The continuing education of Mike B

It’s good for wearing asshats down over a period of time. If they’re magical, they overreact and add to the wear down. Well, IF they overreact. If they don’t, corrupt the area they live in in a similar manner. Named shadows can be better than general ones for this.


Duly noted. Thank you for the insights and good instructions.


6-13-22 458pm

Today was a nice day, pretty chill besides the emergency evocation of president camio for our puppy dog.

I went through VKs site today and transcribed about five awesome rituals I plan to use in the future. This was heady stuff.

Tomorrow night is my bi monthly with Murmur. I’m looking forward to it.


7-14-22 547 am

I don’t recall my dreams from last night. Today I’ve already gotten off to a good start. Check my djinn workbook journal for an exciting new experiment.

Tonight I have face time and instruction with Murmur. That’s gonna be cool.

Not much else to say or do except catch my breath quietly with my coffee and donut and watch the sun rise over my peaceful temple.


7-14-22 332pm

A dark day

My puppy is dead, the vets still didn’t know what was wrong with her.

I’m sick about it. I don’t know what to think of the evocation of camio. I know damn well the spirit showed, I know damn well what he said ( she’d be ok ) .

Am I angry with camio…no, I believe he tried sincerely .

All the kings horses and all the kings men could not make puppy well again…

I really hate it when you do everything right. And it just doesn’t matter. That makes me bitter.


I know my answer sounds like a cop-out but maybe she is fine now. Alive doesn’t neccesarily mean okay.

Sorry about that boss.


I did my best but this was beyond my ability. :sob:


My condolences for your loss, my friend. :cry:


Very sorry to hear about your puppy, my friend. Sometimes, there are sadly things that just can’t be overcome.


That sucks dude, sorry about the puppy


7-15-22 734 am

This morning I’ll be evoking Astaroth to come forth and then invoking him to partial possession for a channelling with an order mate from the Brass Lamps.

This is gonna be some hot shit. This is my first time allowing Astaroth to enter me. I trust him enough for that at this point.

I’ll do spirit of the day in a little while after the ceremony. I’ll update with photos.


7-15-22 843 am

Wow this ritual was thunder! I feel absolutely wiped the fuck out. Like I got dragged down the street by a car. I need sugar, caffeine and carbs and sleep. Astaroth hit me like a truck. Halfway through the possession I was gasping for air, shaking and sweating profusely. My order mate reported my voice was significantly altered during the channelling.

We got the answers we came for though. But damn.

Ok last night I had my evocation with murmur. I did a ritual to call for the soul of a recently deceased man to give him message from family. This was really hard on me the death energy felt like a stone around my neck, I couldn’t breathe and almost puked and shit myself. Literally almost. This was harsh. If you’re dealing with death energy and it’s easy you’ve had alot of exposure or you’re doing it wrong I think.

I also asked murmur to assist with my puppy’s passing.

Spirit of the day

I like Valac. He works slowly in my experience.

That’s all folks I need a meal and nap.

I’m really pushing myself to my limits, but that’s the only way you get stronger :muscle:.


I had a thought: Why don’t you work on a way to increase the strength of your spiritual body, so that you can contain more?
Assuming that you are not already on a direct practice regarding that.


Middle pilllar would help prior to this kind of ritual I’m thinking

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Can definitely be good as a daily practice. I was told that Crowley said that the LIRP and LBRP’s purpose was to strengthen the magician’s spirtual body. Perhaps you can study those two rituals, and with the guidance of Prince Orobas or a spirit knowledged in magick, you can create your own ritual for yourself in that style that increases the strength of your spiritual body.

My sense here is that you should be careful of moving too fast with this. I feel there is some risk of damage and altering the mind if too much strengthening is attempted too soon.


This does happen, with different energies that are presenting heavily. They don’t always come so heavily and, every-so-often, they come like a truck.

Last time it happened to me was 3? years ago, when doing a ritual against a predator. I’d been working with the same spirits for over a year, say, every week or two. Some daily. It’ happens with heavy work and not often when it’s a standard evocation. My last is somewhere in my shadownomicon journal. Not worth digging for, but there.


Just saw the news about your dog…

Ive been there before with a cat. Fuck, it sure is rough. Get some rest and take time to heal.

The pup isnt suffering anymore and is in a better place now. Maybe someday you can reunite with it through magic.

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I’m sorry to hear about your doggo. It hurts a lot. Sending you a bug hug from Australia, mate :hugs:


Astaroth was a heavy one for me too last time we worked together. It wasn’t a full possession like yours, I couldn’t even imagine that, but I still felt ill for hours afterwards.


@delilah you’re sooo right. Astaroth rode me like a horse. I was so wiped out I pigged out on rice and stew and orange juice. My blood sugar feels right again. I slept a few hours too. That was intense.