The continuing education of Mike B

7-15-22 218pm

I just had a chat with some ordermates and the subject of Lucifer came up and we had a truly inspiring and thought provoking discussion.

Warning anti JCI low blood sugar rant coming

I understand I’m not truly free of JCI fear yet. My grandma gave me the “you’re going to hell and you’re going to be hopeless and helpless in judgement day” talk again.

I hate that shit, I hate that part of myself that says “what if she’s right?”.

Fuck that!

One order mate suggested I make peace withe fear, I disagree I need to kill and destroy that fear. We will have no peace, one of us must go. There’s going to be a fight. Now that I’m aware of this fear festering in me I can I address it properly and how it deserves to be dealt with. With no pity, or mercy or quarter. I have to face that idea that irrational fear squarely and tell it to fuck the fuck off. I don’t give a fuck about your God, or your Christ anymore. I’m all done with that. Period.
I can’t believe at this point in my journey there is still even a faint trace of this.

I’m appalled.

My answer…

Sitra Ahra Gloria!!!

I’ve chosen my path, the die is cast, the fates are sealed, what’s done is done and that has no place in me anymore.

Time to set it on fire. Time to watch it burn.

Face your fears and you will live forever - Alexander the Great

This was some real shit…


The fear also stuck with me for a long time. Luckily, not so much fear of eternal torment, as the Christian group I was born into did not believe in it. But there was certainly fear of doing the wrong thing, going down the wrong path. I can tell you, I still have dreams of this Christian group, so it leaves a deep wound even if you can’t percieve it.

However, I have pretty much entirely moved on from that fear because of my evolving views of The One, which I still wanted to send you a PM about.

But the problem arises with Judaism, as firstly, I don’t believe YHWH is The One, I believe he is a Daimon. And this is confirmed by the fact that YHWH was another god within a Pantheon, the Son of the Canaanite El.

However, the Jews tried to make him The One, but there is still a great conflict with that idea because they kept the stories of when he was still considered a God within a pantheon.

If there is a singular omnibenevolent Creator, then it is not possible for anything to be against their will. The Jews understood this as we see with Leviticus, where it suggests he causes all Good and all Evil events. So, they do not necessarily define “Good” as a set of actions. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 suggests there is an appropriate time for everything, so we see moraility is rather complex. Of course, I am not bible scholar.

But Christianity completely distorted the entire view, when they mistranslated “Disease” into “Demon”, and now suddenly the Creator has an Adversary… how on earth can an almighty creator have a true adversary? Everything descends from his mind, and with that it is impossible for anything to be against his will.

Modern Christianity, especially Protestantism, distorts it further by defining “Good” as a series of actions, which their own deity transgresses. They still have a large Neoplatonist influence, as they still want to view YHWH as The One, as the Almighty, but their belief in an adversary, things being against the will of god, defeats their own argument.


Man for fucks sake, I keep telling this to everyone. But they don’t listen they just don’t. Guy is just another dude in the office.


I was contemplating some time ago about how we have no words for The Almighty, no names.

YHWH was originally a Daimon worshipped by the Canaanites, as was Allah a Daimon worshipped by the Pre-Islamic Arabic people. And our english word “God” came from the Proto-Germanic “Gaud”, which is the contracted form of “Gaudan”, which is the older Germanic name of Odin.

A side note: I use the term “Daimon” a bit loosely. Some people translate this as “Lesser Spirit”, which can work but it sounds like an insult. So I want to it to be clear I am not using this as an insult. These are still powerful gods nontheless.

It is my view that these names can still be used to reach The One through prayer, however.


7-16-22 748am

Spirit of the day

Alright good morning everyone. Let’s talk about Marquis Ronove. First in my experience this spirit is highly, almost criminally underrated. I had a working about six months ago with him where I wanted to take detractors of mine in general and bring them in into the Mike B fold. He worked a charm. I had two or three dedicated detractors suddenly flip the script and find themselves supporters and friends of mine. He even squared a long standing feud I had too. I’ll be straight with you, I find his powers of reconciliation almost at par with Prince Orobas.

He’s gentle and strong. This is a good spirit.

Well I feel alot better after my fuego-esque low blood sugar JCI embarrassing meltdown yesterday. Thanks to everyone who shares some views me.

Today I’m super busy with clients, and probably will be tomorrow also.

I plan to evoke Agares for a client this morning.

Ok I’m out I’ll see you later


7-17-22 1030 am

Ok spirit of the day

I don’t have much to say about him except to say I like him.

I was down most of yesterday ill. I had Qlippoth dreams all day and night from Gamaliel.

I feel great today.


7-18-22 1128 am

Spirit of the day


I call him Archangel Heylel. What can I say about Lucifer. Seeing is believing.

You want to know what he’s all about. Try this :point_up:

Me I’m just kinda kicking back today.

Today wash late wife’s birthday. Kind of a hard day.


Let me know if you need to talk. We are here for you in any case!

1 Like

Thank you kindly my friend.


7-19-22 934 am

Spirit of the day


What can I say about Barbatos he represents the 10 of pentacles in the deck I use primarily.

He’s got style, he’s got style.

This one goes out to @meow

She said call me sister rose
I’m at war with all the posers and these frauds
I want em out
Let freedom reign
Let hope stand firm on fields of doubt


I’ll come out of seclusion a moment for you, @Mike_Bee. Thanks for the mention and the awesome song!

In complete sincerity, you’ve changed my life. Thank you for being such an astounding and strong person of influence.


7-20-22 418pm

Spirit of the day



Bifrons is a very strong necromantic spirit. He controls shades and shadows. He moves people in thier graves. Causes graves to be invisible.
He also lights up graves for magicians.

He is also called Orcus. Or Janus. He rules over both past and future.

Today was a very good day


(post deleted by author)


Wondered if I’d get away with it lol…


7-21-22 416 am

Spirit of the day


I don’t have any experience
With this spirit on an actual project. I do like the spirit though.

Not much else to say

Ok tomorrow and Saturday I’ll be doing exciting new djinn workings so please check my other journal.

I finally got to see Thor last week I forgot to mention it here. If you haven’t seen it, it’s great. Chris Hemsworth is awesome!

Should… should be a light day on my agenda. I may contact Dantalion later I haven’t decided.

I just ordered a ton of new books too.

I’m going to be starting a new project soon.

Initiation into the tree of life. Many of you already know that I have initiated myself into the Qlippoth using the rites of the arachayim method of VKs. ( Superb)

I feel that on the LHP nothing should be off limits to us. We should be able to command every power, every spell and scourge of God should be obedient to us. I am going to initiate into the tree of life and it will pave the way for a period of renewal with my work with angels. I don’t give a damn what the demons say either. It’s my perrogative and I’m going to have full command of the angelic as well as the infernal.

That’s the plan :muscle:


That’s on my agenda too. I thought I would wrap up my angelic work with it. I look forward to reading your experiences :smile:


7-21-22 1007 am

Awesome I’m following all my heros in the occult world on my new Facebook page. Lon milo duquette, Enoch petrucelly, akelta, VK, Connolly, behemoth x, indigo priestess.

I’m such a groupie.



7-21-22 1232 pm

The Evocation of Prince Bufas

This ceremony was done to ask that Prince Bufas work on my heart chakra and convert and transmutate my muggle blood with infernal witch blood.

Excellent ceremony.


7-22-22 657 am

Spirit of the day

This is a spirit I was just about to call for a. Special task in the next few days anyway. Funny running into him here on spirit of the day. I’m guessing he senses I’m about to call and he’s meeting me halfway. That’s good.

Today we exciting Djinn magick planned this morning. Please check out my other journal.

Tonight will be my monthly evocation of the Great Prince Orobas also.

Fun stuff.


7-22-22 836 pm

Prince Orobas gives his best to his loyal subjects and fans.

Excellent evocation, Extraordinary results