiers/heroes to fight against my many enemies, (now the looked like orcish/alienish) and i based them on the end of a cliff, the enemies started coming to the cliff with their soldiers and machines and even buildings…

My wrathful heroes were battling them all they could, the cliff collapsed by my doings but it didn’t fall it was floating in the air and only the enemies would fall - and when i realized my power i just literally wiped the enemies of the cliff by my hand the hand of a god - like they were ants.

Whow, i wish i could decode all these - but at least this helped me write the dreams down, now i can at least imagine that someone will read these… If i write them down just for myself i’m much lazier with it so writing it to other makes it somehow easier to write it proper :smiley:

Lately, I’ve been having these strange recurring dreams where a pyramid of rats appears and as soon as I look closely at them, the pyramid falls apart. I never had a dream that reappeared like that before.

Trying to find out what it means, the rat seems to represent “conflicts” or “disturbance” and that even a “challenge” is about to come. I still wonder what these pyramid of rats means to me.

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[quote=“succupedia, post:77, topic:354”]Lately, I’ve been having these strange recurring dreams where a pyramid of rats appears and as soon as I look closely at them, the pyramid falls apart. I never had a dream that reappeared like that before.

Trying to find out what it means, the rat seems to represent “conflicts” or “disturbance” and that even a “challenge” is about to come. I still wonder what these pyramid of rats means to me.[/quote]

The three factors that reinforce patterns are repetition, novelty, and emotional reinforcement. A pyramid made of rats rates very highly on the novelty scale. This means it’s going to leave more of an impression. Like how you’ll dream of a scary movie after watching it.

A temporary pattern created by novelty. It’s temporary because novelty always fades with time.

I don’t believe in dreams having meaning, but have you ever heard of a Rat King? A Rat King is when a group of rats assemble and get their tails tangled together in knots. They are all stuck to each other, they try to chew their way out, by chewing on the other rat’s tails, which sets them off… Horrible way to die.

Anyways, a rat king is a cluster of these dead rats all tangled together at the tail. A pretty rare find. I know I’d like to get my hands on one, would be great to incorporate into my magic.

Just had a dream where me and unspecified “forum people” from here were in a church, it was this whole idea where there was a large stained-glass window at the far end, and we were kneeling on the pews (not the floor or cushions) with our backs to the altar.

The point was to turn away from bowing to “God” or whatever and to look instead for illumination.

The dream had some weird stuff (I was cooking everyone dinner and there were some guys in a warehouse deliberately smashing TVs, stereos, other pricey electronics gear for laughs before it was shipped) but the church imagery stayed with me throughout breakfast, so sharing fwiw. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:79, topic:354”]Just had a dream where me and unspecified “forum people” from here were in a church, it was this whole idea where there was a large stained-glass window at the far end, and we were kneeling on the pews (not the floor or cushions) with our backs to the altar.

The point was to turn away from bowing to “God” or whatever and to look instead for illumination.

The dream had some weird stuff (I was cooking everyone dinner and there were some guys in a warehouse deliberately smashing TVs, stereos, other pricey electronics gear for laughs before it was shipped) but the church imagery stayed with me throughout breakfast, so sharing fwiw. :)[/quote]

What did you make us for dinner?

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Roast duck, and some kind of veggie bake for the vegetarians/vegans. The duck was the most vivid image… :slight_smile:

I dreamed about YOU last night as well, we were building a temple in Egypt to living gods, making Ankhs into keys that resonated with the godname of the person concerned… I guess that’s a pretty normal dream (by the standards of this forum) but it’s the first one you’ve been in so clearly! :slight_smile:

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