The continuing education of Mike B

6-16-22 212pm

I want to talk about my first spirit sex experience. It was a port dreamscape at night and I was helping a water spirit an undine escape being captured and tested on by marines. Her name was Nica. This dreamscape was from 20+ years ago but I still remember all this like it was yesterday.

In the dreamscape we went through abandoned warehouses and such to get her into water where she’d be safe.

The soldiers closed in on us and we hid under the pier neck deep in water. She hugged me and kissed me and dissolved in my arms and I never saw her again.

The end.

Let me start out by admitting first I don’t know a good god damned thing about spirit sex or intimate relationships with spirits.

I thought all these Magicians and thier succubi were old pathetic losers who couldn’t get any ass in real life. Well that might still be true for some of us of us but I was wrong about assuming it was all of us.

So having said that I know very little let’s proceed.

Up until last night I thought everyone playing with spirit sex concepts and activities was basically delusional and just having a wank with some wishful thinking is what I thought. Different strokes for different folks I guess I prefer pornhub and the real thing that’s just me though.

Then last night happened. The Demoness I’ve been kind of courting and I had a date. We did a partial possession chocolate and green tea tasting date. She really enjoys those. She has a thing for human luxury. ( I don’t understand but ok…)

The last time we did this I tried to get her to dance in my crystal ball. Hopefully naked. :heart:( Can’t blame a magician for trying…)

This time I saw her appear in the crystal ball in glorious darksome visage. She had wings and talons in her toe nails. No tail though. Small horns…I think.

What happened next was unbelievable. She put on a show that made me blush. Being a telepath and strong empath she knew exactly what I wanted. Sweet jeeeesus she is fine. Now this wasn’t XXX Rated by I’d say R rated for sure.

Now it went further but Im not going to be documenting how this relationship develops here on Balg. I think it would be inappropriate. This spirit is a very sensual, inquisitive, exploratory spirit and I think we could experience great intimacy together and maybe bring eachother some happiness for a time.

I’d like to paraphrase and butcher the words of another magician here who I think makes alot of sense with this. Do not use spirit sex or spirit interaction as some kind of replacement for human interaction. This is the path of madness and delusion. It can compliment things or be an unexplored avenue of the spiritual path but don’t lose your head.

I just want to say I was wrong with alot of what I thought. I will be pursuing this even if it’s detrimental eventually. When you see something you want you gotta go out there and get it.

EA on his live chat yelled at a practioner for being unwilling of going out and getting what he had used magic to manifest. I completely agree with EA on this.

VK jehennum says it’s ok to have really freaky, kinky sexual experiences with the spirits as long as you still respect them.

For me I think I will approach her as the feminine infernal divinity I am begining to understand that she is and will worship at her temple. :heart::skull::heart:

Anyway that’s all I’ve got for now.



6-16-22 420pm

I think I’m going to the city for some R&R tomorrow or Saturday. I plan to stop by a cemetery on the way home and see if any spirits are present that want to interact with me.


6-17-22 440 am

Spirit of the day

Furcas is a powerful spirit and the only knight of the Goetia. He is very useful st manipulating the guilt of a person to cause them to change behavior.

I recently had a client wronged by a friend who wanted an apology and got it through the auspices of Furcas.


I saw JW in dreamscape. The spirit I worked with through Murmur the other night. We had a great dream together. I almost consider this dreamscape a visitation.

Today and tomorrow I’ll be using djinn magick please refer to my other journal for this exciting experiment.


6-17-22 837 am

Well I tried to do the calculations for the hours if venus longhand this morning and totally fucked it up. Now I have to wait till 1pm for another cycle.

Now I begin the evocation of Astaroth for instruction on the nature of Sitra Ahra. I’ll update this post after the ceremony.


Update to the Astaroth ritual.

Astaroth what would you have me know about the nature of Sitra Ahra?

A:. Well first take a close look here with both eyes open…

I see in the crystal ball a white door between two pillars.

A: contra dextra! The sinister left!! You chose the wicked way!!!

I see two mirror equal landscapes side by side with a wall partitioning the two.

I see a dark skinned woman with no face offering two loaves of bread.

I see a blood moon

Astaroth what am I to make of this is this nahemoth?

A: make of it what you will I’ve shown you enough for now.

Thank you Astaroth.

License to depart
And closing the temple

I will consider carefully these visions and his words.

Hail Astaroth.


6-18-22 3am

Spirit of the day

Haagenti is a great alchemical spirit. Unfortunately I haven’t had an opportunity to work with her yet.

Today we’ve got exciting djinn work check my other journal.

I’ll be going to manila today for some R&R.

I’ll be stopping by the cemetery on the way home to see if my spirit friend wants to talk or needs water.

I did a ritual with President Buer last night to heal my foster sister. Seems to be working.

Nothing else for now.



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ALSO WELVOME BACK!!! Your presence has been missed :relieved:

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To me Haagenti is a she. :face_with_monocle:


Thank you my friend


I’ve had some companions over 10 years now only few sexual encounters but they have become my dear friends and help me with energy work , healing and basically everything else , sometimes when i take a bath they become strong enough to move my privates around the area just playing with them :rofl::rofl: is an interesting experience indeed and i am glad i have been able to live it , seems that trying to develop a relationship not necessarily sexual as many of people here look for is fruitful :slight_smile:
Only thing is that they are always around and of course they can start to have some influence , but is this not true with all humans relationship’s ? 0o


I’ll be honest when I was watching the spirit dance in my crystal ball like a naked belly dancer I got aroused without me even touching myself. I knew she was manipulating my energy body. I couldn’t believe it. Shocking.


Yep apparently they are experts at this thing :slight_smile: , they can do many unbelievable stuff with that :stuck_out_tongue:
Learned a lot over the years , more like practiced and it was worth it , controlling energy in the body even when doing random activities and moving around feels simple to me now .
As with my ADD getting into trance feels hard to me , this was the next best thing :slight_smile: maybe an alternative for some people .
Great teachers for energy work indeed

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Oh yeah for sure they teach bio energy and etheric energy manipulation very very well.


The Calling of Archangel Raphael

This ceremony was intended to provide healing and comfort to a seriously injured young woman.
Thankfully my Order mates in the Order of the Brass Lamps supported this cause, as well as a couple of other magicians I greatly respect.

Thank you to all who participated.

For any curious about how I called him the ritual format is in my E book here on Balg. Here’s a link.


6-19-22 1:09 Am

It’s been an emotional day. There’s been power, joy, hope, and deep sorrow and sadness and regret.

I’m sitting in my temple talking to my Order mates and I hear the whispery shadowy voice of murmur.

“Get ready, your mom will be the next”

My.mother passed away in 2015. We had hit a real tough patch in our relationship that tore us apart. This was never fixed before she passed. It’s an understatement to say we weren’t on civil terms. I’m not going to get into the who’s and why’s here in the forum.

I said to Murmur “I don’t know if I can, things were really bad between us”

Murmur said " you’re going to learn how to heal a relationship next. Be prepared this may not be easy for you."

After the conjuration of the soul of JW I had a wonderful loving dreamscape with her and I know that relationship is healed and I have closure and the answers I needed.

Next ( probably next Saturday) I’ll evoke Murmur and have him bring forth my mom from the otherside and we will heal our broken relationship. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make things right with her.

Yes this is going to be really hard and probably painful. But I’m not going to fear that pain and let it scare me into more years of burying this problem.

I’m going to brave and face this.

That’s all for tonight.


Ah man. We are here if you need us.


I am also here for you, friend!


Thank you @anon4083462 and @anon41658706

I’m learning as I go that sometimes it’s best not to go something completely alone. Reaching out to others when things are challenging or traumatic is a perfectly healthy way to deal with things.

Never thought my occult journey would lead me to necromancy and this.


6-19-22 604am

Spirit of the day

President Ose

This spirit is a master manipulator and is quite cunning. This spirit can cause delusions. This spirit is also a master of Glamour magick. Anyone needing to appear to be something different or more than they truly are can find help from him. He can also teach the art of Glamours.

I had another Archangel calling of Raphael for my injured friend this morning at dawn.

I’m using a total different space than my temple because I don’t wish to mix the internal and celestial energies in my temple.

Mine is a temple of Sitra Ahra!

Ritual went well, I strongly feel Raphael is hearing me. I was going to do the ritual three days but I’ve opted to go seven days because I want Raphael to get tired of hearing my voice and act on my request decisively.

Not much else planned for the day.